Heir to the Throne

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Heir to the Throne Page 23

by Andrew G. Wood

  “Really?” Luca asked.

  “Yes. Apparently, the guards have been told not to allow anybody near you.”

  “Who told them that?” Luca asked as he lifted two rashers of bacon over to his plate.

  Edward shrugged, “No idea.”

  Edward looked around the room, “Do you not have people serving you?”

  Luca explained that was only usually the case at dinner, or when guests were present for more formal eating.

  “Breakfast is just help-yourself.”

  “And you managed to sit down by yourself as well,” Edward said in a mocking tone but gave him a grin as he spoke to let him know he was joking.

  “Yes. I even managed to get myself washed and dressed as well.”

  Edward laughed at the comment, although he was shocked when Luca informed him that he used to have people help him do that as well.

  “Really? You had people wash you and dress you?”

  “Of course!” Luca replied thinking it wasn’t as strange as Edward was making out.

  “Wow…you royals really are an odd lot,” he replied helping himself to some eggs and a couple of sausages.

  Luca was glad that Edward had joined him for breakfast, making the meal much more enjoyable than it would have otherwise been. However, he was also aware that the next few days were going to be somewhat hectic and traumatic, and he wanted Edward to be there with him. No sooner had they finished eating when the guard at the door announced Lord Dalby and Lord Romley were waiting to see him. Knowing he had no option but to let them in, Luca gave the guard his reply before checking with Edward that he was ready for what was about to come. Although uncertain as to what Luca meant, Edward just agreed.

  “Good morning, Sire,” Lord Dalby said first, a greeting that was quickly mirrored by Lord Romley.

  “Perhaps we should sit over here,” Luca said pointing to the lounge area of his room.

  Noticing Edward was there, it was Lord Romley who made a comment, “You still feel the need for a bodyguard, Sire?”

  Luca glanced over to Edward before turning to face Lord Romley. “I’d rather he was here. My first piece of business as it were is to make Edward my Royal Advisor. I’m not sure what’s needed to make it all official but can you arrange any papers.”

  It was evidently clear that Luca had surprised both nobles, but neither argued.

  “As you wish, Sire,” Lord Dalby eventually replied.

  There was an awkward silence before Lord Romley spoke again. “May I speak candidly, Sire?”

  Luca gestured with his hand for him to do so, although he already knew what the man was going to say.

  “I mean no offence to you or the young man in question, but are you certain you want to be seen taking advice from someone like Edward.”

  Luca took a sharp intake of breath trying his hardest to remain calm. “You mean a commoner?”

  Lord Romley gave a somewhat embarrassed nod of his head to say that was correct, and it was evidently clear to Luca that the man was uncomfortable talking about such a thing.

  Luca wasn’t sure why the notion popped into his head when it did, or even whether he was supposed to do such a thing. If the two men were shocked by Edward being named as his Royal Advisor, then Luca’s next proclamation was even more outrageous.

  “I believe that some of the southern nobles are to have their titles rescinded?”

  Lord Dalby confirmed that would probably be the case when the trials started.

  “Lord Merrington is held captive by Lord Oakley. I denounce his claim to his title and lands. Edward shall be elevated to take them in his place.”

  Both nobles had the faces of utter disbelief, and after glancing over to look at Edward, it seemed to Luca that he was also the same. Nobles were generally born into their status and when such an occasion arose of there being an opening, ordinarily when a noble family died out without heirs, it was always given to another who was of noble birth, usually the son or brother of another noble family or relation of the royal family. To give such a title to a mere commoner was unheard of, something that Lord Dalby quickly told Luca.

  Luca remained perfectly calm. Out of all the decisions he was likely to get wrong in the future, this was one he was certain was right.

  “Edward will be made a lord, and remain here as my Royal Advisor. As a person of noble ranking, there can be no argument to him assisting me…any problems?”

  “Sire…As your uncle, I must ask you to reconsider.”

  “As my mother’s brother, I’d have thought you would understand,” Luca replied. “Edward has been there for me, and it is only right he is rewarded. Making him a lord of Brenthellin is the very least I can do for him.”

  “Well, yes he must be rewarded, but I would have thought perhaps a little gold or maybe an officer rank in the guard would be more appropriate?”

  Luca sighed loudly before looking over to Edward, “Sorry for this. Please forgive me.”

  Before Edward had a chance to say anything in reply, Luca stood up and turned his back on the two nobles, gazing up at the picture of his grandfather on the wall instead.

  “Lord Dalby…What do you think of Edward…as a person!”

  Lord Dalby wasn't sure what to say but had to confess that everything about him was good.

  “You would say he is trustworthy, loyal, reliable, and if not for the fact he was born outside a noble family, probably somebody you would happily converse with?”

  “Of course…I actually think highly of the lad,” Lord Dalby replied.

  “Then I think you have answered your own question. Edward is to be a minor noble when the correct procedures have been followed, of course.”

  Luca actually found the meeting with Lord Dalby and Lord Romley much easier than he had expected. Whether he had shown them he was not going to be walked all over and told what he should or shouldn’t do, he couldn’t be certain, but the pair of them certainly listened to what he had to say after that. While Luca was grateful for everything they had done, he did explain that by having Edward advise him might be seen as a fairer option. Had he opted for one noble over another, then surely those not in the loop might feel somewhat excluded. Thankfully both lords couldn’t argue against this point, and both eventually admitted having somebody neutral to help advise the king was probably for the best.

  Apparently, preparations were well underway for Luca’s coronation which was to take place the day after tomorrow.

  “We are having a new crown made, Sire,” Lord Romley explained.

  “I’m afraid in the time we have, it won’t be anything special, but it will have to do.”

  Luca explained that wasn’t a problem and made a few requests of his own, the first of which was to invite a few of the lesser nobles that had helped in some way. Lord Felton of Sheperton was to be housed within the palace as was Lord Nighly’s family, and both afforded the same comforts as the main nobles.

  Lord Oakley was arranging Luca’s own royal guard, some of whom had served the previous king, and Luca had met back in Scarwood after they had escaped Lord Elthan’s purge and subsequent executions. For now, it seemed any fighting or pursuing of Lord Elthan was to be put on hold, and that crowning Luca was seen as the top priority; something which he had presumed would have been the case anyway. The fact that Frederick Elthan had for some bizarre reason stayed at the palace and was now residing in the dungeon could be dealt with later, although both nobles warned Luca that he would likely have to condemn the man to death, but as a noble, he would be expected to be given a fair hearing.

  Luca tended to listen to much of what was said, with each new subject, something else that he would have to deal with once he was king. The rebellious southern lords would all need dealing with, aside from Lord Merrington whose fate Luca had already decided. A plan of action against Lord Elthan needed to be put in place as soon as possible before the season changed and it became unfeasible to do so. A long-term solution to who would control Endallen lands if and when t
he Elthan family was brought to justice. All this as well as the everyday running of a country, much of which would be overseen by staff, although they also needed to be found first.

  Despite the fact Luca knew that there was so much to do, all of which would in some way involve him making decisions, he didn’t feel as bad about it all as he had thought he might do. Accepting that he might not make the right choices all the time was something he would have to get used to, and so long as he tried to get most of his decisions right then, that’s all he could do. Suddenly another knock came at the door, interrupting their meeting and a guard poked his head through the gap.

  “Excuse me, Lord Fallon is here. He says it is very important.”

  Both Lord Dalby and Lord Romley looked over to Luca, who in turn looked to Edward.

  “Let him in,” Luca eventually replied, getting to his feet in readiness to greet the man.

  The door opened fully, and Lord Fallon entered the room, quickly followed by another, much younger man, who Luca knew to be his son, Elliot. Luca did think it strange that the doors weren't closed after they’d entered but said nothing, instead opting to listen to Lord Fallon as he spoke.

  “Please accept our apologies, Sire. Elliot, my son, has some very important news.”

  Lord Fallon then stepped aside and signalled for his son to step forward. Elliot bowed his head Luca’s direction before speaking, but not before checking back to his father as if somewhat nervous about speaking.

  “Sire…On my travels to Miranor, we came across a small group of people heading away from the capital. Well, among them was your sister, Elysia.” Elliot said quickly, his words almost making no sense.

  Luca nodded his head slowly unsure as to how he should react. Yes, Elysia was family, and although they were not close, he should be seen as if glad she was well. On the other hand, Elysia was the one that had attempted to take the throne, albeit apparently unknowingly.

  “She is with you and your family?” Luca asked.

  “She is, Sire,” Elliot replied, unsure as to what was coming next.

  “Then, until we find out the truth, and if you agree, I would like her to remain in your custody. Lord Fallon, perhaps you and Elliot could question her to find out what went on, and report your findings back to me,” Luca said.

  “Lord Romley, perhaps you would let Imogen know that Elysia is safe and well, and being cared for by Lord Fallon’s family,” he added.

  Both lords agreed, and after thanking Elliot and Lord Fallon, he watched as the pair of them headed back out of the room, eventually closing the door behind them.

  After another hour of discussions with Lord Dalby and Lord Romley Luca finally bid them farewell. When they had gone, he slumped down on one of the chairs and sighed loudly.

  “Wow, I feel exhausted already,” he said glancing over to Edward.

  Edward seemed deep in thought as he walked over to sit beside him.

  “Luca. You don’t have to make me a lord, you know. I think Lord Dalby was a little shocked, almost disappointed in you when you announced that,” Edward told him.

  Luca just shrugged his shoulders, “Edward, I know I’ll get decisions wrong, but this is one I’m sure is right. Besides, I think you’ll make an excellent lord.”

  Edward gave a nervous laugh and explained that he didn’t think he would. “You were awesome before though when Lord Fallon came in. I think he and his son already respect you…Lord Romley too, I could see the way he looked at you change as you took control of the situation.”

  Luca was a little shocked and explained that he didn’t think he’d done anything special.

  “Oh, it was the way you said it. You sounded so…I don’t know… confident, as if you were demanding their respect.”

  Luca leaned back and stared up at the ceiling as he ran through his mind all the things they had spoken about. So much to do, and in truth, he hadn’t got a clue about any of it. Yet, he’d made a start, and was generally pleased with the choices he’d made so far. He chuckled to himself as a thought suddenly occurred to him.

  “When you are a lord…What is your family name anyway? You can’t be Lord Edward.”

  “Smyth,” Edward replied.

  “Well, Lord Smyth of Nackleton…or at least you will be when all the trials are over, I’ve just thought of something else.”

  “And what’s that?” Edward asked.

  “As a lord and member of the nobility, there might be a certain young lady that might now be within your grasp.”

  “Wow! I hadn’t thought of that…Ah! But I’m quite sure Lord Dalby doesn’t like me,” Edward replied, as his initial excitement quickly ceased.

  “You’re not dating Lord Dalby, it’s his daughter you want. Get her to like you and, well, you know anything might happen.”

  A big grin slowly appeared on Edward’s face as the thought of what might be occurred to him.

  To be continued….

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