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Naughty Mommy and Santa's Helpers

Page 4

by Trinity Blacio

  Annabelle grunted and tried to push back, but Lance held her still. “No Annabelle, he’s too big for you to rush this. We’ll get there.”

  Marcus stroked his cock back and forth as Alocer worked his cock into their mate’s fine ass. He glanced up to see Alocer’s heated gaze on him and he grinned. He had never been with a male, but something told him that he would be having that fine piece of meat in his ass soon. His butt cheeks squeezed closed at the thought.

  “Soon Marcus, soon.” Alocer grunted and pushed the last two inches into her.

  “God, will you two quit dreaming of each other and fuck me already? I’m stuffed here like a sardine in a can!” Annabelle glanced up at him and grinned. He could see the possibilities didn’t disturb their mate.

  “I think our mate needs something in her mouth to keep her quiet, what do you think Marcus?” Alocer asked as he and Lance started to move together inside her.

  Annabelle flung her hair back and smiled. “Bring it here, Marcus.”

  He grabbed onto her hair and wrapped it around his wrist as he guided her head to take his cock. “Relax the back of your throat Annabelle, you’ve done it before.” Marcus praised her and slowly started to fuck the back of her throat.

  Annabelle reached down and cupped his balls, her eyes on him the whole time, until Lance bit down on her nipple.

  “Damn it Lance, do that when your cock is in her mouth.” He snapped and pulled out of her mouth, right before she jumped.

  His brother grinned and once more grabbed onto her breast, but this time he sank his fangs into her without warning.

  “Lance!” She yelped and moaned at the same time.

  Alocer reached down and rubbed her clit, while he started to pick up speed. Lance matched stroke for stroke. His brother released his hold on her breast and grunted.

  Lance knew he had come already and Alocer wasn’t even ready and neither was Annabelle. “Damn, sorry baby.“ Lance kissed her lips and Alocer lifted Annabelle off of Lance. His strength amazing as he stepped off of the bed, his cock still embedded in her ass.

  Annabelle opened her arms smiling. “I think someone wants to feel your cock inside me brushing against his.” She invited him into her.

  “You do.” Marcus stepped into her arms, but his gaze flashed to Alocer, when his hand circled his cock.

  “He does.” Alocer guided Marcus’ cock into her pussy. “Move Marcus.” Alocer smirked and started to stroke back and forth jarring him out of the heated trance he had been in.

  Annabelle giggled and nipped at his neck. “It’s so hot, watching how heated you get staring at Alocer. I can’t wait to see you take his big cock up your asssss!” She squealed the last part when Alocer swatted her ass.

  Marcus held onto her legs. “Wrap them around me Annabelle and hang on.” He covered her lips in a kiss, to shut the smart remark that was bound to come out. Both Alocer and he moved together in harmony, teasing and working her higher and higher, till he knew they were all close to coming.

  He reached down behind Annabelle and grabbed onto Alocer’s balls and squeezed them. “Come now.” Marcus ordered.

  Alocer grunted and smiled, while Annabelle licked the side of Marcus’ neck and sank her fangs into it. Her body trembled in their arms, as her orgasm rode her body hard. Her pussy squeezed both of their cocks sending them over the edge.

  She closed her eyes, sweat beaded her forehead. “I’m so tired.”

  Marcus slipped out of her as did Alocer. He carried her to the bed and laid her on her stomach. “Rest Annabelle, we’ll clean you up.”

  “Hmm, k.” She mumbled, but held onto his hand as he tried to pull away. He glanced down at her. “What…” He stopped and bent down to her.

  Her eyes were watery, but she stared at him and brushed back his hair. “Thank you Marcus.”

  “For what baby?” He kissed her nose.

  “For loving me,” she whispered the pressure of her hand dropped, her eyes closed, and he knew Annabelle was a sleep, the day’s events finally taking their toll on her.

  He stood as Alocer carefully crawled onto the bed and cleaned her. He laughed as she tried to push him away.

  Lance stepped back into the room his hair wet he braided it. “So, she finally fell asleep.”

  Marcus strolled into the bathroom and cleaned up quickly. “Lance do you know why, Pundegr called asking for Annabelle earlier?” He came back into the room and crawled into next to Alocer.

  His brother frowned, and got into bed. Alocer had Annabelle on top of him, she was sound asleep. One thing was for sure when Annabelle was out she was out, their talking around her would not disturb her, but one peep out of the triplets and she was wide awake.

  “Why is your head elf calling our mate?” Alocer snapped, a little jealousy peeked through and Marcus smiled.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing Alocer, we’ll ask Annabelle in the morning.” Marcus stared at Alocer. “Tomorrow Alocer.”

  Alocer wrapped his hand around the back of his neck and brought him down to him, and kissed him hard. “Tomorrow Marcus.”

  Chapter Five

  Annabelle tried to crawl off Alocer without waking him, but it didn’t work. He squeezed her butt. “Going somewhere?” He mumbled. “It’s too early.”

  “I have a meeting, Alocer, plus the babies will be up soon.” She kissed Alocer’s chin and got off the bed. All three of her men now sat up, and stared at her as she moved into the closet.

  “What meeting? With whom?” Marcus now wide awake, got up and followed her into the closet, where some of her new clothes were.

  She grabbed the red suit and her red pumps “I have a breakfast meeting with Pundegr at nine.” Annabelle brushed past him, and he grabbed onto her arm stopping her.

  “Why are you meeting with the head of our elf staff?” Marcus’s question had her tilting her head up stare at him.

  “You’re jealous. Why on Earth…” She stopped and looked around, both Lance and Alocer stood within reaching distance of her.

  Annabelle grinned and threw her arms around Marcus’s neck. “You’re really jealous. Oh I love it, thank you, but really it’s nothing, Marcus.” She pulled back and kissed his lips.

  “Sandy and your mom will be there too. With you three busy working as Santa and juggling everything else, I’ve decided to do my part and asked Pundegr to help. My new project is called Elves Hot Line; Pundegr said I could use his name!” She turned and fled to the bathroom, but that didn’t stop them.

  Alocer, Lance, and Marcus followed her into the bathroom, as she slid on her nylons she had grabbed from the shelf in the dresser. “What is Elves Hot Line? Why are you dressing all up?”

  Alocer crowed close to her his hand skimmed up her silk nylon leg and snarled. “You don’t leave this bathroom till I’m satisfied.” His eyes flashed red, and he shifted to his demon form. His tail thumped on the floor behind him.

  She stopped and put her hands on her hip. “Alocer don’t you even start. I’ve been looking forward to this, and I will not let you three bully me about it. The Elves Hot Line is a hotline for adults, parents who need help. A place where a mom can write to and ask for help. I had Pundegr and a couple others of your staff set this up for me. Pundegr is bringing the first round of letters to us, Sandy, your mom, and me.”

  Marcus snorted and moved out of the bathroom followed by Lance and Alocer. “Do you really think you are going to get any letters worth merit? You’ll most likely get some sick guy wanting a sexually fantasy or something like that.” He waved his hands in the air.

  Annabelle slipped on her dress, shoes, and followed Marcus into the room where she heard someone knocking on their suit doors. She left the room, followed by Marcus who now had a pair of black jeans and a tee-shirt on.

  “You know Marcus, that was beneath you, what you said back there.” She glanced behind her and frowned at him.

  “What did he say now?” His mom said as she came into the room, followed by Sandy and Pundegr. “The nannies wil
l be here shortly.”

  Eden sat down and glanced at her son. “Well, what did you say?”

  She made her way over to the breakfast bar, the staff had already set up for them, and poured herself a cup of coffee.

  “I hope you’re having more than that?” Lance said behind her.

  She turned and frowned at him. “Actually, I was going to make a full plate, when the three of you leave us to our meeting.”

  Marcus leaned against the wall. “I think we’ll stay, and maybe read a few of your letters. You see mother, I believe this Hot Line is for the birds. The only thing she’s going to get is a bunch of porno letters from men wanting their fantasies played out.”

  Eden rose up and walked over pouring herself some coffee. “You know Marcus I’ve never known you to be so nasty. Did you get enough sleep?” She moved to the suite door and opened it.

  More of his elf staff moved into the room carrying three large sacks full of letters. Pundegr stood and glanced at her, then at Marcus.

  “I called yesterday because I didn’t know if you wanted me to bring all the letters here or not. So I brought half of them with us, I’ll have the others delivered later if you still want to do this.”

  Annabelle smiled and moved to one of the sacks and pulled out a letter. “Please have them delivered here. I’ll set up an office in the far room.” She opened the first letter and ignored her men as Eden made her plate of food.

  Marcus was looking over her shoulder as she took a bite of the scrambled eggs, when someone else knocked at the door. “That will be the nannies?”

  Eden once more opened the door and Annabelle glanced down at her plate, as the two tall well-built women came into the room.

  “Don’t think it, Annabelle. We love you, plus I think their mates would kick our asses if we even tried.” Marcus nibbled at her neck. “I’m sorry for what I said, I just don’t want you to get your hopes up.”

  She stood as the two women came up to her and pulled her into a hug. “We always wondered what woman would land these two hellions. The stories we could tell you, I don’t know how Eden survived. My name is Crystal Fortune and this is my sister Sylvia Canter. If you are in the least bit uncomfortable with us, we can recommend someone else. It’s very important the mom feels safe with us in her home, or the children will not feel safe.” Crystal took her hands into hers.

  “Our mates are downstairs. They are part of the security team that your brother has put together for your stay here. We’ll be staying in the two suites below yours to help with the feeding and any other things you need.”

  Annabelle studied both woman, but as soon as Crystal had hugged her and took her hands, she had known they would be perfect for the job. She took a deep breath, and hooked her arm into their’s.

  “Let me introduce you to the children. They are just now starting to wake. I should warn you, Ashton is very physical when he feeds and he does not think. Maria is usually quiet until her brothers start screaming, then she can be handful. Now Drew, he is a quiet and will wait, but if Ashton is taking too long, he’ll have a cow.” She opened the door to the nursery and stared down at Maria who fussed in her crib.

  “My god, look at that hair! I’ve never seen such a small child with so much hair. May I?” Sylvia asked, and Annabelle nodded, smiling.

  “All three have a head full of hair. The heartburn alone was a killer. That is Maria Rosa and she already has her daddies wrapped around her little finger.” Annabelle watched as Sylvia gave Maria her wrist and the child sank her fangs into her as she held on tight.

  Ashton cried in his crib and Crystal glanced at her. “That is Ashton.” Annabelle watched as Crystal picked him up. Ashton didn’t even wait, grabbing onto her wrist and sinking his fangs into her, missing the vein at first.

  “Hello little man, you are just like your father was. Oh, I will tell you stories that will have you laughing.” Crystal moved and sat down on one of the rocker recliners.

  Sylvia laughed and glanced up at her. “The milk is in the small fridge?”

  She nodded. “I have ten bottles filled and I’ll fill three a day. If you two are okay, I’ll go back into the sitting room?” Crystal glanced up and smiled.

  “We’ll be fine, and if we can’t find something, I’ll come and ask. Now off with you. Eden told us what you are going to try and do. If you need our help with anything, let us know.”

  Annabelle nodded and slipped out of the room, smiling. She would feed her children this afternoon and at night time.

  Marcus met her in the hallway, a questioning look on his face. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. “They are perfect and your son is already showing them how bad he can be.” She teased and kissed his chest.

  He placed his hands in her armpits and lifted her up off the ground. “I’m sorry. I was wrong. About those letters Annabelle,. There are so many of them.” There was sorrow in his eyes, and she smiled down at him.

  “You have always been surrounded by all of this Marcus, but I’ve seen so much hurt and despair out there lately. People losing their homes, their jobs. I want to help. You give joy to the children, I want to give hope to those who have lost it all, their parents.” She leaned down and kissed his nose.

  “Don’t overdo it Annabelle. You can only help so much.” He lowered her down, but brushed against his body. “I love you, little lady.”

  “And I love you, my husband.” Annabelle squeezed her arms tighter around his neck and kissed him hard.

  “We’re going downstairs to talk to your brother, if you need us.” Marcus pulled out one of the letters. “This one I’m doing for you.” He leaned down and kissed her nose before he left, tucking the letter into his pocket.

  Annabelle turned the corner and smiled. Everyone had a letter in their hand and food in their mouths. Eden glanced up from her letter, as a tear slipped down her cheek. “You knew we were going to need comfort food, didn’t you? Oh, I have placed a spell on the letters. As soon as you pick one up, you’ll be able to tell if it’s a lie or the truth. I don’t know what you’ll want to do with them, so I’ve started a pile.” She nodded to about fifteen letters.

  She made her way to the pile and picked up one. “Would your spell work if someone lied about the true state they were in, if it was worse? Because I’ve noticed that a lot of people will lie about what is truly going on, or not wanting to worry others, or be a burden.”

  Eden frowned and put down her letter. “Shit, you’re right, I didn’t think about that.” She leaned over and opened the letter. “Okay, the spell will inform us what is not true, so if part of the story is a lie, we will know.”

  She handed her the letter and Annabelle sat back down in front of her plate. Grabbing a strawberry, she began to read.

  To Whom it May Concern,11-29-2121

  I was informed of this hot line for parents. Well, here I am writing this letter, not knowing if it will help us or not, but praying something good can come of it. My husband of ten years was a marine and for the last five of those years, he would be shipped here and there.

  Well, last spring, he was shipped to Iraq, and that was the last time I saw my husband alive. We have three children – Jamie, 6, Matt Jr., 4, and Kyle, 2 . We purchased our dream home two years ago thinking we would have it paid off in ten years, but now, with my husband gone, I will lose our house.

  This will be our last Christmas in the house we dreamed of raising our children in. With the government cut backs, our insurance though my husband has been cut and the medical bills for Kyle have become too much. They are now threatening to take, and will take, our home after the first of the year.

  I’m willing to work as long as I can. I just need help with a couple of house payments so I can try to save our home. I don’t know if you can help me, but I pray you can.


  Dawn White

  Annabelle laid the letter down and took a couple bites of her oatmeal. Dawn had lied about the working part. For some reason, something w
as hindering her from working also. She also got the impression her youngest son, Kyle was not doing so well, but something else wasn’t right.

  Eden sat down across from her and nodded to the letter. “What do you think?”

  “There are two parts of the letter where she is not telling the truth, but I have a feeling it has more to with her than anything else. I don’t think she can work, but she is willing to, and I believe her son is sicker than she leads on or something else. I get a real bad feeling about the letter.”

  Her mother-in-law reread the letter and shook her head. “We’re going to have to read every letter. You were right, I just never believed it was this bad everywhere. I mean, we have letters in her from our kind, Annabelle.” Eden got up, and paced back and forth.

  “We live long lives and to see children of our kind with no home. I didn’t even know there was an orphanage for kids of our kind. Crap, Nicolas! He’s going to be furious he wasn’t informed.”

  Annabelle nodded as she stood and stretched. “We’re going to need more help, that’s for sure, and I have a feeling this is going to be a never-ending hot line.” She turned and glanced at Pundegr.

  “Do you know if others would be willing to help, after they are finished helping Nicholas?”

  Pundegr looked up from his letter and swallowed. “I’ve already had fifteen others offer to help, but what can we do? We can’t fabricate money? Most of these people need money.”

  She sunk back down in her chair and took a sip of her coffee before she answered him. “We each pick three that we know we can help, and then we work from there. If we can help more, then so be it,.Don’t get lost in all of this, just do what you can. Eden, I’d like to know more about this home for children . You know the empty warehouse on the property? What do you think about having some work done on it? We can turn it into apartments, to give the people who have lost their homes a chance to get back on their feet and a roof over their heads.”


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