She Belongs to Me

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She Belongs to Me Page 21

by Carmen DeSousa

  Their bed was colossal and delicate simultaneously. It looked ever so inviting with the down comforter and yards of gossamer flowing down over the canopy. Jordan promised they would go shopping for artwork and accessories tomorrow that would complement the room and make it their own private paradise.

  He left afterward, just shy of two o’clock. She couldn’t imagine what he needed to accomplish that he would leave so early. The reception wasn’t until six.

  Melissa and Rachael arrived around three. “We are here to do whatever we can,” Melissa replied as soon as Jaynee opened the door.

  Both her new sisters felt it was their obligation to indulge and pamper her. Jaynee was self-conscious yet grateful, imagining if her cousins were here, they would have done the same.

  Her cousins were the closest thing she had to siblings, and she missed them, wondering if it was right to exclude them from her wedding. Then she thought of her mother and father. She always felt like an imposition to her parents. Though she was a trouble-free kid, never giving them a minute of difficulty, they were too busy with their own lives to be concerned about her.

  Except for Gram, she was the exception. Jaynee knew indisputably that Gram would have loved to be here; heck, she would have flown to Vegas with them. But she had made her decision and refused to let it upset her.

  Melissa insisted on styling her hair, and Rachael informed Jaynee she would apply her makeup after she buffed her nails and touched up her pedicure. Both ladies had worked in salons, but had given it up when their husbands started working for Jordan. Evidently, the hours on your feet were agony according to Rachael, and Melissa had wanted to stay home with her children.

  It was about four when they unanimously decided they were finished pawing over her. They turned her around in the chair for a look. Jaynee hardly recognized the woman in the mirror. There was a little more makeup than she normally applied, but it looked elegant. Her hair was cascading in delicate curls around her face and neck, a look she could never accomplish.

  Overwhelmed by the attention these strangers had shown her, she felt tears well up in her eyes.

  Melissa noticed and started fanning her. “Don’t cry, honey, you’ll ruin your makeup.”

  Jaynee found it hard to articulate a complete sentence; her throat felt desiccated. “Thank…thank you so much, I…I…cannot express how thankful I am,” she choked out.

  “We had as much fun doing it,” Rachael admitted. Jaynee was surprised to notice she sounded sincere.

  Melissa squeezed her shoulders and looked at her in the mirror. “I already think of you as another little sister, Jaynee, and I’m thrilled Jordan has finally found someone.”

  The genuineness in their words rung true for both women, and Jaynee fought to retain the tears again.

  “Well, we better get going. Still more stuff to accomplish, and you know how Jordan can be a stickler.” Melissa looked up at Rachael as she spoke. An understanding nod transpired between the women.

  Melissa carried Jaynee’s dress while Rachael carried the accompaniments, and they were off to the reception. Jaynee couldn’t understand all the fuss for what was really a party but decided, as it seemed everyone else around her did, to just subscribe with what Jordan wanted.


  Carmen DeSousa

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It took thirty minutes to reach their destination. It wasn’t anything like Jaynee had imagined. She expected some hotel banquet room; instead, Melissa turned onto a road of a park-like setting. The drive zigzagged through trees and gardens until they arrived in front of a building that looked more like a southern manor torn out of the pages of Gone with the Wind than a place for a party. Melissa ignored a jam-packed parking area off to the left and pulled alongside the mansion, directly below steps leading to an entry with a sign over top that read Bride’s Room.

  The rear of the manor, completely canopied by magnolia trees, was breathtaking. Roses and countless of other flowering shrubs, trees and plants trimmed the grounds and walkways. A lake bordered the end of the property and adjacent the bank stood a beautifully adorned gazebo with nearly a hundred chairs lined up in symmetrical rows all embellished with garlands of pure white flowers and crisp satin bows, which people already occupied.

  Melissa led her up the steps into a lovely chamber. “This is where we will get ready.” She hung Jaynee’s dress on the back of the door. “I have to get my dress, Jaynee, and there’s someone who wants to speak with you. I’ll send him in if that’s okay.”

  “Yes, of course,” Jaynee said, wondering other than Jordan who would want to talk with her.

  An older gentleman walked in seconds later, as if he had been waiting for her arrival. He was slight, only a few inches taller than she was and in decent shape for his age. He looked about seventy. He was dressed professionally in a black suit with a crisp white shirt underneath, his tie a simple blue. But what she noticed clutched in his hand, confirmed her assessment of him—a Bible. He looked like a preacher.

  He smiled as he shook her hand. “Hello, Jaynee, I’m Pastor Young. I know you are technically already married, but I needed to take a couple minutes to speak with you. Is that okay?”

  “Certainly, but I am confused. Why exactly are you here?”

  “Jordan wanted me to marry you as his pastor in front of your friends and family. I find I am doing it more and more, as couples choose to elope but then want to renew their vows more traditionally. I guess it takes down their stress level over the typical big-wedding ceremony.”

  She wasn’t sure about that. Suddenly she was extremely anxious. But she could also see his point…wasn’t she just thinking the identical thing about her family? “Thank you then, for providing us with your services,” she said, returning his smile.

  “I do have a couple questions though, because I am a preacher, and it is my duty to serve God first. Generally, I counsel couples for a year before they marry, but that is obviously not possible. But, I do have one question.” He paused a moment as she watched him. She knew what his question would be. “Jaynee, are you a Christian?”

  “Yes I am,” she answered without hesitation. “I was saved by Christ when I was sixteen and baptized within a few weeks. I admit I haven’t attended church in a long time. I’ve had some bad situations, but I pray regularly and truly believe Jordan is an answer to prayer. I love Jordan with all that is within me and want to spend the rest of my life with him.”

  “Well then.” He seemed surprised by her candidness. “Those are the most important issues, salvation and love. If anyone can make a marriage work, it’s Jordan. He puts God first in his life and his decisions. If you put God in the center of your lives, you will have a successful marriage. Jordan’s father and grandfather were just as quick to marry, and both of them lived long, happy lives. Of course, no relationship is perfect; we all struggle. But as long as Christ is your foundation, you can weather any storm.” He smiled at her again and then nodded his head. “I will be happy to marry you—again.” He stood up, taking her hand in both of his. “Well, I won’t retain you any longer, Jaynee. I’ll see you under the gazebo.”

  Leave it to Jordan, he’d said a surprise but was nervous she might have been upset. Actually, it was very romantic, and she was anxious to get outside to her husband.

  Pastor Young left, and within seconds, Melissa was at the door again. “Jaynee…please don’t cry, but someone else wants to see you, and we don’t have much time.”

  Melissa guarded the doorway like a sentry, shielding her from whoever was behind it. Would they allow Jordan to see her before the wedding? Was it unlucky when you were technically already married?

  He was probably confirming she wasn’t upset about his surprise. “Send him in,” Jaynee said, excited to see Jordan.

  Melissa allowed the door to open, and several people poured in at once. The first person—a man she’d recognize anywhere, even if dressed uncommonly in a black suit—was her Uncle Adam. Her grandmother followed right behind
him. Her hands flew to her face as she took in the rest of her family. Melissa started fanning her eyes again, but it didn’t help, the tears would not stop. The last woman to enter was her mother; tears were already streaming down her mother’s face.

  “You didn’t think you could keep us away, did you?” Gram spoke first, her voice cheerful and aggressive. Her eyes were dry; she was a strong woman. But her lack of tears did nothing to contain her emotions. She was clearly pleased with herself.

  Jaynee flew to her feet. “Oh, Gram, Mom, everyone…how did you?” the words garbled in her throat from the tears. She felt as though she were gasping for air.

  Gram pulled her into a hug. “Jordan and I have been working on this ever since you told me. I knew he wanted to marry you right away, but I couldn’t stand to have my baby girl get married without me.”

  Jaynee’s mother stepped closer, wrapping her arms carefully around her so as not to tarnish her dress. “Honey, Jordan picked me up at the airport. He is a wonderful man. I am so proud of you.” Unlike Gram, her mother’s eyes were red and puffy as if she had been crying for hours.

  “He picked you up?” Jaynee reeled at this information. He not only had her family drive from Florida but also arranged to have her mother fly in from New York. The man was incredible, and suddenly, all she could think of was getting to him.

  Uncle Adam stepped around her mother and took Jaynee’s hand in his. “Is it okay if your old uncle escorts you down the aisle, Cay?”

  “Nothing would make me happier, Uncle Adam.” And it was the truth. Her father wasn’t here, but her aunt and uncle had been there her entire life, and she felt guilty she hadn’t realized they would want to be here. Thank goodness, Jordan had gone through what he did to make this a reality. She wouldn’t change this day now for anything.

  Melissa fluttered her hands toward the group. “Okay, not to be a party-pooper but we need to get going before Jordan comes looking. You’ll see everyone at the reception afterward.” Melissa hurried everyone out, requesting that Uncle Adam stay close, indicating they would be out in a minute. “If it is okay, Jaynee, Rachael and I will stand up for you.”

  “Of course, Sissy, you have already made me feel so welcome. I cannot begin to express how grateful I am.”

  “Then everything’s settled. We are heading down the hall and out the rear doors. So follow us, and then we’ll exit separately.” She pulled in a deep breath. “Ready, Jaynee?”

  “Yes, I am. Very much so, thank you again.”

  Both her new sisters smiled and left the room.

  Jaynee held her position behind the doors while she heard the introduction of the traditional Wagner’s March. She knew her cue—every girl in the world knew her cue.

  What surprised her was the nervousness she felt, as if she weren’t already married. They had done this just a week ago, and amazingly enough it felt brand new.

  Both doors swung open as the music changed, and she stepped over the threshold with her arm latched around her uncle’s arm. The crowd stood. She could hear the uniformed sighs and gasps, probably just shock at seeing the mystery women. She wished they would sit…she just wanted to see Jordan’s face.

  Jaynee hardly noticed any of the faces staring at her. She was looking for her groom, and then she spotted him at the end of the aisle, waiting for her again. His smile was dazzling, and he was striking in his black tuxedo. The feelings that washed through her were so unfamiliar. She loved him from their first evening. But now, the feelings that soared through her were overpowering; her heart pounded to the point of almost being painful. The love she felt at this moment seemed as if it could burn right through her skin, and he was staring at her exactly the same way. His eyes were a little glassy, as he accepted her hand from her uncle.

  Their first wedding was beautiful, but Jordan was right to have arranged this. She felt even more attached to him, as though married by the preacher in front of their friends and family sealed their commitment. They repeated the typical marriage vows, and a feeling of utter peace coursed through her veins when Jordan spoke the two little words, “I do.”

  When the Pastor pronounced the words, “You may kiss the bride” Jordan felt as if he could barely contain himself. Jaynee was lovelier than ever.

  He would have to think of someway special to recompense Lorraine and his sisters, they had made this work better than he’d imagined.

  He thought he was doing this for Jaynee’s relatives and his own family. But now, he found he was even happier and felt even more of a connection, if that were possible.

  He leaned down to Jaynee, pulling her chin up to meet his lips, but before kissing her, he whispered a promise, “I’ll love you forever, Jaynee Monroe.” Then her lips were warm and soft under his. A cheer went up in the crowd, but neither of them moved. They were lost in their own world. The clearing of throats broke them out of their solitude, and Jordan directed his bride down the aisle, his arm wrapped around her waist to the waiting reception.

  Jaynee held onto Jordan’s arm as he escorted her inside the building to a ballroom decorated even more elaborate than outside.

  Everything was white, including large satin curtains that garlanded the windows and the rear of the room. Decorative squares, trim and moldings adorned every window and door leading up to the painted ceiling resembling a miniature Sistine Chapel. Just enough topiary and roses filled the room to break up all the white.

  Jaynee glanced around the room, trying to decipher who was who in the crowd. She recognized Jordan’s law enforcement co-workers by their stance and haircuts, but the remainder of the crowd seemed to be an eclectic collection of who’s who in North Carolina. Besides the police officers, there were individuals who even under their ties and the occasional jacket, looked like construction workers and others who were clearly businessmen. Other than a wedding, she couldn’t imagine anywhere the group would coalesce. Everyone seemed to be getting along, but she could see the division of different social ranks forming at individual tables and loose standing circles throughout the room.

  As Jordan and Jaynee waited at the rear of the room, a line began to form of well-wishers. Jaynee noticed one woman approaching. She was a nice-looking woman, tall and thin with dark-blonde, straight hair cropped to her shoulders, framing her face. She had pale-blue eyes set inside a tanned face with freckles dotting across her nose and cheeks, as if she worked outside. She wore a simple, black dress and stilettos, which surprised Jaynee since she was already tall, almost as tall as Jordan with her heels.

  Jordan leaned close to Jaynee’s ear. “My secretary, Lorraine, chose the location and the decorations. She took care of everything after I gave her minimal instruction,” he whispered.

  “Where is she?” she whispered back, as the woman Jaynee noticed approached them with a half-smile.

  Jordan nodded his head to the woman in front of her now. “Jaynee, this is Lorraine. Lorraine, I am pleased to introduce my wife, Jaynee.”

  “Oh,” Jaynee exclaimed, reaching out to hug the woman, but Lorraine took her hand instead. “Thank you for everything; it is all so beautiful. Jordan said you took care of all the arrangements. I am so delighted to meet you. Jordan explained how he can barely function without you.”

  Lorraine sucked in a breath and held onto Jaynee’s hand a moment longer than necessary. “Well, he managed to find a beautiful wife without my assistance.” She smiled, hoping they wouldn’t see through her playful but truthful observation. After all, she did mean every word.

  She couldn’t deny Jaynee was beautiful, and they looked perfect together. Lamenting, she realized Jaynee was the antithesis of her; they were polar opposites. No wonder Jordan only treated her like a friend; she wasn’t even remotely his type. This hurt, but also appeased her, knowing nothing she could have done would ever have altered that reality. She could change her hair, but she couldn’t modify her complexion, shape and height.

  “I am pleased to meet you, Jaynee, and I wish you both the best.” She squeezed Jaynee�
��s hand then turned to embrace Jordan. “Congratulations, boss! It’s about time I married you off. Maybe you won’t require all those late evenings anymore.”

  Jordan frowned at her remark. “Um, as I recall it’s always you calling me after hours, asking about specific jobsites.” His cheek lifted. “Nevertheless, I think you are right. You might not see me at the office as much if I can help it.”

  Lorraine released Jordan, stepping back. It was as she suspected. She could only hope things didn’t go haywire. She would do her utmost to keep everything working flawless. Her income depended on the success of the business too. She wouldn’t allow Jaynee to take everything she’d worked so hard to get.

  The next person in line was the gentleman standing next to Jordan at the altar as his best man Jaynee noticed.

  Jordan gestured his hand to the dark-haired man who was similar to Jordan in height, but had a much lankier build. “Jaynee, this is Detective John Ramos, my mentor, business partner and best friend. John, my wife, Jaynee.”

  John gave Jordan a smirk and raised one eyebrow. “Well-well if I knew all I had to do to marry Jordan off was to send him to Florida, I would have done it years ago. I thought I had a bachelor on my hands forever. Evidently none of the girls in North Carolina are good enough for you, huh, Jordan?”

  Jordan mock punched John’s arm. “It wouldn’t matter what state I lived. The second I saw Jaynee I knew. Now it’s your turn, huh, old man? You always were dissatisfied whenever I did something first.”

  John scowled at Jordan and then turned to Jaynee a peculiar look in his eyes. The man exuded arrogance. The kind of guy she would walk the other way if he approached.

  He reached in to hug her, and on instinct, she tensed. He seemed to notice and pulled back, offering her an overconfident smile as he held onto her arms before releasing her. “It’s very good to meet you, Jaynee,” he said in a low voice.


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