Grey: The Infatuation (Spectrum Series Book 2)

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Grey: The Infatuation (Spectrum Series Book 2) Page 5

by Allison White

  “Grey,” I whine, even though my cheeks are painted crimson.

  “Soon, you’ll be screaming my name, darling,” he whispers and chuckles darkly as I turn around and pin him with a sharp glare. He waves a hand at me and pulls out his wallet as we stop in front of the ticket window. “You are adorable when you get all worked up. You know that, right?” He turns to the teenager, who looks bored out of his mind, and orders two tickets for a movie I don’t know.

  “And you look annoying when you become an ass,” I retort.

  “Speaking of asses,” he says, leaning back to bite his lip as he stares at my butt.

  I turn away and flush bright red. “Grey!”

  “Always screaming my name, aren’t you?” He winks at me and snickers to himself as he pays the boy and gets our tickets in return. He really is a sex-craved man…He wraps an arm around me and looks behind us.

  I turn around to find a group of teenaged boys giving me a shameless look over. I frown and get closer to Grey. He growls and spits out, “Stop fucking looking at my girl or I will not hesitate to send you pre-fucktards to the hospital. I’ve been to jail, and I’m not afraid to go back. Comprende?” They all go slack and nod furiously before scrambling away, leaving me stunned by two things.

  “You’ve been to jail?” I ask breathlessly as he stares at their retreating backs. And ‘my girl’? We haven’t confirmed anything, but it makes my stomach go wild.

  He shrugs and looks at me with a hint of a smirk, like threatening to beat up pre-teens didn’t affect him. “I was held in the county jail for three days for petty theft.”

  I gape at him. Forget embarrassing moments, I should have asked him about him being locked up! “What did you steal?”

  “Your heart,” he says slyly and winks.

  My heart flitters, and I shake my head. “I’m being serious.”

  “A few graffiti cans, some liquor—I told you I was a bad kid. Rotten, even.”

  “Still a little rotten, don’t you think?” I raise my eyebrows and cross my arms as we walk over to the cinema’s entrance doors. “You just threatened to hospitalize kids.”

  “They were checking out my Princess,” he says with a pout. “Only I am allowed to check you out. But I can’t really blame them,” he says as he leads me in. “I mean, you are pretty fucking gorgeous, and all mine, by the way.”

  Suddenly I am being twirled around, my dress flowing around in the air. My heart flutters and I throw my head back in laughter as we walk in, causing others to turn and smile. I am partially embarrassed, but the majority of me is elated beyond words.

  I cannot describe how utterly and completely out of this world I feel. I have wanted this from the moment I saw him. And I hope that nobody gets in the way of this. Not Diana. Not Sam. Not anyone. This is just me and him, how I want it to last.

  “Liv?” I hear someone familiar say in confusion.

  Grey stops twirling me, and I stop in a fit of giggles before landing my gaze on Mason.

  “Mason,” I gasp and stumble back to catch my footing before I fall. Grey wraps an arm around me effortlessly and tugs me into his side while sliding a hand into his dress pants pocket. “What are you doing here?”

  “The girls and I have been hopping from movie to movie ever since you left.” He leans in, looks around, and playfully whispers, “Don’t tell anyone, though. We’d be kicked out indefinitely.”

  I let out a wine-intoxicated laugh and slap Grey’s chest, who stiffens and halts my laughter.

  I almost think the night has been so perfect and normal that he subsides whatever hate he has toward my best friend, even just for one night. I am sadly mistaken when he cocks his head to the side.

  “Macie, what a nice surprise to see you out…whoops! Almost said ‘out of the closet,’ but that happened a long time ago, am I right?” He winks.

  I face Mason with a worried, trembling grin.

  And we were doing so well.

  Chapter Five

  There are two ways this can go. One: These two go at it and fight, officially ruining this once perfect night. Or two: Mason doesn’t entertain Grey’s ridiculous hostility and this night can finish off just as amazing as it has been before this happened. I’m praying for the latter, but knowing my luck, I wouldn’t be surprised if this ended up like option one.

  Mason lets out a laugh that makes me do a double take, considering what Grey just said. Looks like we’re going with option one. Yay…

  “Funny, you act like such a dick despite what I know about you. If I were you, I’d be a whole lot…nicer if you want to keep her, which shouldn’t even be the case. I’m not even sure why you try after Rose…oh, wait. I know exactly why. Do you want to share with Liv here what I’m talking about, Grey?”

  “Normally, I don’t hit girls,” Grey says, closing the gap between the two. I gasp and rush forward to yank him back, but he stands his ground and slithers out, “But you are the greatest exception.”

  “Can we not do this right now? Right here?” I exclaim and face Grey, pressing my hands against his hardening chest. Is he flexing right now? Is he really preparing to hit my best friend…again? “Grey, calm down. Let’s go see our movie like we planned.”

  “I’d love that, Liv. But I have a little something I have to do first,” Grey says around a laugh that makes my toes curl.

  “I don’t know what happened between you two that made you hate each other so much, but can we not address it right now? I’m sure you two can make a deal to stay out of each other’s way and leave the past where it belongs—in the past.” I try to persuade them to part, but neither of them budge.

  “I really don’t understand what she sees in you,” Mason gripes, gnawing on his lip.

  “Maybe it’s the fact that I was actually born with what you so desperately wanted,” Grey says, and I gasp. He did not just say that!

  “Get out of the way, Liv.” Mason narrows his eyes and takes a step forward, pushing me into Grey’s chest.

  “Please, do back up, Liv. I wouldn’t want to hurt you,” Grey says and looks at me with a grin.

  “Haven’t you done that already? I should know. She comes to me crying every time you do,” Mason says, and something in Grey’s eyes snap. “Go ahead, beat me up. It wouldn’t change what you did. To Rose. And what you are going to do to Liv. All you do is fucking break hearts. I wasn’t able to save Rose, but I’ll be damned if I let you do the same thing to Liv.”

  “What we do is none of your fucking business!” Grey snaps and balls his hands into fists. “And don’t act like you’re any innocent. Shall I tell her what you did?” Grey implores, and I shake my head. I’ve had enough of this.

  “I don’t care what any of you did!” I snap, my voice louder than I intended, but at least I can get my point across. They look at me, and I take a deep breath and say, “Grey’s an asshole who hurt some girl I know nothing about—okay. Mason is my best friend who, apparently, has a shady past and is connected to this Rose character—okay. But I—I have nothing to do with any of that. I just wanted to have a good night without anything this bizarre happening. But if you guys want to go back and forth all night about something neither of you will tell me about—fine! I’ll be watching a movie in the meantime!” I rant, pushing through them and ignoring their calls as I enter our assigned theater.

  I cannot believe this is happening. The night was going so well. Grey was opening up to me. I actually saw a future for us. But then he just had to ruin it. Like always. Hopefully the movie will be over in no time. Because, right now, I don’t feel like dealing with Grey. Not anymore. All I wanted was our first date night to go off without a hitch.

  I plop down in one of the seats in the last row and cross my arms. I watch a few movie trailers before a man steps into the room. I glance at him and look away. Grey. I steel my eyes on the enormous screen and ignore him as he climbs the steps and calls out my name.

  “Liv?” He’s looking out for me, but I bite my tongue. Let him suffer a bit.
“Liv? I can stand here and ruin the entire movie for everyone, or—”

  “Oh, shut up! I’m over here!” I hiss. I roll my eyes and look away, tucking my feet in. He runs up the rest of the stairs and slides into the row, taking the seat to my left.

  The tension between us is undeniable.

  “Are you going to be silent the entire movie?” he whispers.

  “That’s what you’re supposed to do during these things,” I tell him, not glancing at him.

  He frowns in my peripheral and pinches my thigh. I turn to him and glare.

  “Don’t be mad at me,” he pleads and takes my hand, but I snatch it and drum my fingers in my lap. I don’t want him to touch me.

  “I’m not mad at you…just tired.”

  “Tired of what?” he scoffs.

  I face him and sneer, “Being the outsider. You two clearly have a history together that should, apparently, affect you and me. And I think it’s hurtful that neither of you will let me in on what has you two riled up whenever you see one another. Even Sam seems to know what happened. Do you know how embarrassing that is? A guy I barely even know knows more about a guy I like than I do.”

  Grey frowns and picks at my dress. “I told you about the time I got caught in the lab room…”

  Is he serious right now?

  “Oh, yeah, telling me about getting harassed for screwing some girl in a classroom is much more important than about a girl you loved. Seems really fair, Grey.”

  I am too annoyed to sit next to him. I stand and shift over two seats. He follows like I knew he would and takes my hand in his, a scowl plastered on his face.

  “Would you like me to tell you all about the girl who broke my heart?” he asks, but he doesn’t mean it. He looks pale. And angered. And he’s gripping my hand. Hard. This girl must have been truly something if he’s getting this worked up.

  I yank my hand away from his and tell him, “I would like you to not pick a fight with my best friend every time you see him.”

  “He deserves it,” he says like he isn’t in the wrong.

  “And I do?” I’m exasperated. He closes his mouth and flicks his eyes away. Guilty. Good. “Don’t I deserve a normal—a good—night with you? One where you aren’t threatening little boys or being cruel to my best friend? I thought you said you would try for me, Grey.” I sigh and look away from him. I feel like moving, but he’d only follow me. Again.

  He opens his mouth to reply, but I hold my hand up and face the screen.

  “The movie’s starting,” I grumble, noticing how the lights have dimmed. I cross my arms and focus my attention on the starting scene. I can sense Grey’s eyes on me, but I don’t look at him or pay him any mind. I just want to get this movie over with, so he can drop me off at the dorms and he can go on his merry way.

  Five minutes into the movie, I feel a hand creeping up my leg. I shake it off, thinking it’s the AC that lingers through the air. I sniffle and rub my arms, trying to pay attention to the action movie. So much for rom-com date, Grey, I say in my head with a snippy tone.

  The feeling doesn’t go away, though. Because about twenty seconds later, there is a hand caressing my inner thigh. I sit up and ignore the gushing feeling in my panties and look over at Grey, who is staring at the screen with an innocent look. Innocent, my ass.

  I slap his hand away, and he jerks his head at me with a puzzled look.

  “What?” he whispers, like I didn’t just catch him trying to cop a feel with me.

  “You can’t just resort to sexual things when there is something wrong between us, Grey,” I whisper.

  I don’t want us to be that couple that has a falling out, only to resort straight to sex like it’s a glue that can repair the fight just like that. I want us to be able to talk to each other and work out the conflict in a non-sexual manner. It’s what normal people do.

  “Is there something wrong between us? Really?” He narrows his eyes. He leans over and softly kisses my neck. My breath shatters, and I wrap my fingers in his hair, but then I realize what he’s trying to do and push him back.

  “No, no—we have to talk, Grey,” I tell him and lean away a good inch in case he has any plans on jumping my bones in this movie theater.

  “Fine, you want to talk?” he snaps, annoyed. “I fell in love with a girl two years older than me. She cheated on me with my best friend, and she broke up with me before moving away to college. Happy?” He falls back in his seat, his right leg twitching up and down.

  I open and close my mouth, trying to formulate words, but I am unable to find any. I am stunned. Where in that story does Mason get involved? And, if she broke his heart, then why are others so afraid he’ll break mine? He’s obviously leaving something huge out, but at least he told me something.

  “Thank you for telling me,” I mumble and sit back. Well, the atmosphere is officially ruined.

  After a while, he curses to himself and sits up. “I didn’t want the night to end like this. I’m sorry. He just—I didn’t know he’d be here and…it’s no excuse. I’m sorry.” He slumps his shoulders and looks at the ground with a frown, like a child.

  I sit up, taking his hands in mine.

  “As long as you promise she won’t be brought up and you don’t go starting fights with my friends, I think we’re good.” I smile warmly. His hand grips mine for a second as he perks up, flashing me his pearly whites and the light twinkles in his black eyes.

  How is it possible for him to look so much like an angel with a snap of a finger? I take in every single detail of his face before he speaks.

  “Seriously? I didn’t completely fuck this night up?” He sounds confused.

  I let out a laugh then quiet down, remembering where we are. “No, you didn’t.”

  “Great,” he says with that puppy dog face. But a second later, it drops and a more sinister look takes over. “Now, let me make it up to you. I really didn’t mean to be such a dick.” He leans over and trails kisses up my neck. I close my eyes and grip his bicep, sucking in a deep breath as he runs his fingers over my underwear.

  “Wait…no. This isn’t right,” I say in a breathless voice and push him back. He pushes back a lock of my hair behind my ear and looks into my eyes with a perfect sphere of mischief that makes my cheeks swarm with roses. “I am not some girl who moans her date’s name in the back of the movie theater,” I tell him and look around nervously, paranoid someone might know what we’re doing.

  “Not yet, you aren’t,” he whispers and, before I know it, his hand slips in my panties and massages me. I gasp, and he puts his other hand over my mouth. I’m thankful for the loud explosions in the movie, because without them, people would definitely know what we’re doing. How naughty am I? Two months ago, I would turn my nose away at the sight of this god-awful act. But now…now I am begging this hauntingly confusing boy to touch me more. To have me screaming his name.

  “Not here,” I tell him. What the hell am I doing? Getting touched in public? I am not doing this here.

  “Come on, I’m pretty sure you like the idea of getting caught,” he drawls and nips at my sensitive neck, causing me to gasp again and swallow hard. “Am I right, mi princesa traviesa?” I nearly come at the sound of his raspy voice that sounds magnificent in Spanish. Jesus, he should speak it more often. (My naughty princess)

  “N-no, you aren’t,” I whisper, closing my eyes in bliss.

  “You sure about that?” he asks.

  His finger makes small, sensual circles on my clit, and I bite into his shoulder to keep from moaning. He chuckles deeply and vibrates as he leans forward and continues sucking on my neck. His finger moves faster, and I buck my hips and begin to breathe harder. The pleasure overtakes the location we are in.

  I can just imagine if we get caught. We’ll probably be banned and frowned upon. But I can also imagine the rush of adrenaline and the naughtiness of it all. Just the thought of a light shining at us makes my cheeks flush and my hands grip his muscular back.

  “Oh m
y…you do like the possibility of being caught…how fucking lucky am I to have found you, princesa?” He’s mocking me, but it only turns me on more.

  “Shut up, Grey,” I say through a breathy moan and clasp my mouth around the wet patch on his shirt I’ve unintentionally made with my mouth. He moves his fingers close to my entrance, but I sit up to signal that’s a no-no, for now at least. He doesn’t say anything and continues to drive his calloused finger against my sensitive center.

  “We should…” Fuck. I flutter my eyes closed and gulp down a hard breath, jumping when there is a loud car explosion. “We should watch the movie,” I tell him, though I don’t give a single shit about the movie. All I care about is his wonderful fingers taking me to my high, which I can feel building up inside of me with every painful, yet mind-blowing, stroke.

  “Fuck the movie,” he snaps, and I nearly come undone in this moment when he draws his teeth up my earlobe and grits out, “I’d rather be fucking you, mi princesa hermosa.” (My beautiful princess)

  “Car. Now,” I gasp out, fanning my heated face. He begins to laugh, but I lean forward and smash my lips against his. I suck on his bottom lip, and he moans. His fingers speed up, and I lean back and curse loudly.

  “Please, do not torture me. I need you, Grey.” I suck on my own bottom lip and chew on it when he curls his fingers. I lean forward and gasp his name as I crash down on my climax. I raise my leg, and he hoists it up, yanking me forward until I am flush against him.

  “Oh, fuck yes!” he groans in happiness, and I, blushing, laugh and kiss him again.

  “Would you two quiet down? This is a movie theater, not your goddamn bedroom!” a man snaps in the dark.

  Grey chuckles and receives a loud hush from a man a few rows down. “Fuck you! I’m getting laid tonight!”

  “Grey!” I laugh uncontrollably, tears burning my eyes as he sticks up his middle finger, laughter leaving his pink lips. “I wouldn’t go that far—”

  “I’ll take whatever I can get.” He stands and pulls me up with him. “Now come on before you change your mind.” He yanks on my hand, and I throw my head back and let out a snort. He grins before rushing us down the stairs. We receive numerous complaints, boos, and even a few popcorn kernels.


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