Held Down

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Held Down Page 132

by Pamela Prim

  “Have a nice day now.” His fat face beamed as he showed her out and shut the door after her.

  Serena walked briskly out of the building with mixed feelings of excitement and foreboding alternating in her mind. She was nearly penniless an hour ago, and now she was the owner of a sizeable amount of land in the harsh North Country. She had to go there and see for herself what it was worth and how much she would get if she decided to sell it. She could pay for better acting classes with the money, probably rent a decent apartment and buy some of the fashionable new clothes that suited this new century. Yes, she would do all that, but first she had to get there and she needed the money to hire a carriage for the long ride into the country.

  She reached into her cleavage and fished out the gilded pendant her mother had left her. Tears brimmed in her large grey eyes thinking about her mother. Six years now since she passed, and every time she held the pendant, Serena missed her mother terribly. Steeling herself, she walked into the pawn shop next to the attorneys’ building. She should get enough to hire a ride to her inheritance. Then she would sell the place, get back to the city, get the pendant back and live out her dreams.

  Serena walked out of the pawn shop with enough money to hire a carriage to the countryside and also buy a new dress, well, it was in fashion five years ago, but it was still new. And she could also buy a nice hearty meal before the eight hour journey.

  After her dinner of roast duck, fresh bread and a peach pie, Serena boarded the little carriage. No one else was headed that way, so she had the entire space the two seats offered all to herself. She relaxed; it was a long ride and would take all of the night. It would be dawn before she arrived at the Morganton Estate. The gentle rolling motion of the carriage had her nodding off soon enough, and her head was filled with dreams of live performances before an elite audience at the Sunday matinee.

  When she woke up, the carriage had stopped and the pale light of a new dawn bathed the view of the sparse countryside from the small dirty window. She took a deep breath, relishing the freshness of the air. Something she could never get from the congested atmosphere of her life in the city. The driver opened the door and helped her out.

  Stepping out of the carriage, Serena noticed the two storied stone house that dominated the view. She stifled a gasp; this charming old world villa was hers. A large man in a bearskin coat spoke to the driver and unloaded her trunk from the back of the carriage. He handed the trunk to another man standing beside him and waved at him to carry it into the house. The carriage turned to leave and the large man walked up to where she was standing.

  “Welcome to the Morganton Estate, Lady Morganton.” He bowed low and held out a large, callused hand. “I am Dumas and I have made every arrangement for your stay here to be one of comfort and safety.”

  “Why thank you, my good man.” Serena smiled and took his hand, noticing the roughness of his calloused palm. It felt good to the touch. “And my name is Cavanaugh, Serena Cavanaugh. But you can call me Serena; I care not so much for lofty titles for I am just as you… an honest person who works for a living.”

  Dumas smiled appreciatively and bowed again. “Glad to know that, Milady… uh, Serena.” He grinned. “Come, we have prepared a fine repast to refresh you from your tiring journey. And after that I will take you around your property.”

  She smiled at the large man. He looked positively huge in his bearskin coat, almost like a bear. His face wasn’t what she would consider handsome. It was quite large and square, with a strong jaw and small eyes over a thick nose. A well trimmed mustache covered his upper lip, and a dark lion cut mane fell around his face. He looked like one of the southern folk from a warmer clime as opposed to his current location of the chilly north.

  “How long have you been the caretaker here, Dumas?” She asked the man as he led her up the wide stone steps leading to the front door.

  “Ah, one forgets.” He said with a wide grin. “My father was caretaker before me, and I was born here. I learnt everything from him. After he passed, I took over as caretaker... more than fifteen years ago, I have to say.”

  “That’s a long time for sure.” Serena nodded, she liked the man. He seemed very warm and sincere. “So you knew my aunt quite well. What was she like?”

  “The Lady Bianca Morganton.” Dumas replied with veneration. “Ah, but she was a fine, fine woman. Most divine and generous. It was an evil day when she left us, an evil day indeed. But she is with the gods now, and blessed.”

  She noticed him quickly wipe away a tear and decided to not ask anything further about her aunt. The front door opened inward and she stepped inside the large villa. It was quite cozy inside with a carpeted floor and vintage looking furnishing. Decorative curtains and large framed paintings hung on the high walls. A fireplace filled the hall with warmth and light, and overhead chandeliers had lamps lit in them. Everything looked like right out of a fairy tale and Serena wondered how this place could be maintained because the landscape outside was barren and dead. What was this estate running on?

  She didn’t think it prudent to ask Dumas everything right away and focused her attention on the rest of the staff. The two young men and one young woman wearing the customary uniform of the help stood in line before her. They bowed their heads low as she paused before them.

  “This is Henry.” Dumas gestured at the taller of the two men. “He looks after the estate gardens. And this is Jonah; he works in the stables and dairy.”

  She smiled at them and turned toward the young woman.

  “This pretty lass is Mila, she takes care of everything in the house.” Dumas said of the blushing brunette before her.

  “I am pleased to meet you all.” Serena beamed at each of them.

  “We are honored, milady.” Henry bowed and held out a little bouquet of fresh roses. “Welcome to your new home.”

  “Thank you all.” Serena smiled. “I look forward to knowing each of you personally, in time.”

  “And this, milady...” Dumas gestured at a rather large woman walking out of the kitchen, “is Helga, our cook and she has laid a fine table to welcome you this morning.”

  “Oh, thank you, Helga.” Serena smiled at the plump woman and scanned the large table laid with food before her.

  Everything on the table looked fresh and delicious and for a moment Serena felt like this was where she belonged. But she was a city gal. The countryside, despite its freshness was still a desolate and depressing place. Life looked very stagnant there in the estate and after taking a tour of the property, she would sit with Dumas and weigh in the assets of the place and work out a proposal of sale for the estate.

  She sat at the table and enjoyed what could be the best meal she had since her childhood. Yes, city life was hard, and she could get used to this kind of affluence, but there was nothing for her here and she had to get back to the city, hopefully with a few trunks full of money.

  “That was a very excellent feast, Dumas.” She told the large man as he cleared away the dishes. “We should take a look around the property and then I must rest.”

  “Indeed, mil… Serena.” Dumas nodded. “I will have Jonah saddle the horses.”

  Horses! That excited her. It had been quite a while since she had ridden a horse. And soon she found herself sitting side saddle on a tired old workhorse as Dumas rode beside her on a pony. The caretaker took her around the property that stretched for miles and miles. Empty barren grassland surrounded her on all sides and the hills were craggy and lifeless. She couldn’t help feeling depressed.

  “How does the Estate run… with this much land lying barren?” She asked the caretaker.

  “The Lady Bianca loans her lands to the neighboring farmers to graze their cattle.” Dumas told her. “The money from that is enough to make the winters bearable.”

  “Is that all?” Serena wasn’t quite satisfied.

  “Indeed, mil… miss.” The large man said. “The land is barren now, but after the rains, the grass is green and lush, and the
gods bless us with much harvest.”

  It seemed strange that farmers who had cattle didn’t have lands to graze them on, and the Morganton Estate had acres of land but no cattle. But what did she know about country life, a sophisticated city gal like her. She didn’t bother with that further and went on with the rest of Dumas’ tour. Serena noted a strange gleam in his eyes at times when he stared at her. Living mostly alone in these desolate surroundings can make one lonesome, she thought. Dumas’ sly glances at her now and then as they rode did make her feel good, however, for she too hadn’t found a man to give her his time in the bustling city. It felt good to have a man’s attention on her for a change.

  Serena was about medium height and had a smooth pleasantly plump build; a slight paunch, soft supple breasts and a curvy behind. All of which comfortably discernable under the simple gown she wore. Naughty thoughts crept into her mind, but she pushed them away. She was very tired from her long trip in a rickety, slow moving carriage, and decided to remain silent on the way back to the villa.

  The meal for luncheon was a simple one of boiled beef, carrots and potatoes and while she ate, Dumas informed her of the property value, the assets and other details entailing to it. There wasn’t too much. The land was worthless until the after the rains would come and the old Villa wouldn’t attract much attention. But she couldn’t help feeling that Dumas was not quite telling her everything.

  She was very tired from the travel and felt it was best to not know any more. She would make plans about selling it off the next day. The afternoon was cool and she felt drowsy. Her aunt’s bedroom was now hers and the lavish bed looked very inviting. She couldn’t care less about sleeping in her aunt’s comfortable bed. The one on which the Lady Bianca Delilah Morganton had passed away just a month ago. Serena hadn’t put much stock in superstition or sanctified belief ever since she lost her mother. She just needed to rest and the soft pillows and cushions had her deep in sleep in no time.

  It was quite dark when she woke up. Pale moonlight poured in through the curtained windows. She shivered and sat up. It had to be very late in the night. She realized that she had slept through dinner and everyone else had gone to bed, but no matter, she was used to going to bed without supper. She looked around the plush bedroom and shivered again, drawing the rugs closer to her. This was the room where her eccentric aunt slept in. And though Serena wasn’t a believer in things fantastic and other worldly, she couldn’t help feeling as if she was being watched. Shrugging, she laughed it off and lay back down.

  She closed her eyes and welcomed the sweet embrace of slumber once more. Then in a sudden rush she found herself in a room bathed with crimson light. She looked around in fear. Shadows large and small danced all around, on the walls, on the floor and even on the ceiling. She felt the hair rise on her arms and legs. Serena was shocked to find herself naked. What in the world? How did she lose her clothes, and where the hell was she?

  An icy fear gripped her as the shadows grew larger and seemed to get denser. She gasped aloud when the shadows formed into men. Large and muscular men, naked and aroused, their hard cocks pointing right at her. She pressed herself back against the bed as the men got closer.

  “Ah, my virile darlings.” She heard herself say, in a voice she did not recognize. “Come to me, my darlings, come and fuck your mistress.”

  Her heart hammered against her chest, the men were upon her and she did nothing to stop them. Instead she welcomed them with outstretched arms and legs spread wide. She could feel the heat rise within her and bubble out from her mouth and pussy. She wanted the men to fill her. She wanted their hard, throbbing cocks deep inside her pussy, and her mouth and even her puckered bunghole. And they obliged her. She felt their hardness enter her, and it was heaven. They stretched her wide and she craved for more.

  “Oh, yes! Yes” Serena screamed and opened her eyes wide.

  It was morning outside. Serena had woken up to the sound of falling rain. She was disoriented at first, gathering her wits about where she was. She realized with some surprise that somehow she had managed to lose her nightgown during the night and was completely naked. She gave it no further thought and just lay there thinking about what had happened. A dream. A bloody fucking dream. Her mind reeled. How real it had felt. She could actually feel those hard cocks deep inside her. But what did it all mean, and whose voice did she hear from her own mouth, telling those shadowy men to fuck her?

  It was raining pretty steadily outside by the time she got out of bed and stood naked by the window. She needed to clear her head, and so she draped her house coat over her naked body and stepped out of the room, down the hallway and out into the open. The rain felt good in her face, refreshing her. She walked for a bit, letting the rain spatter over. The wet ground under her bare feet felt so good and the earthy scent of fresh wetness filled her senses. She couldn’t help feeling aroused by the environment, especially with the images from her dream still dancing inside her head. It was strangely warm and comforting outside, instead of the chill that was there the day before.

  She looked all around the open field as the rain came down in a gentle drizzle. Someone else was out there, standing in the tall dry grass as the rains soaked the land. It was Dumas, outside in the refreshing shower, and she was taken aback to see the large man as naked as the day, getting his immense body wet. She had seen naked men before, but only in blurred black and white pictures, in books of medicine or science. To have a man, especially one as large as Dumas, naked before her was something she had never been prepared for. She hoped he hadn’t seen her and turned silently to slip back into the villa.

  She froze mid-step when the burly caretaker looked her way and called out. “Milady, this is a blessing. The rains have come… upon your arrival. Come, you must rejoice… this is a sign, an omen. Let the first rains of the season cleanse you… and the Estate will be blessed once again.”

  Serena couldn’t care less for omens, blessings and visions but she was intrigued by his invitation to join him. She turned back toward him, her wet housecoat wrapped tight around her nakedness. A sense of childlike delight coursed through her body and her heart thumped wildly with excitement. “Are we to do this… with no clothes on?” She cried out, blushing slightly.

  “The gods deem it no other way, Milady.” Dumas bellowed over the sound of the smattering rain. “We were born this way; we will all leave this way. It is fitting we worship the gifts showered upon us this way.”

  Amused by his philosophical, though misguided view, Serena threw caution to the wind… and rain, dropped her soaked housecoat and gingerly stepped naked toward the large man’s direction. Her arms instinctively placed over her lush breasts and curved mound, she laughed and let the rain splatter over her face and naked body. Walking up to the naked caretaker she smiled shyly and nodded. Dumas’ immense muscular body was gleaming wet and the misty rain formed a shimmering halo around him. He glanced back at her, his grin infectious, and she felt weak in the knees instantly. His naked body looked inviting and Serena gasped, feeling her clitoris stir to life immediately.

  As the rain water splashed down on Serena, her nipples hardened and her pelvis began to quiver. Dumas was facing away from her as he made his fervent offerings to the rain gods and Serena could get a sideways look at his huge, fat layered body. His muscular shoulders and chest flexed under the water and his brown nipples amid the chest hairs were hard too. Serena licked her lips at the sight of them. His thick cock was semi-erect and the fore-skin covered just half of the thick, round head. By now her aching pussy was wet and dripping with its own juices that mingled with the refreshing water of the rain.

  Dumas turned to face her, his eyes gleaming, a wide smile on his thick lips. “You bring great fortune to the estate, Milady” he said tenderly. “Come, you must celebrate your union with the land of your ancestors.”

  Serena didn’t know what came over her, her body took control of her mind and her lust hazed eyes ran over his dense, wet body and down to his r
apidly stiffening cock. His equally aroused eyes roamed all over her wet, quivering body and trailed down to her swaying pelvis. He nodded and thrust the full and throbbing length of his rock hard cock forward. It twitched wildly a few times inviting her with a promise of much pleasure and satisfaction.

  “You have the body of a goddess, Milady.” Dumas’ lust drenched voice was hoarse, as his large hand reached for her.

  “Oh, Dumas,” Serena moaned, “Is that thing of yours so hard for me? Ohhh... uhhm.”

  Dumas’ rock hard cock kept twitching wildly in the rain as he said, “Come to me, Milady, and let us celebrate your bringing of the rains as the gods decree.”

  “Oh yes... celebrate... let us.” Serena groaned thickly.

  They moved toward each and kissed; hungry lips crushing, slippery tongues probing deep. Dumas’ thick cock nudged her yielding, soft pussy and rubbed against its welcoming lips. Serena felt ecstatic shivers all over her wet body as Dumas’ large hands grabbed her plump buttocks and squeezed them lovingly. Serena moaned reaching out with both hands, taking his fat, hard cock in her palms. She had never done this in her life, but it seemed she knew what to do as she caressed the rigid organ with urgent need. The burly caretaker grunted in pleasure and thrust his fat fingers into her dripping pussy, making a shockwave of ecstasy rush though her trembling body with long and loving strokes.


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