Suddenly Together

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Suddenly Together Page 10

by JA Low

  “V,” I cry as I empty myself into her.

  A couple of moments later she smiles at me. “Thanks for that.”

  “I think it’s me who should be thanking you.”

  Cause that sure beats jerking off to porn.

  My forehead lands on her shoulder, my teeth gently bite her tanned skin, her pussy clenches around me again, fine fingers glide up my back, I don’t want to pull out of her but I can feel my dick softening, she probably wants to get cleaned up. Vanessa pushes my hair out of my face and just looks at me for a moment then smiles. “So lesbian porn, huh?” she giggles, making me roll my eyes at her.

  “Um, hello? Two hot girls touching each other, as if that doesn’t get any straight guy going.” We are both quiet for a moment. “Have you ever been with a woman? Because fuck, that would be hot.”

  Vanessa laughs. “I’ve kissed some girls. I think most girls have.”

  My brain just short circuited. Seriously Vanessa with another woman; I can feel my dick hardening just imagining those things. “Tell me everything,” I pant, making Vanessa laugh.

  “You know the story, one too many drinks, guys daring you to kiss, so of course you do it to prove them wrong, no big deal.”

  No big deal! I groan, “Fuck, I’d pay good money to see that.”

  “Some guys did,” Vanessa giggles.

  “What do you mean, pay?” My whole body tenses at the thought.

  “Some guys would dare us with cash to kiss. We were broke university girls, of course we would take the money; we needed the cab fare.”

  I am stunned silent. “Have you kissed Sienna?” Sienna is hot as fuck and now she’s single they might do it again. I would pay good money to see that.

  Vanessa starts giggling, “Yes, a couple of times.”

  My cock stirs. I love it when it’s buried deep in Vanessa, especially while we are having this conversation. Her hands glide back and forth easily over my back as she talks.

  “Can I get a repeat performance?” I ask hopefully.

  She slaps my ass stunning me.

  “Dream on, Chris, dream on.” She’s smiling at me now.

  My heart is thundering in my chest, I want to stay like this for the rest of the night, maybe have another round or two or three.

  “I better go get cleaned up.” Vanessa starts pushing me off of her.

  I don’t want to pull out from her but I do slowly. I grab my T-shirt from the floor giving it to her so she can clean herself up. “Stay, Ness.”

  Vanessa stops what she’s doing and looks at me. “The rest of the guys are here, probably not a good idea,” she says, wiping herself clean.

  The boys like to crash at my place from time to time even though they have houses not far from here, we are all so used to being around each other all the time. I built the studio first so they all stay here when we are working in it. “But I want to have more sex.” I flutter my eyelashes at her, working my best puppy dog face, hoping it works. I’m sprawled out naked on my bed, I watch as her eyes dip to my twitching dick and back up to me.

  “Fine, but we need a shower first. I’m not going to sleep with your jizz pouring out of me.”

  I choke at her words, we both burst out laughing making our way into the bathroom.

  Lathering Vanessa up in a mountain of bubbles my hands explore every curve and dip of her body. It feels right washing each other like this in my shower. Her hands explore my body, up and over my chest, down my back, even between my ass cheeks which surprise me. It makes her laugh.

  “I can’t see you anymore,” she giggles through the clouds of steam and mountains of bubbles filling the shower.

  “Here, is this better?” I take the shower head off its dock, hosing her down.

  The sudden hit of water has her screaming and flaying around the shower. “Chris, you motherfucker,” she screams as I wash away the suds until all I see is her naked form in front of me. God she is gorgeous. Dropping the shower hose, I launch myself at her. She lets out a shocked squeal as I push her against the tiled shower wall.

  “Fuck, Ness, I need you again,” I groan, pushing myself into her. The shower hose sprays us with water as it runs wild like some sort of possessed snake. We forget about it, lost in each other.


  “What the hell are we doing?” Vanessa asks, after another night spent in my bed.

  “We’re having fun,” I tell her, kissing her cheek.

  “You turned down going to that party.” She raises her eyebrow at me.

  “Yeah, because why would I go to that party when I have you here in bed with me,” I explain, nuzzling her neck.

  “The boys were shocked; they know something is up.” She twists in my arms forcing my attention back to her face.

  I exhale a heavy sigh and straighten up. “So fucking what?”

  “So fucking what, are you serious?” She gets up onto her knees, I can see the vein popping in her throat, her cheeks are flushed. Ness is pissed.

  “Yeah, I don’t care that they know we are hooking up.” It was the truth, it’s been five fucking years and I haven’t told any of those fuckers about Ness. I promised her plus I never wanted them to think of her any differently. Well except Axel, he’s in my head most of the time so technically I didn’t tell him he kind of just knew.

  “But I care, I fucking care about my reputation, Christian. All those years ago I told you about what happened in London, I thought you understood.”

  “You’re irreplaceable, Ness, no one would care anymore.” Letting my finger run down her arm I try to get her to relax. She flinches, shit that’s not good.

  “You don’t get it do you? Why would you? You being a fucking slut is something to be proud of. Everyone worships the amount of pussy you get. But as a woman I don’t get to revel in that kind of treatment.” She’s now jumped off the bed and is starting to get dressed. How the fuck have we ended up with our sex session coming to an abrupt halt?

  “Ness.” I jump up naked out of my bed chasing after her.

  “What’s going on? Talk to me.” I don’t understand what has her so spooked.

  She takes a deep breath. “I think we should sleep with other people.”

  My whole body stills at her words. “You want to fuck other people?”

  “Yeah and I know you do as well.”

  I shrug because it’s the truth, I’m a male. I’m not going to lie but in all honesty I haven’t really looked at another woman now that Vanessa and I have been hooking up again.

  “But I kind of want to keep fucking you, I like fucking you. Now that I have your taste on my lips again I crave it, Ness.” That is the God honest truth, well actually the God honest truth is I am so fucking scared about my feelings for Vanessa surfacing again. Now that we have stopped our platonic relationship, all those feelings I had for her years ago are bubbling up to the surface. It took me a long time to get over her, an exceptionally long time. So long that Axel sat me down and told me that I needed to move on and forget about her. That shit hurt hearing him say it but it was the truth.

  One night he eventually convinced me to go with him to the Paradise Club, an elite sex club that had opened up in LA. It was where the young, rich and famous could meet and party hard, do anything they wanted, and there would be no prying eyes of the paparazzi or journalists getting word of it. It took me a while but eventually those feelings for Vanessa disappeared. Who the fuck am I kidding? I just put a big-ass Band-Aid over the top of my feelings. Stupidly I ripped off that Band-Aid and now I have a gaping wound in my chest. I mentally need to dip inside that medicine cabinet and find an industrial strength Band-Aid and get it ready to place over my wound and hope to God that it sticks, permanently this time.

  Vanessa is looking at me and I can see the wheels turning in her head. “I like fucking you too, Christian.”

  My heart starts to skip a beat.

  “I have a suggestion.”

  I nod enthusiastically because this time she isn’t saying no; I just
don’t want to get my hopes up. She sits back down on the bed, I join her, my leg twitching in anticipation.

  “Do you think we can do the whole friends with benefits thing?”

  I nod because yes, yes I think we can. Honestly, I will say yes to anything if it means I can keep sleeping with her.

  “Eyes up here, Christian.”

  Moving my chin up so I am no longer looking at her breasts but instead into her green eyes, I take in all her beauty

  “Do you think you can handle us sleeping together but also other people?” I ask.

  “We both know we are not cut out for relationships,” Vanessa muses.

  Well, I am a rock star so yeah, I haven’t ventured into a relationship because there is too much temptation around me, and I’ve been cheated on in the past and it sucks. I don’t want to do that to anyone.

  “Okay, I agree on the relationship thing.”

  Vanessa smiles. “You and I have a crazy kind of chemistry.”

  “Fuck, yeah we do, best sex of my life.” Dial it down Christian.

  Vanessa blushes at my enthusiasm. “Agreed, I’m not going to deny that, but…”

  Oh shit, I don’t like buts, well not that kind of but, although I do like ladies’ butts, those are gorgeous little peaches. Concentrate, man.

  “We have a policy of no hooking up with staff, remember that,” Vanessa reminds me.

  Oh yeah that one, we used to fuck around with some of the staff every now and again while on tour and well the shit sometimes got real, things went down and now we have a rule no fucking the staff.

  “Ness you’re different, you’re part of the band, you’re family.” She was, everyone loves her, she’s like the sixth member of Dirty Texas.

  “That’s sweet but it’s still a rule and you know how much of a stickler I am for rules,” she reminds me. I know her rules, especially when it comes to fucking, and I don’t like any of them.

  “Well I am prepared to break it but…I think it’s best that we keep this casual. I mean you can hook up with groupies and I can still hook up with guys but if we have an itch and there is no one else around who can scratch it then we can with each other.” She smiles at me as if this plan is the most amazing plan in the world.

  “So what you’re saying is I get to sleep with you as well as other people?” Just want to be clear because this seems like I am being set up or something.

  “Yeah and don’t forget I can as well.”

  Yeah, yeah, Ness, you don’t need to remind me that you can fuck other dudes.

  “I don’t know,” I confess, scratching at the imaginary hole in my chest.

  “It’s just an idea, otherwise we can go back to being platonic friends again, but if I’m honest I am going to miss your cock, and those fingers and your mouth.”

  I grin. “Yeah, babe, you going to miss all this,” I say, waving my hand around my naked form, my dick coming to attention at hearing Vanessa say she will miss him.

  “Yes, Christian, I am going to miss all that,” she says, waving her hands all over me. “But I also want my freedom.”

  Since Kane, Vanessa has definitely enjoyed her freedom and I suppose I understand. The guy was a controlling, manipulative bastard and I hate that he has spooked her out of ever wanting a relationship again. But if this is the only way I can have Ness in my bed then I am going to have to accept her terms. Maybe seeing me with another woman might make her rethink her feelings for me. Might force her to accept that she has them.

  “Okay, Ness, you have yourself a deal. You and I are in an open friends with benefit relationship.” Giving her my hand, she ignores it, launching herself at me instead. Oh I think I am going to like this arrangement.

  How fucking wrong was I!

  First stop for the next three months is good old London town, I’m relishing the fact I’m back here again with the world’s biggest band, Dirty Texas, as my client. It’s been fantastic having my bestie back with me also. Sienna has been coping relatively well in LA but I have a feeling that might have something to do with a certain celebrity crush she has on Evan Wyld. I see the way he looks at her. He promised me he wouldn’t touch her and I believe him, I think. If flirting with Evan gives her the confidence to get back out into the world as a newly single woman then more power to her. My open friends with benefits relationship with Christian hasn’t really been open to anyone else since we agreed upon it. We have been too busy getting ready for the tour, and hanging out with Sienna and Derrick so we haven’t had much time to go out and meet new people or even date others. With the tour starting, the groupies will be all over him, and I know how much Christian loves those groupies. I guess tonight we will see how this open friends with benefit thing will work and if either one of us will get jealous.


  It doesn’t take the guys long to have a gaggle of beautiful women commanding their attention in the VIP area of the club. Christian currently has two blondes wrapped around his arm, and yes I am jealous. Their hands are touching his chest and their oversized lips are touching his skin. Things that were mine not twenty-four hours earlier when we were wrapped in each other’s arms at home, our home, or the quickie in the airplane toilet on our way to London while everyone was asleep, are now someone else’s. Thankfully Sienna and Derrick enter the club with Isla hot on their heels to save me from my brooding thoughts. “I need a fucking drink.” I grab Sienna by the arm. Christian looks at me, gives me a dirty smirk and continues talking to the blondes. Bastard!


  I am having the best time tonight, after a couple more bottles of champagne, I’ve stopped worrying about Christian and his groupies and started to enjoy myself, especially having my closest friends around me for the first time in years. Letting ourselves go on the dance floor, we enjoy our time together, even reveling in some dirty dancing with some of the guys hovering around the dance floor. My tongue is firmly stuck down the throat of some young footballer at the moment; his muscles bulging through his expensive white button up, my fingers love the feel of his body as they roam over him. I can feel an impressive bulge somewhere else as well. His hand is firmly stuck to my ass as I grind on him. One of his friends taps him on the shoulder, whispers something in his ear, and that’s when his eyes peer over my shoulder to something behind me. He stiffens then slowly disentangles himself from me.

  “Sorry, love, I’ve got to go, early morning training session.” Then he’s gone, poof, just like that. Turning around I see Evan’s back heading toward the restroom. I shake my head in disbelief. Well fuck him he’s probably crap in bed anyway. Walking back to our table to get another glass of champagne, I spot Isla sitting with Sienna and Derrick.

  “What are you guys doing sitting at the table? I thought you were all busy with someone.”

  Isla looks at me. “Mine quickly made his excuses and left.”

  “So did mine,” Sienna added.

  “Yeah, that just happened to me as well,” I say, taking a sip of bubbles.

  “I think the boys may have something to do with it. I noticed Evan say something to one of the guys on his way to the bathroom,” Derrick adds.

  Those fuckers, messing with our night. “Men!” I look over at the booth where they are all happily getting it on with girls. “It’s okay for them to fuck everything that walks but they won’t let us have any fun, well screw them,” I announce. “Let’s show them we can’t be tamed.” I jump up onto the table, urging Sienna, Isla and Derrick to join me. We all start dirty dancing with each other, it’s like a giant two fingers to the boys. We have created a bit of a commotion with our moves, there is currently a crowd of lustful men watching us dance on the table together. Out of nowhere my legs come out from under me. Screaming as I fall toward the ground, I’m saved by a solid shoulder under my stomach. Trying to lift my head up I see Sienna and Isla in the same fireman’s hold like me, screaming blue murder at the boys as we are carried through the gapping crowds of the club. I hear the sniggers and gasps as we pass people in the VI
P section.

  “Let go of me, Christian,” I yell, thumping on his solid back. I can tell that ass from anywhere and give it a hard slap.

  “Keeping doing that, V, you know how much I like a good slap and tickle.” His hand comes down hard on my semi exposed ass. Ouch, fucking bastard. I wiggle trying to pull my dress down so my ass isn’t exposed to the masses. “Stop wiggling, V. I promise no one can see anything. Seriously do you think I would do that to you?”

  “I didn’t think you would throw me over your shoulder and kidnap me from a club either.”

  Christian chuckles.

  Wanker! Before I know it my ass is hitting the plush leather seat of the limousine with a seething Sienna and Isla beside me.

  “We were just having fun,” Isla whines, playing with her bag.

  “So it’s okay for you boys to have girls all over you, but when we get some attention you haul us all away like fucking cavemen. We are not your women to do this to,” I fume.

  “Exactly, you boys had perfectly willing women in your laps all night, you didn’t have to grab three unwilling ones,” Sienna adds, crossing her arms defensively in front of her.

  “Don’t forget you ladies work for us and when we say we are ready to go home, that means we are ready to go home,” Evan yells, shocking us with his tone, the other two fuckwits nod their heads in agreement. Getting in the limo, they sit opposite us where they start texting God knows who. Ignoring the boys, the three of us girls fume huddled in the corner as far away from them as possible.

  “I’m seriously pissed, how fucking dare they.” The blood is pounding through my veins.

  “And Evan pulling the fucking boss card, that was a dick move,” Isla grumbles.

  “I am so fucking embarrassed,” Sienna huffs.

  “It’s okay for them to have fun with all those women but when we do they act like they own us; like we are their property or toys. Obviously they don’t like other men playing with their toys. Well fuck them they don’t own us,” I huff, crossing my arms angrily in front of me. The girls nod in agreement, we sit in the limousine in silence getting more and more worked up with every mile.


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