The Gnome's Children-Book #1 Bright Star Journals

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The Gnome's Children-Book #1 Bright Star Journals Page 12

by Byron Calhoun

and the rest will be as easy ta convince laddie. They’ve all had a rough go of it and might not be in the best of humor,” retorted Groundfirm.

  The two woke the Prince and retold the story. Logosian thought a moment and then decided to arouse the whole company. This they did, amid much grumbling, complaining, and startling. Soon, they were all awake and stood groggily before Edward.

  He began, “The Bright Star visited me tonight and told me that we are in great danger here and must move over the mountain to the ‘Clearing of Light’ tonight.”

  Groans went up.

  “No, listen, He told me of a path along the mountain side that He will guide us by a golden-blue light. The only problem is that only I can see the light for now, and will have to guide you. I know this sounds farfetched and crazy. . .”

  Edward was interrupted with loud protestations that he had been dreaming or hallucinating.

  No, no, it is true and I wish it were not, but we must leave now!” shouted Edward.

  After this outburst by Edward a long silence followed. Prince Logosian rose and addressed his weary band.

  “I know we are all weary unto death and that none of the rest of us see this golden-blue light, yet we must trust Edward and the Bright Star. Prepare to break camp and march inside the half hour.”

  There were a few grumbles and deep sighs, but the travelers rapidly gathered their belongings and prepared to set out. Edward waited until they all assembled in their gnome cloaks and pointed up along the rocky ridge.

  “The Bright Star’s light shows us to travel that way,” said Edward.

  They struck out shortly after midnight and began the rough ascent along the mountain. The golden-blue light shown ahead for Edward and he confidently climbed ahead. The others could not see the light and were amazed at how adeptly Edward found the pathway. The trail steepened and the journey became a personal struggle in misery. There were no sounds except their pantings and occasional rattlings of stones. The second Moon of Logoland’s light feebly cast their shadows and mocked their sight.

  The company clambered along the rocky face until they thought they would surely drop from exhaustion. The last few days’ rigors began to tell dearly. Heather suffered the most as she was the smallest and youngest, yet she refused to let Groundfirm carry her.

  As the first hint of dawn came in the west, they reached the top of the peaks and clambered over the ridge. They crossed over the ridge and the golden-blue light grew becoming visible to the whole group. The light increased to the size of a large basketball and then streaked across the horizon from view.

  “Ye did see a light then, laddie,” muttered Groundfirm.

  The remainder of the travelers were too weary and stunned to say much. Before them, down the mountain slope lay the “Forest of Rightswain, in which the “Clearing of Light” sat. In fact, the “Clearing of Light” stood in precisely the center of the forest. Down the mountainside they trudged. Meanwhile, the sun rose higher and higher, as they plunged deeper and deeper into the woods. These woods consisted mostly of towering ominsk trees, but instead of being dark and dreary, they appeared to dance with joy in the light breeze and sunshine. The animals sang, romped, and played in the undergrowth. Even the bone weary travelers perked up a bit as they went. Groundfirm now took the lead because he knew the way much better. The gnome set a blistering pace for the party, even though they were nigh unto dropping. He knew there flew spies in the sky and sought to reach more safe woods and the Clearing before noon.

  The rest of the journey did not mean much to Edward or Heather. They only remember feeling deliciously tired, but somehow keeping on their feet to the Clearing. Their exact arrival at the Clearing was a blur to them. They remembered meeting old friends Trimbleteather the Cyclops, Whitehorn the white stag, Tetelestai the unicorn, Veritas the centaur, and Truefeather the eagle. There was even Twittlefeather the owl and his friend Softdown, who Edward had saved from the river by the castle. The rest of the afternoon escaped them all since they soon fell into a deep, deep sleep that lasted until late that evening.

  When the travelers awoke it was to gentle nudgings.

  “It is time for the council of war,” said Prince Logosian.



  The Prince had awakened earlier to clean up and dress for the occasion. The Prince had donned the royal blue jerkin with a gold star around his neck on a gold chain. At his side was a gnome blade of the finest steel in a scabbard etched with a gold star on a blue field. His eyes glowed in the firelight and he urged them to hurry.

  The two children cleaned themselves as best they could and put on clean clothes. Heather wore a lovely short greenish skirt/jerkin with a golden clasp in the shape of a star. Edward wore a blue jerkin with a gnome cloak over his shoulder held in place with a golden clasp.

  They hurried to the clearing and gasped at what they saw. Their good friends had not been idle either. In the Clearing stood all of the King’s followers. There were three Cyclops near the outer edge. They were Trimbleteather and his two brothers. There were myriads of other creatures: wood nymphs in flowing gowns, satyrs with pipes, fauns dancing around, along with them mixed tree dryads from the northern forests seeking justice for their cut down brothers, with their long branchy arms and thin bodies swaying gently in the night breeze. There were also trolls, a dozen centaurs, three groups of many gnomes (blonde, red, and brown) and many other woodland creatures of all shapes and types. There were pudgy bears, short stocky badgers and beavers; lovely, graceful,yet deadly stags, cougars, weasels, ferrets, and last of all the small creatures like the rabbits, squirrels, and mice. The eagles, ravens, and owls perched wherever there was room in the surrounding trees. All in all the whole clearing was full of activity and creatures.

  Truefeather broke the dine and announced, “His Majesty, Prince Logosian, the Lady Heather, Lord Edward, and the good gnome Groundfirm.”

  A murmur ran through the gathering and a low bow was given to the four.

  Logosian interrupted and began, “Please good subjects, arise! Let us make our plans for the upcoming battle on the morrow! I have already spoken with Veritas, Truefeather, Groundfirm, and the others. We are going to present our plan and then see if anyone has any suggestions. We think we ought to proceed as thus: the gnomes, fauns, satyrs, and wood nymphs will be on the left side with Groundfirm at the head; the Cyclops with the forest creatures, except the cougars and trolls, will be on the right under Edward’s command; the center of the line will be myself, the good knights and yeoman, the centaurs, dryads, and cougars. The unicorns shall be our reserves and help out with the smaller animals wherever needed.”

  Upon completion of this plan a murmur ran through the crowd.

  The leader of the little rabbits, Quickfoot stood up, “Your Highness, we do not want to seem forward and ungrateful, but we desire to serve you more actively in the coming battle. We seek to be in the front lines!”

  A roar of delight went up from the Cyclops and others. The mice and rabbits turned to face their derision with a challenge to fight anyone who dared to find them humerous.

  The Prince smiled gravely, “Little subjects, you are so small that we fear for you in the front lines.”

  It was then that Edward spoke up and said, “I would be honored to have them serve with them in my troop. I need brave and agile warriors to assist me in my ranks.”

  The mouse and rabbit bowed low in acknowledgment of their acceptance, satisfied.

  Logosian asked if there were other questions or comments. The group all wanted to know how and where they were to be deployed.

  The Prince continued.

  “We shall draw up our forces on the “Plain of Reckoning” only about an hour away. The good eagles and owls tell us that the enemy troops are about one half day away and will meet us there. We seek to fight on a field of our choosing and at a time of our choosing. We shall draw up our ranks with the animals and Edward on th
e right side, in full view. The middle will be held by myself with my group. The left side will be held by the gnomes with the others hidden. We plan on having our knights mounted and the yeoman with bows. The centaurs will act as mounted archers.

  The enemy, at last count, had about two hundred to three hundred cavalry, with two hundred bowmen and numerous footmen, the wolves, and the bobcats, not to mention the vultures. . .”

  At that moment there was a horrible shriek that caused them all to jump, a blur of brownish white fell at Logosian’s feet. The Prince staggered back startled.

  The owl Softdown calmly spoke, “A spy bat.”

  He had a small, dark object in his big talons, which he politely brought to his beak and daintily ate.

  “Uh-uh, where was I?” stammered the Prince.

  “Oh yes, the enemy’s sky spies. They have numerous foul birds in their company. Also, we must not forget the Vizier as he will surely have some tricks. My Uncle Existention will surely lead the main charge. We will wait on it and then launch you Edward and the right flank to throw them off. The our center will move forward. The left side will await my signal and hold in reserve. The unicorns are on their own, with the stags.

  He finished and looked out at his subjects’ faces. His eyes welled with tears at the thought of their bravery and loyalty. The gathering remained quiet. Most of them were

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