Heir to the Throne

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Heir to the Throne Page 11

by Andrew G. Wood

  The last of the sunlight had all but gone when they eventually arrived at Greensill. Luca tried peering out of the carriage window for a better look at where they would be stopping for the next few days, but in the poor light couldn’t really see much beyond the escorting soldiers.

  “Don’t forget Samuel, we must call Luca, by his correct title when in the company of others,” Nerina said, speaking firmly to her brother.

  “And so must you!” She added pointing over to Edward. “And, under no circumstances must you use that potty mouth of yours.”

  Edward opened his mouth to speak but closed it again without saying anything, knowing it wasn't worth arguing about.

  As the carriage wobbled to a halt, it was Lord Romley who eventually opened the door for them to exit.

  “Your Majesty. Welcome to Greensill. You and your party will be stopping at the home of the mayor, who has kindly given over his entire house for your sole use.”

  Luca nodded, “You must thank him for his generosity, Lord Romley.”

  “I shall pass on your remark, Sire.”

  Luca thought it odd just how quickly he was able to revert back to the formality of royal life so easily. He supposed using all the correct titles and knowing when to speak and what to say was something he had been used to since birth. Edward, however, was likely to be a little less comfortable in having to behave in a manner to which he was not accustomed.

  Surrounded by at least a dozen guards, Luca, Edward, Nerina and Samuel were walked the short distance to the mayor’s home. A tall stone building in the centre of the town, surrounded by its own wall, giving it a good means of defence if needed. While he might not have been able to see much, Luca did spot a few things of interest. There were guards posted at the gates and doors to the home, as was to be expected. However, he also spotted campfires burning on the edge of the town, but in small clusters. He presumed this indicated the various groups that had travelled with the nobles from Brenthelin lands to meet him. Although Lord Romley had made it clear that only the nobleman in question would be allowed to attend the meeting, each and every one of them would have brought along their own small retinue to accompany them on their trip.

  The Mayor’s home was quite nice, albeit much smaller than most of the places Luca got to stay at. Lord Romley gave them a quick guided tour and showed them the rooms upstairs that had been prepared for their stay. Naturally, Luca had been given the largest and best of them, and a small bed had been placed along one wall of that room for Edward.

  “I’ll do you a swap,” Edward said under his breath as Lord Romley suggested they move onto the next part of their tour.

  Samuel and Nerina were given minor guest rooms, both small and somewhat dingy looking, and probably used by the Mayor’s own house staff. Lord Romley had appointed his own kitchen staff to replace those ordinarily employed by the mayor, but it would have to be up to Samuel and Nerina to cater for all the other needs. While Luca still wasn’t certain that either of them would be overly keen about being at his beck and call, neither appeared to show any signs they were regretting offering to do so. Moreover, things were not finished there. Not only would both Lord and Lady Oakley’s children be acting as his serving staff for the next couple of days, but they would also have to wear uniforms denoting them as such. Edward naturally found this funny, at least that was until he was told he would have to wear a proper soldier’s uniform and royal tabard. As to where Lord Romley had managed to get a full royal guard uniform from, Luca was unsure, but there it was right before them as Lord Romley explained things in a little more detail.

  Obviously tonight they would rest and get settled in. Tomorrow morning would see a handful of the more-senior nobles taking it in turns to visit the house to hopefully swear their allegiance to Luca. Unsure as to exactly how long this might take the main meeting was planned for the afternoon and was to take place in the town hall. A large communal building just across the street from the Mayor’s residence, it was being secured and prepared for purpose as they spoke.

  “And what happens after the nobles have sworn their fealty to me?” Luca asked just checking he was made aware of what the next stage involved.

  “We gather our forces and retake your capital, Sire,” Lord Romley explained.

  “We go to war?” Luca asked.

  “If that is what it takes, yes, Sire.”

  Luca left the questioning at that, and after they were shown the dining room and kitchen Lord Romley left them all to get settled in. The cooks were apparently already at work and would be serving dinner within the hour, where Samuel and Nerina could be expected to take up their roles as Luca’s personal staff. However, it was up to Luca as to whether he wanted them and Edward to join him for dinner this evening, so long as tomorrow, they took up the roles they were there for. Luca, wanting to show he had changed from the boy who had escaped from the palace, what now seemed so long ago, naturally wanted both Samuel and Nerina, to join him and Edward. However, in asking them to join, Luca was only really interested in one person’s reaction, that being Nerina’s. Thankfully, she accepted the offer with a heartwarming smile, which gave Luca a good warm feeling of his own.

  Dinner was actually a simple affair. Consisting of a thin watery soup for starters, a choice of fish or beef, both with a selection of vegetables for their main, and just a selection of small cakes for afters. While everything was quite simple, Luca enjoyed it all nonetheless, especially as he was eating it with those he considered his friends. A thought had already occurred to him, and one that actually made him quite sad. If and when he ever got back to the palace, did that mean he would spend such occasions as mealtimes, sitting and eating all alone as he had once done? In truth, that was a scenario Luca felt he didn’t want to go back to, now that he had gotten used to the company of friends, even though it was still a new concept for him. Nerina and Samuel would return to Scarwood, Theo and Clarissa would go back to the Casillian Isle, and Edward would no doubt want to return to his father, all of which would leave Luca on his own once more.

  “What’s up?” Nerina asked, somehow sensing his gloomy thoughts.

  Luca gave a wry smile and did contemplate telling her that he was fine, but decided to tell her the truth instead. Luca surprised himself at how open he was with his explanation, and his fear of returning to a life he now realised was just merely existing.

  “We will visit you…and you can visit us. I’m sure father wouldn’t mind?” Nerina said, somehow understanding and relating to how he was currently feeling.

  “I was kind of hoping to stick around… I mean I’d like to go and visit my father, but I was hoping that job cleaning the Royal Privvy had my name on it,” Edward added, trying to make light of the situation. Luca smiled, and although he was glad all the responses were positive ones, that still wasn't going to change what would happen when he took the throne. However, realising that his somewhat solemn mood was affecting the others, he decided to try and change the topic of discussion.

  After dinner, both Nerina and Samuel tried on their uniforms for size and seemed to find the entire thing a bit of a giggle. Edward actually looked really smart in his uniform, albeit a little young for a member of the Royal Guard, Luca thought the outfit actually suited him. However, as good a swordsman as Edward might have been, Luca already had other plans for the young man who had been at his side these past months. Only when he was king though could he reveal what they were, and until that time, he had to keep such ideas to himself.

  After wishing both Samuel and Nerina a good night, Luca and Edward ambled over to the other side of the house to the room set aside for their purpose. While probably still larger and more substantial to anything Edward had ever owned, the bed given to him was a mere fraction of the size compared to the one Luca had been given. Luca was surprised to see a small pile of fresh, clean and new clothes placed at the end of his bed, presumably a gift from Lord Romley. A new bright white silk shirt, and a pair of black trousers that had a slightly military lo
ok to them, having a red stripe running down the outside of each leg. There was also a royal blue tunic hanging on the outside of a large wardrobe, and even a set of new underclothes to go with it all.

  “Looks like I’m dressing up too?” Luca said with a smile.

  “Isn’t that what you always used to wear?” Edward asked.

  Luca nodded, “I guess so,” he replied.

  While the bed was large and clean, Luca found it uncomfortable, although he was unsure as to whether it was that or the fact he was nervous about the meetings. The outcome would depend on him portraying a certain level of decorum and maturity, something he had been able to forget and usher aside since living away from the palace. Was it wrong that he felt happier now, away from all the pomp and expectations? Yet, no matter what he thought, Luca already knew that many men had died on his behalf, and depending on how the meetings went tomorrow, many more might well be added to that number.

  Chapter 13.A shocking revelation.

  Luca stretched up his arms and yawned loudly. The sunlight was already shining through the large window in the bedroom, and he turned to see Edward was already up and about before him. Standing, still partially naked beside the washstand, Edward was making use of the facilities before changing into his military uniform. Knowing what lay ahead, Luca just let out a loud sigh, and although he knew that he also needed to start getting ready, he felt as if he just didn’t want to move. Lifting his head slightly off the pillow and letting out another loud sigh, Luca then just let himself drop back down upon it. Lifting his hands up over his face, Luca groaned unaware that Edward had made his way over towards him.

  “Everything will be okay, Luca…I mean Sire…Majesty or whatever is I’m supposed to be calling you today?”

  Luca removed his hands and turned his head slightly to see Edward standing beside his bed, and looking up at his friend he smiled.

  “Come on, it could be worse.”

  “How?” Luca replied.

  “Well, you could be Samuel and Nerina. I mean, they had to get up before us, and they will be expected to wait on you all day.”

  Luca chuckled, “Yes, I’m not sure I’d want to do that.”

  “So what am I supposed to call you today?” Edward asked turning around to allow Luca to get out of bed.

  Luca waited until Edward was back over by the washstand before eventually throwing back the covers, feeling the cool morning chill on his naked body. Without delay, he pulled on the new set of underclothes, before heading over Edward’s direction.

  “You nearly finished?”

  Edward turned, rubbing his face on one of the towels that had been left for their use, nodding as he dabbed his face dry.

  As Luca poured some clean water from the jug into the bowl, he glanced over his shoulder, “Oh, Sire, will be fine. Just don’t call me Luca when the nobles are there, or I’ll be expected to punish you!”

  Edward placed the towel down slowly, “Really? You mean, if I accidentally said your name you would actually go through with something like that?”

  Luca waited until he had rinsed the soapy lather off his hands and face before answering the question.

  “Of course not! I’m actually disappointed you think I’d even consider something like that,” Luca said.

  Edward grimaced a little, realising he had perhaps been a little rash in his questioning.

  “I know…sorry. You had me worried though.”

  “Luca dabbed his face dry with another towel, “That’s okay. Perhaps I made it sound like I would. What I meant to say, is that I would be expected to punish you for calling me by name. The nobles would see it as insubordination on your behalf and expect me to deal with it. Of course, I’d never do it.”

  Edward walked over and placed an arm on Luca’s shoulder, “I know, but I bet there was a time not so long ago when you would have done?”

  Luca thought about it for a few moments before giving his reply, “No…I don’t think I would. I know you and the others all thought I was some kind of a pompous brat, but I….I don’t know, was just scared I guess…and lonely.”

  Edward smiled, “Well, we all like you now... Even Nerina. Who, may I add seems to be paying you a lot of attention lately.”

  Luca blushed, “Yes, it worries me too. I don’t know why she has suddenly had a change of heart. Do you think she really likes me or is just playing some silly game?”

  Edward laughed, “I’ve no idea. Like I told you, women are extremely complicated creatures, and I for one, certainly don’t understand them.”

  Once Luca was fully dressed, Edward helped him with the top button on his shirt as it was a little difficult to fasten. Edward then took a few steps back to inspect him, “You look every part a young king,” he said with a smile.

  “Thank you. You look very smart too,” Luca replied.

  “Come on then. Let us see what your two personal servants have prepared for us…That’s a point when do I get my breakfast?” Edward asked, knowing he was not supposed to sit and eat with Luca.

  “I assume you should have got up a little earlier and had it with Samuel and Nerina in the kitchens…I don’t know to be honest. You know something? I’ve never actually thought about it before. When do the servants get time to themselves?”

  “You mean after you have them chasing after you all day?”

  “Yes, exactly. I must have been a real pain in the ass,” Luca said with a grin as they walked side by side across the landing towards the staircase.

  “Some would say you still are,” Edward replied, giving him a slight, playful nudge with his shoulder.

  Luca laughed and glanced over at Edward, “I do try not to be... I guess it just comes naturally.”

  Edward let out a laugh as the pair of them ambled down the stairs.

  “Why don’t you grab some breakfast while I have mine,” Luca suggested to Edward as they entered the dining room.

  “What if Lord Romley pops by and sees me eating. Besides, it wouldn’t be fair on Nerina and Samuel… I could grab something in the kitchens though if that’s okay?”

  Luca nodded, “Yes, sure. It could be a long day… I’ll see you in a bit.”

  As Luca watched Edward head off through the door into the kitchen, Samuel emerged from that very same room all dressed in his somewhat odd-looking livery.

  “Good Morning, Sire. If you would like to take a seat, your breakfast will be out shortly,” Samuel said in a voice that didn’t seem to be his usual, almost as if he was trying to speak each word to its full and leaving the slightest of pauses between each.

  Luca, although a little uncomfortable at how surreal this entire thing was, moved over towards the table and waited for Samuel to move the chair to enable him to sit down.

  “Thank you,” he said with a smile as if trying to let Samuel know he was grateful for everything he was doing.

  The doors to the kitchen opened again, and this time Nerina entered carrying a tray. Luca cast her a smile, but it seemed she was preoccupied to even notice as she somewhat precariously placed what she was holding down on to the table. Luca noticed her puff out her cheeks and waited patiently while she started placing things out on the table before him.

  “What would you like to eat, Sire?” She said revealing a small platter of sausages, bacon, mushrooms, eggs and another side plate with toast upon it.

  “Just a little of each please,” Luca said trying to keep a serious face, knowing Nerina would likely be offended if he did anything but.

  Although a little awkwardly, Nerina carefully placed him out two sausages, a couple of rashers of bacon, and egg and several mushrooms onto a plate, before placing two slices of toast onto a side plate for him.

  “Thank you,” he said with a smile.

  Knowing that both Samuel and Nerina wanted to take their roles seriously, Luca tried to play along with the pretence. As awkward and strange as it felt, he ate his breakfast in silence, just as he used to do in the palace. Was this really the life he wanted to return
to? If he were to be king, then he would effectively be all alone in the palace, now even more than before. At least when his mother and father were alive, there had been occasions where he was invited to join them, even if they had paid him little heed when he attended. Yet as much as that thought saddened him, Luca knew it was his future whether he liked it or not.

  Once breakfast was over, Luca waited for a few moments for Samuel to clear away the table, before leaving the dining room. He was surprised to see Edward standing guard at the doorway, fully dressed in his uniform and tabard and sword hanging from his waist.

  “Did you get some breakfast?” Luca asked.

  “Yes, Sire,” Edward replied, moving his eyes and head to one side trying to discreetly indicate to Luca that Lord Romley was standing over by the main entrance. At first, Luca was unsure as to what Edward was trying to do but gave a nod of his head when he spotted the man.

  “Ah, very good. I guess he’s waiting for me then?”

  “I think he just wants to check you are ready to receive the first guest, Sire.”

  “Well, I suppose this has got to be done sooner or later, so we may as well get it started. Come on, let’s go and see who is first,” Luca said, indicating for Edward to walk with him.

  Lord Romley turned to see Luca and Edward approaching from the dining room and immediately focused his attention on their direction, bowing his head just a little as they approached.

  “Sire, I hope you slept well.”

  “Yes, thank you,” Luca replied even though he hadn’t.

  “Whenever you are ready, Sire, I have Lord Fallon ready to come and see you.”

  Luca nodded his understanding, “Well, we best not keep him waiting. Perhaps give me ten minutes to get ready?”


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