Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series)

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Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series) Page 24

by Sable Hunter

  “Sure thing, baby,” Tricia answered, spotting Kristen and Nathan approaching. “You two look happy about something, what’s up?”

  “Nathan asked me to the prom!” Kristen hugged Nathan, then ran to hug Tricia. “We’ve been nominated in the King and Queen contest!”

  “Wow, congratulations! We’ll make you a beautiful corsage!” Tricia beamed. “I didn’t go to my prom, so I’ll just enjoy yours with you.”

  “You didn’t go to your prom?” Nathan looked concerned.

  “No.” Tricia waved her hand dismissively. “I didn’t get asked, it doesn’t matter now.”

  “I would’ve asked you, Miss Tricia,” Nathan assured with full confidence.

  Tricia’s heart swelled. “Thank you, Nathan.” She winked at Kristen. “You’re a lucky girl.”

  Kristen blushed. “I know.”

  One after the other, Tricia welcomed their family and friends. Some brought gifts and Avery collected them all for Tricia and Lance to open later. When time came for the rehearsal itself, Tricia sat it out, watching from the sidelines. As tradition dictated, someone else took her place as the bride. Isaac, who was giving the bride away, escorted Presley Saucier down the aisle.

  “Presley! Look at that line-up closely, you’ll probably be representing some of them in court soon!” Aron called out as Presley stood with his brothers and Lance. When Tricia looked at him quizzically, he chuckled and whispered, “She’s taking over as our lead council, Zane just accepted an appointment as the district judge of Kerr County.”

  “How wonderful, Zane will make a fine judge,” Tricia said, knowing how invaluable the couple had been to the family. “I’m sure Presley will do a great job for you.”

  “Oh, sure, she’s been a powerhouse this entire time. We’re in good hands.” Aron patted the seat next to him for Libby to come sit, when Desiree Holt Barron took the stage to sing Keeper of the Stars. As she performed, Lance held Tricia’s gaze, mouthing the words I love you when the last note sounded.

  The rehearsal went well, Pastor Sinclair just wanted to make sure everyone knew their place and when to enter. Tricia and Lance had written their own vows, so they just skipped over that part until the actual ceremony. Cady made sure the little ones had their roles down, with Angel sprinkling rose petals and B.T. carrying a velvet pillow for the rings. Once they were down the aisle, she came to sit with Tricia.

  “Angel asked me if she could throw jelly beans instead of rose petals.”

  “I’m sure the ants would love that.” Tricia giggled, her eyes on Lance as he rehearsed lighting the unity candle with Presley.

  “She also asked me if she could play with Serenity when she gets big enough.”

  “Who?” Tricia glanced at Cady questioningly, only to find her smiling mysteriously. “I don’t know of a child in the family named Serenity.”

  “Well…she hasn’t been born yet.” At Tricia’s wide-eyed stare, Cady laughed. “I told you there’d be a calm after the storm. A serene, blissful calm.”

  Tricia was still in shock, thinking about her future baby girl, when Jessie tapped her on the shoulder. “Your grandmother’s here, Tricia.”

  “Oh, great!” She rose and met Lance’s eyes as the rehearsal wound down. “I’ll be back,” she told him. “Save me a seat at the table.”

  Tricia found Marcelle standing aloof of the crowd, hands folded in front of her, as if she doubted her welcome. “Grandmother! I’m so glad you could come. You’re just in time to eat!”

  “I almost didn’t make it, but I found my second wind this afternoon and pulled myself together. Here.” She handed Tricia a package. “There is something in there for both you and Lance. I wish you years of happiness.”

  “Thank you, Grandmother!” Tricia held the flat packet to her chest as she hugged Marcelle Lambert. “Whatever it is, I’m sure we’ll love it.”

  She escorted the frail woman to a seat next to Aron’s Uncle Christian and his new wife, Olivia. “I’ll fix you a plate, you rest here.” Tricia took a moment to speak to the other guests. She’d only met the elder McCoys a couple of times.

  From across the room, Lance zeroed in on Marcelle Lambert. He wasn’t happy about her presence, but he could deal with it for Tricia.

  “Hey, Lance, where are you taking Tricia on your honeymoon?”

  Lance held out his hand to Kane Saucier. “I’m glad you could make it, Sheriff. Actually, I rented a houseboat on Lake Travis for a week. We plan on drifting with the breeze and catching some rays.”

  “Sounds heavenly. I wanted to tell you that I heard about Tricia’s problem at the Grillhouse and I wanted you to know I had a meeting with my deputies and we’re going to do a better job of looking out for her. If you’ll let everyone know at her work and all the places she frequents that they can call on us if she needs anything.”

  Lance was touched. “Thanks. I want to always be there when she needs me, but knowing she can call on you is a relief. With seizures like Tricia’s, going to the hospital every time doesn’t make sense. What she needs is someone to keep her safe until she recovers enough to carry on.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” the sherriff agreed, stepping back to make room for Aron and Libby.

  “Lance, we’re about to start the toasts,” Libby informed him. “If you two would take your seats, we’ve got a few surprises for you.”

  “Will do.” Lance made his way to the main table to sit by his bride. “This is quite a shindig, isn’t it?”

  “It is.” She took his hand. “Although, I haven’t been privileged to spend much time with you.”

  “I’ll make it up to you on the dance floor,” he promised with a kiss to her cheek. “What’s that?” He pointed to a flat package in her hand.

  “Oh, this is our wedding present from Grandmother.”

  “Really? What is it?” Lance felt a niggle of unease.

  Trisha smiled. “I don’t know. You want to see?” Without waiting for him to answer, she ripped into the package and her mouth fell open. “Lance, look!”

  Lance took the papers from her hand.

  One was a notification from the bank that a trust had been set up in Tricia’s name and the other was a Deed of Gift conveying ownership of Shenandoah Ranch into Lance’s name.

  * * *

  “What do you think you’re doing, Marcelle?” Lance said the words softy behind his glass of sweet tea. “I thought I told you that I wanted nothing more to do with Shenandoah. I’m starting my life anew with your granddaughter, I don’t want the past to throw a cloud over our future.”

  “I’m doing the right thing. Don’t deprive an old lady of her redemption.”

  “We’ve had this conversation before and my opinion on the matter hasn’t changed.”

  Their exchange was cut short by the appearance of the one person they had in common.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Tricia embraced her grandmother. “You are so wonderful and generous. You know I never wanted or needed anything from you. Only your love.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Marcelle seemed uncomfortable with Tricia’s gratitude.

  “What were you two talking about?” Just seeing her future husband and her grandmother conversing was a miracle, albeit a miracle that made her extremely nervous. “Were you plotting against me?”

  “Never.” Lance greeted her with a kiss. “I was just telling Marcelle thank you and goodnight. Are you about ready to go?” He looked around at the dwindling crowd. “I think everything’s winding down.”

  “Yes. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.” She placed a hand on Marcelle Lambert’s shoulder. “Do you think you’re up to making the trip back tomorrow? I’d be glad to put you up in a hotel for the night.”

  “Olivia McCoy was gracious enough to ask me to spend the night with them. They’re waiting for me.” She gestured toward the McCoy’s uncle who was saying goodnight to his nephews and their wives.

  “Wonderful.” Tricia kissed the frail old woman’s cheek. “W
ell, we’ll see you tomorrow, then.” Casting a quick look at Lance, she wiped a tear from her eye. “And thank you so much for your wedding gifts. I am so grateful to you for doing what’s right.” This was her first mention of the bone of contention between her future husband and her grandmother. Her short speech was met by an awkward silence. “Well…I guess I’m ready to go.”

  Marcelle gave her a short hug and Lance placed a protective arm around Trisha’s shoulder. “Until tomorrow.” He raised a hand of farewell to everyone left cleaning up. “Thanks, all. We’ll see you at the wedding!”

  The short walk back to the foreman’s cabin felt a little odd to Tricia. “Did you have a good time tonight?”

  “I did. How about you?”

  “Yes, everything was beautiful. I can’t wait until tomorrow.” She laid her head on his shoulder as they walked. “Thank you for marrying me.”

  Lance laid his cheek on her hair. “Don’t thank me, I definitely got the better end of this deal.”

  “That’s debatable. I got you in the bargain.” Taking a deep breath, she just plunged in, needing to broach the subject of their most surprising gifts. “I can’t believe Grandmother was so generous to me, I didn’t expect such a gesture.” She placed a hand on his forearm, ensuring that he met her gaze. “But what she gave you, wasn’t really a gift, Lance. She owed you and your family and I’m glad she’s making this right.” Tricia studied his face. He looked odd. “Aren’t you happy about it?”

  Lance weighed his words. “Of course.” He cleared his throat. “I’m just having a hard time processing it, that’s all.”

  “Will we live there?” she asked as they climbed the steps to the cabin.

  The idea swamped Lance. “I don’t know. I have no idea what kind of shape the place is in.” He dropped his arm to unlock the door. “I…don’t really know what the future will hold, to tell you the truth.”

  “Can we go see it?”

  He shrugged. “Sure. Maybe.”

  “Maybe we can go up there during our honeymoon?”

  Lance held the door open for Tricia. “Now, that’s a subject I’d rather concentrate on. Our honeymoon.” He grinned and patted her on the rear as she walked past him.

  “Yea, one more night to sleep alone.” Tricia framed his face and kissed him hard. “And then…you’re all mine.”

  Lance kissed her back, almost losing himself in the moment. Her lips were so sweet and her body felt so good in his arms. When she would’ve pulled away, he didn’t let her go. “Wait. I want to give you something.”


  He led her to the couch and pulled the diamond ring from his pocket. “I want to make sure you show up for the ceremony tomorrow. Give me your hand.”

  Tricia gasped. “Oh, it’s beautiful!” she exclaimed, staring at the gorgeous ring, then his beloved face. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, Tricia.” He drew her into his warm embrace. “No matter what happens, don’t ever forget how much I love you.”

  * * *

  Tricia and Lance’s wedding day dawned bright and beautiful. Avery surprised her with breakfast in bed and informed her that Isaac had escorted Lance off the premises so there’d be no chance of him seeing her before the wedding.

  “I’m so nervous.” Tricia shivered, worrying about a myriad of things. “What if it rains?”

  Avery looked out the window. “Not a chance, there’s not a cloud in the sky.”

  “What if I have a seizure during the ceremony?”

  Avery frowned. “Stop it. You’re going to be as cool as a cucumber.” She sat on the bed next to her friend. “And if you do, we’ll just wait for you to finish your hissy fit before we pick up where we left off.”

  Tricia hit Avery with a pillow. “Hissy fit.” She laughed. “I love you. Did you know that?”

  Avery put an arm around her. “I know, I’m the best thing that ever happened to you.”

  Tricia giggled. “Well…almost. You’re in second place, after Lance.”

  “As it should be.” Avery sighed. “Eat up.” She pointed to the eggs and toast on Tricia’s plate. “We’ve got an appointment at the beauty salon and the spa for a manicure and a pedicure, my treat.”

  “Oh, my goodness!” Tricia began eating. “Thank you, you’re a good maid of honor.”

  “I am,” Avery agreed.

  …Lance was beside himself. Pacing. Sweating. Anxious to get married, yet nervous as a cat.

  “If you don’t settle down, Rogers, you’re going to wear a hole in my floor.”

  Hardbodies wasn’t open, so Lance and Isaac had the place to themselves.

  “What time is it?”

  Isaac glanced at the clock. “Five minutes later than the last time you asked me, moron. What are you so nervous about? Don’t you want to marry Tricia?”

  Lance growled, “Of course, I do.” He didn’t have any doubts about Tricia or his love for her. “It’s just…”

  “Just what?”

  “This thing with her grandmother and our past. I’m still having a hard time with it.”

  Isaac nodded. “Yea, I guess I can see that.” He poured Lance another cup of coffee. “You’re going to just have to let that go, bud. Tricia is the innocent in all this.”

  Lance took a big swig of coffee, then sat on the stool and leaned on the counter, watching Isaac mix up a batch of margarita mix. “Marcelle deeded Shenandoah to me as a wedding present.”

  “She what?” He dropped the near empty tequila bottle on the floor where it bounced a couple of times, then cracked in two. “Dammit!”

  “Sorry.” Lance jumped up to get the broom and dustpan. “Yea, I’m the brand-new owner of my once proud legacy.”

  Isaac picked up the glass. “Well, that’s fuckin’ great news.” He frowned. “Except for us at Tebow. You should be ecstatic.”

  Lance dumped the bits of glass into a waste bin. “You’d think so, wouldn’t you?” He settled back on a stool. “The topic has been such a sore spot for me for so long, I’m just having trouble dealing with it.”

  “Well, I suggest you get with the program, groom.” Isaac tossed him a key. “Happy matrimony, from me to you.”

  Lance caught the key. “What’s this?”

  “The keys to the kingdom, my friend.” He laid down a dishrag that he’d used to wipe up the residual tequila mix. “Follow me to the dungeon and I’ll show you around. You and Trisha can use it anytime you’d like.”

  “Hot damn, now you’re talking.” Lance smiled, putting aside his worries for something much more intriguing. “Where do I make reservations?”

  …Avery handed Tricia a big bag of goodies. “Here, take this. There’s lotions and potions aplenty inside. Are you sure you don’t mind riding back to the ranch with Freddy?”

  “No, you take your meeting with Micah. The idea of you two having a Kindle World together is just too intriguing. I want to know all the details.”

  “All right.” Avery pushed a strand of hair from Tricia’s face. “I’ll be there in plenty of time to help with your veil and get your dress buttoned up properly.”

  “Thank you and thank you for the spa treatment. This was such a treat.”

  “Nothing’s too good for my best girl,” Avery said as Freddy pulled up next to the curb.

  Tricia waved to her one last time, then climbed in next to her faithful friend. “Hey, how’s it going?”

  “Great.” Freddy put on his blinker and checked the mirrors. “Did you know Uber is going to have flying cars in a couple of years?”

  “Wow, I’m in. Let me know when you get your pilot’s license.” She fastened her seat belt. “How’s the article coming?”

  “Good. I think you’ll be pleased. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be identified by name in the article.” He glanced over at her. “You know, as a person with epilepsy, not just the co-author of the piece.”

  “Oh, I’m not a co-author,” Tricia protested. “You’re doing all the writing.” She took a mo
ment to think. “Yes, use my name. I’m tired of worrying about what people think.”

  “Good.” Freddy glanced at her with sympathy. “I have to say, I didn’t really understand what you went through, until I saw it for myself the other day.”

  “Yea, pretty gross, huh.” Tricia sighed and peered in the bag of body lotions and shower gels that Avery had given her.

  “No, that’s not what I meant,” Freddy clarified. “The seizure was not gross. I was worried about you, but it wasn’t as dramatic as I expected. What was disgusting, was the way some people reacted to you. They made me want to apologize for the whole human race.”

  Shrugging, Tricia gave him a slight smile. “Well, people can be cruel. I have to say that it didn’t bother me so much this time.”


  She put her hand on his arm. “Because I have friends now. You were there. Pawnee was there. Avery stands by me. Bryn. Kristen. The McCoys.” A small laugh burst from her lips. “Lance! I have Lance! He sees me, he knows me, and he loves me anyway!”

  “What’s not to love?” Freddy gave her a wistful glance, then let the look vanish quickly from his face. “I’m proud to be your friend and I think this article is going to do a world of good.”

  * * *

  “All right, pardner, it’s almost time.” Noah clapped Lance on the arm. “Your bride awaits.”

  Lance adjusted his hat on his head. “How do I look?”

  “Stunning,” Jacob informed him. “Let me straighten your boutonniere.” He reached over to adjust the rosebud attached to Lance’s jacket.

  “Do you have the rings?”

  “I do.” Jacob nodded.

  Denver walked up to join them. “Hey, am I late? You two already saying I do to one another?”

  Lance shook his head and Jacob tossed another boutonniere box toward Denver. “Flower up, cowboy. We’ve got to get this man to the church on time.” At Lance’s panicked expression, Jacob laughed. “Church. Pavilion. Same difference. We haven’t moved the ceremony or lost the bride or anything.”

  “You are clearly having too good of a time, Boss.” Lance leaned against the wall, trying to get his heart to beat in a steady rhythm.


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