Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series)

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Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series) Page 18

by Sable Hunter

  Lance held his tongue. “I think you’ll be comfortable in here.”

  She followed in his footsteps, spying the bathroom in the hall. “Are you sure you want me here? Having a woman move in will disrupt your routine.”

  “Rest assured, Tricia-mine, I want you here.” He placed the bag on the bed and opened it for her. “Make use of the dresser and I think there are plenty of clothes hangers in the closet, if not I’ll bring you some of mine.”

  “I’m sure everything is fine.” His presence in the room made everything seem close quarters.

  “Tomorrow, if you like, I’ll have all your plants from the apartment moved over and anything else that you can think of, furniture or what not. Even your pottery wheel, if you’d like.”

  “No, it’s too unwieldy. Oh, I can take care of the plants while I’m at the shop, during the day.”

  “No.” Lance shook his head as he adjusted one of the curtains that was hanging a bit crooked. “I don’t want you using the stairs again.”

  Tricia didn’t know if she felt cared for or bossed around. “All right. Thank you. There are an awful lot of plants. Won’t they be in your way?”

  “No,” he assured her. “I love living things around a house. I just never brought any here, because the place isn’t really…mine.”

  Immediately her thoughts went back to Shenandoah and she knew his did too. “I’m so sorry for what my family did to you. If I could make it right, I would.” She had no clue about her grandmother’s business dealings, she wished they had the kind of a relationship where she felt free to ask - but she didn’t. There just hadn’t been enough time to forge such a bond.

  “None of this was your fault, Tricia. I know that now.” Lance could see clearly for the first time in ages. He’d let hatred consume him to the point where his days were merely fodder for the fire that had burned in his gut. No more. He lifted his head. “I think I smell the sandwiches. Come on. Let’s hurry, I don’t want them to burn!” He caught her hand and tugged her forward and she went with him, a laugh upon her lips.

  The meal they shared was warm and filling. Tricia marveled at the difference a day could make. Here she was, in the home of the father of her child. The circumstances might not be what she would’ve wished, but she had someone to lean on when necessary.

  “In the morning, I’ll take you to work. I don’t have anything pressing. Me or someone I trust, will be there to pick you up at closing. Will five-thirty work?”

  “Yes, it will. If there are times when no one is available, Freddy will ferry me around,” Tricia offered as she drained a glass of milk.

  Lance was mesmerized by the hint of white left upon her lips. “I don’t want Freddy ferrying you about. He has designs on you, Miss Yeager.” Clasping his hand at her nape, he held her still while he kissed away the drops of milk from her mouth. “Sorry, couldn’t resist.”

  Tricia unconsciously leaned forward, following him when his mouth slid from hers. She could scarcely think. “Not fair,” was her girlish retort.

  “What isn’t fair? My defining Freddy’s motives or the too-quick kiss?” He tried to look nonchalant waiting for her answer, when he was anything but.


  Lance couldn’t hide his smile. “I’m right about Freddy. What red-blooded man could be around you and not want you?” He popped the last bite of cheese toast in his mouth and chewed it lustily. After he’d swallowed, he gave her a conspiratorial wink. “And as for the kisses, there are more of those waiting for you, anytime you wish.”

  “If wishes were horses, we’d all have a ride,” she quipped, rising quickly to put their dishes in the sink.

  “I’ll wash those in the morning.”

  “It won’t take but a moment.” She needed to do something, anything to keep her mind off his glorious mouth and the kisses he kept claiming without her consent – or apparent objection.

  “How do you feel?”

  “I’m fine.” She did the rinsing and loading, quickly and efficiently.

  “Are you sure? You’re shaking. Have you taken your medicine?”

  “Yes, this morning.” She wiped her hands on a towel. “Look, let’s get something straight.” She rounded on him. “You just happened to have witnessed two of my seizures, but I don’t have them every day. I don’t want you staring at me like I’m some time-bomb about to go off.” She didn’t know what was worse, someone who watched her like a hawk or someone who avoided her. “I want to be more to someone than a…disability.” With that proclamation, she hurried from the living room, leaving Lance to watch her go.

  He heard the bedroom close, then open. Next, the bathroom door shut loudly. “Okay, I’ll give her a minute.” While the bath water ran, he paced outside the door, imagining her beautiful body easing down into clouds of fragrant bubbles. Her beautiful nipples would be playing peek-a-boo in the suds. His cock rose hard and strong at the vision in his mind. When he heard a splash, he couldn’t help but cry out. “Are you all right?”

  Tricia sank back against the side of the tub. “I’m fine. Go away, Lance!”

  He walked away, but not very far.

  Tricia rubbed her hands over her body, willing it not to feel desire for the man whose actions kept her head spinning. He ran hot. He ran cold. How could she not question the possibility that he could, yet again, seek to punish her for the sins of those whose blood ran through her veins?

  Outside, Lance leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. He wished he could open the door and sit next to her, he was scared to death that she’d have a spell in the tub and slip beneath the waters. “Fuck,” he fussed at himself. He couldn’t watch her every minute, no matter how much he wanted to. Hopefully, the water wasn’t deep enough for her to drown in. Damn, he needed to get his act together or she’d leave and go back home, trying to escape his smothering.

  To his relief, he heard the plug being pulled and the sound of the water draining from the tub. He could just imagine her stepping onto the rug, drops of water glistening on her creamy skin. He basked in this reverie until he heard the knob being turned.

  Tricia stepped from the bathroom in a cloud of fog. Glancing to her left, she saw the light was still on in the living room. Perhaps Lance was watching television. Wheeling to her right, she gasped as she collided with his hard-male form. “What are you doing?”

  “Watching over you.”

  His simple explanation touched her heart like nothing ever had. He was standing guard over her like a knight of old. She’d once teased him about being Sir Lancelot, maybe this chivalrous act wasn’t so bad. “Thank you for taking care of me, Lance.” She went up on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “I think I’ll lie down, now.”

  Probably not the wisest move, but he followed her. “Let me make sure you have everything you need. I think this is a cold spot in the house, so I’ll get an extra blanket.” He opened the closet and rummaged around until he brought out a quilt that looked to be handmade. Holding it up, he flipped it over the bedspread. “My mother made this.” He straightened the corners, then turned on a bedside lamp.

  “It’s beautiful.” She admired the old-fashioned wedding ring pattern, before dimming the overhead light. How different were these circumstances than those of the night their child had been conceived? Shyly, Tricia slipped off the robe she was wearing, revealing a modest cotton gown.

  Lance stood by the bed like a sentry, waiting for her to crawl beneath the covers. He jammed his hands in his pockets to keep from reaching for her. How in the hell was he supposed to sleep with her just down the hall? He didn’t question the wisdom of bringing her here, for his sanity’s sake, he had to have her close. What he did question was his ability to give her the space she requested. “If you need anything, anything, just say my name, I’ll hear you.”

  “Okay, I will.” Tricia slipped down in the bed, pulling the sheet up over her. She thought Lance would leave, but he lingered. Once she was lying flat on her back, he began to tuck her in like a ch
ild. “This isn’t necessary, you know.”

  Lance cleared his throat, patting the blanket resting over her middle. “Hell, yes, it’s necessary.” She’d never know what the sight of her did to him, lying there all soft and sweet – so damn near, yet so far. Bracing a hand on the far side of her pillow, he lowered himself slowly. “I am in great need of a goodnight kiss.” His voice barely rose above a whisper.

  Tricia wanted to cry for them both. How different this all should’ve been. “I think I have one to spare, but just one,” she cautioned him.

  “Well, I’d better make it count then.”

  Tangling his fingers in her long, blonde hair, he held her head steady as he kissed her so tenderly that her knees would’ve buckled had she been standing on her feet. His lips moved over her mouth, his tongue caressing hers in a kiss as passionate as any they’d ever shared. When that kiss was over, he didn’t lift his lips from hers, he took a slight breath and went back in for more. Each successive kiss became more and more hungry. His big hand left her neck and moved to the top of the covers, working them down.

  Ripping her mouth from his, she placed a hand on his chest and pushed. “Lance, don’t.” Give the man an inch and he took a mile.

  He was panting for air, staring deep into her eyes. “Don’t what? Tell you I’ve missed you? Tell you I want you so much I ache? Tell you I want to lose myself in the softness and heat of your body?”

  “No, don’t tell me those things, not now.”

  “Too soon?” He tugged on the covers again and she snatched them back. “No, it’s not what you think, I promise.”

  She gradually loosened her grip and he pulled the sheet down. Tricia quivered beneath his consuming stare and she held her breath as he lowered his head…only to place a chaste kiss beneath her heart, right over the spot where their baby lay.

  “Goodnight, darling, sleep well.” He pulled the covers back up under her chin. “And when you pray, ask God to help you forgive me. Okay?”

  “I told you already that I forgave you.”

  “Yea, you did. But until you can put what I did behind you, this barrier will always be between us.”

  “How about you, Lance? Can you put what my grandparents did behind you?”

  “I think so, yes.” He gave her a slow wink. “Dream about me.”

  Walking away from her was one of the hardest things Lance had ever done, but a few minutes later, when he was lying in his own bed, a sense of peace came over him.

  Lance slept better than he had in years.


  Over the next week, Tricia could find no fault with Lance. He treated her like she was his most precious possession, making her feel welcome, and taking care of her every need. As promised, he moved her plants and she grew amused watching him find places for all of them in his cabin and on the front porch. “You know, the night we spent together, I looked for snakes in that jungle you called your apartment.”

  “Snakes?” Sitting in the porch swing, she shuddered, then giggled. “The jungle is here now, Tarzan. So, watch your step.”

  “I don’t mind being Tarzan, if you’ll be my Jane.” He sat down beside her, looped an arm around her neck and drew her near for a nuzzle.

  She didn’t struggle to be released, but she didn’t turn to kiss him. If Tricia wasn’t mistaken, Lance was courting her. “We need to keep this platonic, don’t you think?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” He let her go, but he didn’t appear to regret a thing. “While I was waiting for you to get off work today, I ordered a pizza. The delivery guy should be here any minute.”

  “Yum!” Tricia rubbed her tummy. “Did you get one with vegetables?”

  “Half meat-lover for me and half with everything, just like you like.” Lance informed her as he took her inside and directed Tricia to a chair. “Sit down and I’ll give you a foot rub. We don’t want your ankles to swell.”

  She didn’t argue with him. He was being so sweet…and she enjoyed his foot rubs, even when his hands strayed a little higher than her feet. “You don’t have to do this, you know. You’re doing too much, being late for work and taking off early just to accommodate my schedule.”

  “I have three months of vacation saved from years past. I explained the situation to Jacob and he told me to take care of you.” He slipped off her shoes and began to massage the arch of her right foot.

  Tricia relaxed and gave herself over to his talented hands. “That sounds like Jacob, he’s very big on anything to do with family.”

  “He isn’t the only one who can be big on family. I want to be a father to my child, Tricia.” He continued to work the tiredness from her muscles.

  “I know and you will,” she spoke softly. “We’ll work out an agreement that’s fair to both of us.”

  “Will it be fair to our baby?”

  Tricia didn’t want to argue with Lance. He’d been her greatest joy, but also her greatest sorrow. “If we were together just for the baby, that wouldn’t be good for him or her either.”

  “It wouldn’t be just for the baby, not on my part.”

  Lance let his fingers slip from her foot, to her ankle, working his way up her calf. Tricia wanted to groan with how good it felt. “You’re not playing fair.”

  “No, I’m using every advantage I have.” Desire darkened his eyes. “Make love with me, Tricia. Tonight.”

  Tricia’s heart hammered against her rib cage. His hands on her body were heaven. She wanted him, there was no question of that, but if she had sex with him now, she was giving him full power to hurt her again. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  She started to get up, attempting to pull her feet from his hands. “Don’t move. I’m not going to get angry because you said no, but I want you to know that I lie awake at night and ache for you. I lay there, straining to hear any noise coming from your room. Just hearing you move about gives me comfort.” He caressed her feet gently. “Once wasn’t enough, Tricia. I need you again and again.”

  The doorbell rang, breaking the sensual spell he was weaving around her.

  “Pizza’s here.”

  “You’re saved by the bell, for now.” Lance bent to kiss the top of her foot. “But be warned, I will keep asking.”

  As he answered the door, Tricia went to the kitchen to gather plates, forks, and drinks. Before she returned to the den, she splashed cold water on her face to cool her down.

  Lance wasn’t the only one who laid in the bed and ached.

  * * *


  “Avery!” Tricia greeted her partner with glee. “Let me hold him!” She rushed to take David from her arms, sitting down quickly with the baby – just in case. “I didn’t know you were stopping by.”

  “Yes, I had to get out of the house. Isaac is driving me crazy. He’s taking this daddy stuff very seriously.” She pulled her hair on top her head to cool her neck, ringlets bobbing every which way. “He’s got us on a regime!”

  Tricia laughed while she counted baby toes. “What kind of regime?”

  “Well, he has a baby book.”

  “Oh, no.” Tricia laughed some more, partially at Avery and some at David for blowing bubbles at her. “He’s one of those?”

  “This is a motorcycle, riding cowboy. A leather wearing bad boy. He’s turned all that Dom energy into making sure I eat and sleep. He has David on a schedule and lists everywhere. If he doesn’t calm down, I’m going to take him down in the dungeon and tie him to the spanking bench!”

  “I bet he’d love that.”

  Avery laughed. “Yea, he probably would.” She exhaled. “So, how are you feeling?”

  “Good,” Tricia said slowly. It had been a while since they talked.

  “Is there something you want to tell me?” Avery said, giving her a pointed look.

  Tricia winced. “You already know, don’t you?”

  Avery nodded. “Yea, you Moved In With Him!” she said the words in a chastising tone.

  “A lot has happened, Avery.�

  “No kidding. You’re pregnant and you MOVED IN WITH HIM!” Avery stood to hug her. “Are you okay?”

  She accepted the hug. Avery’s joy and kindness struck a chord in Tricia and the tears began to flow. “I’m happy. I’m scared, but I’m happy.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, don’t cry.” When Tricia began to weep, David joined in to help her.

  “Oh, my goodness! I didn’t mean to start something.” Tricia pulled herself together. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Avery grinned, picking up her baby. “Isaac tells me that babies cry for many reasons. Like a barking dog, they can be trying to communicate anything from happiness to hunger.”

  “Isaac sounds like he’s on the ball.” Tricia wiped her eyes. “How did you find out I moved it with him? Did Lance tell you?”

  Avery shook her head. “No, Isaac did. Nothing goes on at Tebow that doesn’t become public knowledge. Men gossip as bad as women.” She gave David a pacifier and laid him back down in his carrier. “I feel like everything has spun out of control for you. From the epilepsy, to Lance’s reaction to your grandmother, to discovering you’re pregnant. Is there anything I can do to help? I can’t come back to work for a few weeks.”

  “No, we’re doing fine. Bryn is doing great and Kristen is here after school. I haven’t had a seizure in several days.” She patted her abdomen. “I’ve been having a little morning sickness, but that’s normal.”

  “I’m glad Bryn is working out.”

  “She’s great and Kristen had a date with Nathan, did you know about that?”

  Avery grinned. “I live in the same house with him part of the time, so yes! They had a blast, he came home on cloud nine. We’re relieved, you know. Ever since he spent that summer in England, he’s been having this on-again/off-again long distance relationship with a girl from London, a member of the royal family! Libby was scared to death that it would continue and he’d move to England someday.”

  “Goodness,” Tricia mused. “I’ve had two dates in my life and he’s dated royalty.”


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