Sadie's Highlander

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Sadie's Highlander Page 18

by Maeve Greyson

  Almost as though he couldn’t stop now that he’d finally started, Alec continued to explain, “The men of the North had breached our walls. There were too many. Máthair was far along with unborn Esme and couldna handle a sword—just the bow. Athair was busy begging the goddesses for guidance. My brothers and I were sorely outnumbered.”

  “A-and…what happened?” Sadie forced herself to speak calmly even though she wanted to scream and beat him on the chest. She wanted to yell at him to shut the hell up and stop talking like a lunatic. But she also felt like she was listening to some medieval drama miniseries and the damn station had just gone to commercial. She had to know what happened. And yet, she didn’t really want to hear what outlandishness came next.

  “Everything disappeared,” Alec said quietly. The muscles in his jaw flexed as he stared off into space. He blinked slowly as though waking from a dream, then turned and locked eyes with hers. “And then we were here. And the goddesses spoke to me. And sent Dwyn to help us learn to live in this time. He is guardian to all the druids of this time.”

  The feeling of something very precious slipping out of her grasp made Sadie want to drop to her knees and sob for all that could have been. She couldn’t lose this. Not now. “We…we can…get you some help. All of you.” Could an entire family be hit with some weird sort of mass hysteria that made them all believe the same wild tale?

  Alec’s shoulders slumped and he gave her a sad smile. “I am not crazed. All I’ve said is true, Sadie. I swear it.”

  She had to stay calm. Dammit. Doesn’t it just figure. The only person who’d ever said he loved her was stark, raving mad. She squinted her eyes shut, willing the sting of pending tears to leave her the hell alone. She would not cry. She’d just find some kick-ass psychiatrist and get them all some help. Yeah…and then once he’s cured, he’ll figure out he never loved me to begin with.

  A subtle humming, soft and low, interrupted Sadie’s tortured thoughts. A soothing warmth, as comforting as an angel’s touch, brushed across the side of her face, then came to rest atop her shoulder, slowly turning her away from Alec and moving her closer to the Heartstone. The goddesses’ knot on the side of the stone facing her glowed a brilliant red. The inner light fluctuated with the ebb and flow of the calming sound coming from the rock.

  Without thinking, Sadie reached out to touch the edge of the inner circle of the shining knot embedded in the center of the stone. Instead of the cool, rough surface she expected, her hand entered the stone, sinking up to her wrist. She felt nothing but a gentle flowing of what could only be described as the essence of pure delight around her fingers. It was as though the state of bliss had become a physical thing that could be touched. And she felt a tranquil knowing—and so much happiness that tears of joy escaped and rolled down her cheeks. A soft cry escaped from between the trembling fingers she held pressed against her lips. It’s real. All he said is real. She looked back at Alec.

  “I see now,” she whispered. “I finally see.”

  Chapter 19

  Sadie didn’t remember leaving the vault, walking back up through the tunnels, or settling down among the piles of pillows and throws in front of the fire in what looked to be a sitting room intended for the chieftain’s lady. She blinked slowly, looking around the dimly lit room.

  Shadows danced across the delicate flowers adorning the very feminine wallpaper covering the walls. The cheerful glow of the softly crackling fire was accentuated by the warm yellow light of several thick pillar candles. The cozy, almost surreal atmosphere made her wonder if she was in a very strange, albeit lovely, dream—or had just awakened from one. The solid chest and the steady heartbeat gently tapping beneath her cheek added to the feeling that she’d just been asleep and dreamt everything.


  “Aye, love?” Alec’s warm caress softly touched her cheek. “I’m here.”

  She was afraid to sit up and break the spell, afraid to look him in the eye. “What just happened?” she whispered. Had it all been real?

  “The joy of the Heartstone overcame ye. It sometimes happens.” Alec’s arm tightened around her as though he didn’t wish to lose the moment either.

  “It’s real then,” she said, more to herself than to him.

  Alec gently lifted her up, looking down at her with the hint of a smile. “Aye, love. ’Tis quite real.”

  “Amazing,” she finally said, slowly pushing herself upright to sit among the silky pile of cushions and pillows. “I never thought anything like that could exist.”

  Alec reached over and slid his hand beneath hers, gently stroking the tops of her fingers with his callused thumb. “As I thought no one like yerself could e’er exist.”

  He wasn’t crazy after all and he’d also said he loved her. Damn, she so needed to hear that again.

  “Did you really mean it?” she asked. “Did you mean what you said down there, before the Heartstone…talked…to me?” How pitiful am I? Begging a man to tell me he loves me?

  Remaining silent but with a thoughtful look on his face, Alec gently released her hand and bent to the worn leather sporran belted to his waist and draped across the side of his lap. He worked the drawstring pouch open and reached inside. When he pulled out his hand, he held whatever he’d retrieved so that it was completely hidden in his fist. He scooted closer and took Sadie’s hand in his again. “I meant every word I said, and if ye’ll have me, I’ll spend the rest of m’days tellin’ ye how deeply I love ye. I swear ta ye, sweetling, I’ll even love ye past the grave.”

  He opened his hand and held out the most beautiful piece of jewelry Sadie had ever seen. “Say it, Sadie. Say ye will be m’wife.”

  “Your wife?” Sadie whispered. Joy, elation, and the desire to scream, cry, laugh, or do a hysterically happy combination of all three made it a chore to breathe and keep from toppling over.

  “Aye,” Alec responded softly. “Say ye’ll e’er be mine.”

  “Oh my God, yes!” She lunged forward, hitting his chest full force and knocking him backward among the pillows. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rained his face with kisses. “Yes, I’ll be your wife,” she cried, tears breaking free and rolling down her cheeks. “Abso-tivin-freakin-lutely, I’ll be yours.”

  With a deep rumbling laugh, Alec rolled them until she lay beneath him. “Yer enthusiasm warms m’heart and soul.” He kissed her slow and easy, nuzzling her mouth as though savoring the taste of her. When he finally lifted his head, he shifted to the side and held the shimmering silver brooch above her. “I know ’tis not a ring, but when a MacDara pledges his life to his love, ’tis our custom to give our women these stones from Scotland.”

  “It’s perfect.” Sadie was almost afraid to touch it, afraid the spell of the moment would disappear like morning mist at sunrise. Hesitantly, she took the brooch, cradling it in the palm of her hand and rubbing her thumb across the smooth surface of the almost glowing cabochon of agate. “It’s so beautiful,” she whispered, mesmerized by the bands of rich colors shimmering inside the delicate setting of silver knots and whorls. She clasped it to her heart and looked into Alec’s eyes. “Thank you so much…for…everything.” She closed her eyes against the torrent of emotions storming through her. How had she, plain, fat Sadie as they’d always called her, managed to win a man like him? “Thank you,” she repeated, opening her eyes and pulling in a deep breath.

  Alec frowned slightly, cocking his head as his eyes narrowed the barest bit. “For what are ye thankin’ me?

  Sadie shrugged, the joy in her heart beating back the painful memories and locking them away for good. “For loving me and making me feel beautiful.”

  Alec carefully took the brooch out of her hand and stretched to set it safely on the table beside the settee behind them. Then he cupped her face in his hand and drew closer until the tip of his nose nearly touched hers. “Yer a beautiful woman. Tempting and easy to love.” He kissed her slowly, then lifted his head again. “And if I e’er hear ye speak as though ye th
ink otherwise, I’ll be bendin’ ye over m’knee and warmin’ yer fine, delectable arse for ye.”

  “Is that a promise?” Sadie asked as a delicious shiver pinged through her, fully arming all sensors for optimum orgasmic pleasure. She arched against Alec, yanking her leg free of the tangle of material and trailing it over his hip to curl it around his waist. “You know…these long skirts are about to get on my last nerve.”

  Smoothing his hand up her thigh, then down between her legs, Alec chuckled as he teased his fingertips across her hot, wet opening. “Aye, that may be so, m’love. But I must say, they do make gettin’ to this lovely sweetness a great deal easier.” He dipped a finger inside her as he bent to kiss and nibble a fiery trail down her throat, across her chest, and over to her aching nipple.

  Sadie ground against herself against his hand, clutching his head to her breast and arching into him as he sucked her nipple. “Would the chieftain and his lady make love like this? In front of the fire? In this sitting room?”

  “Oh aye,” Alec rumbled against her skin as he shoved her gown down off her body, then returned his exquisitely skilled fingers to their task between her legs. “They’d make love in every room of the keep,” he murmured as he nipped and licked his way over to her other breast. “From takin’ her up against the walls of the highest turret to bendin’ her over the dining room table, a chieftain’s duty is to bless his keep with the satisfied cries of his lady.”

  “Then we’d better get busy,” Sadie gasped as Alec replaced his wondrous fingers with his mouth, spreading her folds with his tongue and drinking deep while lifting her legs and draping them over his shoulders. “We’ve got several rooms to bless,” she shrieked as he sucked hard on her clit.

  “Aye, love. That we do.” Alec lifted his head but a second, just long enough to look up at her and grin. “There’s over twenty rooms in this keep and but a few hours till dawn.”

  Sadie groaned and clutched the pillows, shuddering into a tingling hot level of euphoria as Alec lowered his head again, licking and sucking her folds and nibbling at her clit. When he slid two fingers deep inside her, he took her bucking and thrashing into full orgasmic bliss. Somewhere in the fog of sheer ecstasy, she could’ve sworn he also said they needed to bless the stables too.

  Hot damn.

  Chapter 20

  Sadie pressed a kiss to the brooch, then tucked it back into her bra, nestling it snugly in the cleft between her boobs. She wore the precious keepsake on a ribbon around her neck, never taking it off except for bathing—or while making love to Alec. After the night it had snagged in his short and curlies and the pin had nearly impaled him in a rather important spot, he’d forbidden the wearing of the brooch during sex.

  A satisfied sigh escaped her as she typed the final paragraph to the last erotic scene she owed Delia. This one was entitled “Blessing the Castle.” She hummed out an appreciative sound as a wicked smile tickled a corner of her mouth. Alec had been extremely helpful for this particular piece. It was some of the best work she’d ever written, if she did say so herself. She saved the document to the memory stick, growing a bit warm and wet just thinking back over the past several days of in-depth research.

  A sharp rap on the door rudely interrupted her erotic reverie and barely preceded Delia blowing into the room. Delia halted halfway across the area rug, her unnaturally narrow nose wrinkling with a condescending sneer as she looked around the cozy decor. “Not exactly the presidential suite, but I guess compared to what you’re used to…” Delia didn’t finish the sentence, just scowled at Sadie as though a foul odor filled the room.

  “I happen to love it.” Sadie removed the USB stick from her laptop and held it out to Delia. “You’re just in time. Here are the scenes you wanted. Just let me know if you need anything else.”

  Her sister needed to take the damn scenes and leave. There was just something about Delia standing in the middle of the room that had become the best home Sadie had ever had that irritated the living shit out of her. Delia didn’t belong here. This was Sadie’s Nirvana, and Delia popping in for a visit was like a demon intruding on a tour of heaven.

  “Now that you mention it…” Delia rubbed her hands together and her overly crimson smile widened into an even more sinister sneer. “I do need something that only you can do for me.”

  “What?” There was something dark about Delia’s tone. A nauseating chill flashed through Sadie, stinging across her skin and standing every hair on end. Something was about to go very wrong and if history was any indicator, Sadie would be the one to suffer.

  “Don’t say ‘what’ like that.” Delia laughed a snickering, high-pitched hissing sound that grated on Sadie’s nerves even more. “You sound as though you don’t trust me.” Delia prissed around the room, lightly scratching her manicured nails across the back of the love seat like a cat searching for the perfect place to sharpen its claws.

  Sadie blew out a disgusted huff and turned the chair to fully face Delia. Alec always said, “Meet yer enemies head on.” She did her best to concentrate on the warm weight of the brooch snuggled between her breasts. It was all she could do to keep from snapping that there wasn’t enough time in eternity to list all the reasons why she didn’t trust Delia. She still needed a paycheck to pay off some debts before she married Alec. She wouldn’t hang her burdens around his neck, even though she knew he’d gladly take them.

  “What do you want me to do?” Sadie asked. The only way to get rid of her sister was to find out what Delia wanted, then sort through it for hidden traps later. Sadie glanced back over at her laptop, checking the time. “I’m due over at the park in less than an hour. Out with it so I can get changed and go.”

  Delia snapped open a designer bag that probably cost more than Sadie’s college education and pulled out a folded manila envelope. Her expression was unreadable as she held it out to Sadie. “I need you to get the entire MacDara clan, Dwyn included, up to Wilmington for a few days. Here’s the itinerary. Food, lodging, and transportation all taken care of courtesy of Realm Spinners Productions.”

  “Why?” Sadie gingerly slid the envelope out from between Delia’s long, thin fingers as though it could explode at any minute.

  Flipping a hand with a dismissive shrug, Delia tucked her bag back tight against her too narrow waist and attempted a smile. “Publicity, of course. I’ve spoken to the museum there and they’re very interested in helping the MacDaras set up several rooms to depict the Scottish influence here in North Carolina. Your Highlander should love it. Scots are totally besotted with sharing their history.” Delia turned, her spike heels shining with a malicious gleam in the late afternoon sun streaming in through the French doors. “It’ll spur more talk about the park and the filming. Talk about the filming equals chatter about the movie. Delightfully cheap promo compared to a standard campaign through God knows how many cities.” Delia rolled her eyes and groaned. “Involving actors and directors in meet-and-greets and red-carpet nights nearly bankrupted my last project. The alcohol and escorts alone cost me more than you do.”

  Sadie didn’t doubt that. Most of Delia’s promotional events ended up as drunken orgies aimed at luring in investors so Delia didn’t have to risk any more of her own capital. She slid her thumb under the flap of the envelope and peered inside. Everything seemed in order for a group trip to Wilmington. Absolutely innocent and just as Delia had said—a totally legit itinerary with contact names and phone numbers. Sadie resealed the envelope, a hollow sense of impending doom growing. “It’s a little early for promo about the movie, don’t you think?”

  “It’s never too early for promo. Have you listened to nothing I’ve taught you?” Delia tossed her hair in a perfect cascade of bleached blondness over one shoulder. “You know the ‘Rule of Seven.’ Potential moviegoers have a lot of noise to sort through. I want to make sure they hear us loud and clear, repetitively, and often.”

  Sadie nervously tapped the envelope against the palm of one hand. There had to be an angle. This w
as too strategically by the book and on the level. Delia never did anything without a hidden agenda. “I’ll bring this up to Alec, but I’ll have to let you know when they’d be willing to go. I’m not sure about everyone’s schedule. I know for certain they won’t want Esme missing any school and they won’t leave her here alone.”

  Delia paused with her fingers on the door, holding it partially open. “The limo bus will be here at eight a.m. All reservations start tomorrow—nontransferable through this weekend. I already checked with the park’s activity director for any scheduling conflicts. The girl doesn’t have school on Monday. Some sort of teacher’s in-service day or something.” Her strained smile disappeared as she pointed a long, manicured nail at the envelope. “You’ll see this gets done, Sadie. Don’t get difficult just because you think I’m afraid of your alpha Highlander.” Delia walked out the door, then stuck her head back in the room and gifted Sadie with a blood-chilling smile. “It takes more than a smashed laptop and an incompetent gnome of a lawyer to scare me.”

  Bile burned in the back of Sadie’s throat as Delia closed the door with a threatening bang. What the hell are you up to, Delia?

  Chapter 21

  He didna like leaving the park for an entire weekend, but Esme was beside herself about spending a few days in Wilmington. “Shopping!” she’d said, clapping her hands and hoppin’ about as though the fine town of Brady had no stores that offered her any shiny beebaws and baubles.

  Alec hooked an elbow over the banister and felt for the first step with the toe of his boot. He couldna see a feckin’ thing over all the infernal bags his sister had loaded into his arms. The top bag slid a bit to one side, threatening to abandon ship and dive over the railing. He caught the handle between his teeth and bit down hard. Damn it all t’hell and back. What the devil did she need t’buy in Wilmington? The girl was takin’ half of MacDara keep with her.


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