Homecoming in a Fur Coat (The Fur Coat Society Book 6)

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Homecoming in a Fur Coat (The Fur Coat Society Book 6) Page 8

by Sloane Meyers

  Mia’s eyes widened. “You’re jobless? You just up and left? For me?”

  Calum nodded. “I told you, Mia, I can’t live without you. If it means I won’t be able to work for the government anymore, then so be it. I’ll get a job on one of the fisherman’s boats out here or something. I’ll figure it out. The important thing is that I’m here with you.”

  “I…I don’t know what to say,” Mia said. She had all but given up on love. She’d made peace with the fact that Calum didn’t want to pursue her. And now here he was, ready to turn his entire life upside down for her.

  “Say you’ll give me a chance,” Calum said. “Say you’ll forgive me for being an idiot and not fighting for you in the first place. Say that somewhere, deep down inside of you, you feel the same spark of love that I do.”

  Mia was silent for a long moment. Then her face broke into a smile.

  “Okay, Calum,” she said. “I’ll give you a chance. I’ve felt something for you for a long time. At first I tried to deny it, but it was too strong. My bear is always pining for you. I haven’t slept well or eaten much since I got to Alaska. But now that you’re here, and have shown me you think I’m worth fighting for, everything is going to be okay. I can feel it.”

  “You are worth fighting for,” Calum said. “I’m sorry I didn’t show you that before. But I promise I’ll never fail you like that again. You’re mine now, and I’ll never let anything come between us again.”

  With that, Calum leaned in and kissed Mia. She felt a rush of electric heat going through her body as he put his lips on hers, and she knew without a doubt that they were meant for each other. He pushed her gently backwards so they were both lying next to each other on the blankets, and his kiss intensified. Their wine glasses tipped over, and the food was forgotten. All Mia could focus on right now was Calum. The stronger his kiss became, the more she felt heat and pressure building within her body. She had enjoyed his kiss before, on the night she was sick. But now, lying here fully healthy and alert, and knowing that he loved her, she felt an even stronger sense of ecstasy.

  Calum shifted closer to her, and the blanket she had been using as clothing fell away. But Mia didn’t bother trying to cover up again. She was all in. Calum was hers, and she was his. All of her. Calum pushed off what remained of his blanket as well, and for a moment they simply lay next to each other on their sides, drinking each other in. Then Calum reached over and put his pointer finger on Mia’s lips. He slowly let his finger slide down her chin, onto her neck, and between her breasts. She shivered as he continued tracing a lined down her stomach, stopping to draw a circle around her belly button before continuing down until his finger was between her legs, poised over her dripping wet entrance. Then he found her clit with his finger, slowly gliding it back and forth over the sensitive skin, and causing a rapid, intense crescendo of feelings in Mia’s body.

  “Calum!” Mia gasped out, shocked by the strength of the heat and tingling sensation that suddenly filled her. Calum didn’t say anything. He just kept his eyes fixed on hers as he continued to tease her, applying more and more pressure until Mia could hold back no longer. With a long, loud scream, she came. She squeezed her eyes shut and gave in to the waves of passion sweeping over her. The feeling continued to rock her body for what felt like an eternity, until finally, spent and happy, Mia’s breathing started to return to a normal level.

  But Calum wasn’t finished yet. He smiled over at Mia, and then, ever so gently, pushed her so she was lying on her back. Mia bit her lip in anticipation as Calum pushed himself over so that he was straddling her. His dick was huge, stiff, and thick—and it was hovering right above her pelvis. Mia had quite literally dreamed of this moment, but she knew this time it was not a dream. Calum was really there with her ready to push himself into her and make love to her.

  And that is what he did. With a swift, determined thrust, Calum pushed deep into Mia’s body. Every inch of Mia’s body responded, filling once again with an incredible heat. She closed her eyes and savored every second as he thrust in and out of her. Her core felt was so hot it felt like molten lava, but the heat was a pleasurable kind of pain. Mia couldn’t get enough, and every thrust of Calum’s body into hers sent a new shock of electricity through her being.

  Calum threw his head back and roared, and the primal, hungry sound of his roar sent Mia over the edge. She came once again, her inner muscles clenching around his dick as he continued to thrust into her. Calum roared again, and then stiffened as he made one last, giant thrust and found his release as well. For several long moments, they clung to each other, each of them shuddering as the tremors of pleasure continued to pass through their bodies. When they both started to return to a normal level of breathing, Calum flipped onto his side and put his arms around Mia to pull her in close to him. She snuggled up against him, her nose against his chest. He was a sweaty, sticky mess, but she didn’t care. So was she. They were both basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Their sandwiches stood waiting for them, and their wine glasses would need to be set upright and refilled. But there would be time for that in a few minutes. Right now, Mia just wanted to enjoy the moment.

  She felt a heat in her core still, and she knew without a doubt what it was—the lifemate bond. She had wanted to feel that bond her entire life, and now she had found it. She could hardly believe that her lifemate had been right there with her all through the years. They had played together as kids, fought through hard times as adults, and now, here they were. Together at the beginning of a new season of their lives, and a new chapter of history for the entire world.

  Mia sighed happily as Calum bent his neck slightly so he could kiss the top of her head.

  “I love you, Mia,” he said. “I’ll never let you go again.”

  “I love you too, Calum,” she answered. “You’re even better than my dreams.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Summer faded to fall, and then to early winter, and Mia and the clan slowly settled into life in Kodiak. Some days, it felt as though they had been here for years. The roads, stores, and surrounding forests became more and more familiar. With every day that passed, Kodiak began to feel like home.

  Mia loved the pace of life here. It was much slower than it had been in Chicago or D.C. Here, she had time to enjoy life, and to spend time with the ones she cared about. The world was ever so slowly settling into a new normal, but Mia would never forget the dark times she had lived through. They made her grateful for the good times she had now.

  Calum had been granted permission to work remotely, so he was able to keep his job with the Bureau of Shifter Relations. He moved into the tiny two-bedroom house Mia had purchased, and together they turned it into a home. It was small, but cozy. And Mia didn’t need much. As long as she had Calum by her side, she was happy.

  In November, the clan decided to all meet at Grant and Storm’s house to celebrate Thanksgiving. They had so much to be thankful for this year. Being back in Alaska had been good for all of them. There was something refreshing about the slower pace of life and closeness to nature out here.

  When Calum and Mia arrived to the Thanksgiving celebration, the rest of the clan was already there. Storm was in the kitchen fussing over the last of the pies she had made, her growing belly constantly getting in her way. And she wasn’t alone in impending motherhood. Juno’s belly was not far behind—she and Wyatt were expecting a baby about a month afterStorm and Grant. Mia smiled and touched her own stomach. No one could see it yet, but she was expecting a cub of her own. By this time next year, there would be several little ones joining them for their Thanksgiving celebration.

  “Sorry we’re late,” Calum said as he walked into the house behind Mia. “We were on the phone with my folks up in Glacier Point. They’re making plans to come visit for Christmas this year. I have to admit, it will be good to see them for the holidays. And, well, we wanted to let them know that they’re going to be grandparents soon.”

  Calum paused to let the meaning of
his words sink in. For a few moments, everyone looked at him in disbelief, and then, Calum’s sister, Hope, let out a long, excited squeal.

  “You rascal! I can’t believe you didn’t tell me! Are you serious?”

  Calum nodded and put his arm around Mia. “Yup. Completely serious. We were feeling a little left out with all the baby announcements lately, so we decided to play a little catch-up. Our little cub is due late next May.”

  And that was it. Mia was attacked with hugs and congratulations from every member of the clan. Hope and Drew were first, but the rest followed quickly. Juno was smiling so much that her mouth hurt. This room was full of the ones she loved the most. Bears of all sorts, a dragon, and humans. All coming together to celebrate the continuation of life. The best part about all of this was knowing that, not only would her cub grow up in a diverse clan full of love, but that her cub would grow up in a world where he or she didn’t have to pretend not to be a shifter.

  Jack wrapped his arm around Silver and proposed a toast. “Sparkling juice for the soon-to-be-mommas,” he said with a wink in Mia’s direction. All the men took their women into their arms. Next to Mia, Lily snuggled up to Bash. The clan members each raised a glass, and a loud chorus of “Cheers!” filled the room.

  The war on shifters had been devastating, and the flu epidemic had nearly ended humanity. But somehow, they had all made it through. Better days were up ahead, and Mia couldn’t wait to share those days with her clan and her new cub.

  She looked over at Calum and smiled, melting at the loving expression in his eyes and the way the creases around his eyes crinkled up when he smiled at her. No matter what challenges the future might bring, she knew one thing for sure: when she looked into her mate’s eyes, she was safe, and she was home.

  More Books by Sloane Meyers

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  About the Author

  There are shifters walking among us. Sloane Meyers is devoted to telling their stories.

  Sloane thinks we could all use a little escape in our lives. And what better way to shake up the ordinary than to transport yourself to the mysterious world of those who have an animal within them, roaring to be let out. Sloane brings you hot shifter males, and spunky, spirited heroines—with NO cliffhangers! Each book can be read as a standalone.

  When she’s not busy crafting shifter tales, Sloane enjoys a good glass of wine, preferably shared with good friends. She loves reading (duh!) and spending time in the great outdoors.

  Want more interaction? Visit Sloane on her website, www.sloanemeyers.com, and be sure to find her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/authorsloanemeyers.




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