Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series)

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Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series) Page 27

by Sable Hunter

  Lance stood there, staring. “You’re worrying me.” He knew she was upset. “Did you see the lawyer about the arrangements?”

  “No. I had to reschedule. The seizure made me late.”

  Her voice was so quiet, so modulated. She was acting differently than she had this morning. “I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?” He pulled an afghan from the foot of the bed and covered her up.

  “No. I just want to be still and be by myself.”

  Lance leaned over to kiss her and when she stiffened, he felt a sense of panic wash over him. “I’ll be in the living room if you need me.”

  “I think I’ll sleep in here tonight, I need to think.”

  Lance wanted to argue. He wanted to insist that she move to their room. He wanted to pick her up and hold her, but he did none of those things. If she needed a little space, he’d give it to her. For now. “All right. I don’t like it, but all right.”

  As he left, he closed the door and Tricia stared sightlessly at the wall.

  How could she reconcile what she’d seen in that file to what she knew about her husband? Burying her face in the pillow, she recalled his whispered words of love, the way he held her to him as if she were the most precious thing in the world. She also remembered what Avery had said when Tricia first moved in with Lance.

  “We worked it out.” She squeezed Tricia’s hands. “I’m not saying he’ll never hurt me again, but if he does – I’ll listen to him. I’ll talk to him. I’d give Isaac every benefit of the doubt.” Avery sniffed her nose and grinned. “And then, I would probably kick his ass.”

  Tricia smiled weakly, remembering Avery’s advice. Jumping to conclusions too quickly was what got them on the wrong path to start with.

  “But what if…?”

  Could a man like Lance ever truly find a woman like her worthy?

  She didn’t know, but she would give it time. After the funeral, she’d be able to see things more clearly.

  * * *

  The days that followed were difficult for Tricia. Even with Lance by her side, she felt so alone. Keeping him at arm’s length was taking a toll on them both. When the time came, she met with the lawyer and was introduced to her uncle Peter and his son Colin. Her grandmother had told her they were nicer than she was, but Tricia didn’t find them to be so. They were very perfunctory, reviewing the arrangements and checking their schedules. Tricia wasn’t really included in the discussion at all, she merely sat back and listened. A memorial service would be held in two days, a graveside service only, per Marcelle’s instructions. The reading of the will would be held immediately afterward.

  As Tricia left, she didn’t see Lance – but he saw her. Once she was gone, riding off with Freddy Danvers, he entered the lawyer’s office.

  Despite his good intentions, Lance felt guilty. He’d been entrusted with something precious and he’d let it slip through his fingers and shatter on the ground. If he could turn back time, he’d do everything differently. For one thing, he wouldn’t have wasted years hating and he wouldn’t have bound his life up longing for a piece of property that never deserved his obsession.

  But none of that mattered now.

  Only Tricia mattered.

  …As they sat at the kitchen table, he tried to get her to talk to him. “Let me do something for you, baby. Anything. Please?”

  Lance was at his wit’s end. His wife had shut herself off from him. Oh, she was still in the same house, but she’d erected a wall of isolation. They didn’t sleep in the same bed and they didn’t make love. She answered his questions, but she didn’t initiate any conversation. “I don’t need anything, thank you.” Her hands were folded in her lap, her hair caught back in some type of loose knot at the back of her neck.

  Lance felt the weight of the world descend on his shoulders. “I love you more than I can say, sweetheart. Please don’t shut me out. Whatever is wrong, let me try to fix it.” Please, God, no. Don’t take her from me. I’ll do anything…anything. He went to the kitchen and poured her a glass of water, bringing it back to her. “Here, drink this, Tricia. You don’t want to get dehydrated.”

  “I will, thank you.” She took the glass and raised it to her lips.

  Her voice was so lackluster and low, Lance could barely hear her speak. She didn’t sound right. There was no life in her tone, no joy in her greetings. Her words were flat. Expedient. “Tricia?”

  When she raised her eyes to his, Lance felt all was lost. One thing he counted on, one thing he’d held onto for so long, was the way she looked at him. She would watch him as if she was enchanted, bewitched, as if he were something she wanted more than air, a temptation she couldn’t resist.

  All that light was gone from her eyes. Now, she gazed at him as if he was someone she didn’t know.

  Fear, such as Lance had never known, filled his heart. “Tricia? Baby? Talk to me, please.”

  She nodded her head. “I just need to get through the funeral and the reading of the will, then I will. I promise.”

  When the time came, he drove her to the funeral. Lance wanted to pay his respects for Tricia’s sake. “Just remember that I love you. Okay?”

  She nodded, not meeting his gaze. “I’ll go sit up front with the family,” she told him, clearly indicating that he should stay in the back. Considering their past history, Lance could understand. His wife didn’t need him now, anyway. She was surrounded by her posse. Avery and Bryn on one side, Kristen and Freddy on the other. It would’ve taken a stick of dynamite to dislodge her entourage.

  Once the short service was over, he waited for her to join him. “Are you ready for me to drive you to the reading of the will?”

  She shrugged and pointed to Kristen. “Nathan and Kristen are going to drive me.”

  Lance swallowed, holding his hat between his fingers. “I see. Well, I’ll be waiting for you at home.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “I know this has been hard for you, but I’m begging you not to shut me out. I want my wife back.”

  …When they arrived at the lawyer’s office for the reading of the will, Tricia left Kristen and Nathan in the front lobby. “I’ll be right back, this won’t take long.” She hugged them, thankful for their support. “Thank you so much for bringing me.”

  In the lawyer’s office, Tricia sat alongside her uncle and his family. They didn’t have much to say to her and that was all right. The only person she cared about was out of the picture. As the lawyer began to read through the formal statements, Tricia’s mind wandered. What would she say to Lance? As soon as this was behind her, she planned on confronting the issue head on, she wanted to hear his side of the story. There was a large part of her heart that kept insisting he’d married her because he wanted to, not just to regain possession of his heritage.

  “What?” Peter Stevens exclaimed. “Outrageous!”

  Tricia jerked her head up just in time for the lawyer to reiterate. “All of Marcelle Lambert’s possessions listed here go to you, Mr. Stevens, including North-Star. The trust belongs to her granddaughter, however. This is not part of the estate. She gave this trust to Tricia for a wedding present. Two million dollars.”

  “No!” Tricia protested, her eyes growing wide. “I don’t deserve so much!”

  “No, she doesn’t,” Peter Stevens agreed. “She didn’t show up in Marcelle’s life until she was old and sick. She’s a vulture! My sister has already given her money for that foolish florist shop.”

  Tricia frowned, the insult coming as a shock. “I did accept a loan from her, but I’ve been paying it back. I never wanted money from her, I just wanted to be a part of her life.”

  “Nevertheless, these are Mrs. Lamberts wishes.” The lawyer stood and gestured toward the door. “If you two would excuse us, I would like to speak to Mrs. Rogers alone for a moment.”

  “We’re not leaving until this is resolved!” Peter Stevens exclaimed loudly.

  “Just give us a minute, then I’ll address any concerns you might have,” the lawyer insiste
d, escorting the father and son to wait in the anteroom.

  In the interim, Tricia sat there. Stunned. When Mr. Elkins returned, she was ready with her argument. “Can I refuse the bequest?”

  The lawyer chuckled, shaking his head. “Yes, you could, but I don’t think you should. Your grandmother wanted you to have this money. You’re pregnant with her great-grandchild.” He pushed a paper toward her. “This is what I wanted you to see.”

  “What is it?”

  “As your grandmother’s lawyer, I’m familiar with her past. I know how Mr. and Mrs. Lambert acquired the piece of property known as Shenandoah.”

  Tricia felt her heart begin to race. “I was very hurt when I learned the truth of the matter.”

  “I also know about the former owners and your relationship with their son.”

  Tricia hung her head. “Yes, when I was searching for her funeral instructions, I found the proposed contract where Grandmother offered the ranch to Lance if he would agree to marry me.” Just saying the words out loud was humiliating. “I wasn’t aware of her offer, but she did give him the deed at the wedding.” Swallowing hard, she hugged herself, praying she didn’t succumb to a seizure. “I haven’t discussed the matter with my husband…yet.”

  “Well, before you do. There’s something you should know.”

  Tricia lifted her head, holding her breath.

  “Lance Rogers never agreed to her proposal. In fact, he refused to accept the gift. He returned it.”

  “What?” The impact of his statement knocked the breath from Tricia’s lungs.

  Lance hadn’t married her for Shenandoah.

  He hadn’t lied to her. His words were true.

  Lance loved her.

  Joy swelled in her heart.

  The lawyer continued his explanation. “Since he refused the gift, it goes back into the bulk of the estate and, therefore, to Peter Stevens.”

  Tricia blinked her eyes as his statement sunk in. “No. No, I can’t allow that. Lance’s legacy shouldn’t go to someone else.” She stood and started for the door. “Call my great-uncle back in, see if he’ll accept my trust in trade for Shenandoah.”

  The lawyer tried to talk her out of it. “Are you sure? Let’s negotiate a price, get the ranch properly appraised.”

  “You’re familiar with the property. What is it worth?”

  “Well, two million would be excessive.”

  “Good, then Uncle Peter will more readily accept my offer.” Just stating her intentions made her feel better. She beamed with happiness. “This is the way it should be. I didn’t want the money, I’d much rather right this wrong.” She’d longed to return Lance’s heritage to him and now she’d be able to do it. The right way.

  Once she spoke to Peter Stevens and he examined the property description of Shenandoah, her great uncle agreed to the deal. Tricia waited until Mr. Elkins drafted up a document detailing the transaction and stating who the rightful owner of Shenandoah would be.

  When they were alone once more, Mr. Elkins pulled out another folder. “Your husband had me draw up one more document, Mrs. Rogers” He laid it out. “This is a post-nup, he has signed away any claim to any property or money you might possess or inherit.”

  Tricia wiped the dampness from her eyes. “Well, that’s sort of immaterial at this point. I don’t have much left.”

  As Mr. Elkins rose to walk her out of his office, he placed a hand on her shoulder. “Knowing the unfortunate history between the two of your families, I have to say that I have never witnessed a greater display of love than what you and your husband have been willing to do for the other. I hope you realize how lucky you are.”

  Tricia thanked him. “I do and I appreciate you, Mr. Elkins. Let me know when all the paperwork has been completed.”

  * * *

  When she arrived home, she found Lance on the porch swing.


  Tricia came to him slowly. The expression on his face was so fearful, so hesitant. She couldn’t stand it. Tricia held her arms open and this time he came to her, sweeping her off her feet.

  “You love me,” she whispered in wonder. “You really love me.”

  “Completely. Utterly.” He cradled her close, letting her slide down his body to stand on her feet.

  Pressing her face to his chest, she listened to his heart. “I’m so sorry, Lance. When I went to North-Star to pick up the envelope containing Grandmother’s funeral requests, I found the document detailing the offer she made you, when she tried to force you to marry me.”

  “Baby, listen, I walked away from her. I would have never agreed to such a proposition.”

  “Yet, you married me,” she said softly.

  “Yes, because I couldn’t live without you.”

  “At first, I thought the worst. When I came home, I couldn’t tell you. I wanted to believe in us, but I was so afraid.” Looking back was painful, but she needed to know. “When you asked me if I was desperate, she’d already offered Shenandoah to you, hadn’t she?”

  “Yes, but I was blinded by hate for what she’d done to me.” He felt pain like a knife rip through his chest when he remembered what he’d done. “I’ll never hurt you again. I swear. Never. I’ll make it my life’s mission to prove it to you.”

  “You don’t have to. I believe you now, Lance. Mr. Elkins told me you refused the gift of Shenandoah – for me.”

  “I never wanted you to have a doubt about my reasons for wanting to be with you. I didn’t want that obstacle to be forever between us. I wanted to fix what I destroyed.” Lance framed her face, kissing the tears away from underneath her eyes. “The only thing that’s important to me is you. Without you I’m nothing. You are the center of my universe. I don’t want to live a day on this earth without you.”

  Her heart swelled with love. “When you refused the gift, the property reverted to the estate.” She paused. “I didn’t inherit North-Star, Lance. My uncle inherited everything.”

  “I’m sorry…”

  Before he could say anything more, she added, “I didn’t want it.”

  “I didn’t either, but she was your grandmother. Did Elkins show you the other document, the post-nup? I won’t take your trust money either, we’re going to have to live on what I can earn.”

  Being in Lance’s arms felt so good, she sighed with happiness. Nothing else was important. “Yes, we are. But we’re going to live on Shenandoah.”

  Lance’s breath stalled in his chest. “What did you say?”

  She drew back and removed one single sheet of paper from her pocket.

  He took it, still staring into her eyes. “What did you do? You’re all I want.” Softly, he layered his mouth over hers and the kiss they shared was tender and sweet. “You, just you.”

  “You’ve got me,” Tricia whispered. “I’m yours. Always will be.” Tricia smiled. “I just made a wise investment.”

  He examined the paper, his hands shaking. “You bought Shenandoah? With your trust money? I can’t see how you could consider this to be wise.”

  Tricia smiled. She felt completely free and completely loved. “Oh, but it is. I'm investing in the man I love and in our future.”

  “God, I love you.” Lance kissed her again, more urgently.

  Tricia could feel his erection thick between them. She pressed closer, moving sideways to rub herself against his hardness. “I missed you so.”

  His kiss turned desperate, his desire unmistakable. “I was going crazy without you.”

  Smiling up into his flushed face, Tricia held out her arms. “Take me to bed, Lance.” His whole body shook with relief as he lifted her into his arms and carried his wife into the house, laying her gently on the bed. While he watched her undress, he did the same, his eyes glowing dark with arousal.

  Even though they’d only been apart for a few days, she felt shy with him, her hands coming up to cover her breasts. Lance placed one knee on the bed, unable to take his eyes off her. Taking hold of her hands, he moved them to her side
s. He stared at her like a man starved for sustenance, unable to decide what life-saving delicacy to sample first.

  Tricia was mesmerized. This was different. He was different. She could see the need in his face, the longing in his eyes, the way his cock was so strutted and throbbing it looked painful.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered with wonder in his voice. “I want you so much. I can’t wait, I can’t wait.” Tricia clasped him around the neck and pulled him to her. With lips sealed, he parted her thighs with his own and entered her slowly, sheathing himself completely with a groan of absolute relief. “Oh, God, baby, it seems like it’s been forever.”

  He began to move and she whimpered at the welcome fullness inside of her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he stroked in and out of her over and over, finding all the right spots to drive her crazy. “Don’t hold back, I want to watch you cum,” she told him. “I want to see how much you want me.”

  Her words were his undoing and he gave up control. His body clenched, his back bowed, and his face went taut with bliss. A bellow of victory was ripped from his throat and the sound of his ecstasy tipped her past the point of no return. She convulsed around him, squeezing him tight, increasing his pleasure and perpetuating her own.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” he said, once they lay supine and satisfied. “I’m so relieved to have you back where you belong.”

  She sighed, feeling complete and safe for the first time since they left the houseboat. “It doesn’t matter where we live or where we call home, does it, Lance?” She placed a reverent kiss on his chest, right over his heart. “As long as we’re together, I’ll be happy.”


  “Hurry, Serenity! We’re going to be late for Angel’s birthday party!”

  Tricia kissed her handsome husband on the way out the door. “I wish you were going with us. The gang at Tebow would love to see you.”

  Lance waved his hand. “I’ll be heading down there in a few days. There’s too much to be done here at Shenandoah this week for me to take time off.”


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