She Belongs to Me

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She Belongs to Me Page 30

by Carmen DeSousa

  Jordan would kill him when he found out.


  Jordan explained the situation to the officers arriving on scene but told them he had to return to the hospital. That he was in fear of his wife’s life.

  He called 911, requesting the operator transfer his call to Detective Williams or Powe. The dispatcher connected him to Len within seconds. He relayed what happened with Lorraine, and that she probably held information that would lead to an arrest.

  Once again, he pushed the Altima to its limit on the highway. He raced toward the hospital, thankful for no cops on the streets. Not that he would have stopped anyway, but he couldn’t afford anyone detaining him.

  Jordan reached for the phone again, but it started vibrating. He flipped it open, answering the call.

  “Jordan, it’s Powe. I’m sorry, man. Lorraine is dead. She went into cardiac arrest en route to the hospital, and the paramedics weren’t able to resuscitate her. I know she was a good friend.”

  Jordan snapped the phone shut, disconnecting the call. There was nothing further to say. He stomped on the accelerator even harder.

  He pulled the car directly outside the emergency room when he arrived. Let them tow it; he didn’t care. It was the fastest corridor to the elevator leading to ICU. He threw his keys on the receptionist’s counter, in case someone wanted to move it. He walked directly to the locked doors of the ER. “Buzz me in,” he demanded.

  The receptionist recognized him this time and didn’t falter.


  Brian and Pat stepped out of the elevator and headed toward Jaynee’s room. When they walked in, Brian saw a man standing over her.

  “Ronny?” Pat’s voice sounded confused as she walked through the doorway. “Where’s John?”

  “He just left. You must have passed him in the hall.”

  Pat knew the man’s name, but cocked her head at him as if he were a stranger. “What are you doing here?”

  Ronny glared at Pat. “I’m allowed to visit my sister-in-law, aren’t I? I am a member of this family.” He scowled and gestured to Brian. “Who’s this?”

  Brian narrowed his eyes and smiled as patronizingly as he could muster then extended his hand. “I’m Brian, Jaynee’s brother.”

  Ronny eyed Brian with suspicion as he shook his hand, holding on to it a fraction too long as if he wanted to convey a message to him. “Does Jordan know you’re here?”

  “Of course, he requested I visit, and you? Does he know you’re here? Jordan told me nobody was allowed in Cay’s—I mean Jaynee’s room but Pat and myself.” It wasn’t a big slip, he was her brother after all—hilarious thought that was. They had to know her first name was Caycee.

  “He asked for you to be here—with Jaynee?” he sneered, his tone incredulous as he shook his head back and forth.

  Brian wondered for a second if Jaynee had something going on with this guy and had confessed to him about him showing up and harassing her at the coffee shop,

  Pat stared between both men, obviously as confused as he was. “Do you know each other?”

  “Never saw him before in my life,” Brian answered.

  “No,” Ronny conceded.

  Brian stood his full six foot four inches and puffed out his chest as far as he could. “You need to leave, Ronny. I’m sure Jordan will call you when he returns.” Maybe this guy was a cop too. He felt great finally being able to tell a cop what to do. The man certainly wouldn’t try anything.

  Pat nodded. “Unfortunately, Ronny, Brian’s correct. Only two people can be here, and Jordan did request Brian stay with me and Jaynee.”

  Brian couldn’t help but smirk at Caycee’s mother-in-law’s acceptance. He didn’t know who this guy Ronny thought he was, but he didn’t trust him. He’d hung out with enough bad dudes to know one when he saw one. The look in this man’s eyes spelled danger.

  Jordan ascended the stairs two at a time, anxious to return to Jaynee.

  He needed food but couldn’t waste the time. He pushed through the stairwell door, which felt even heavier than earlier. After he rounded the corner to Jaynee’s room, he exhaled when he saw Pat sitting and Brian, his arms folded across his chest and legs crossed at the ankles, leaning against the wall.

  Jaynee was still sleeping, but a modicum of color filled her face.

  Jordan leaned against the doorway. “Mom, I think I’m gonna be sick. Can you get me something to eat?” He did feel nauseated but also needed to talk with Brian alone. He didn’t want to get into explanations with his mother.

  Pat stood up at once. “Oh sure, hon. I’ll be right back.” His mom lovingly patted his arm as she walked past him, leaving the room.

  Jordan took her vacant spot in the chair, letting his head gently fall onto Jaynee’s arm. He didn’t know how much longer he could go without sleep.

  Brian said nothing. He had to notice how weak he was at this moment. He could feel him staring at him. Jordan looked up as he attempted to keep his head from spinning. His blood sugar had dropped, and he felt as though he would collapse any moment. “Thank you, Brian,” he groaned.

  Brian shook his head. “You look horrible. You really love her, don’t you?”

  He sighed and took in the man he wanted so desperately to hate but was feeling oddly grateful he’d been here. “I do, and I can’t thank you enough for watching over her.” He wondered why he was even being civil. Was it only for Jaynee’s sake?

  “I didn’t do anything. When we arrived, John had supposedly just left and your brother-in-law was safeguarding her. He didn’t seem overjoyed to see me here. He looked angry; he acted as if he knew me.”

  Jordan cocked his head at him. “Bobby was here?” He had spoken with him this morning; he had a large job in Lake Norman. No way could he have made it back already.

  “I think your mother said his name was Ronny.”

  A chill swept through Jordan. “Ronny? Are you sure?” Ronny never showed up anywhere to help or checkup on anyone in the family. Jordan and he got along okay at work, but he never felt like family. He was always on the outside, never happy with his lot. He would never come to family gatherings unless Rachael dragged him along. He hadn’t visited Jaynee since the accident. Even on the first day, when everyone was here. So why would he appear today? He was at the office this morning when Jordan had called to talk to Bobby. He was just checking out the local projects they were working on, saying he’d be around all day, not to worry he’d take care of everything. Those were his exact words.

  Jordan looked back at Brian; he had to be sure. “What exactly did he say?”

  “I’m not sure. We walked in, and he was standing next to her. Your mother asked where John was, and he said he’d just left. Then he asked who I was and acted as if he didn’t believe me when I said I was her brother. I thought I lied pretty convincing.”

  Somehow, that didn’t surprise Jordan. He shook his feelings off. “Then what happened?”

  “Well…I did what you asked. I told him he needed to leave, that you didn’t want anyone here but me and Pat.” Brian smirked. “He wasn’t pleased, especially when your mother agreed. He bolted out of the room after that.”

  Jordan turned back to Jaynee. “Jaynee, love, you have to wakeup. You need to tell me what’s going on.” Jordan squeezed her hand, persuading her to awaken. He leaned in closer, whispering in her ear, “Jaynee, please wakeup.”

  Jaynee could hear Jordan’s voice. She struggled with the veil that hung over her eyes.

  She knew she had to wakeup. There was so much they needed to discuss. She couldn’t continue to hold all the secrets she’d been keeping. She had to tell him about Brian showing up at the Coffee House. She’d promised when they married to never keep anything away from him.

  But more than anything, she had to warn him about what Lorraine had said. She had to warn him about John…she couldn’t believe John tried to kill her. Or that he’d try to kill Jordan, he loved Jordan. He was like a brother to him.

  Jordan watched as Ja
ynee’s eyes slowly squinted open again.

  “Jordan?” Jaynee’s voice was raspy but more coherent.

  “Thank you, God! Please stay with me, Jaynee. You need to tell me what’s happening. Who hurt you?”

  “Where’s…Lorraine?” She labored to get the words out.

  “Lorraine isn’t here, love.” He couldn’t tell her, he could barely believe it himself. “Why do you want Lorraine?”

  Jaynee’s eyes darted as if she expected someone to walk up. “She…she said you’re in danger.”

  Jordan held his hand against her face to soothe her. “Me? What danger am I in?”

  “Your partner…an insurance policy…John I think…she said she had proof…” she struggled to speak the words. Jordan could see she was on the edge of passing out again.

  “John?” It was all making sense. Lorraine had known something. She had come to warn Jaynee Friday night. Then she tried to tell him today. Ronny was in the middle of something, not John…he was certain. John was just a coincidence; he would never hurt Jaynee. He saw the way John looked at his wife, and he would never hurt him, they had been friends forever.

  Ronny on the other hand, he had so many debts. Jordan had helped them out for his sister’s sake, but Ronny was never satisfied with just enough. And he and Rachael had an unhappy marriage.

  Ronny hated his life, and he never liked Jaynee. He’d felt threatened the moment Jordan brought her here. He’d told Rachael she was going to ruin the business and probably have Ronny fired. Rachael had confided in Jordan after they first married. Jordan told Rachael how ridiculous that was. Jaynee wasn’t even interested in the business, and she definitely wasn’t interested in money. He had to beg her to spend anything on herself. The woman hardly spent a few hundred dollars a month, no matter how much he bugged her.

  Jordan could hear Jaynee struggling to speak again. “It’s okay, Jaynee, you can sleep. I’ll be right here.”

  “Jordan,” she mumbled. “My baby…”

  Jordan looked up at Brian who was still leaning against the wall, listening to their exchange. He pushed his body forward from the wall to come nearer.

  Jordan winced at her words. “What is it, Jaynee?” But nothing mattered as long as she was safe and alive. If she wanted to leave him for Brian, so be it. It’d hurt, he wasn’t sure he’d live through it, but he couldn’t bear to see her in pain either. “Brian’s here, Jaynee, did you want to speak to him?”

  Jaynee’s eyes opened more. She looked so tired; it was obviously a task even to open her eyes. But the look of shock that crossed over her face was anything but enjoyment at seeing her former lover standing over her. As weak as she was, Jaynee looked angry, Jordan thought, as if she were going to jump out of bed. She didn’t look like the fragile woman who’d been lying there for almost four days.

  Then her eyes darted back at Jordan with confusion, or was it guilt?

  “Why…why…is here?” Her eyes narrowed, the confusion replaced by anger again.

  Jordan was baffled, and Brian looked discouraged. “Didn’t you ask for him?” He tried to mask his pain from showing.

  She shook her head then winced when she realized the movement hurt.

  Brian shrunk away from the bed. “I’d better leave you two alone. I’ll be downstairs if you need me, Jordan.” Brian left the room with a final glance at Jaynee.

  She had no desire to see him, even on her deathbed. Jordan couldn’t help but feel satisfaction, even as he read the torment spelled out across Brian’s face.

  Jaynee looked befuddled again. Her eyes flicked between the men as Brian exited the room. “You know each other?” she asked, gazing at Jordan for an explanation.

  “You said ‘baby’, Jaynee, isn’t that what he used to call you? You said it the other day, just the one word and fell back to sleep. I figured it out then, what you were keeping from me, but I don’t care what has been happening for the last couple of months. I just want you to know I love you and never want you to leave. But I’ll let you go, if that is what you want.”

  “Jordan,” she said, shocked by his statement, sounding even stronger.

  He looked down at her, embarrassed by his whimpering. He must look like a bloody fool, what she must think of him.

  “Jordan…I planned it. I quit the…pill…but we had to wait. I wanted it to be a surprise…for us to try for a baby…I never imagined….” The words flowed easier, her strength was returning. “I hoped by Christmas. Wanted to surprise you for a change.” Tears started welling in her eyes. Jordan couldn’t say anything; he was in shock. “But for you to think…for you to assume I didn’t love you? That I’d want—”

  Jordan reached over and cupped her face gently, breaking off her words. “Jaynee, what are you saying—are you—you might be pregnant?

  She nodded slowly. “I hope so.”

  “Oh, Jaynee. I’m so sorry. I was just…I couldn’t understand.” Jordan sighed in relief after the pain of the last two months fell away to nothing but a misunderstanding. “We had such a wonderful time in Florida, and then we came home and I understood the first few weeks, but then I went insane.” He considered the situation for a second. “Jaynee, thank you, thank you, but please don’t ever surprise me like that again. My heart cannot take it, love.” And he always thought he’d liked surprises.

  Jaynee did her best to smile.

  “So we’re going to have a baby?” he exclaimed despite himself, and the fact they were in the hospital, and he just lost a good friend, and someone was still trying to kill them. At that moment, the only thing that mattered was that his wife loved him, and they were going to have a baby. If not now, at least someday.

  Pat stepped in the room the moment of his announcement, her eyes drifting to Jaynee. “Is it true, are you pregnant? Wouldn’t the hospital have known if you were pregnant?”

  Jaynee smiled, though it was weak.

  “Not if it happened the night she was admitted,” Jordan answered, smiling sheepishly, grabbing his mother up into a bear hug. “But it doesn’t matter, Mom, Jaynee is awake.” He looked back at Jaynee; her eyes were closing. He could still see the smile playing on her lips. “Well, she was awake. But she loves me, and it looks as if she is going to be fine, and we are going to have a baby.”

  Brian was in the hall waiting for the elevator when he heard Jaynee’s confession and Jordan’s overwhelming cry of joy, which should have been his.

  He stepped into the elevator and pressed the lobby button. He had to come to terms it was over. The girl he’d loved for almost ten years, the woman he’d given away for drugs and alcohol was no longer his. She belonged to someone else. He needed to escape this place, return to Florida. He didn’t know what he would do when he got there; he just had to leave.


  Carmen DeSousa

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Jordan barely had a chance to grasp the entire situation that his wife may be pregnant and someone had definitely tried to kill her, when Lorraine’s phone vibrated in his pocket, reminding him that she was gone. Lorraine, dead? God, it couldn’t be true.

  He stood up from his chair next to Jaynee’s bed and walked out of the room so as not to wake her. As soon as he was outside the glassed-in room, he flipped open the phone. “Hello?” What if it was Lorraine’s mother? What would he tell her?

  “Jordan, it’s Powe.” The detective sounded out of breath. “I haven’t had a chance to call. You must be going insane with grief.”

  Of course he was grief-stricken, and he had to tell Jaynee. It’d devastate her to know that inadvertently she’d been the cause of Lorraine’s death.

  “Are you there, Jordan? Did I lose you?”

  Jordan sighed. “I’m here.” He wished he wasn’t, wished he could get his hands on Ronny. But he couldn’t leave Jaynee’s side. What if Ronny came back to finish what he’d started?

  Powe’s end of the line was noisy, voices echoed in the background. “Anyway, as I said, I’ve been too busy to call, but Lorraine’s al
ive. She went into cardiac arrest in the ambulance, and the paramedics pronounced her DOA. But the ER Docs were able to resuscitate her. We’re waiting to see her now. Attendees said she’s awake but weak.”

  “Thank, God!” Jordan felt relief, but it was fleeting, marred by what he had to say next. “You don’t need to speak with her. I know who tried to kill Lorraine and was probably there the night Jaynee was shot.”

  This time Len’s end of the connection was silent. “Who? And how do you know?” the detective finally asked.

  “Hang on a sec.” Jordan walked back into the room. His mom had moved to sit beside Jaynee. “Mom, I’ll be back in a minute, please do not move from her side.” He leaned over his wife. “Jaynee, my love, I’ll return shortly.” He kissed her forehead, confident she could hear him, even if only subconscious.

  His mother nodded her head. “I won’t leave her side, Jordan, I promise.”

  Jordan walked down the hall just out of listening range. “My brother-in-law Ronald Duncan,” he spat the words out, disgusted at the thought. How could he?

  “How do you know, Jordan? What proof do you have?” Len demanded.

  “Jaynee…she woke up,” he blurted out the words. “The night Jaynee was shot Lorraine had come to see her. She told Jaynee about some information she found and believed one of my partners wanted Jaynee and me dead to collect on an insurance policy.”

  “But how do you know it’s Ronny? What about Bobby, or God forbid, John?” It was apparent Len didn’t want to believe a fellow officer could be responsible, but cops were human too.

  Jordan paced the hallway. “John came here after I went looking for Lorraine, offering to watch over Jaynee while my mother got something to eat. But then Ronny showed up. He never does anything for the family, but that wasn’t all of it. He apparently sent John away, and when Brian and Pat returned to the room—” Jordan took a deep breath, as he comprehended the danger that almost befell his wife. “He was standing over her, Len…he was going to murder her, God knows how, right here under our watch.”


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