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Subspace Page 18

by Sierra Cartwright

  A movement from the podium caught her attention. He was on his feet, picking up his briefs but not bothering to don them again before strolling back to their table.

  Mesmerised, she and Sian watched his movements, the bunching of his muscles as he walked, the flex of his arms…and his sex, boldly on display. He definitely had nothing to hide.

  When he reached her, he put his arm around her neck and leant down to kiss her, just like that.

  The kiss was a stamp of ownership, and all the feelings that had been bubbling inside her for weeks rose up so she pressed against him, arms tight around his neck.

  He pulled back, colour flagging his cheeks, but otherwise in control. “Are you going to show me what you painted?” he asked calmly.

  She nodded to the easel where her piece was drying.

  “I like it. I want it. Can I have it, please?”

  “Uh…yes,” she said, taken aback he’d want her humble work.

  “Good.” He replaced his clothing and managed to make even that graceful before he insisted on paying their bill and then guiding her out of the café.

  The air was cool but fragrant with early spring flowers as they stood outdoors. Diana looked back towards her condo, wondering if their evening was over. Sloan tugged her hand, and she followed him without a word.

  They went to the kickboxing studio. He left the lights off after they were inside so only the glow from the street lamps lit the echoing space.

  “Can you stay longer tonight?” Sloan asked. “I don’t want you feeling you have to rush off to Jeff and putting yourself at risk. My submissive stays with me until I know she’s come down from whatever high we create together.”

  Diana’s heart jumped and then pounded.

  They would play again. He would push her to do things that made her so hot, and maybe he’d permit her to come. When she thought of the release he could offer, her hands went to her clothing.

  “I didn’t tell you to undress,” he said. “Leave it on.”

  “Oh.” Her face fell and she felt disappointed and stupid.

  “Leave it on because I want you half-dressed when I fuck you,” he went on serenely.

  Diana gasped, seeing that he wasn’t as controlled as he seemed. His eyes blazed at her and his face was strained.

  “If you don’t want it, leave now,” he said, stepping away from the door and, as always, giving her the choice.

  When she didn’t move to leave, he pointed to the wall at the shadowy back of the studio.

  “Up against the wall. Pull down your panties and raise your skirt for me.”

  Chapter Eight

  She loved him.

  The realisation made her freeze as she held Sloan’s gaze.

  No, she couldn’t, she scoffed. She’d only met him a few weeks ago. He was Jeff’s teacher. He was younger than she was.

  But her throat tightened. She looked at him, at his tangled hair and the stubble outlining his full lips and the way he stood with his hands on his hips, cocky.

  Like that poster that had first caught her eye, perfect, beautifully masculine. And he knew just how to touch her. His hands brought her body to life.

  How many nights had she wondered why she’d surrendered to him right from the start? Had it been because on some level she’d loved him?

  Sloan watched her silently, as if he was giving her space to master her emotions, master herself.

  Diana took a deep breath, closed her eyes and centred herself the way she did in her yoga classes. Then she followed his command, going to the back of the studio. She hesitated and then lifted her skirt to shove down her panties. She wasn’t sure if she should remove them, but the lace slid off her legs and fell to make circles around her high heels.

  “Very sexy,” he whispered—and he was right behind her. “Have I told you how sexy I think your high heels are?”

  She trembled as he moved his warm hands over her bare shoulders, caressing her.

  “Even your shoulders are nice and round. Lush.” He squeezed them. “Put your back to the wall, lift your skirt and spread your legs,” he again ordered, as if he wanted everything that took place between them to be very clear to her.

  She took another breath before doing as he asked, moving out from under his hands and leaning against the wall.

  She flushed as she widened her stance and lifted her skirt, feeling cool air on the warm, moist heat of her body.

  Sloan simply looked at her, and she knew he enjoyed the sight of her half dressed, her pussy exposed for his pleasure.

  “Are you flashing me because you want me to touch you?” he asked softly.

  Her pulse jumped. “Yes!”

  He reached out and ran a finger down the line of her sex before pulling it back and sucking on it to taste her.

  Her head fell back and she shifted her legs opening wider in silent invitation.

  He cocked his head, considering her and then he returned his finger, stroking in gentle circles. “Oh, you like to be petted here, don’t you?”

  She couldn’t stop her hips from moving, thrusting against his hand so she could get the harder stimulation she needed.

  He stopped.

  “Sloan, please…” she whimpered. He hadn’t touched her in so long except night after sweaty night in her restless fantasies.

  “You’re a hot one.”

  He laughed, a tiny bit taunting. “But you didn’t do what I asked. What did I ask you to do, Diana?”

  “To…” She blinked. “To stand against the wall and hold my skirt up and open my legs.”

  He nodded. “Turn around. Put your hands on the wall, please.” His tone was businesslike. She heard the click of his dress shoes as he walked away.

  No! She was so close. But she would do this his way or not at all.

  I want to train you to be my submissive.

  He returned and lifted her skirt, putting the bunched fabric into her hand. Then he showed her a riding crop.

  “I’m going to lay two lashes on your ass, one on each cheek,” Sloan told her. “It will sting.”

  She swallowed hard, but her excitement didn’t go away. She wondered what it would feel like.

  “Do you know why I’m doing this?”

  “Because I moved?”

  He nodded, stroking the side of her face with the crop, as if he wanted her to get used to it. “Your cunt belongs to me. You don’t ask for pleasure. You receive it when I decide to give it to you.”

  “But…what about when I can’t help myself?” she asked. He brought her so easily to that level of arousal.

  “Then your Master will understand,” he said. “That is, if you agree to let me play that role.”

  Her Master.

  “Are you ready to try this?” he asked.

  She nodded, the material of her dress still clenched in one fist. She could feel cool air on her ass and the open lips of her sex. Then she felt the club at the end of the crop touch her where she was spread, tracing the line of her open pussy.

  Sloan tapped her there with the crop and she gasped, nipples tightening into hard painful stars as she panted, her body wilting against the support of the wall.

  “Do you have anything to say?”

  Huskily, she managed, “I’m…sorry?”

  “‘I’m sorry’, what?”

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” she whispered.

  She caught a whistling sound. Stinging impact, then the sensation heated like the spanking. He waited. When she didn’t speak, didn’t move, he gave her the second stripe.

  Time seemed to stretch out. She felt the flesh of her buttocks still trembling from the strike. Her skin bloomed. Tingles ran down her back in almost unbearable arousal.

  “You love having your bottom smacked,” Sloan said, caressing it as if he owned it. “I think it’s a special kink for you.”

  “Yes.” Her voice sounded drowsy but she felt deeply contemplative, dreamily focused on her rear end, on the sensations he’d given her.

  She felt wonder

  He turned her around carefully and studied her face. “Ah. Perfect.”

  He held her then. How long she wasn’t sure, but she lived for him stroking her ass, very gently, as she clung to him.

  “Since you were so eager to move, I think I’ll give you what you want now,” Sloan said.

  She shifted, feeling more inside her own body now. Sloan had allowed the lovely floaty feeling to slowly evaporate like a feather falling to the floor.

  “Okay now?” He cupped her cheek.

  She nodded, feeling incredibly cherished.

  He stepped away and sat cross-legged on a work-out mat.

  “Come here,” he said, offering his hand.

  Diana took it and managed to kneel fairly gracefully beside him.

  “Lift the skirt again. Spread your legs.”

  He pointed to a spot in front of him, so she shuffled until she was in place, dropping her gaze shyly as she exposed her wet, glistening pussy to him again. The marks on her ass were singing now. He’d made them. He’d used a crop on her and she’d let him. God, she’d had no idea she’d ever do something like that, but she was so glad she had.

  “It was a big deal, me using a crop on you,” he said.

  She nodded.

  He put out his palm. “You need relief?”


  He smiled, not unkindly. “Use my hand. Rub yourself against it, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes widened at the idea.

  “I want to watch you.”

  She shifted closer until her curls brushed his extended hand, and then he was cupping her, though not stroking or offering any direct stimulation. It was all up to Diana.

  “You’re soaking my hand,” he said.

  Colour burned her cheeks, but when she pushed against him, it felt good, using his hand, the callouses on the pads of his fingers from martial arts, each bump of bone and muscle.

  She rubbed herself on that hand, her eyes locked with his.

  “Good girl. You’re my very good girl,” he praised, his face glistening with perspiration.

  Her gaze fell to his erection, and she marvelled at his control. All along as if to prove himself to her, he’d mastered himself as he mastered her.

  “You’ll take that soon,” he said hoarsely. “You’ll take it all and I’ll come inside you. Jesus.”

  She was getting closer, riding the edge of his hand, and then one long finger penetrated her folds and stroked her and she jerked, her breasts jiggling with her spasms. She came violently, could hold nothing back from him.

  “Oh, Master!”

  “That’s it. So hot! My hot slut…”

  He pushed her down on the mat, and she heard the crinkle of plastic. He removed a condom from his pocket and calmly opened his dress pants, though his fingers trembled as he rolled it on.

  She stared, mesmerised by this act of protection. Somehow, even the way he put on a condom seemed to be the act of a Dominant.

  “Lift your legs. I want to see that wet, glistening cunt,” he ordered.

  She was still pulsing from her own experience. He put his thick head to her opening and slowly pushed inside, watching her face as he took her.

  She had never had sex quite like this, with her legs high and open and her lower body so exposed.

  He groaned as he slid in easily, her body succulent after her pleasure. It felt good, so good to have a cock inside her. She’d always loved this part of lovemaking, but with Sloan it had the added dimension that he controlled her.

  He began to fuck her, thrusting in and out, her body so wet for him that he glided easily. She was conscious of her sore ass rubbing slightly against the mat, and the reminder that he’d used a crop on her sent a hot tingle to her sex.

  “Someday I’d like to take you to a club and put you in bondage just like this,” Sloan whispered. “Maybe up on a table. Your legs would be wide open so that other men and women could see you, pet you. Would you like that?”

  The idea was shocking…and deliciously exciting.

  “Yes, I’d like that. Um…maybe not right away, though.”

  He laughed softly. “Not right away, darling. We have a lot to talk about, to work out, now you’re not running from me anymore, before we’d ever do something like that together.”

  “Yes,” she agreed, but she thought, maybe…one day…

  A strained look tightened his face as if he was finding it hard not to come. She could relate. She so wanted to push up as he rocked inside her but he hadn’t given her permission to move, just to receive him.

  “I can almost see it playing out, how you’d be so hot, so aroused from being touched, played with. You love someone touching your pussy, seeing that dark red colour, those swollen petals, don’t you?”

  She swallowed, shocked he knew her so well. “Yes.”

  “I knew it that first time. You were so excited when I made you show yourself to me.”

  She remembered. God, she’d come so often, remembering that first time he took complete control.

  “I’d climb on the table and give it to you. I’d fuck you right there in the club, and everyone would hear those wonderful smacking sounds, like right now…because you need it, me between your legs.”

  The drag of his penis inside her…and then his thumb prodding her swollen nub roughly.

  Tears stung her eyes. She was painfully stimulated. She was going to come again for him.

  “I need you,” she murmured, holding his gaze. “Need my Master.”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore that I’m younger than you are,” he said.

  This was dating Sloan? She thought as she closed her eyes and savoured feeling him deep inside her. Mmmmm. More dates please.

  “Open your eyes. I want you looking at me when I come inside you. I waited…” He laughed without humour. “God, it was so hard to wait, but I had to impress you with my control or you wouldn’t have taken me seriously.”

  Diana reached up and pulled him closer. “I take you very seriously, Sloan. I want to do it without a condom when we can,” she whispered. “I want you to fill me.”

  “Di!” That finally snapped the control he’d displayed all this time. He rammed into her, lifting her, pounding in while he dug his fingers into her giving hips.

  She wrapped her arms and legs around him, his hot sweaty skin, the brush of his eyelashes against her neck, her fingernails scoring his back and then she was coming and he stiffened and thrust into her—

  He whispered “Love you,” but she’d known, somehow she’d known this too, right from the beginning.


  Diana’s heels clicked as she walked into the darkened storefront of Soul Kickin’, nodding to Nath as he smiled at her on his way out of the door. He held it for her, and she entered the studio, which was warm and slightly musky from the scent of workouts during the day.

  Sloan was wearing a white karate uniform, his hair longer now, grown down to his shoulders over the long, golden summer.

  “Jeff off to camp?” he asked.

  Diana nodded, smiling a little smugly. “That martial arts place was ideal. He doesn’t think it’s too hokey since he’ll continue to train for that tournament this fall.”

  “Jeff has an urban soul,” Sloan agreed.

  He extended his hand, confident now after months of playing out their games, and Diana’s heart picked up, a flush breaking out over her face and upper chest.


  But she paused for a moment and drove a fist into the heavy bag, watching it sway with satisfaction before walking to him, taking his hand, waiting on his command.

  About the Author

  Jan Irving has worked in all kinds of creative fields, from painting silk to making porcelain ceramics, to interior design, but writing was always her passion.

  She feels you can’t fully understand characters until you follow their journey through a story world. Many kinds of worlds interest her, fantasy, historical, science fiction and suspense—but all have one t
hing in common, people finding a way to live together—in the most emotional and erotic fashion possible, of course.

  Email: [email protected]

  Jan Irving loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Jan Irving

  Uncommon Cowboys: Shy Cowboy

  Uncommon Cowboys: Shifter Cowboy

  Uncommon Cowboys: Straight Cowboy

  Uncommon Cowboys: Wounded Cowboy

  Power Games: The Wizard’s Boy

  Saddle Up ‘N Ride: Straight Cowboy


  Justine Elyot


  To all the scientists

  Chapter One

  “You realise you’re our secret weapon.”

  Ailish raised her eyebrows at her new flatmates and took a sip of her wine.

  “What sort of weapon? I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

  Jax leaned in closer, resting her elbows on the sticky surface of the deal pub table.

  “A knowledge bomb,” she whispered dramatically.

  Ailish laughed. “I think you might be overestimating me.” She looked around the busy pub for the barman, who was distributing pencils from a beer glass to go with the question papers.

  “No way. I’ve watched University Challenge with you, remember. I can’t believe how many of those questions you got right. You could be on that show.”

  “Except I’m not at university.”

  “Well, when you were at university then.” Jax turned to the other two girls on the team. “Seriously, she knows everything. This quiz is in the bag, girls. What’s the winner’s pot tonight?”

  “A hundred quid,” said Karen.


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