Heir to the Throne

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Heir to the Throne Page 20

by Andrew G. Wood

  “Leave the wagons, all those on horseback head back to Endallen!”

  Although the thought of leaving most of the gold from the royal treasury hurt him, Lord Elthan did not dwell on it. Keeping his soldiers alive for the fight to come was more important, and once back on his own lands he would be the one with the advantage. Although outnumbered, significantly so, the fact he was on his own territory and knew the best places to defend and attack might just level the playing field a little. With the autumn harvests due very soon, not only would he have plenty of supplies to see him through the winter, but he doubted any of the other nobles would be willing to endure a lengthy campaign in those months. All being well, this would give him the time he needed to prepare for the inevitable invasion; or at least that was what he hoped would be the case.

  Lord Oakley, having dealt with the threat of cultists arriving on his own lands now looked on from his elevated position. Although having no intention of giving chase, at least not yet, he knew the time would come for justice to be dealt to Lord Elthan. His neighbouring noble, Lord Mangilly, trotted his own horse up alongside.

  “We should ensure that cargo is returned to its rightful place,” the man said just glancing over to Lord Oakley.

  “We will need to head that direction anyway. I’ll have a messenger make contact with Lord Dalby’s force to let them know our intentions.”

  Happy that the enemy was scurrying back to his own lands with his tail tucked firmly between his legs, Lord Oakley and Lord Mangilly ordered their force of nearly two hundred men to break camp. Having taken the brunt of this entire incident since the assassination of the king and queen, the fact that the end was now in sight filled Lord Oakley with a deep sense of satisfaction. Knowing that he would soon see his family again helped lift his spirits further and the fact his own agenda was on track.

  Lord Elthan pushed their horses as hard as he dared, all the time trying to minimise the risk of injury. Now was not a good time to fight, and living to do so another day was currently his top priority. Although few in number, he still had friends and allies, though who to trust was now a major concern. Difficult times were upon him and even more testing times were still yet ahead of him. The plans and future foreseen by Loretta had not exactly been as he had wished, although they had some element of truth about them. While his family had indeed controlled the throne, it was only for a brief period of time, but having failed to kill both the boy prince and the older of the two princesses, all their plans had soon faltered. It was now time for a new strategy, and so long as he could make it back to his home in Bargsea, there was yet still hope he could come through this thing unscathed.

  Chapter 22.Return to Miranor.

  Luca was somewhat surprised by how short a time it had taken between him leaving Greensill and being told that Lord Romley was already in approaching the city of Miranor. Imogen had sat him down and attempted to explain things as they should happen, and all being well, Luca and the others would soon be on the move again. Crowning him king was apparently of the utmost importance and was something that had to be done without any lengthy delay. As a result, preparations were already being put in place for the trip back to the capital, where Luca’s coronation would take place as soon as possible afterwards.

  While Luca was glad this entire thing was looking like coming to an end, and that it appeared Lord Elthan had not had the stomach for a fight, there was also a downside. Once all this was over, Theo and Clarissa would head back to the Casillian Isle, Edward would probably want to go and see his father and Samuel and Nerina would head all the way back to Scarwood. That, of course, would leave him all alone in the vast royal residence right back to how things used to be.

  On his return to Whitmore, Luca had managed to carry out the promise he had made to himself. Although he had found it a struggle, he had eventually asked Edward to remove the necklace from around his neck. If Lord Elthan’s sister was no longer a threat then surely it was no longer needed. Besides which, knowing that it contained some form of magic that somehow seemed to influence his dreams had started making him feel uncomfortable. Mainly down to the fact that each night since, Luca had dreamt about kissing Nerina, and while he couldn’t be sure it was his mind-controlling that dream, removing the necklace was the only way to find out for sure. The idea that Nerina was somehow messing with his thoughts while he slept was somewhat disturbing, even though all the dreams had thus far been pleasant ones.

  As they sat down for their evening meal, it was very apparent that Edward was glad to see Clarissa again, as Luca noticed how his entire demeanour changed when he was around her. The normal, sometimes brash and crude Edward was somehow replaced by a figure trying to impress. As to whether the effort was worth it, Luca had no idea but enjoyed watching the spectacle nonetheless. As for his own romantic endeavours, since removing the necklace the previous day, Nerina had not spoken to him. Not a single word had passed her lips, at least not his direction and Luca knew he had offended her in some way. However, being as that was all he ever seemed to do, he tried to push any further notion of him having deeper feelings for her from his mind. As a result, their once tight-knit little group seemed to have an unusual edge, an awkwardness that had not been there before, as if people were not being who they really were. Edward, for sure was trying to impress Clarissa. Luca was probably doing his best to shut Nerina out, and in return, Nerina was going out of her way to pretend Luca did not exist. As Luca glanced around the table once more, Lady Dalby and Lady Oakley chatted away as they always did, while Samuel and Theo did likewise. Luca then thought that perhaps going their separate ways might just be for the best.

  Feeling his appetite was somewhat lacking, Luca placed his knife and fork down on his plate to show he had finished eating, despite there still being half a plateful left.

  “Not hungry?” Edward asked glancing his direction, diverting his attention away from Clarissa for just a moment.

  “Not really. I don’t feel much like eating,” Luca replied leaning back in his chair and inadvertently casting his eyes over to where Nerina was sat. As if sensing there was some ill-feeling between Nerina and Luca, Edward actually showed him some concern.

  “Are you wanting to leave the table and go up to your room?”

  As much as Luca wanted too, he also knew that would mean Edward having to cut short his own meal, and while the gesture was appreciated, it was politely refused.

  “No, I’ll be fine,” Luca replied, staring down at his plate instead.

  As the serving staff took away the dinner plates, Luca cast his gaze over towards Lady Oakley. Knowing that she, like her daughter, had some sort of magical gift was somehow surreal. Of all the people in the world that Luca would have thought to be a witch, Lady Oakley would have been right down on the bottom of his list. Although all this magic scenario was still new and somewhat weird to him, Luca realised he had actually realised a vital lesson in life. People, no matter how ordinary they might look, were not always what or who they appeared to be.

  Luca trudged up the stairs alone although Edward promised he would be along shortly. Tomorrow would see them setting out for another trip, one that would likely take a couple of days, as Luca was to be moved yet again. Feeling as though he was just a pawn in somebody else's game, Luca started feeling all those old darker thoughts of doom and gloom return. The happier days and memories now seemed a distant memory, and within the week he would probably be all alone anyway.

  Edward, wished Theo and Clarissa a good night, before heading over to the suite he shared with Luca. Walking across the landing, he stopped when he heard someone crying from another room, and realised it was Nerina. Somewhat shocked, and even though he knew it was none of his business, Edward decided to listen in for just a moment.

  “He hates me!” He heard Nerina say, her voice breaking up from her sobbing.

  “He took the necklace off to spite me…I’ve tried mother…I really have..but he just doesn’t want to know me.”

e, there, My Dear. I’m sure he doesn’t hate you.”

  Edward stood in shock for a few moments, as he contemplated on what he had just heard. Was Nerina in love with Luca? Sure they were both so young, and while he was aware that Luca had some feeling for Nerina, it always seemed she was the one that blew hot and cold. Knowing this was something he might be able to help with, Edward suddenly stopped as he felt a strange feeling running through his body. He wasn’t certain what it was, but it felt as if there was suddenly a chill and he could feel the goosebumps on his arms. Feeling his body shiver, Edward thought it best to move on and started to walk away from the door. However, he suddenly realised that he had not extinguished the lamp at the top of the stairs as he had been asked to do, being as he was the last person upstairs. Hurrying back the way he had just been, he did just that, sending the area into a state of darkness that barely allowed him to see where he was going.

  The guard positioned at the top of the stairs was merely a dark figure almost hidden in the shadows, and as Edward passed him by, he wished him goodnight and almost surprised that he got a similar response in reply. Although he knew he shouldn't do, Edward couldn’t help but pause a few moments outside the room belonging to Nerina, almost expecting to hear more tears but was surprised to hear her laughing instead. Quite a sudden change of behaviour considering how upset she had sounded not a minute earlier. While he couldn’t make out what they were saying, he heard voices from within the room, but they stopped suddenly. Edward shivered again as he felt that same chill feeling almost overwhelm him and thought it best to move on quickly. Unsure as to what it was about the strange, almost bizarre sensation he had now felt twice, Edward hurried to the suite where he and Luca slept. The guard outside the door showed that Lord Romley may have been satisfied all the threats had been dealt with but was still taking no chances.

  Luca was still getting undressed as Edward walked in and plonked himself down on the bed. Across the room from Luca’s and a fraction of the size, it was still far more comfortable than the one he had back home. Kicking his boots off, he glanced over to see Luca clambering in under the covers.

  “Everything okay?” Edward asked knowing something seemed to be bothering the young royal.

  “Just the usual stuff,” Luca replied resting his head down on his pillow.

  “You mean Nerina?” Edward asked, getting back up to his feet and removing his tunic and shirt.

  “Among other things, yes, Nerina. I just don’t get her at all. Then again once I’m back in Miranor, I won’t see her, or any of you, so I suppose it doesn’t really matter!”

  Edward could almost feel the young lad’s pain. “I told you, I’d like to stick around…If you want me to that is.”

  In the flickering lamplight of their room, Edward thought he saw a glimmer of a smile on Luca's face.

  “Although I must admit, I’m not overly keen on the privy job you’ve set aside for me.”

  There was a short silence before Luca spoke again. Just as Edward was clambering into his own bed, he was asked a peculiar question.

  “What would you like to do, Edward? I mean, do you want to carry on being my guard? Or do you have ambitions for greater things in life.”

  Edward wasn't sure how to answer the question. The thought of being a Royal Guard would have been a post beyond anything he would ever have expected. To aspire to something more would surely be beyond him and those from his social background.

  “I’d be honoured to be a Royal Guard, I’m not sure I would ever get anything better,” he eventually said.

  “You shouldn’t sell yourself short you know. If I’ve learned anything from all this, it’s not to be so hasty in judging people.”

  Edward chuckled, “Well, I’m glad to have played some small part in your life, whatever the future holds. And, if you ever need a guard, I’d be honoured to accept.”

  Luca thought about the words for a while, “I could think of nobody I’d rather have beside me or anyone I would trust more. When I’m king, I’ll make you my personal guard or something…”

  “Can you do that?”

  “Don’t know. I’d be king so I can do whatever I want,” Luca replied, although still had another idea on how to repay Edward for his loyal service and friendship. Both of which he knew had been pivotal in him getting this far in one piece.

  Once the lamps were extinguished and the bedroom fell into darkness, Luca closed his eyes to sleep. The feeling of loneliness did not disappear in his dreams, nor did the happy feeling he had felt when he had worn the necklace. As much as he had wanted the thing off, in some way it had helped make him feel better about life in general. Yet, knowing that was somehow a sensation or feeling altered by magic, did make him feel he was better off without it. His dreams were no longer filled with wondrous moments, and Nerina did not appear for him to kiss as she had in previous nights.

  Lord Romley had waited until first light before eventually leading his troops into the city. The gates were open on all sides, and there was no sight of any of Lord Elthan’s soldiers. Quickly dispersing his men around the city to claim key buildings and facilities for the King, before looters had a chance to make their move, Lord Romley, then headed a smaller group towards the palace. Surprisingly this place looked almost deserted, aside from one or two staff that had remained, and had probably been in the service of the previous monarch. Although after questioning one or two about what had gone on, Lord Romley discovered some very interesting news. Not only had the young princess apparently fled the city before Lord Elthan had left, but the nobleman’s son had seen fit to return to the palace, and was residing there still.

  Moving with a little more haste, Lord Romley took only his most trusted men into the palace building with him. Having one of the staff show him where to go, he instantly headed up the main staircase towards the royal quarters. There were no guards on duty, and entry into the royal suite was as simple as opening the door. Frederick Elthan seemed somewhat shocked to see several armed men bursting into his room.

  “What is the meaning of this? Do you know who I am?” Frederick shouted in disgust.

  “I know exactly who you,“ Lord Romley replied. “Arrest him. Take him down to the dungeon and lock him up. See that he is well guarded!”

  Frederick shouted at the outrageous behaviour he was being subjected to.

  “I am married to the queen!”

  “No, you’re not. The king will be back soon, and I’m quite certain he doesn’t want you here!” Lord Romley replied waving his hand for his men to drag Frederick away if he wouldn’t cooperate by walking. Unsurprisingly Frederick kicked and screamed like a naughty child, although Lord Romley paid him little attention having more important things to deal with. To ensure the safety of the prince the palace needed to be searched from top to bottom, and secured with his most trusted guards. Knowing that the other nobles would soon be arriving with more soldiers within the next few hours, perhaps a day for some who had travelled further, Miranor would soon be overcrowded with soldiers. With the palace bereft of all but a few house staff, he also needed to find suitable, trustworthy people to fill the numerous vacancies left by Lord Elthan’s purge.

  After ordering the palace to be searched, Lord Romley watched on as the first of the other nobles started arriving. Lord Oakley of Scarwood and Lord Mangilly of the Eastern Range were first to make their way through the streets of the capital, although thankfully had seen sense to leave the bulk of their soldiers camped outside it. With a smaller retinue of perhaps thirty or so, probably made up of those that each of the nobles trusted most, Lord Romley thought it only proper to go down and greet them.

  Chapter 23.Reacquainted.

  Still, almost a full day’s ride away from the capital Miranor, Elliot, the son of Lord Fallon, rode at the head of his father’s forces. Word had taken a little longer to reach them than anticipated meaning they were somewhat late in starting their trip across Brenthellin lands. As a result, if there was to be any fighting Elliot Fallon
knew that his men would likely have missed it, although he had received word that none would be taking place, as it seemed Lord Elthan had fled rather than stand and fight. In the past few hours, they had crossed paths with a small group of travellers who had left the capital because they feared it was not safe to be there. While it meant stopping to talk, Elliot had quickly realised it was a good and valuable source of information and decided to stop any other travellers they happened to meet.

  Being a somewhat overcast and chilly morning, it seemed to Elliot that the change in season was imminent. The fields of Alborough would soon have to be harvested, cattle slaughtered, butchered and stored ready for the winter months. Now was not a particularly good time for a prolonged war and the fact that Lord Elthan had fled made sense to both Elliot and Regan Kormant, the Commander of his father’s forces, who rode beside him. Once the weather turned, any chance of a quick and decisive victory would have to be put on hold. Nobody would want to camp out in the freezing temperatures of winter, and if Lord Elthan could delay any reprisals for just a little longer, then he would have until spring to prepare.

  Elliot nodded his understanding as Regan explained his own theory of what was likely to happen. A young man, still somewhat affected by being jilted by Princess Elysia in favour of Frederick Elthan, Elliot was glad he had made the decision to travel. Moping around had done no good and only succeeded in sending him spiralling down into a pit of self-pity and gloom. While riding into battle had seemed quite exciting when the thought had first entered his mind, Elliot now realised that war was not something he actually wanted. It was true that if he ever met Lord Elthan or his son Frederick, then he would most likely feel the need to kill both, the idea of sending innocent men to die was not so appealing as he had first envisaged. Regan, a soldier of some experience, had painted a far different picture than the ones Elliot had visualised in his own mind.


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