Lost Lands (CHANGING TIMES Book 2)

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Lost Lands (CHANGING TIMES Book 2) Page 11

by Shaun L Griffiths

  ‘Is that your river?’ Carter asked.

  ‘No, that’s the ocean,’ said Vin.

  Naz looked at Vin and smiled. ‘Carter, you’re gonna love the ocean!’

  * * *

  The continuous CRACK! of staffs coming together echoed across the garden through the afternoon.

  Holly sat watching from the kitchen window with Rosie sitting beside her.

  ‘He seems to be getting quite good at this,’ said Rosie,

  ‘Yes, it’s continuous practice that’ll make him good. There are only so many moves, but it’s the repetition that makes you good at it. We are all taught it at home. You should see my friend Kerri. She’s the best at it. She beats boys a lot older than she is. She’s a natural. I can’t wait to see her again.’

  Rosie was pleasantly surprised. This was the most Holly had said since she’d arrived.

  Holly took a deep breath. ‘You know, I feel so good here, if it wasn’t for my family and friends not being here, I’d like to stay forever. I feel a real peace in this town.’

  Rosie smiled. ‘It’s so nice that you say that. You know you’re very welcome to stay as long as you like.’

  ‘Thanks, Mrs Vin, but I know I need to get back. I have to see my family and Kerri. I have to tell them I’m really okay. Your Vin is getting really good with the staff. He’s a quick learner.’

  ‘I’ll miss having you both around,’ said Rosie.

  ‘And I’m going to so miss you too. You know, I’m sorry if I haven’t always done or said the right thing. You know my family is a good family. They tried their very best to make me a good person.’

  ‘But you are a good person, Holly! Your Mom would be so proud, if she could only see you now.’

  ‘Thanks, Mrs Vin, but it doesn’t always feel like that for me.’

  ‘Nonsense now, no one has ever had to go through what you’ve been through. In here…’ Rosie said, putting her hand on Holly’s heart, ‘… deep in here, you are the best person a mother could ever wish for.’

  Holly threw her arms around Rosie’s neck and buried her head in her chest. The tears came in big shaking sobs, running down her cheeks and down the front of Rosie’s blouse.

  Between her sobs and sniffs Holly whispered ‘I’m so sorry, Mrs Vin, I’m so, so sorry...’

  Rosie held her tight, stroking her hair. ‘There, there, my dear, you let it all out now. Get rid of it all and wash those horrible memories away. You don’t ever have to say sorry to me, you’ve done nothing to be sorry for.’

  Rosie kept holding her close. The day seemed to stand still, only the far away CRACKING of wood on wood showed any passing of time. The sobs finally ceased, only the sniffs remained. Rosie reached for a towel, and mopped her red eyes and wiped her nose. Even though Rosie’s heart was breaking, she took a deep breath and forced herself to smile.

  ‘What about I show you something your Mom is going to love you for?’

  Holly could only nod her head, still unable to control any words.

  ‘I’ll show you how to make the best pie in the world. Then when you get home, you can make it for your Mom and Dad. And just for a moment, you can remember Rosie in a faraway land showed you how to make this pie with love. What do you say?’

  Holly nodded, holding the towel close to her face.

  ‘Okay,’ Rosie said with a smile. ‘You go and splash some water on those pretty red cheeks of yours, and I’ll find you an apron.’

  Holly turned for the bathroom. Reaching the door, Rosie called to her, ‘And don’t you go taking any notice of what Vin or Naz have been saying. Those Guards really will eat anything. I’ll show you how to make a pie to remember.’

  * * *

  After supper, they sat together around the table in the kitchen. Carter asked, ‘Would you like to go to the arena this evening, Holly?’

  ‘Thanks, but I think I’ll pass for tonight. I was thinking of going for a walk and then an early night to bed. I am so tired. But don’t let me stop you. You go along with Vin and Naz. Make it a boys’ night.’

  ‘Well if you’re sure you don’t mind being here alone?’

  ‘I won’t be alone. Mrs Vin will be here.’

  ‘Okay then, I’ll look in when I get back. See you.’

  After Vin and Carter had left for the sports, Holly and Rosie sat talking in the kitchen.

  ‘You know, I think we should leave real soon. After all, my mom and dad don’t know yet that Carter found me. They must be terribly upset.’

  ‘I’m sure they are, Holly. I know I would be.’

  ‘I think I’ll just go for a walk before bedtime, Mrs Vin.’

  ‘You want me to come, keep you company?’

  ‘No, it’s okay, I’m sure you have loads to do. I just need to think through some things in my head. I won’t get lost, I promise,’ she smiled.

  Rosie returned her smile, ‘Okay, Holly, I’ll be here waiting for you. If you can’t find your way, knock on any door, everyone here knows you.’

  Holly closed the front door quietly behind her and turned in the direction of the Central Hall.

  Such a terrible trauma for a young girl to go through, Rosie thought sadly.

  * * *

  It was well after dark before she heard the front door open quietly. Holly walked down the hall to where a light burned low in the kitchen. She put her head around the door.

  ‘I’m going to bed, Mrs Vin,’ said Holly.

  ‘Did you enjoy your walk, dear? You’ve been gone ever so long?’

  ‘I did get lost after all, silly me. It all looks so much alike in the dark.’

  ‘Still, you’re back safe now. I’ll see you at breakfast, dear.’

  Holly walked quickly across the room and threw her arms around Rosie’s neck, squeezing her tight.

  ‘Goodnight, Mrs Vin,’ she said. ‘Thank you for taking so much care of me.’ Holly turned quickly and headed for her room before Rosie could see the tears.

  * * *

  Vin and Carter arrived back soon after, deep in discussions on the tactics of fighting with staffs. Vin’s enthusiasm for it was plain to see.

  ‘Is Holly sleeping already, Mrs Vin?’ asked Carter.

  ‘Yes, she’s just gone to bed. She was out walking earlier.’

  ‘Well, I hope it helps her sleep peacefully.’

  ‘I’m sure it will,’ said Rosie.

  ‘I think I’ll be going too. Goodnight to you both,’ said Carter.

  Passing Holly’s door, Carter tapped lightly before looking in. Holly lay peacefully in her bed, without thrashing or crying out.

  I hope she’s finally getting over the nightmares, Carter thought.

  ‘Goodnight, Holly,’ he said quietly. Sleep safe, he thought.

  Goodnight, Carter. I knew you’d come, you always do, Holly thought, squeezing her eyes shut tight.

  I’m not going to listen to him tonight, she told herself firmly. Carter didn’t come all this way to watch me steal things. I’m not going to listen.

  But the voice came anyway, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

  Go away. I am not listening to you.

  But the voice kept calling, crawling ever deeper into the darkest corners of her mind, into her memories, destroying her hopes and laughing at her dreams.

  You can feel it, it’s so close now, the voice kept reminding her. Come, my little bird. NOW is the time. The voice kept on, looking for her breaking point, looking for the thought that would destroy her last resistance.

  Carter is going to take you away from it. Carter wants it all for himself...

  Her eyes shot open. ‘NO!’ she cried into the darkness. For a moment, she couldn’t remember where she was. I’m still here, buried under the snow, she thought, feeling the panic start to rise. She breathed deeply, and she recognised the moonlight coming through the window. But she could still hear the voice, laughing at her now.

  She lay still, holding her breath, waiting for Mrs Vin to come and look as she did every night. She tr
ied not to move until she heard the door close behind her again, then she pulled back the covers. Dressing quickly and quietly, she walked across the wooden floor, testing each step before putting her full weight on her foot. The last thing she wanted now was to make any noise. The window was already unlocked. She pushed it open gently and climbed through, lowering herself onto the path that ran around Vin’s house. Very slowly, she pulled the gate open, stopping just before the loud creaking noise started, then she made her way into the town.


  Chapter Six

  Run for the Border

  HOLLY MADE HER way through the deserted streets, always looking for shadows to step into. She was angry and confused. She could feel the tension rising the closer she came to the Guards’ Academy. Keeping close to the wall, she made her way around the back to where she remembered the art room was located. Her heart jumped with excitement and anticipation when she looked up and saw the middle window was slightly out of line with the others. It was still unlocked and slightly ajar. The guards didn’t notice it. She reached up, pulling it all the way open, then pulled herself up to the window ledge, peeping over the frame to see into the room.

  Everything was in darkness. The light under the door was low and steady. The guards must be outside but not moving around. With an extra kick and a heave, Holly pulled herself onto the window frame, then hooking her legs over, she lowered herself gently to the floor.

  She removed her dusty shoes. Then, testing her footing, she stepped lightly across the polished wooden floor in her stockinged feet. Her heart was racing the closer she came to the table holding the intricate gold box that she recognised from the house of Duma.

  Oh, it’s been so long, she thought. This time it will be mine, like he promised.

  For the first time in days, the voice inside her head was silent. She felt an overpowering sense of peace the closer she came to the box. Standing before it, she felt the warmth radiating outward from it. Reaching forward to open the lid, her face lit up with happiness seeing the beautiful glowing Crystal, just as she remembered it.

  She reached into her pocket, pulling out the small sack of stones that she’d collected earlier in the evening. She placed them on the table next to the box. Reaching in, she felt the warmth of the Crystal for the first time. Her heart missed a beat.

  It’s mine, he did promise me I could have it, she told herself. She placed the stones in the box. Wrapping the Crystal in the small sack, she put it in her pocket. She felt the warmth radiate throughout her body and a great sense of calm wash over her.

  It’s not stealing really, he promised me I could have it, she reassured herself.

  Creeping back to the window, she noticed the light under the door moving.

  The Guards are coming! Starting to panic, she ran for the window. Reaching down for her shoes, she threw them out first. Climbing through, she just had time to push the window closed before she saw light flood into the room when the Guard opened the door to the art room. She stood with her back pressed tight against the lower wall, afraid to breathe, waiting for the Guards to call the alarm.

  Did I close the box? Did I leave any stones on the table? Will they see the window unlocked? The fears and doubts ran through her mind in a downward spiral, making her more and more afraid.

  Suddenly, a voice called her. “Be still my little bird, everything will be okay.” The voice in her head was back, but this time calm and almost sweet, just as she’d remembered Duma’s to be. She felt she was going to be sick.

  She stood, leaning against the wall, trying to slow her breathing down and trying not to retch. The light in the window finally moved away and darkness returned when the Guard closed the door. I’ve got away with it! she thought.

  The voice called to her again, “Now run, run for the border, run like the wind.” It became angry in its commands, “RUN!”

  Holly was shocked into action. Pulling on her shoes as quickly as she could, without caution, she started running through the town. Before she’d realised where she was, the edge of the plateau stretched out before her with the mountain peaks in the far distance.

  She stopped suddenly. He had said something. She tried to recall the words He’d used...

  “Run like the wind.” That was it. I’ll never survive the mountain winds, she thought, not like this. And He wants me to come through the pass. He’ll wait for me, and take it from me.

  The arguments and uncertainty went around and around within her mind. She finally made a decision. She took the cloth bag holding the Crystal and pulled the two drawstrings tight. She tied it around her neck and then sat down in the dust of the plateau. Taking deep breaths, she concentrated on slowing down her racing heart. Feeling it beating slower, she focused her mind, seeing her heart strong and powerful, pumping the life-giving blood to each part of her body. She saw her heart grow bigger and stronger with each beat. It was filling her chest, her ribs stretched wide with the size and strength of her expanding heart. She watched, fascinated, as she shifted. The sense of power rising as she finally changed into a hound. Now she could run all day, she could survive the mountain storms, she could defeat anyone that tried to stop her.

  Holly stood on four legs. She sniffed the air. All she could sense was the wind coming in from the mountains, cold and fresh. She looked to her right. The moon stood high over her shoulder on its downward rush to the mountains. It bathed the plateau in a cold blue light. She turned west and started to run, away from the High Pass.

  I’m not going to lose the Crystal now. I have to keep it safe, she thought. She ran, stretching her legs, leaping forward, and with each bound she felt herself getting stronger. The muscles she hadn’t used for so long started to feel firmer and more powerful. And with every beat of her heart, every time the blood was pumped to her brain, she felt her mind getting stronger.

  Pushing away the voice that kept calling her, telling her what to do, she forced it back into the farthest reaches of her conscience, until eventually, she heard it no more. For the first time since Duma had shown her the pretty box and told her she could take it home to show her Mom, she was finally free.

  At last I’m going home, she thought as she ran across the dust-strewn plateau.

  ‘I’m so sorry I’m going without you, Carter, but this is the best way, believe me,’ she said aloud.

  * * *

  Rosie sat at the table, preparing the fish that she knew Carter loved so much. The constant CRACK! of staffs from the garden was a reminder of the improvement Vin was making in his efforts to learn to fight with the staff. There were a lot less bumps and bruises, showing the progress he’d made. Even the neighbours had stopped their surreptitious watching and waiting for the next “accident.”

  Holly’s very late for breakfast today, she thought, it must have been the walk she had last night. Pity it didn’t help to stop her nightmares though, poor girl.

  She went back to slicing the fish for lunch. Maybe I’ll just knock on the door, she thought, make sure she’s okay.

  She put down her knife. Quickly washing her hands and drying them on her apron, she made her way down the hall to the room at the front of the house where Holly slept. Her knocking brought no reply. She gently turned the handle, trying to be as quiet as she could.

  Rosie was shocked to see the empty bed. She touched the sheets.

  Cold, she thought. She slept in the bed but must have got up early. Maybe she went for another walk?

  Confused and a little worried, she called, ‘Vin? Vin!’

  ‘Oww!’ came a reply from the garden.

  ‘Sorry, Vin,’ said Carter. ‘Good job it wasn’t your head again.’

  ‘I asked you not to distract me,’ he said to his mother. ‘It’s dangerous.’

  ‘Sorry, Vin, it’s just... did you hear Holly getting up this morning?’

  ‘No, I thought she was still sleeping. Carter, did you?’

  ‘No, I thought it best to let her sleep. What is it, Mrs Vin?’

it’s just that her bed is empty, and I don’t think the poor girl has eaten any breakfast yet? Maybe she went for another walk?’

  Vin and Carter looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders.

  ‘What do you think, Carter? Shall we go look for her?’

  ‘How about we take a casual stroll, and keep our eyes open? I wouldn’t like her to think that we’re afraid for her when she goes out alone. It might break her confidence.’

  ‘You’re right there, Carter. How about you and me take a stroll downtown before lunch, and see what we can see?’

  ‘Good idea, Vin. First, you’d better wrap some moss around that arm or you’ll have a nasty bruise there later,’ said Carter.

  * * *

  They walked towards the Central Hall, trying to appear casual. Those who greeted Vin always had a welcoming word for Carter.

  The marketplace was a bustle of people jostling for space to buy their vegetables.

  ‘Did you see my friend, Holly, come through here earlier?’ he asked everyone who stopped to talk. The stall vendors all confirmed Holly hadn’t been in the market that morning. Reaching the Central Hall, Vin looked around the square, but there was no sign of her.

  ‘I don’t think she would have left town. There’s nothing much to see once you’re outside the oasis. Maybe Naz has seen her,’ said Vin.

  ‘You don’t think she would have gone back to the Guards’ Academy do you, Vin? I mean, she was really interested in that Crystal. You don’t think she’d go back for another look, do you?’

  ‘Well, it’s only across the square over there,’ he said tilting his head in the direction opposite. ‘Let’s go and ask.’

  Vin led the way through the heavy wooden doors, approaching the Guard seated in the hallway.

  ‘Morning, Vin,’ the guard called out. ‘Back again?’

  ‘Just checking you are awake! Bit of a late night at the sports arena last night, wasn’t it?’

  ‘Yes, but worth it to see the Guards win.’

  ‘You haven’t seen our friend Holly today, have you?’


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