Golden Paradise (Vincente 1)

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Golden Paradise (Vincente 1) Page 35

by Constance O'Banyon

  His hand moved down to her stomach, and he pulled it away quick, as if he had been burned. Valentina knew he had just remembered the baby. Would he turn from her because of the child she carried?

  She waited tensely to see what he would do. "I forgot about the child. I did not hurt you, did I?"

  "No, you didn't hurt me."

  He still held her in his arms, but she could feel him withdraw from her. What if she were to tell him that she was Jordanna? she wondered. Would she lose him completely?

  Gathering up her courage, she spoke. "Marquis, I have something I must tell you."

  "No, not tonight. Let us just pretend that there is only you and I, and that this is our wedding night. Your body was made perfectly to accommodate mine," he whispered. "Have you noticed?"

  Oh, yes, she had noticed. His hands were again working magic on her body and she had no will to resist. With the same frenzied ecstasy as before, the two of them sailed across the silver skies of passion, lost in the wonder that they brought to each other.


  Valentina was awake to welcome the first golden streaks of morning that touched the room with its shimmering light. She had been watching Marquis sleep for a long time. She lightly touched the dark hair curled about his ear. Her lips brushed against his long lashes. For the moment, he belonged to her alone. She could allow her eyes to roam over the face she loved so much, without being seen. Softly, almost timidly, she touched her lips to his.

  Carefully she traced a birthmark that was on his right shoulder. It was perfectly heart shaped, and red in color.

  Valentina could not seem to touch Marquis enough. Lightly her finger traced the outline of his lips. She jumped guiltily as he caught her finger in his teeth. Slowly that wonderful smile of his spread over his face, causing her breath to catch in her throat.

  Glancing into his eyes, she could read his thoughts. The brown depths did not speak of love but rather of possession. She was his by way of mastery—by right of conquest.

  "You have a birthmark," she said, feeling foolish and coy.

  He smiled. "Yes, it is a Vincente trait that shows up from time to time. Sometimes it will skip whole generations. It is said that a Vincente who has the red heart is blessed. I never believed that before . . . but I do now.

  She drew in her breath. "Do you feel yourself blessed, Marquis?"

  His dark eyes swept her face, taking in the golden hair that curled across her forehead, moving to the softly curved lips. "After last night, I feel blessed." His bold eyes sparkled when he touched her cheek. "You were wonderful, you know. So alluring and breathtaking."

  Valentina felt joy ringing in her heart. "I thought I dreamed last night," she said almost shyly. "When I awoke and discovered I was in your bed, I realized it was no dream."

  "I have been in a dream world since I first met you, Valentina. If this is dreaming, let me never wake up. Will you stay with me, Valentina?"

  She did not fully understand his meaning. "I must get up soon. There is much to do."

  His smile was warm. "I do not mean now, although that is not a bad idea. We could bar the door and not admit anyone. Last night was our official wedding night. You made me your slave, little Silver Eyes."

  A light flush tinted her cheeks, and she lowered her eyes. She liked it when he called her Silver Eyes. There was hope in her heart. Perhaps before long she would make him forget Isabel.

  She moved away from him, glancing down at his leg. "Are you feeling any pain this morning?" she asked with a troubled frown on her face.

  "Come here, Silver Eyes." He chuckled. "I do not want to talk."

  Her smile was like the sunshine, dazzling and bright. Taking Marquis's offered hand, she allowed him to pull her against his chest. With each breath he took, his skin brushed her breasts. His thigh was pressed against hers so tightly she could scarcely breathe. She could sense the throbbing, pulsing life of him against her skin. His eyes were a soft, velvety darkness. The sound of his voice vibrated through her, making her quiver all over.

  Time was forgotten as his soft eyes beckoned to her. His lips spoke of sensuous feelings rekindled, and she slipped under his spell once more. Their bodies merged into one hot, searing flesh.

  Valentina felt a sob building up deep inside; she was moved to tears because of the beauty of their lovemaking. Everything else was forgotten but the man who drove his life-giving shaft into her body.

  Valentina had been living in a dream for over a week. Each day she would work with Marquis under Salamar's instructions. At night she would lie in his arms and feel the thrill of his kisses and the magic of his hands. She was sure no one had ever loved a man as deeply as she loved Marquis. She held out hope that he would one day return her love. She knew she brought joy to his body; she lived for the day she would bring joy to his heart.

  Salamar watched delightedly as young love blossomed. She saw the way Valentina and Marquis would touch when they thought no one was looking. She gloried in the tender looks that passed between them when they were across the room from each other. Valentina was glowing with happiness, and Salamar's world was content.

  Each day Salamar urged Valentina to tell Marquis the truth about being Jordanna. She assured Valentina that their love was strong enough to survive Marquis's first bitter anger at being made to look the fool. After the initial shock, he would be glad that the child Valentina carried belonged to him, Salamar insisted. But Valentina refused to consider telling Marquis the truth, fearing it would spoil what they had together. Salamar feared if Valentina waited too long, it could prove disastrous.

  Marquis was steadily improving. He had not yet taken that first step, but Salamar was confident it would not be long before he would be ready.

  Valentina had just finished reading to her mother and decided to check on Marquis to see if he would like to have Carlos and Juan carry him down to the garden. When she opened the bedroom door, she stopped in her tracks. There, standing in the middle of the floor, was Marquis.

  "You walked!" she cried, taking a step toward him. "My God, Marquis, you can walk!"

  His laughter was deep as he took a guarded step toward her. "I have been practicing for days. I did not want to tell you about it until I was walking normally."

  "Oh, Marquis, you did it!" Their hands touched and he pulled her to him. "I knew you would do it, Marquis. I'm so proud of you."

  She watched him take a hesitant step. He stopped to catch his breath. "You and Salamar deserve all the credit, Valentina. Without the two of you bullying and prodding me, I might never have found the courage to walk."

  Her eyes were tear bright when he pushed her away to take several more faltering steps. Going to him, she took his hand and he leaned against her for support. As she helped him to the bed, she could tell by the way he leaned against her that he was tiring.

  Lying back on his pillows, he smiled. "You and Salamar helped me prove the doctor wrong. I do not know what magic the two of you wove about me. I only know that my leg had no feeling in it until you and Salamar started working with it."

  Valentina fluffed up the pillows, giving him a warm smile. "I know no magic, but I'm not too sure about Salamar. She has amazing abilities."

  "In what way?'

  "She once saw in a vision that we were coming to California. This was the day before I received the letter from my mother, telling me to come."

  "What else does she see?" he asked with interest.

  "She says my baby will be a daughter." Valentina had spoken without thinking. When she saw the frown on Marquis's face, she regretted her words, wishing she could take them back. "Would you like something cool to drink?" she asked, quickly changing the subject.

  Marquis had lost his good humor. His dark eyes were dull, and he turned his head away from Valentina. "No, I just want to rest now."

  Valentina walked to the door and left quietly. Going to the bedroom next door, she moved out onto the balcony. Her hand strayed to her abdomen, which was now slightly rounded, and she fe
lt the tiny flutter of the child inside her body. She had been feeling its movements for a week now. Soon everyone would have to be told that she was with child. She wondered how Marquis would handle all the congratulations from his family. She was so confused. Perhaps she would soon gather the courage to tell Marquis everything, as Salamar had suggested.

  Every day Valentina had more reason to rejoice. Her mother was growing stronger, and Marquis continued to improve.

  Marquis's mother and grandfather were delighted that he was able to walk again. Don Alonso was quick to give Valentina praise, while Dona Anna credited the miracle to her prayers and her son's courage.

  Marquis still walked with a decided limp, and Valentina knew he was often in pain. He stubbornly turned away from any show of sympathy. Most of his days were spent in the garden. Even though Valentina begged him to rest for at least an hour each day, he refused. With his recovery came his impatience to take his place as patron of Paraiso del Norte.

  One morning Valentina awoke to find Marquis already dressed and standing over her. "If you want to go riding with me, wife, you had better get up and dressed."

  She stared at him for a moment. "Do you think you are well enough to ride?"

  "Indeed I am. I am almost as good as new," he assured her. "Now if you do not want to be left behind, you had better be dressed in ten minutes."

  She scrambled out of bed and pulled on her robe. "Give me five minutes," she called, running out the door and into her bedroom where her clothing was kept.

  Valentina felt reborn as she and Marquis galloped across the soft, rolling hills. Happiness made her heart take wing when he turned and smiled at her. "Where are we going?" she asked breathlessly.

  "I want to show you a place I have never taken anyone else—not even Tyree has been there. When I was a boy and I was troubled about something, this was where I would go."

  Marquis spurred his horse on, and Valentina followed his lead. Was it possible that Marquis was beginning to love her just a little? she wondered. Her heart was beating so fast it was keeping time with her horse's thundering hooves.

  They crossed a shallow stream and rode up a hill. In the distance Valentina could see a wide river running swift and strong. Their horses moved down a steep incline that led to the river. Soon Marquis pulled up his mount and motioned for Valentina to dismount. Fearing he would hurt his leg, she held her breath as Marquis dismounted. But he threw his leg over the saddle and dropped to the ground with ease.

  Valentina shaded her eyes, watching a hawk circle above them. Opening its wings, it appeared to be suspended on the wind. There was nowhere on earth Valentina would rather have been than there on Paraiso del Norte with Marquis at her side. Filled with the beauty around her, and her love for this land, she listened quietly and heard the sound of rushing water. "Marquis, is there a waterfall nearby?" she inquired, looping her horse's reins around a tree trunk.

  "That is exactly what it is. Come with me. I will show you.

  Taking her hand, Marquis led her around a bend in the river. There, in stunning glory, filtering over the side of a cliff, was a magnificent waterfall. Water plunged some forty feet to the river below, swirling and bubbling musically.

  "This is lovely,1' Valentina exclaimed, smiling up into Marquis's face. "So this is where you came to be alone as a boy?" She tried to imagine him as a boy, but the vision eluded her completely. He was so strong, so proud, she could not see him as a child.

  "We have not come to my secret place yet." He led Valentina straight to the waterfall. The water rose like a mist and showered down on them. Valentina was puzzled when Marquis took her hand and pulled her upon a ledge that jutted out to the side of the river. She held her breath, fearing he would slide off the slick rock and hurt his leg.

  Lifting Valentina's hand and clinging to the cliff, Marquis edged his way forward. They were actually behind the waterfall now and Valentina could see a cave just ahead.

  Fear gnawed at her insides as they neared the cave. It brought back memories of her father's mine and the cave-in. Marquis stepped down to the cave and held his arms up to her. Seeing her pale face and the fear that lit her eyes, he pulled her forward, knowing what she was thinking.

  "You need have no fear of this cave, Valentina. It is very shallow and the sun shines through the falls to light every corner of it."

  Valentina called on her courage and allowed Marquis to lift her off the rock. Laughing, he grabbed her about the waist and set her down in the cave.

  Glancing around with awe, Valentina saw that it was indeed a shallow cave, no more than twenty feet deep. The walls looked like shiny white marble. The bright sunlight reflecting through the waterfall sent a shower of rainbow colors dancing on the cave walls.

  "I can't believe it," she said, turning around and drinking in the beauty. "What a marvelous place this is. I can only imagine the wonderful hours you spent here."

  He watched her face and wondered if she knew how lovely she was. To look upon her made him believe in princesses, in dragons, in happy endings. "You like my secret place then, Valentina?" he asked.

  "I have never seen anything like it. Does it always reflect the colors of the rainbow?"

  "No, only at certain times of the day. I would be willing to bet there is not another cave to rival this one anywhere in the world."

  "I wouldn't think there was, Marquis," she agreed. "What kinds of things did you dream here as a boy?"

  He took her arm and seated her on a smooth rock, then sat down beside her. "I dreamed of growing up and being a great don, just as my grandfather is. At one time I wanted to travel the world, but not any longer. Everything I will ever want is right here on Paraiso del Norte."

  "Did you know that your face lights up when you talk about Paraiso del Norte, Marquis? You love this land, don't you?"

  "Everything can pass away—people you love, family; generations of Vincentes have gone on before me, but the land remains. It will be here long after you and I are nothing but memories."

  "How sad in a way. It makes me wish we could leave our mark in this world—that we could do something that would live after we are dust."

  His eyes sparkled. "We can. Let me show you something that will make you feel very young. Turn around and look on the wall of the cave," he told her.

  Valentina turned, seeing nothing for a moment; then her eyes fell on what appeared to be two handprints—one large and the other small. "Is this what you mean?" she asked, bewildered.

  "Yes. At some far off time, a man and a woman found this cave. Most probably it was before any white man ever set foot on this land. They left their marks to last through all eternity. Like the pyramids in Egypt and the great Colosseum in Rome, these handprints have endured."

  With a delicate finger, Valentina traced the small outline of the feminine handprint, then went on to outline the obvious male handprint. "What a pity we don't know anything about the man and woman who left the handprints. Do you think they loved each other?"

  Marquis's eyes sought hers and he nodded. "There are words here, Valentina. See the strange markings. Look closely because time has faded them."

  "Yes, I see them. I wonder what they mean."

  "As you know, the Indians have no written words as we know it, but some tribes used symbols such as these. We had an old Indian working for us when I was a boy. I copied down the markings, just as you see them here. I showed them to Manalio and asked him if he knew what they meant."

  She held her breath. "Was he able to tell you what they said?"

  "Yes. He told me it translated to something like, 'I pledge to you my everlasting love.'" Marquis's eyes touched Valentina's lips. "You see, they were lovers, just as you and I are."

  Valentina's heart sang as his head dipped. When his lips settled on hers, her arms moved around his shoulders. She could almost feel the presence of those lovers who had once found this cave as their haven.

  Marquis raised his head and chuckled. "If you do not stop tempting me, I will have you
right here on the floor of the cave."

  Valentina felt her face burning and turned back to the cave writings. She touched the strange markings, feeling as if she were breathing the same air that the two lovers had breathed so long ago. She was overwhelmed with the kinship she felt for the unknown man and woman. "What do you suppose happened to them?"

  "Only the whispering wind and the golden California sun know, Valentina; and they are not telling."

  Tenderly he gathered her into his arms while his lips brushed against her sweet-smelling hair. "Shall we leave our mark for some far distant lovers to find, Valentina?" he whispered against her ear.

  "Yes, please," she breathed. "But how can we?"

  "That is easy." Taking his knife out of his pocket, he picked up her hand and cut deeply around it, pressing down hard so the outline would remain in the stonewall. He then repeated the process with his hand.

  Valentina marveled as she watched him. How out of character this display of sentimentality was for Marquis! she mused. He was almost lover like today. "What words shall we write, Marquis?"

  He lowered his dark eyes so they were shaded by thick, curling lashes. "Nothing," he said almost coldly, taking note of the hurt that etched her soft lips into a frown.

  Standing up slowly, sensing that his mood had changed, Valentina could feel him distancing himself from her. "I thank you for showing me your secret place, Marquis. If you don't mind, I would like to go back to the house now."

  As Valentina turned away, she did not see the look of naked yearning that flamed in the dark eyes. In two quick strides he was at her side; then he took her by the shoulders and turned her to face him. Dipping his head, he lightly ran his lips over her thick, black lashes. A shudder of delight ran the length of Valentina's body as his tongue twirled around the outline of her lips.

  "Are we going back to the house?" she questioned breathlessly, realizing his intention. Even though his lashes were lowered and only a sliver of brown showed, Valentina could read the raw passion that pulled her to him like a hummingbird drawn to the nectar of a rose.


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