The Big O (The Virgin Diaries)

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The Big O (The Virgin Diaries) Page 15

by Bellus, HJ

  Oren laughs. The asshole has the courage to laugh.

  “It’s not funny. My life is ruined and I’m not driving.” I throw the keys at his chest.

  “C’mon, Olivia, don’t you think you’re being a bit over dramatic.”

  “No, I’m a girl who likes the best cherry pie on Earth on the Fourth of July and you ruined that.”

  The asshole only laughs harder and louder at me.

  “I’m not driving.” I climb over into his lap and face him, my arms crossed.

  “You better get your ass over in that seat and drive before he comes back around and tickets you again.”


  “My, my, Olivia, I do believe I’m seeing your first fit.”

  “Yep. And you know what, since I don’t get any pie then I’ll have my dessert here.”

  I drag my tank over my head and toss it in the driver’s seat, leaving me in my bikini top.


  “Are you warning me again, Officer?”

  “You’re going to get us in trouble, missy.”

  “I don’t care. I wanted pie and got a ticket.”

  It only takes moments for Oren’s hands to grip on my ass, tugging me closer to him.

  “You think you need something, Olivia?”

  I nod my head, rubbing our noses together, and then grind my hips into him. Oren sneaks his fingers down the front of my shorts.

  “Mmmm. I’m still mad at you for not getting me out of that ticket.”

  “Maybe this will help you forgive me?”

  He winds his hand into my hair and fists a clump of it, tugging my head back. His lips kiss the flesh on my exposed neck. I flex my hips into his hand, splaying across my tender parts, just begging him to enter me.

  “Oren,” I whimper out, moving my hips faster.

  His teeth bite down on my skin and that’s when he enters me with two fingers while his thumb swirls my sensitive bud. Holy shit, I had no idea how amped up I was. My hips move faster and with each push I move closer to the O.

  “Next time I tell you to slow down you better listen.” Oren’s hand freezes inside of me.

  “Oren, don’t stop.”

  “Did you hear me?”

  I move my hips in a panic, not wanting to lose any of the built-up sensation.

  “Yes and yes Officer, I’ll never speed again. Please, Oren.”

  I don’t even think I was this whiny when begging for a My Little Pony as a kid. I need him and I need this damn O since I won’t be getting any damn pie. Oren begins playing me again like a fine-tuned instrument. The need and want build right back up in me and it only takes seconds for it to burst inside of me.

  His name rolls of my tongue in a shout as I ride out the O until my body has soaked up every single delicious sensation of it.

  Cop lights flash as the officer passes us again.

  “I don’t even care if I get another ticket right now.”

  Oren’s deep chuckle tickles my neck. “C’mon, I’ll drive.

  We untangle our bodies, then Oren rounds the car and drives the rest of the way to Oskar Lakes. I melt back into the seat, watching him from the corner of my eye, and still find myself in shock that he’s mine. He’s so damn sexy in his button up shirt. He always rolls his sleeves up to his elbows.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asks me as he turns into the park.

  “That I can’t believe a man as sexy as you likes me.”

  “I’m one lucky man. That’s all I can say. Love you, Olivia.”

  “Love you, too. Are you ready for an epic Fourth of July barbecue minus cherry pie?”

  He gets out of the car, rounds it quickly, opens my door, and pulls me from the car. “The Fourth is my favorite holiday and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, Olivia, cherry pie or not.”

  He whirls me around in his arms and positions his phone to take a selfie. Standing in his arms, I feel beautiful. Every inch of my skin glows. He takes a couple.

  “Hey selfie-whore one more,” I tell him.

  He aims the camera at us again. I turn and kiss his cheek before he snaps it and freezes. We take several more until we are lip locked and he’s still snapping away.

  “Olivia.” Scout’s mom runs up to us out of breath. “Did you pick up the hotdog buns?”

  “Oh shit. Just kidding. Yeah, we got them.”

  “Where do they need to go?” Oren asks. “I’ll grab them.”

  Scout’s mom gives Oren the instructions and they fade into the masses. I can see Oren for a while because of the towering stack of buns he’s packing and the poor man has three more trips.

  “Here, baby.” I grab my sleeping dog and put on his cute Fourth of July outfit and then harness him and grab his doggy diaper bag.

  Dad always has a tent sent up for us to find shade and relax. Several vendors are set up with drinks and sweet treats. Dad and a couple other businesses supply a free meal to the community. It’s nothing fancy, just hotdogs and burgers, but Dad loves doing it. I swear he lives for this damn event.

  “Olivia.” I turn to see him in his apron flipping burgers.

  “Hey Pops.” I wrap him in a big hug.

  “So, did Oren get you out of a ticket?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  Dad chuckles. “Our tent is set up over there.”

  “Okay, let Oren know too please.”

  And just like every single year, Dad has tables and chairs set up under the tent with coolers stocked with ice-cold drinks.

  “Hey Diesel.”


  He’s a man of very few words, but working his ass for Dad. He may love cars as much or more than Dad. Diesel’s a good-looking guy too with dark hair and blue eyes. Tattoos cover both of his arms. He definitely has the bad boy appeal.

  Arms wrap around the back of me and I know it’s Oren from the scent of his cologne.

  “God, you look so sexy in those damn shorts.”

  “Thanks, baby.”

  “This place is crazy. I swear I ran into half your students.”

  “Oh yeah, the whole town comes out for it. Can you tie Pedro to something? The little bastard will take off if you don’t.”

  “Got it.”

  “I’m going to get our stuff settled,” I say while shaking my butt to a Lady Gaga song blaring from the stage.

  Oren ties the end of Pedro’s cord to one of the legs on the tent, but makes sure it’s long enough so he can jump up in his lap. I watch Oren snag a beer from the cooler and then settle into one of the chairs.

  “Hey, I’m Oren.” He extends his hand to Diesel.


  I stare at the two, comparing them and realizing they couldn’t be any different. Bad boy and Mr. All-American.

  “Hey, you have that Shelby, right?” Diesel asks.

  I swear to God Oren puffs his chest out, nods his head, and then takes a long pull from his beer.

  “I am going to puke.” I turn to see Scout walking up to me. “I am either going to puke or shit myself.”

  Both men turn around and for the first time in the history of Scout, she blushes with embarrassment and tries to play it off.

  “Too much pie?” Oren asks. “I had to hear about it the whole damn drive.”

  Both men go back to conversing.

  “You could’ve given me a signal, bitch,” Scout hisses.

  “Oh because I knew what you were going to say and anyhow, when do you ever give a shit about what you say?”

  “Olivia, don’t say shit. I really think my butthole is going to prolapse. I gobbled down that whole fucker before you got here,” she whispers.

  “Serves you right!”

  “It’s worth it. You won last year and I got you back. No cherry pie for you.”

  Scout lays on a blanket, clutching her belly, and moaning every so often. The rest of us eat and enjoy each other’s company. Dad finally joins us smelling like a greasy burger. I’m in awe how well everyone is getting along. Oren
and I have taken a few walks around the lake with Pedro and even ran into Kane. He dragged me out to the dance floor and made me do the damn chicken dance with him, which nearly gave me a heat stroke.

  So, we’re all back under the tent cooling off and waiting for the night sky to settle for the fireworks.

  “Officer O’Brien.” A new voice catches all of our attention. “Sorry to interrupt you.”

  “No problem.” Oren stands up.

  “Do you remember me?”

  “I do. Ruby right?” He nods his head. “How are you feeling?”

  “Healing quite nicely. You know that wreck was something awful and you were so nice to me, keeping me calm.”

  “No worries.”

  “Leo, get over here.” Ruby turns and yells, startling all of us.

  Her little husband comes scurrying up carrying a box. Holy shit, it can’t be! Oh my hell, he’s carrying a pie.

  “I’m known around these parts for my pies, especially the cherry one. I’d like to give one to you for being such a great officer.”

  I leap from my chair to dry hump Oren’s leg.

  “That’s awful kind of you. My girlfriend here is quite obsessed with your cherry pie.”

  That just sounded totally wrong.

  “Oh yes, Miss Olivia.” Ruby smiles proudly.

  As soon as Ruby and Leo leave, I leap up into Oren’s arm.

  “Oh my God, I love you. I love you.”

  Then I hop down, snag the pie, and grab a fork.

  “Olivia, please.” Scout tries to use her pathetic puppy dog eyes on me.

  “Not a chance, whore.”

  I slide the fork through the perfect flaky crust oozing right down into the filling. When the first taste hits my lips, I moan like I’ve never moaned before, closing my eyes and all.

  I swallow the first bite and then announce, “It’s so damn good. I just had an orgasm in my mouth.”

  Dad turns to Diesel. “Told you they’re a bunch of freaks.”

  Oren straddles the picnic table facing me, pulling my legs up onto his. “Do I get to taste this cherry pie?”

  I nod, scooping him up a big tasty bite and then feed it to him.

  “You also get my cherry pie later tonight too, baby.”

  Oren clutches the back of my neck, dragging me to him. His lips taste like cherry and I devour them as the first set of fireworks go off in the night sky.



  I have no idea where the summer has vanished. Time has flown by and I’m not ready for my freedom to be gone. Actually, I do know where my time has been spent; I’ve been busy sucking dick and tangled in life altering sex with my Hot Cop.

  Oren worked late last night and ended up going to his apartment. It’s pathetic that my own lady bits miss him that much. I mean, it was just one day and sleep without him. He’s going back in this morning. I guess he’s lead detective on some case and nuts deep in work. It’s what he loves.

  I strip down naked and find my longest jacket that I own in my closet. I’m going to pay my man a visit. I mean a quickie is better than nothing, right?

  “Why in the hell do you have a winter coat on in August?” Scout asks from the couch. “Oh God, Oh Jesus take the wheel. Don’t answer that question. You’re a total slut biscuit.”

  “I miss him, Scout.” I plop down opposite from her.

  “Please keep your legs shut. I don’t need a beaver shot this early in the morning.”

  I waggle my eyebrows at her. “You know you love me, but seriously how bad is that; I miss just being away from him one night.”

  “You’ve got it bad. Have you thought about moving in together?”

  “I’ve thought about it, but haven’t asked him.” I pick at a loose thread on my coat. “I think he likes staying here.”

  “If he moves in here then I call dibs on his apartment. Fucking ear muffs don’t even begin to muffle the noise you two rabbits make.”

  “You think you’re ready to be on your own?”

  Scout nods.

  I know when she’s quiet that something is really up. “Spill.”

  “What?” She squeals like a little child who’s been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

  “Who is he?” I push.

  “I’m not saying only because I don’t want to jinx it.”

  “Is it serious?”

  “No, he doesn’t even know I’m crushing on him.”

  “Tell me,” I whine. “I’m your best friend.”




  “I’ll flash my kitty right now if you don’t.”

  “Fine, it’s Pedro.”

  “You asshat. You’re not going to give it up, are you?”

  “It’s probably just a silly crush, you know. I’m trying to do things differently since my track record is pathetic.”

  “If it becomes more serious or even a thing, you better tell me first.”

  “Deal.” Scout nods.

  “Shit, I’ve got to get going. Oren has to go back in at nine.”

  “Have fun, whoreface.”

  “Oh I will. It’s a good ride.”

  “Gross. Shut it.”

  I can’t help but drive with a goofy grin on my face. I’m so happy for Scout and super impressed she’s going about dating differently. I just wonder who the mystery man is. The other reason for my smile is Oren. I can’t wait to see his face when I drop this coat.

  The fucker is hot,. I have the AC blasting as I drive. I spot his cars in his parking spot. I dig the key he gave me from my purse, squirt on his favorite perfume, and add some sexy red lipstick.

  I shake my head in disbelief of the vixen Oren has brought out in me. Then I feel a pang of anxiety form deep in my tummy. I don’t want to go back to work since that just means less time with him. Our schedules will be so different.

  I bound from the car, leaping up his stairs in my heels, and then turn the key as quiet as can be. My luck he’ll probably pull a pistol on me. Probably not the smartest thing to do…sneak into a cop’s house. I second-guess my plan before turning the doorknob.

  When I step in, I hear his shower running and Oren’s voice. He must be on the phone. Even better, I think to myself. I can’t wait to see him speechless. I tiptoe across his small living room, not letting the spikes of my heels click on the tile. His voice lingers on the other side of the door. My excitement shoots through the roof knowing he’s so near.

  I throw open the door to his bedroom, spot Oren, and then drop my coat bearing everything to him. My body, heart, and soul.

  “Who in the hell are you?”

  Like a grenade I’m blasted as a female voice asks me a question.

  “Olivia,” Oren steps towards me.

  My vision goes to him and then to the perky blonde perched on the side of his bed.

  “Who in the hell is she, Oren?”

  Shock attacks me for several seconds before common sense kicks in and I snag my coat from the floor.

  “Oh no, little girl. You’re not leaving until you tell me who you are and what you’re doing in my fiancé’s house naked.”

  My ears buzz and head spins in confusion. Fiancé. It hurts to process the entire situation, so I run for the front door.

  “Olivia.” Oren’s voice races after me, but I never stop or turn around.


  I slam the door to my car and look up to the door of Oren’s place where he stands in his boxers with his sexy ruffled hair. This cannot be happening to me right now. He not only broke my heart, but also shattered it beyond repair. I guess that’s what I get for opening up to him.

  I fumble for my phone while backing out the complex and dial Scout’s number.

  “That was a world record quickie.”

  “Scout.” My sobs take control of my speech, making it near impossible to talk.

  “O, what’s wrong?”

  Tears blur my vision as I race away from Oren. “He…
he…he has a fiancé.”

  “Olivia, where are you?”

  “She’s gorgeous and was in his room.”

  “Olivia, you aren’t making sense. Pull over.”

  I panic when I’m unable to catch my breath, the tears continue to roll down my face, and that’s when I try to break but it’s too late as I zip through a red light. Looking to my left, the bright yellow semi-truck is the last thing I see.

  “Get EMS here now.” I hear a familiar voice.

  I try to yell for help but only gurgle on metallic blood.

  “Olivia, help is on the way.”

  I pry my eyes open to see Oren. I fight to get away from him.

  “Stop, baby. You’re hurt. You’re hurt real bad.”

  He cradles me closer to his chest. “I’m sorry, Olivia, I’m so fucking sorry.”

  One of his stray tears falls onto my forearm. My stomach wretches and then streams of blood erupt from me. Then it goes black again.


  Just Leave

  “Mr. O’Brien is here to see you again,” My favorite nurse announces from the door.

  My breathing tube was just taken out, leaving my throat raw. I shake my head no.

  “Tell him not now,” Dad replies.

  “No,” I barely get out. “Tell him I never want to see him.”

  “I know that you’re hurting, Firecracker, but he saved your life.”

  I roll my eyes. I’ve heard the story a dozen times how he opened my airway on site, blah, blah, fucking blah. I wouldn’t be in this bed if it weren’t for his lying ass.

  “You’re going to have to talk to him one day.” I look over to Scout in the doorway holding a large bouquet of flowers. “He sent these up. Just like he’s sent flowers up every single day for the last three weeks, O. He’s not going to give up.”

  “What?” I slam my fists into the mattress. “Am I just supposed to forgive him? He has a fiancé and used me.”

  Alarms go off and I know it’s my oxygen levels.

  “Okay, okay.” Dad pats my shoulder. “Just sleep, baby girl.”

  That’s something I can do. Close my eyes and forget the last four months of my life. I begin drifting off and hear Scout and my dad converse.

  “I just wish she’d listen to him.”


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