Gryphon's Quest

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Gryphon's Quest Page 13

by Candace Sams

  "Please understand, Heather. It isn't her way to be uncaring. She has her reasons. It's those same reasons that I've come to discuss with you."

  "You mean, someone is actually going to tell me what's going on?"

  "Yes. I will. But this is mortally important. You must swear you will never tell another living soul what I'm about to tell you, Heather. It's a long story, and one which has been protected at all costs. I'm telling you now because you must understand why there can never be anything between you and my son."

  Heather's heart grew cold. "What makes you think there's anything between us but a mutual desire to see all of this over?"

  "I've seen the way you look at Gryph and heard the way he speaks of you. Men are slower at realizing these things than women. I know you're in love with him. I'm counting on your love for him to listen and do as I ask."

  "All right, I'm listening." Heather didn't bother to deny anything. She squared her shoulders and prepared to hear the woman out.

  "Almost thirty-three years ago, when I was carrying Gryph, I realized he would be the only child I would ever have. Like all parents, James and I wanted the best for him. For some parents that means the best education or opportunities. For us, it meant giving him what he would need to survive. You see, James, Gryph and I belong to an ancient Order of creatures who have banded together to insure each other's survival."

  "Creatures! What kind of creatures," Heather asked in trepidation. After the previous evening's occurrences, she wanted to be sure she understood the definition of the term.

  "To be specific in our case, Druids. Others are members of factions long thought extinct or mythological. Creatures of legend."

  "Legend?" Heather whispered, remembering Gryph had once used that word to define himself.

  "Yes. Some are Gnomes, Fairies, the list goes on—"

  Heather stood up abruptly. "I don't think I want to hear any more."

  "Please, you must listen. Gryphon's life depends upon your doing as I ask."

  Sitting back down, Heather looked at her in alarm. "What do you mean?"

  "Shayla is the supreme power among all of the factions of the Order. It's her job to uphold law and dispense punishment for breaking our rules. Chief among these rules is that no outsider must ever learn of our existence. Your world barely tolerates some of your own kind. Can you imagine what would happen to the Sprites in England or the Little People of Ireland were the world to know of them? They would be hunted down, feared and destroyed as they almost were centuries ago. And there are many others who hide with us."

  Heather shook her head in disbelief. She didn't want to know any of this, but couldn't turn away. Especially not after what she'd seen the night before. "Go on," she choked out.

  "The penalty for telling an outsider or in any way leading them to know of our existence is death for both the one who told and the outsider who finds out. If Shayla believes Gryph is too close to you, she'll never believe you don't know or won't find out about us. You and my son will be hunted by the creatures she sends. Gryph, although by accident, is the only one of his kind left. It was mine and my husband's tampering with unknown forces before his birth that made him what he is."

  "What is he?" Heather blurted.

  "First, let me tell you why he exists the way he is. As I said, it was our intent to give him the ability to protect himself, to survive should something happen to us. Before his birth, James and I found a very old tome in an abbey. It was accompanied by a crystal ball. Although we'll never be sure, we believe the spell we invoked with them originated in some ancient part of Asia. It seemed to be exactly what we'd been searching for. It would give our unborn son the ability to protect himself and others. But something went terribly wrong."

  Heather began to tremble. She could feel an iciness creep over her skin.

  "We performed a ceremony to endow our unborn baby with the powers written in the manuscript. During the ceremony, the crystal exploded, and the pages from which we read burst into flames. At the time, we thought it was part of the spell. But after Gryphon was born, we soon learned what we'd done. The spell self destructed, never to be used twice." Gwyneth bowed her head.

  "Tell me," Heather insisted when the older woman stopped.

  "Gryphon began to change uncontrollably. One day he would be a beautiful baby, lying in our arms. The next, he would turn into a creature many of our Order fear. We were unable to control when, where or how he would change. You can imagine how difficult life would be for him, and us, under the circumstances. We became desperate for a way to reverse the spell. So, we took Gryphon to Shayla. We believed that if anyone could help him she could. Her powers are legendary. However, the best she could do was to give Gryph the ability to control when he changes. Much the way the rune stones work, once a power of that kind is invoked, it can never be undone altogether. Not even by someone as powerful as Shayla Gallagher, Sorceress of the Ancients. There was a price for her help, though. We promised her that whenever she called him to help, whenever the Order was threatened by the outside world, Gryph would come forward and use his abilities as she commanded."

  "When he was old enough to understand, he reaffirmed the pact with Shayla himself, proving he understood what was expected of him in exchange for the ability to control his changing into the creature. That's when he received the marks of the ancient Celts he wears upon his body. It was a right of passage for him. Half of him, the Druid part, is as human as you. The other half is as otherworldly as many in the Order. So, you see, it's impossible for him to be with you. Even if he weren't a creature of myth, he belongs to the Order both as a Druid and a warrior. He may never stay or have a relationship with anyone outside our ways and laws."

  "You still haven't told me what he is," Heather said as tears formed in her eyes. She wasn't sure who she was sorrier for, herself or Gryph.

  "Tonight, Gryphon will change so that he can get to the museum undetected. He'll force the beast to fight for the last remaining stone. My son intends to let the beast think it can win the two stones we've recovered if it will fight him. The demon beast doesn't know of my son's ability to change into a creature of great strength and power. Gryph means to destroy the abuser of the Rune Stones of the Tuatha De Danann. He hopes to recover the one remaining stone." Gwyneth took Heather's hand in her own." When he leaves from this place tonight, I want you to be present to see what you've loved. I believe I owe you that for the help you've given and the risks you've taken. But, and I warn you, if Shayla finds out what I've told you, she'll send her minions for you and the rest of us as well. On Gryphon's life, Heather, you must swear that you will never tell anyone what you know."

  "How could I? Who would believe me any more than they would believe me about Niall?" she whispered as her tears fell.

  "Shayla won't take that into account. She'll never let you live if she finds out you know."

  "I understand. I swear, on my love for your son, I'll never tell another soul," Heather promised.

  "I believe you. My son would never care for someone who wasn't true to him." Gwyneth patted her shoulder consolingly.

  "May I be alone for a while," Heather asked quietly.

  "Of course, my dear. You have a lot to think about." Gwyneth nodded, feeling the younger woman's pain.

  The older woman rose and left with a grace defying her age. Heather fell on the bed. Crying wasn't something she normally did, and she abhorred women who easily succumbed to tears. But she believed it was all that was left to her. If Gryph had been in love with another woman, Heather would have left him to his happiness. The way it was, neither of them would ever know peace. She knew he cared for her. And his pain would hurt her far more than her own.


  Gwyneth and Heather agreed that she should be out of the house before the others returned. When darkness approached and Gryph's mother left to meet her husband and Shayla, Heather hid in the nearby woods. It was a place of safety from which Gwyneth had said she could see for herself the truth of
Gryph's circumstance.

  Heather had no idea what Gryph would think of her absence from the house, but suspected that his mother would make the excuse that she needed to get her away from Shayla. She settled herself as comfortably as possible behind an old log. Gwyneth had mended and cleaned her torn clothing, and the older woman had thoughtfully given her an old coat of Gryph's with which to keep warm. As darkness approached, she waited. She was as frightened as she had been the night before when Niall had attacked, although for different reasons. What would she see? Whatever it was, it couldn't be as repulsive as Niall.

  The balcony door to the house opened, and Heather knew she wouldn't have much longer to wait. Four figures emerged from the house. Three of them were clothed in traditional, white Druid robes. The fourth, a tall, muscular man was shirtless. Gryphon! He wore leather pants and boots and carried himself with the pride of a warrior ready to do battle. His dark hair drifted about his shoulders in the evening breeze, and the setting sun gilded his tanned, honed physique. Heather held her breath at the sight of him. He was truly magnificent. Her heart began to beat wildly at the thought of witnessing something ordinary people had never been allowed to view. According to Gwyneth, those who had even dared were dead.

  As the three white-clad figures backed away, Gryph took off his clothing and placed it into what looked like a leather bag. He placed the bag around his neck and dropped down to one knee. Heather leaned forward as much as she dared. Gryph's body was surrounded by a strange rippling, much like what happens on the surface of a pond when a stone is tossed and breaks the surface. Within moments, the rippling effect expanded, and the shape within grew. Heather gasped at the size of the thing developing. It was about ten feet tall with wings spanning twice that distance. As the rippling stopped, she watched in awe. Of course...his name was Gryphon! That's what he was. A creature of inexact mythological origin, the gryphon was a beast which appeared to be half bird, half lion. The head was thickly feathered, and there was a beak where his mouth would normally be found. Except for his upright, feline-like ears, Gryph's head and upper torso looked exactly like an eagle's. His two front legs ended in clawlike feet, also like that bird of prey. His wings glittered, blue green, in the sunset. The rest of the hind part of the body was decidedly leonine. A long, forked tail whipped to and fro as if the beast was anxious to be about its business. Gryph's entire body, except for the shimmering, strong wings, was black as death. Even from a distance, the coal-like eyes looked as though they could pierce marble with their stare. Muscle rippled as he moved.

  If Gwyneth's intent had been to repulse Heather away, the effect had been exactly opposite. She had never seen anything in her life so wondrously beautiful. Gryphon stood with all four of his legs squarely beneath him and faced the setting sun. He had the most noble bearing. He reared back, the same way a spirited horse would, his front legs pawing the air and his wings gently beating. Soon, he was airborne. Heather knew he was heading to the museum, hoping to find Niall nearby. Under the cloak of darkness, no one would be able to see him soaring through the skies. He looked powerful enough to cross great distances with ease and grace. She remembered he'd said he was in the country illegally. Had he been able to fly the distance of an ocean just so there would be no record of his having been in the States? Heather believed it was entirely possible, but then, she was beginning to believe anything was possible.

  Of course, his parents and Shayla would need to hide what he was to protect him. In doing so, she knew he'd been lonely all his life. Her heart went out to him, the man and the beast. He was the only one of his kind, his mother had said. What a tragedy that such things were gone in the world, that there were still ethereal beings who couldn't spread magic and whimsy into anyone's life because they'd be hunted and harassed into extinction if humans knew of them. Heather began to uncontrollably sob. She cried for the loss of these beautiful things to mankind and for the fear in which they lived. She cried because no one would ever let her be a part of it, and she would lose Gryph forever.

  If he survived the night and found the last stone, Heather knew she'd never be allowed to see him again. He'd once said that her life would get back to normal when the stones were recovered and he was able to leave. Nothing, not the smallest thing, would ever be normal for her again. How could it be?

  Her heart would fly with him when he went.


  Gryphon flew across the city, keeping himself low to the earth, but not low enough to be detected by humans. Such was his speed that before a person could look up he would already have flown by. Still, being so near cities made him nervous. The sooner this quest could be accomplished, the better. He could see the dome of the museum in the distance. The adjoining park would be a fitting place for a battle. Earlier in the day, Gryph had scouted it and settled on a large clearing in the woods. It was far enough from human contact during the night, but close enough to the museum to lure the demon to him. He felt sure that it would respond to his wager...all three stones and the powers they held in exchange for a duel to the death.

  Gryphon landed in the woods near the museum and changed back into human form. He was near the parking lot where he'd first seen Heather and the man he must now battle. Heather. Brave, beautiful and intelligent, she meant more to him than he wanted to admit. He shook his head to clear his mind for what he must do. He had no time to think of what could never be. He strode to the employee entrance where the

  beast had attacked him in the stairwell. He remembered, there were no cameras in that area for the security people to view him. An unlocked door gave him access. Clumsy of some security guard, especially with the criminal activity that had been taking place. Or perhaps the door and all those following were open for a reason. Climbing to the floor where the Celtic antiquities were stored, Gryphon carefully entered the hallway and made his way to the large room where McPherson's shipments had been placed. The crate with the false bottom in it was still where Heather had initially found it. Gryph knelt to see if the last stone might be there.


  The sound of the voice came from behind him. Gryph smiled to himself, rose, then turned around. The bait, as he defined himself, had been discovered. "Surprised to see me alive, you whoreson?" he sarcastically asked.

  Niall looked at him in amazement. Sneaking into the museum earlier by distracting the guards with a false alarm, Niall had been hoping Heather would return. He hadn't planned for an appearance by a man he thought was dead. "I don't know how you survived, or who you are. But you won't live to see another day." Niall started to drop to one knee, the position from which to invoke the change.

  Gryphon held up a hand. "Before you do that, you'd better listen to what I have to say. Otherwise, you'll never see the other two stones, and that's what you want, isn't it?"

  "What do you know about them?" Niall muttered as he slowly straightened.

  "I know what they are and what they can do. If you want them back, come take them from me."

  Niall looked at Gryphon for a moment before he spoke. "If you know what they are, you wouldn't be stupid enough to bring them with you."

  "Like you say, you don't know me. I may be the most foolish man you've ever met. But what you think of me isn't important. I do have the stones and did come to make a bargain."

  Niall laughed. "What kind of bargain do you possibly think you can make with me? I'm a god now. I don't need to make a deal with anyone."

  Gryph smiled slyly. It was as he thought. The man's self-absorbed personality had been amplified through his use of the powers. He thought of himself as invulnerable, omnipotent. "I want the powers you now possess. All I need is the last stone to enact the shape shift capabilities. You want the other two stones to keep anyone from doing so."

  "So, what's your bargain, fool?" Niall sneered at the bigger man and looked him up and down in contempt.

  "A fight. If you want the stones, come take them from me. Winner takes all."

  Niall burst out laughing. "Do you actually
believe you could stand against me?"

  "I have the other two stones. I want the third badly enough to risk anything, even death. So, bastard, what's your answer?" Gryph stared at the man. His gaze never left Niall's eyes.

  "How do I know you really have possession of the other two stones, that you aren't lying?" Niall leaned back against one of the crates and crossed his arms.

  "You'll never know unless you agree to my bargain. Fight, or you'll never see the other two stones."

  "What's to keep me from tearing your head off and taking the damned things from you right now?" Niall shook his head in amazement.

  "You correctly surmised that I'm not stupid enough to actually have them on me. You'll have to follow me to get them. The question is, do you have the courage to bring the other stone and face me? Or can you only battle old men and women?" Gryph goaded, then slowly approached Niall until he was within a foot of him. Gryphon glared at him as his fists clenched.

  "Whether you have them or not, killing you will be a pleasure. There's just one thing I'll add to the bet." Niall leaned forward, placed his hands on a box and smirked at Gryph. "Tell me where Heather is."

  Gryph's blood turned to Nordic ice. Something of his feelings must have shown in his expression. Niall began to laugh.

  "I see. You've had apiece of what she wouldn't give me." He laughed louder and put his hands on his hips. "Well, it doesn't matter. After I rip you open, I'll find that little bitch and give her something she won't ever forget." He sickeningly cupped his crotch.

  Gryph hadn't wanted to come to New York to take anyone's life. Despite his anger over his own form, all creatures were sacred to him and had their purpose. But Niall Alexander had corrupted the intent of an ancient power for his own ends. Destroying him was a necessary task that had to be performed in order to save lives. And now, by threatening Heather, the man had just made Gryph's job much easier. There would never be any guilt over what had to happen.


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