Heir to the Throne

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Heir to the Throne Page 8

by Andrew G. Wood

  “Yes, Please, thank you,” he eventually said, giving his reply to Lord Romley.

  Luca was a little disappointed that he and Edward were shown to one end of the castle while the others were taken to another. Two of Lord Dalby’s soldiers seemingly had orders to follow him wherever he went, and although Luca didn’t mind, he thought it all a bit unnecessary as two of Lord Romley’s men appeared to have been told to do the same thing. He and Edward were led up the main staircase and down a long and narrow corridor adorned with paintings and pictures of all different shapes and sizes. There were some depicting scenes of battle, some scenes of nature, and here and there slightly larger ones showing people, whom Luca assumed to be previous members of the Romley family. Judging by the clothes some of them were wearing he could hazard a guess that a few were actually quite old. After turning a corner, they arrived at a set of large ornate looking double doors.

  The two serving staff that had accompanied Luca and his small entourage of soldiers opened the doors and gestured for him to enter.

  “This is the living area, the bedroom is through that door over there, Sire,” one of them said as the second walked over to the windows and started closing them. Luca assumed they had been opened to allow the room to air a little before his arrival, and being as he didn’t really want a gale blowing through his quarters it was better they were shut.

  “Lord Romley has asked if you would care to eat in your room or with the family, Sire,” the man asked bowing his head each time he asked a question.

  Now, ordinarily Luca would have not hesitated to have taken the first option, but he felt that was the old self, and the new person he had become was a little more sociable.

  “Both my guard and I will eat with the family,” Luca replied.

  The servant suddenly looked a little concerned, “Begging your pardon, Sire. I’m not sure Lord Romley’s offer was open to your…body guard,” he said somewhat nervously indicating towards Edward.

  Luca stared at the man and just shrugged his shoulders. “Then tell Lord Romley I’ll be eating here then!” he said rather bluntly. “Edward is as much a friend as my guard, if he doesn’t get invited then I shall not attend either!”

  It was quite evident that Luca’s snub had the servant somewhat on edge, and seeing the man’s uncertainty Luca thought to push home his advantage, “Perhaps if you enquire with Lord Romley as to whether Edward is also invited to our meals, then I may change my mind!” he added. Luca watched as the two servants then finished up straightening the room before bowing their heads again and leaving. Both Lord Romley’s guards and Lord Dalby’s saw fit to take up positions outside the set of double entrance doors, even though both were evidently not needed.

  “You didn’t have to do that. You do need to keep on Lord Romley’s good side you know!” Edward said trying one of the cushioned chairs out for size.

  “I would have thought it only manners to extend the invitation to you as well Edward,” Luca replied taking up a seat opposite.

  A short silence followed before Edward spoke again. “Did you mean what you said? You know, about me being a friend?”

  Luca looked up, somewhat surprised. He thought he had already made that clear on numerous occasions before.

  “Of course. Sure, you can be a bit of an ass at times, but I’m glad you’re here, and yes I hope you think of me as your friend too.”

  Edward smiled back, ”Of course I do. I mean you can be a bit obnoxious, a spoilt brat, bad-tempered, awkward, difficult, unbearable….among other things, but yeh, I consider you my friend too.”

  Luca chuckled, “Gee, thanks. Nice to know you think so highly of me! Do I have any good points?”

  While Luca had only intended it as a tongue-in-cheek comment, he hadn’t really expected an answer.

  “Sure you do,” Edward replied.

  “You’re funny, sometimes…not all the time…but I suppose your most endearing quality is…your loyal and stand up for those closest to you.”

  “Thanks!” Luca said. Although only a couple of good points he actually felt quite touched by Edward’s words.

  About an hour after arriving, a knock sounded at the door, and one of Lord Dalby’s guards announced that Lord Romley was here to see Luca. Naturally, Luca got to his feet and told the guard to allow him in; this was his home after all. Lord Romley appeared in the doorway, and the guard then closed the doors behind him.

  “All settled in, Sire?” he asked, bowing his head.

  “Yes, thank you,” Luca replied.

  “I need to apologise Sire. I’m sorry, I thought the young gentleman accompanying you was just your bodyguard. I didn’t realise he was part of your group. Naturally, I extend the invitation for him to join us at mealtimes. I didn’t realise he held a position of nobility.”

  “He doesn’t. His father owns a tavern, not that it should matter. Oh, and his name’s Edward by the way.”

  Lord Romley looked a little taken aback by the remark but merely shrugged, “As you wish, Sire.”

  Luca smiled, “Thank you, Lord Romley. Don’t worry, Edward is house trained, and sometimes he even uses the correct knives and forks.”

  Lord Romley seemingly didn’t take any offence by the comment and suggested he be allowed to update Luca on what was happening this side of the country.

  “I’ll assume…Edward is okay to hear what I have to say?”

  Luca nodded, “Of course, I think we can trust him.”

  Lord Romley suggested they all take a seat and after doing so, he started explaining what had happened from his point of view. Going as far back from their own escape after the wedding and having to force the princess into a safe house for a while until he could muster enough soldiers to raise an army. Luca was somewhat shocked to hear that Lord Romley, Lord Fallon of Alborough and Lord Ashton of Muria were now almost ready to start their war.

  “It is one of the reasons we needed you here, Sire, as opposed to residing in the Casillian Isle. We have negotiated passage with the northern and western minor nobles of Brenthelin, but they need assurances you are actually alive. Apparently, Lord Elthan is pressuring them to support Princess Elysia and his son. However, once they see you are alive and well, they are more than willing to throw their support behind you.”

  Luca glanced over at Edward who also appeared to have a look of disbelief on his face.

  Edward, although unsure if he was supposed to ask any questions, decided to do so anyway.

  “Excuse me, My Lord,” he said, trying his best to sound polite. “Does that mean there is to be some kind of meeting with Luca…I mean, his Majesty, and these nobles?” He added quickly correcting himself about using the correct title.

  Lord Romley diverted his gaze over to where Edward was sitting, and simply nodded. “I have asked them to a meeting on my border, at a town called Greensill.”

  “Would that not pose a threat. I mean Lord Elthan would surely get word of this meeting, and the knowledge that his majesty is here and not in Scarwood or the Casillian Isle.”

  Lord Romley nodded again, “You’re right. That is why I am currently positioning a large number of my troops around the town, effectively cordoning it off from anyone who shouldn’t be there.”

  Edward didn’t want to sound as though he doubted Lord Romley’s capability in keeping Luca safe, but he knew that the cultists had ways of remaining from view. As a result, he thought this was something just too important not to say, and hence explained what had happened in Scarwood.

  Much to Edward’s surprise, Lord Romley seemed to take on board what he was being told and didn’t seem in any way annoyed about having his best-laid plans scrutinised.

  “I am aware of how these people can mix in among ordinary folk. Don’t worry, when the time comes to hold the meeting, only people I know personally will be present.”

  Luca just sat back and listened as Edward and Lord Romley seem to discuss the plans without involving him. Not that he minded, and was actually quite impressed and plea
sed that Edward had taken it upon himself to ensure every precaution was being taken.

  After another fifteen minutes or so, Lord Romley eventually got to his feet to leave. Bowing his head once more towards Luca, he explained that the meeting would be set for five days time to allow the other nobles time to prepare and travel. “Only the nobleman in question will be permitted entry to the meeting. No guards, no family…no one!” Lord Romley reiterated, glancing Edward's direction when he spoke.

  Luca also stood, “Thank you, My Lord,” he said.”

  Lord Romley bowed his head again and suggested he had much to do, and would see them both at dinner later.

  Chapter 9.Sister, what have you done?

  Frederick looked longingly at his young wife, concerned that she would not wake. She was breathing as if asleep yet no matter how much he tried he could not remove her from her endless slumber. Despite shaking her several times and even gently pinching the back of her hands, Elysia showed no signs of responding.

  “What has happened?” Frederick asked, despite no one else being present in the room. Holding Elysia’s hand in his own, he could feel the unease taking ahold of him and started shaking. With his free hand he reached down and touched the pendant, but as his fingertips made contact, he quickly withdrew his hand.

  “So cold,” he muttered.

  Frederick was often perceived as being a little slow by his father, but he quickly fathomed out something had changed.

  “Ledella!” he mumbled, “She must have done something to it,” he added.

  Frederick gently laid his wife’s hand back down on the bed beside her, “Don’t worry my love, I will sort this out,” he said with genuine care and affection in his voice. As quickly as his legs could carry him, Frederick ran out of the door to his royal suite, catching his guards by surprise as he darted past them.

  After turning down one corridor, then another, he spotted two soldiers outside his father’s office and knew that’s where he would be. Slowing to a brisk paced walk, Frederick approached the door and knocked, glancing briefly at both guards who seemed happy for him to proceed without their interference.

  “Enter!” bellowed a voice from within the room.

  Frederick took a deep breath to compose himself before turning the handle and letting himself in. Frederick closed the door behind him and walked over to where his father was sitting at his desk.

  “What is it, Frederick?” the man asked, glancing up only briefly before returning his gaze to the note he was writing.

  “It’s Elysia, father. I can’t wake her…I think Ledella did something to her before she left,” Frederick blurted out, speaking so quickly even he could barely comprehend what was just said.

  Frederick watched as his father slowly reached out and placed his pen down on the writing stand.

  “Now say that again, but in a way that actually makes sense.”

  Frederick took another deep breath before exhaling slowly, before reiterating the very same words he had just spoken.

  “What do you mean, you can’t wake her?”

  Frederick explained that it appeared as if Elysia was just sleeping, but no matter what he tried there was no way of waking her. At first, Frederick just assumed his father would go off on one of his infamous rants and start smashing things, but much to his surprise the man remained quite calm.

  “Oh Ledella, what have you done?” he mumbled.

  There was an awkward silence in the room for several moments, and Frederick wasn't sure if he should say anything or just let his father think. Knowing his father’s temper, he opted for the latter. Frederick just watched as his father slowly stood up from his seat and wandered over to the window.

  “So, this is your revenge for me killing that woman of yours…Everything is a game to you, isn’t it?”

  Frederick wasn't sure whether the question was aimed at him, or whether his father was just muttering away to himself, but assumed as the man wasn't facing his way, it probably wasn’t for him to answer.

  Frederick was startled when his father suddenly turned about to face him. “Well, I guess we have only one choice!”

  “We do?” Frederick asked somewhat nervously, not certain he was going to like what was coming.

  “Well, Frederick, thanks to your aunt, we now have no option but to see if this wife of yours really does love you.”

  “You mean to take the necklace off?” Frederick asked just checking he understood things correctly.

  Lord Elthan nodded to the affirmative.

  “Perhaps we could leave it on and let her sleep. Perhaps she will wake on her own,” Frederick replied. As strange as it was, despite always wanting to remove the necklace to discover Elysia’s true feelings for him, now the moment had arrived he didn’t think he wanted to do it any more.

  “If we leave it on, she will die within a few days. If she’s asleep she can’t eat or drink, can she?” Lord Elthan explained in a firm but considerate tone of voice.

  “No, Father,” Frederick replied.

  “And if your beloved wife dies, then the entire nation will come crashing down upon us, and we will have nothing. Our only chance now is to hope she isn’t repulsed by the very thought of you.”

  There was another short silence before Lord Elthan spoke again. “Now, if you wish, I’ll take it off her, or I’ll let you do it. What’s it to be Frederick?”

  “I’ll do it, Father,” Frederick eventually replied, knowing he had little choice but to do as was asked.

  Frederick ambled slowly back to his quarters, feeling quite nervous about the task ahead. The differing scenarios of what might happen if he removed the necklace ran over and over through his mind. Knowing there was every chance that the woman he had fallen so deeply in love with would find him repulsive, he wasn't sure what he would do. At first, Elysia being under his control was just a perk of his family taking the throne. Yet the longer he had been with her, the numerous times he had made love to her, sometimes spending most of the day doing just that, he had fallen in love. This was evidently something his father didn’t think was true, but Frederick could already feel his heart breaking, knowing that his wife would no longer want to be with him.

  Passing his two guards, he slipped somewhat sullenly into his quarters and headed for the bedroom. Elysia was still there where he had left her just an hour before, as beautiful as always. Her breathing was soft and slow, as it often was when she slept, and feeling nothing but dread, Frederick sat down on the bed beside her. He ran his fingers around the side of her neck, following the path of the necklace down to the pendant that nestled between her breasts. Stroking his hand around the base of each breast in turn before moving towards the pendant, Frederick felt its coldness as he clasped it tightly in his hand. Holding it for as long as he could, Frederick counted down in his mind, before reaching out and pulling as hard as he could.

  Feeling the thin silver chain snapping almost instantly he yanked the pendant free from his wife’s body, before throwing it hard against the wall. He quickly stood up and walked over to where the necklace had fallen to the floor and stamped down hard with his boot heel, crushing the pendant part, destroying whatever dark magic was contained within it. Frederick turned as he heard Elysia stirring slightly and hurried over to the side of the bed, lifting one of her hands up and encapsulating it in his own.

  “Elysia,” he said softly as her eyes slowly opened.

  “Where am I?” came the reply.

  “At home, my dear. In the palace…” Frederick said, thinking about adding a little more but deciding against it.

  It was evidently clear to Frederick that Elysia seemed to have huge gaps in her memory, which gave him an idea. Perhaps if he could fill them in for her with his series of events, then there may yet still be a chance this could all work out well.

  “You’ve not been well, my dear,” Frederick said, lifting one hand up to the side of her face and stroking her pale soft skin with the back of his hand.

  “Why are you here
?” Elysia asked.

  Frederick felt another pull at his heart but answered nonetheless.

  “I am your husband. We married a few months back…Do you not recall?”

  Elysia looked up at him, “We did?”

  “Yes, my love,” Frederick replied, hoping and praying for all he was worth that she would still be his.

  “Perhaps, my memory will return…I have been ill you say?” Elysia asked, trying to get up.

  However, Frederick placed a finger on her lips, “Yes, you have been very poorly. You had us all worried, but it seems you’ve made it through. Now rest,” he said, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead.

  Elysia didn’t flinch or recoil at his kiss, and so Frederick thought it wise to push the boundary a little further by kissing her again on the lips. Not a lustful, passionate kiss, but one that showed a certain level of loving tenderness.

  “Rest, some more, and I’ll explain everything in more detail.”

  The fact Elysia had not recoiled from either of his kisses gave Frederick some hope that all might yet be well, and feeling slightly better about himself he stood to leave her to rest, but not before kissing the back of her hand as he stood.

  “I’ll be back in a little while,” he said softly walking back towards the bedroom door but never once taking his eyes from her.

  Closing the door to the bedroom quietly, Frederick could feel his heart pounding in his chest. So far everything had gone better than he had hoped, but he knew he needed to tell his father. However, no sooner had he turned to head back out down the corridor, he caught sight of the man heading his direction. Once the two men were within a few paces of each other, Frederick explained that he had done as his father had requested.


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