Heir to the Throne

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Heir to the Throne Page 4

by Andrew G. Wood

  Luca took up a position on the opposite side of the table to where the two ladies were sat, and waited in silence.

  “Breakfast should be along shortly,” Lady Dalby explained noticing their eagerness to start eating. True enough, it was barely another couple of minutes when a rather tall, skinny man with a scar along his face approached the table carrying a large serving bowl, which he duly placed on the table. Luca didn’t need to lean forward to check what was inside, and merely waited a little longer while the man went away again to get them some wooden bowls.

  It had not been much of a surprise to learn that most things aboard the Dalby’s ship were very basic. There was little purpose for fine porcelain or silver cutlery. Instead, most of the bowls, plates and spoons were all wooden. As predicted, the large serving bowl contained porridge. Thick and lumpy it was not particularly pleasant to eat, and he thought would probably be better suited as some kind of building material. However, knowing there would be no other choice, and that Lady Dalby would likely consider it an insult, there was little option but to dollop a couple of spoonfuls into his bowl. Thankfully, there was a little pot of honey, which Luca helped himself to that at least gave the food some resemblance of taste.

  Luca glanced over towards Edward, who it seemed was quite content at the morning’s offerings. He turned his gaze to the two women sat opposite and thought the only time the pair weren’t talking was when they were eating. A thought that made him smile, which probably gave them the appearance he was happy with the food, even though nothing could be further from the truth. At least they would be docking soon and once inside the home of Lord and Lady Dalby he was sure the choice of food would be along similar lines to that at the palace. As his mother’s brother, surely there would be no skimping and, just like times of old, each meal would have something good to offer.

  Luca had just managed to swallow the last of his gloopy porridge mix when Theo and Clarissa emerged from a curtained-off area just across the hold.

  “Morning,” Theo said with a smile before letting out a loud yawn.

  A stern glare from his mother soon had him covering his gaping mouth and offering an apology. Clarissa sat down right next to Edward, clearly causing him some discomfort, much to Luca’s amusement. Theo sat the opposite side of the table beside his mother, and duly offered to fill his sister’s bowl before his own.

  Thankfully, at least for Edward, the somewhat awkward situation soon passed as Lady Dalby suggested both he and Luca should make sure their things were ready for when they disembarked. While Luca was quite enjoying seeing Edward blushing every time Clarissa so much as spoke, he duly stood up and headed back up the wooden steps to the top deck. As Edward stepped up beside him, the pair thought to check where they were in relation to the land. Much to their surprise, it was now almost within reach. Port Exley was now quite visible with several tall buildings reaching up above the walls that gave it its defence. Spread out over a large area, the pair of them could already tell that this place was far larger than Garley, both in size and stature. Even the defensive outer walls had towers interspaced every few hundred paces, and the dock area was simply vast in comparison.

  Two other large ships were already in the dock, and a third was heading off in a northerly direction back out to sea. With a sense of excitement, Luca suggested they should get their things ready for when they stopped. While Edward didn’t really have anything to pack away, he agreed nonetheless. As they entered the cabin, Luca gazed around at his few items, realising this would take barely a few seconds to do, and thought instead to question Edward as to the reasons he got embarrassed around Clarissa.

  “I was not embarrassed!” he replied sharply.

  “Of course you weren’t,” Luca chuckled. “If your cheeks went any redder we could have used them to warm our hands on,” he added thinking his comment rather witty.

  It came somewhat as a shock to Luca when Edward let his shoulders drop and sighed heavily.

  “Fine! I do like her,” he admitted.”But you can never tell her.”

  Luca grinned an evil smile that suggested he would do just that. However, understanding Edward’s predicament he surprisingly agreed.

  “Don’t worry, I won't,” he eventually said.

  “I don’t want to embarrass her. Besides, you know as well as I do, that nothing could ever come of it.”

  Luca nodded. Knowing that Edward was not born of noble blood and had no title or land, there would be no chance of him ever being deemed a suitable suitor for his cousin. Yet this was something he had pondered over once before when back in Garley, and something he thought he might have an answer to. While there was nothing he could do at present to help Edward, perhaps, with a little luck, circumstances might be changed in the future.

  With both noble families now on deck, ready to disembark they all braced themselves for the ship to come to rest against the quayside. As the dockworkers heaved on the thick heavy ropes to pull them nearer, the sidewards movement was slow but steady, ensuring that when the ship did rest alongside the quay, the contact was minimal. No sooner had they touched when the ropes were tied off and the ship secured in position. The gulls were in abundance as they swooped and swirled overhead, occasionally diving down to the water beside the handful of smaller fishing boats a little further down the dockside.

  Luca afforded himself a smile as he inhaled deeply. He had always thought that the Casillian Isle would stink of fish and was certain that very same aroma drifted on the sea air. However, he thought that was probably only due to those same fishing boats, who were preparing their early morning catch. Despite it still being quite early, the quayside was a hive of activity, as dockworkers prepared for their disembarking. While others still focused on the other ships, most seemed to have their attention on their ship. A large walkway was quickly and efficiently swung over the side of the ship creating a means for them to leave it.

  Luca turned around to see the others waiting patiently for Lord Dalby to lead the way, casting his cousins a smile as they caught his eye.

  “Just waiting for our guard to escort us into the city,” Lord Dalby announced looking further up the quayside.

  Although considering it, Luca did not question as to why they needed any more guards when the ships hold was all but full of soldiers. Perhaps his uncle had a guard specifically for their home, much like the palace had its own guards? A question he thought best to ask another time.

  They waited several minutes before the guard detail finally made their way towards the walkway. Dressed in a uniform that distinguished themselves from other soldiers, the men all wore tabards depicting Lord Dalby’s family colours. All with swords at their waists, they moved with an air of confidence that suggested they were superior to other soldiers. As they lined up around the walkway, the dockworkers moved aside to allow them to take up their position.

  Lord Dalby clapped his hands together and signalled for one of the men that he was ready. As he stepped across the walkway, Luca duly followed behind with Edward at his side. The moment his boot touched the quayside, four of the soldiers immediately closed in around him and Edward, effectively encasing them.

  As if in some predefined manner, the soldiers of Lord Dalby’s house guard marched as they escorted Luca along the quayside towards the track that led to a set of large wooden gates. Covered in metal studs and at least thirty feet in height they would certainly prove a substantial obstacle for any would-be attacker. There were more regular soldiers on duty at the gates, probably just checking on who was coming and going, and Luca looked up to see more of the same patrolling the thick stone walls that seemed to encircle Port Exley.

  The moment they stepped inside the city they were hit with a wall of sound, smells and sights, although Luca struggled to get to see much due to him being surrounded by guards. Port Exley looked a busy place, and although not even close in comparison in size to the capital, at first glance it appeared just as busy. The call of traders trying to shout over each other dominated t
he gentle hum and buzz of the crowds, almost making Luca want to stop and see what it was they were so passionately trying to sell. However, hemmed in by his Uncle’s guards he was ushered along the main street towards the building at the centre.

  A pair of black wrought iron gates gave them access through the tall stone wall that gave Lord Dalby’s home its protection. A long narrow entrance road sided by immaculate lawns led right up to the main house. Built of a much lighter stone than that which had been used for the outer walls, it was a large and grand building. A home more befitting a nobleman such as Lord Dalby, and one that sadly made Lord Oakley’s home look very ordinary. With fluted columns supporting a pitched roof, even the entranceway was impressive. As a matter of fact, Luca was mildly surprised, thinking it might have nearly been on a par with the palace as far as grandeur was concerned.

  Two guards stood at the top of the white stone steps that led to a large set of black high-gloss doors, with brass furniture so well polished you could see your reflection within. Two further guards were awaiting them inside what Luca considered a large and airy entrance hall. With natural light coming in through a set of large windows above the main doors, it was certainly a welcoming place. The tiled floor was mosaiced, depicting a fish twisting as it dived out of the water.

  Thinking this was a place he could feel at home in, Luca had a good feeling about his stay here. Two liveried house staff approached from a corridor off to their right, one of whom went to speak to Lord Dalby.

  “Nice place,” Edward mumbled under his breath, although Luca caught what he said.

  “I’ll have to show you around the palace one day,” he replied.

  “You could fit my father’s entire tavern in this space,” Edward grumbled, looking up at the tall ceilings.

  In truth, the first appearances seemed much better than Luca had thought. Always assuming that the Casillian Isle was some dingy little rock, it seemed he had been very wrong in his assumptions.

  Lord Dalby gestured for him to follow, as his uncle led them down a wide corridor. With a tiled floor and white walls, it had small paintings hanging on the walls, giving it small spots of colour and brightness. They passed several other smaller corridors leading off in various directions, and a multitude of red-painted doors leading into other rooms. Lord Dalby eventually came to a halt outside a large set of doors that had two more of his house guards positioned outside.

  “We’ll take some refreshments and discuss our onward journey,” he said.

  It took a few moments for Luca to comprehend what had just been said, but before he had a chance to say anything, Lord Dalby had already opened the doors and stepped into the room. With his mouth gaping as if to speak he eventually followed, stepping into what he recognised as a rather plush formal dining room. With a luxurious blue carpet underfoot, it was dominated by the long table at its centre. With all the placings already set as if they had been expecting him, Lord Dalby gestured with his hand for him to take a seat near the head of the table. Luca knew that Lord Dalby would take up the position at the top, as if taking a spot to oversee his guests.

  Luca went to grab the back of a chair but was quickly beaten to it by a young man wearing a uniform.

  “Allow me, Sire,” the man said seemingly aware of who he was, despite Luca having never met him before. Luca duly thanked him and waited for him to move the chair before stepping into position and allowing the chair to be moved forward as he lowered himself down upon it. Luca glanced over to his left and chuckled as another member of staff tried to do the same for Edward, although the offer was rebuked. Thankfully the member of staff didn’t take umbrage and merely moved onto Samuel.

  “He was trying to steal my chair,” Edward said leaning in closer to Luca.

  “He was trying to assist you sitting down,” Luca grinned.

  “Really? Why? I’m quite capable of sticking my backside down on a chair,” Edward replied clearly bemused by the strange custom.

  “They do it in the palace all the time,” Luca explained.

  “Seems odd. Is it that hard for royalty to sit down?”

  Luca left it at that and thought it was just another sign that he and Edward had grown up in very different environments. In truth Luca thought that Edward had conducted himself quite well, considering his upbringing and commoner status. While some of his manners left a little to be desired, generally they were much better than he had first expected. Just another thing that Luca had been led to believe, that was incorrect.

  Waiting somewhat impatiently for the others to take their seats, Luca wanted to ask his question. However, as Lord Dalby’s attention always seemed to be elsewhere, he would have to wait a while longer yet. Only when everybody was sat down, did Lord Dalby ask one of the serving staff to give them fifteen minutes alone before serving them any food. Luca, watched as the servants filed out of a doorway, before the guards on duty closed it firmly shut behind them. All eyes then turned towards Lord Dalby, and after glancing around the room a few times, he duly got back to his feet.

  “Okay. Now we’re all alone, and not going to be disturbed I’d like to update you all on what’s going to happen.”

  “We are all stopping here for the day and heading back to the ship tonight.”

  “What?” Theo asked his father, evidently as surprised by the words as Luca was.

  “Please, I’ll answer any questions at the end,” Lord Dalby replied although strangely looked over to where Luca and Edward were sat when speaking.

  “Prince Luca is going to the Northern Marches!”

  Luca was stunned. Even though he wanted to ask a question, more than one, a whole host of them in fact, he doubted he could speak.

  “Lord Oakley and I have been negotiating with Lord Romley, and he is happy to take care of him. Which of course also means that you will see your sister again,” he added glancing back over to Luca as he spoke.

  “The rest of us will remain here!”

  “Including me?” Edward asked even though it was clearly not time for the questions to start.

  “Sorry Edward, No. Not you.”

  Luca turned to watch Edward’s face. He noticed how the young man’s gaze instantly diverted across the table in the direction of Clarissa. If he and Edward were going to sail to the Northern Marches without any of the others, then he would be parted from her. Moreover, Luca quickly realised that his small group of friends that had been the mainstay of his life since escaping the palace would be gone. Cut off from the only people he had ever really felt comfortable with. Granted, two of those people were his cousins, but that did not mean he could not be friends with them.

  “Will I be coming back here?” Luca asked in a whimpering sounding voice that suggested he was a scared little boy again.

  Lord Dalby gazed his direction, “I’m not sure yet, Sire. The purpose of moving you to the Northern Marches is so that Lord Elthan and his cronies don’t know where you are. Besides, he needs your presence to deal with other matters.”

  While Luca could understand the reasoning for moving him again, especially when his uncle explained it all in a little more detail, he wasn’t even certain he wanted to see his sister. After all, Imogen was technically only his half-sister, and while it was true that she had been the nicer of the two siblings, they were never what one might call close. Yet all that paled into insignificance at the very thought of leaving his little circle of friends behind. Why, even Nerina would be missed, if only for her somewhat snidey comments that she liked to send his way at every opportunity.

  Luca wasn’t sure where he had the courage from or why he even said the word, but it clearly stunned the room to silence.


  To say his uncle’s face was a picture would have been an understatement, and for a few moments, Luca thought the man might blow his top. Afterall both he and Lord Oakley had gone to great risk, even putting their own families in the firing line in a situation both could have so easily not gotten involved in.

  It wasn’
t as if though Luca was ungrateful, he wasn’t. However, being shoved from one place to another without even concerning him in the negotiations that had clearly been discussed in some depth was a step too far. At least that was the way he felt at that precise moment in time.

  Chapter 5.An awkward change of plan.

  A strange, stifling silence befell the room as the serving staff laid out the food that had been prepared. Luca’s little moment of defiance had quite obviously not been expected, and although everyone seemed to be staring at him, Luca wasn’t going to change his mind, at least not easily. The only words spoken were by those dishing out the food, apparently something else that Edward was not accustomed to. However, when the young man went to grab something off one of the serving platters, Luca held the sleeve of his shirt to stop him, merely shaking his head just a little to tell him it was not the done thing.

  Despite already having breakfast and it being a little early for lunch, the food prepared was quite substantial. Probably due to the fact that none of them had eaten a good meal for a few days, and in Luca’s case probably wouldn’t have done for a few more had he agreed to sail to the Northern Marches. In fact, the food on offer would more ordinarily be served in the evening for a main meal. Luca, however, was hungry and couldn’t give a jot about what time of day it was. There was a selection of sliced meats, on one tray, a few dishes with vegetables in and pots of gravy for those that desired it. As a second option, there was also a fish on another platter that had some kind of herb sauce poured over it. While not really a fan of fish, Luca did consider making that his option as it actually looked and smelled really good. However, unsure as to whether he would like it, he went for the safer option instead.


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