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Affliction Page 1

by S. W. Frank








  Copyright © 2013 S.W. Frank

  All Rights Reserved

  Paperback Edition

  First Printing

  Printed by Createspace, USA

  S.W. Frank Publishing, U.S.A

  ISBN-13: 978-1492926993

  ISBN-10: 149292699X


  No parts of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system in any form without prior written permission of the author. Piracy of the book is a crime. Alfonzo detests thieves and liars, he also believes in Karma. Sometimes it is not laws which govern a person, it is what a person does when nobody watches which is the test of a person’s character and the law of self.




  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and events portrayed in this story are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.


  Images are for illustrative purposes only.








































  ‘Of all afflictions, the worst is self-contempt.’

  -Berthold Auerbach



  ‘Let your heart feel for the afflictions and distress of everyone, and let your hand give in proportion to your purse.’

  -George Washington



  ‘Beckon affection to champion this putrid mourning,

  This affliction cannot be eased without my darling.’









  To K,


  There’s a battle raging. Hundreds of thousands are in the fight. Insidious is this foe that sneaks in to take lives. Take heart; valiant wars are fought to abolish this blight. Leading the charge are fearless soldiers, dedicated and determined. They’re holding down the trenches to beat back the charging invasion. Heroes they are and brave to the end. An army of reinforcements march to their aid with love as weaponry to stand unafraid against this cancerous plague.


  Love Eternally,

  A devoted soldier.






  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20






  “Beware good people of affliction rooted in hearts,

  Barbed branches can tear pleasure from bark,

  Weak seeds are where misery’s infestation starts.”















  The diminutive Rabbi entered the 215 foot square cell. A large painted Star of David glowed from the floor. At his side was a young Jewish female. She wore plain clothes which hid her shapely figure, and her eyes never wavered from the ground. The inmates were ten strong. They wore yarmulkes, and ate the kosher food sent by the rabbi. 

  Among the inmates in Block 3 were lifers, and those doing hard time for major drug offenses. They were underlings of a powerful Israeli, a Jewish Mafioso who carved out a life of comparative luxury within the prison. With cash sent in by friends and relatives, he bribed the guards to have only ten inmates in his quarters of his choosing and not the standard twenty. A colored TV equipped with cable and a library were items outfitted to give the sterile environment a sense of home. Today the rabbi brought the female to the corruptor of souls. The young lady was for Yosef Glavovitz, once a respected figure in the Israeli Intelligence office and now considered the ring-leader of a drug and diamond smuggling network. According to the U.S. State Department White Paper on Global Narcotics, the Jewish State had become a drug-consuming country with serious marijuana, hashish and heroin use. The increased consumption of cocaine, LSD, and amphetamine had flourished courtesy of the man staring at the woman with eyes of brown stone.

  Yosef’s Israeli crime group was so adept at global distribution of substances, like Colombia, Thailand and Pakistan, they became a trafficking power. They shipped stolen diamonds through Brussels and Amsterdam to points worldwide. Prison did not sever Yosef’s hand but the losses to part of his distribution threatened to take the limb off.

  “Shalom,” the rabbi greeted the man seated across the room.

  “Shalom,” he replied. His eyes inspected the female visitor from a distance. The gruff tone was accustomed to giving orders and that is what he gave the frightened young woman. “Come here, girl!”

  The shy thing hesitated. The rabbi gently nudged her forward. The guards were occupied. When the rabbi came, they went to make their unscheduled rounds.

  The men were quiet as she moved toward Yosef. Many became aroused by the sight of a woman, but none displayed their hunger. Yosef never shared, they would watch and salivate. Fear is the emotion that ensured they remained disciplined. Not long ago a former cellmate merely asked Yosef if he could arrange for him to enjoy similar perks. Yosef’s response was to slam the man’s head against the cement wall. “Ungrateful bastard. The perk you have is the privilege of sharing a cell with me!”

  The man expired in the infirmary due to a massive cranial bleed. His death as far as prison officials were concerned meant one less lifer to house and feed.

  The young woman halted in front of the seated figure. She gasped when he lifted the hem of her dress to examine her body. “How old are you?” he asked.

  “I’ve recently turned twenty,” she answered.

  “How many men have you fucked?”

; “One.”

  “A boyfriend?” Yosef asked with a lift of a thick brow.

  “Yes, but we recently broke up.”

  “What is his name?”


  “Do you love this Ian?”

  The young woman did not like the questions. She had come here by choice. The money was her incentive; poverty was not. “When I was foolish, yes.”

  “And now?”

  “I am no longer foolish. My love has ceased.”

  Yosef smiled. He liked this girl. He ordered the rabbi to take her home.

  The confusion on the girl’s face brought a smile to Yosef’s lips. “Disappointed?”

  She frowned. “I was told…that…you…”

  He waved his hand. As a former intelligence officer he was highly regarded. But then a corrupt official is often charming, as well as intimidating. His voice and stature were imposing, the Iron Fist, he was nicknamed because he once broke a lieutenant’s jaw for making an unproven accusation. As a result of his action, he was put on suspension. Once Yosef returned, he decided to forego years of servitude and resigned. Cracking the hated lieutenant in the face is how he officially quit. 

  He looked the female up and down. “Forget what you were told, you will be paid.”

  She stammered a protest. “But…I have not…”

  The brown eyes settled on her face. “But, you feel you have not earned it, is that it?”

  Her gaze faltered. She had left Israel with nothing to escape the sight of Ian and had lived with her brother Petrov. She was unaware her esteemed brother’s money came from crimes, or he used drugs until this morning.

  When Petrov had not returned home this morning, she grew anxious and phoned their rabbi. It is through the cleric she learned Petrov had overdosed last night and perished. He’d taken her to the morgue to view the body. Petrov’s pallor and the track mark bruising to his arms made her cry. The comforting arms of the rabbi soothed her angst, but then he told of her brother’s theft from his employer to feed his drug habit that made her cry again.

  Petrov worked for this man, and stole thousands of dollars that she could never repay. However, if she were an honorable woman, the rabbi advised, she would settle her brother’s debt. When she told the rabbi of her finances, he frowned and made a phone call. He informed her that Yosef agreed to cover the burial expenses for her brother and forgive his transgression, but there was a codicil. The rabbi said Yosef was very wealthy and his wish like many romantics was marriage and children. If she agreed to matrimony, she would receive generous compensation. In fact, one hundred thousand dollars in cash would be a grateful man’s up-front payment as a show of good faith.

  If she refused –well then he’d assume she worked in consort with her brother and he would press charges against her instead.

  Initially, she considered declining the offer but then the prospect of prison or fleeing to Israel without a cent caused a change of heart. What was there except Ian and heartache? Her father died years ago and her mother remarried an abusive banker who treated her and Petrov like dogs.

  No, she would not go back to a land of suicide bombings caused by religious strife. Money is freedom; sometimes what is traded is worth less than what is gained. A wealthy benefactor who would care for her in exchange for marriage was far better than loving someone for free, only to learn he loved many.

  However, she was shocked to discover Petrov’s employer was serving time in jail. The nature of his crimes was withheld, and what was more surprising was the luxurious cell. Yes, the mature and handsome inmate had the air of money. He also exuded what her bubbe described as ‘chutzpah!’

  She spied a privacy screen near a comfortable looking bunk with fluffy pillows and quality linen.

  The man stood. Her eyes traveled upward until he reached his full height. She was but five-six, he had to be a foot taller.

  Yosef grinned down. “You thought I’d be short and balding?”

  “No…no,” she lied.

  At fifty-seven Yosef boasted a military person’s physique. Years of training field personnel in combat consisted of a regimented living.  He then spoke Hebrew to the rabbi. Seeing the young doe eyed woman, he had decided. The others began to move to an opposite wall to give the couple privacy. Their marriage would be officiated and consummated immediately. The papers were already signed.

  The clipped sentences were in Hebrew as the rabbi recited passages from the Torah.

  Yosef opened the screen and they were hidden from view. Yosef’s voice came in a seductive tone that gave her goosebumps. “This Ian who is no longer your boyfriend, did he wound your fragile heart?”

  She nodded. A warm hand pressed against her skin. The intensity of his closeness burned her flesh. “Yes.”

  He removed her dress. “Do you want to hurt him in return?”

  She did not lie. “Yes.”

  “As my wife, you will be recompensed. Ian will suffer death.”

  The rabbi spoke to the men and recanted halakhah in ceremonial blessings of marriage. Yosef focused on the young woman. Such a pretty girl, with smooth skin, eyes the color of green hills and hair as dark as the earth, not his usual type but pretty nonetheless. He spoke her name. “Anna, fits you. Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina was a sexually liberated woman; unfortunately she loved a man more than her children.” He smiled which transformed the lines of age to a man with youth. “But you have no children –yet.” He unfastened her bra, then he lowered her panties. “You will have my children Anna and be a good mother.”

  Held in place by the enigmatic man’s voice and an excited expectation, Anna responded. “I will.”

  “Good,” he said before he took off his shirt and the solid frame of chiseled skin caused the girl’s eyes to sparkle. The formalities were done. The rabbi sanctioned their union. Anna was now Mrs. Glavovitz. 

  Anna’s nipples hardened at the sight of his nakedness. She wanted a wealthy man’s protection and the love Ian had not provided.

  “Do you want to know more about me?”


  “For starters, I am an intolerable man.”

  The statement made her shiver or perhaps it was his mouth on her taut breast. He held her waist and lifted her like a feather from the floor and with a turn she was being pressed down to the bed.

  “But loyalty inspires my generosity,” he said before a kiss to her nipple resulted in a gush of feminine liquid below. His eyes were saber sharp in focus. A girl could not compare to a woman. “Spread your legs…yes…nice,” he said admiring her tender flesh with his fingers before thrusting hard inside her folds with his hand.

  Her moan of pleasure was surprising. She had not thought she would like rough, but she did and when Yosef smiled, she smiled in return, and then kissed his mouth unashamed because she was his wife.

  He raised himself, and gripped his staff to guide it slowly inside the stranger to become intimately acquainted. She clutched at him because he was thick…he pushed to stretch her open…made her gasp in acceptance of her husband. He began to pump with such force the cot vibrated. The ferocity of Yosef’s copulation resulted in her biting her tongue. Ian could not compare; Ian was forgotten in the clutches of her convict spouse, a man she could love judging by her body’s decadent response.

  “Do you like this Anna?” he asked as he turned her over and his breath warmed her spine.

  Her face pressed to the mattress and her arms reached out at the pressure of his staff rubbing her roughly inside. The muffled words were enjoyment. “Yes…yes.”

  His skin chafed the back of her thighs from the friction. The weight of a boulder was unmovable until he relented, but his appetite was not satiated, yet. She rolled on her back panting, throbbing from his intrusions, consumed by lust and moaning from the heat within.

  “Do you want more Anna?” he asked, and then bent to kiss her mouth, grinning at the girl as she tried to make demands with her hands but they were weak.

  “Yes, um, v
ery much.”

  “Ask for what you want with conviction.”

  “More…please…more!” she exclaimed, then caressed his rod, cupped his balls, slid her sticky hands over his waist and pled like a beggar for what a boy never gave. Her legs widened, no longer in timidity but eagerness to have him return to her sticky warmth. His hands went about her throat. Tears surfaced as he held her down. His teeth marked her body, human pricks which formed The Star of David that bled but she did not cry out.

  “Mark me Anna, carve my chest.”

  The nails ripped his skin. He did not wince when she asked if it hurt.

  “No, you cannot hurt me, it is the other way around.”

  Her lips parted and he sucked on softness as if he were pulling venom out. The young bride had not experienced a mature man with such girth and stamina. She bruised simply by ardor and choked in the heat of a fiery kiss.

  Bodies pressed, blood and flesh connected. In and out with deliberate massages is how Yosef glided. He rocked within the moist housing of his wife to shake her like a ragdoll and she requested more.

  Yes, he liked Anna who was docile and giving. The sort of wife he required to impress the parole board. Surely, a newlywed expecting a child would weigh in his favor. Money could buy many things, but to appease the hardnosed Americans his lawyer advised he show familial ties. A wife, a home and the illusion of rehabilitation allowed good-intentioned Americans to feel better, so he would oblige. At the hearing he would show the marks, shocked puritans would blush to see evidence of their conjugal visits. “You belong to me Anna. I will take care of you…in return you must visit me with the rabbi twice a week and call me every day.”

  She held her lip, moaning as he throbbed violently and filled her with his semen. “Ummm…yes….Yosef.”

  “Fuck another man or woman and I will kill you both.”

  She stiffened in fear and he thrust harder causing her to shriek in joy and pain. Nails with inexperience raked his arms; his mind traveled to a lioness whose talons tore him to shreds.

  Fifteen years of incarceration worsened bad men. He had immediate plans upon his release to visit a widow named Sophie Dichenzo. There is a debt he sought to collect in flesh; that is the only reason she remained living.












  "A person drowning in shallow water, need only stand, had he legs.”


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