Naughty Mommy and Santa's Helpers

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Naughty Mommy and Santa's Helpers Page 6

by Trinity Blacio

  Not caring who was watching, she poked Marcus in the chest. “I’m warning you now, if for one minute, you think you are bringing that bimbo back here to this hotel, the three of you can sleep in another room, because it won’t be with me!” She was so pissed off that she grabbed onto a cup and threw it across the room.

  A puff of smoke rose up out of Marcus’s mouth, before she had time to realize what he was going to do. He grabbed onto her, and threw her over his shoulder, storming out of the room.

  “Put me down right now, Marcus!” She screamed, and punched his back. “I’m not playing. Let me down now!”

  Marcus threw open their bedroom door with a bang, and threw her not too gently onto the bed. “Stay,” He ordered, as he slammed the door, and stripped out of his shirt, staring at her the whole time.

  “In the past year and a half, I’ve never seen you so rude, or behave so badly in front of anyone.” Marcus accused her as he stripped out of his pants and slowly stalked her.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She squeaked, jumping up on the bed and backing away from him.

  “You’re not touching me! How dare you think you are going to get some, when you think I’m lying?” Anger returned full force, and she jumped off the bed and away from him.

  “It’s not going to happen, Marcus! There’s the bathroom, use your hand, because right now the only action the three of you are going to get is either your hand, or each other!” Annabelle grabbed the door, opened it, and slammed it against the wall.

  “Oh, and since you just woke up the children, you can join their nannies in putting them back to sleep, asshole!” Marcus stood there. She had never gone off on him like this before, but today there was no backing down.

  That woman had run around that freaking room rubbing on and flirting with her mates for three hours, while she sat there. Annabelle stomped into the sitting room, and poured herself a cup of coffee.

  `Sandy came up next to her and poured herself a cup of coffee. “Everything okay?”

  She took a long deep breath and tuned to lean against the long table. “No, that letter we got wasn’t for me, it was for my mates, from some dumb bimbo, who kept throwing her body all over them for the past three hours.”

  All eyes turned to Lance and Alocer. They came into the room followed by Amaza Dorcest, who smiled at her, and patted Alocer’s arm. “Thank you so much for bringing me here. I had to apologize to your mate.”

  Slowly, she sat her coffee down on the table and turned toward them. “You brought her here? To our rooms, where our children are in the next room? Are you fucking nuts?” Her voice squeaked, and her hands trembled.

  “Get her out of her now!” Dwayne yelled, and grabbed her around her waist. “Are you three crazy!”

  Marcus ran into the room, along with five guards who broke through the door. “Escort Amaza Dorcest down to her room. Amaza we’ll be down in a few to apologize, but right now we need to defuse this situation first.” Marcus bowed to her as the guards guided her out of the room, but everyone watched her.

  Chapter Seven

  Both Dwayne and Sandy moved Annabelle to the couch, sitting beside her. Annabelle closed her eyes and tried to relax, but something was wound too tight inside her. It felt as if her skin was burning from the inside, her heart beat twice as fast as it normally did, and her vision was blurry, as if she wore three D glasses, making her dizzy.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Alocer asked Dwayne.

  He was close to her, as were all her mates. She could hear their breathing, smell them, each had their own individualized scent, and Annabelle recognized that each of her mates were imprinted onto her very soul.

  “In some of our females, if there is just cause, they can revert back to our primitive form when angry. It takes a lot of energy, but once the first shift is done, she will be able to do so anytime.” Her brother brushed her hair back, away from her face.

  “You’re half way there Annabelle, finish it. You’ll feel better, and it won’t burn.” Dwayne whispered into her ear.

  “What do you mean burn? She’s in pain?” Marcus snarled.

  “Ugg, shut the hell up!” She screamed and covered her ears. “What the hell is that noise? Make it stop Dwayne, it hurts!” A high pitched squeal rang in her head. It brought such a sharp pain Annabelle could have sworn it was a migraine taking revenge on her.

  She fell to the floor, her breakfast now spilled out of her stomach at both ends. Tears fell down her face, but all she could feel was her body ripping apart inside her.

  “This is worse than the change to a vamp…” Annabelle screamed, her skin started to fall off her body, to be replaced from underneath was a green scaly covering. “NO, God, please don’t tell me we’re snakes!”

  Annabelle took the last of her energy and glanced at her brother, who shook his head. “No baby sister, not snakes, but similar. We’re a type of dragon ” Was the last thing she heard, her arms wouldn’t hold her anymore, and she fell face first onto the floor as everything around her faded out.

  * * * *

  Marcus couldn’t believe what he was watching. Their mate lay on the floor, her skin falling off her, to be replaced by the skin of a dragon. Where they carried the dragon with them, their mate was transforming into one.

  Sandy ran out of the room and came back in with a blanket, wash clothes and towels. “Here, she handed him the wash clothes.

  “Don’t stand there, clean her up! This is your damn fault, and I, for one, don’t know if I’ll forgive any of you!” she snapped.

  Dwayne didn’t say a word as he backed away from his sister, as all three of them set out to clean her up. She was dragon, but yet not. Her skin was cool to the touch, smooth, scaly, and a blue green color. Her hands were like claws.

  “She’s almost like me, but a blue color.” Alocer kissed her other hand and wrapped the blanket around her body now that the shift was complete.

  “But those claws are deadly. If she is attacked, or feels threatened in anyway, her body will release a toxin which will kill anything. The toxin is released through the claws and her fangs. Notice how much bigger hers are now.” Dwayne nodded to her face, where two inch fangs now protruded out of her mouth.

  “What the hell…” Her mother came into the room followed by her father. “How did this happen?” Her mother glared at all three of them.

  Adam shook his head and held onto his wife. “Enough Lily, you knew it might happen with the three of them carrying the dragon anyway. I’m just surprised it didn’t happen sooner.”

  Marcus scooped Annabelle into his arms and sat back on the sofa, while Lance and Alocer got rid of the evidence of her shift. “You knew this might happen and you didn’t warn us? We’re going to have a nice long chat, Adam. This is the second thing you have kept from your daughter that she had every right to know about,” He snapped.

  “Marcus…” He glanced down and stared into the most beautiful green blue eyes.

  “How do you feel, baby?” He slowly sat her up as she gazed around the room.

  “Weak and very hungry.” She glanced at her father. “Is there anything else that could happen to me that I don’t know about?”

  Her father had the good sense to shake his head, and stay quiet, while she tried to stand. “I want to see what I look like.”

  Annabelle held on to the blanket and made her way down the hallway to their bedroom suite. Alocer, Lance and he followed close behind her in case her legs gave out. Once in the room, she dropped the blanket and stood in front of the full length mirror.

  She ran her hands down her arms and cupped her breasts. “Well, the milk is still there for the babies at least.” Her breasts were still full and round, but blue-green now.

  Her eyes met his in the mirror. “Keep her away from me. I never want to see her again, and I’m warning you now…” Annabelle stopped her words becoming harder to speak.

  Marcus stepped forward, but she held up her hand. “Don’t, right now I’m fighti
ng something inside me, and I don’t want to chance hurting you.” A small drop of venom dropped from her fang and fell to the floor.

  “See what you’ve done, how can I hold our children like this?” Annabelle cried and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it.

  Lilly came into the room and moved to the bathroom. “All of you leave. I need to see if I can get her to shift back. Go talk to my husband, he’ll inform you of what you need to know, and Marcus, keep Amaza Dorcest away from my daughter and my grandbabies. I won’t have that slut near my family.” Her mother pointed to the door.

  Alocer and Lance moved, but he stood there. “You know her, or of her?” Marcus stepped closer to the bathroom.

  The door to the bathroom slowly opened, and Annabelle peaked out. “Momma? Do you know her?”

  Her mother glanced at her daughter and sighed. “Come on out baby, and let me explain some things.” Lily walked over to the chair and sat down, as Annabelle came out with a towel wrapped around her.

  Marcus reached behind him and grabbed her robe off the door, holding it up for her.

  The room seemed to small all of a sudden. He had a bad feeling Lily was going to drop a bomb shell on all of them. Marcus wrapped the ends of the robe around Annabelle and kissed her cheek.

  “I love you.” He whispered and moved to the bed where they sat together staring at her mom.

  Lily glanced at both of them and then at the door. “You might as well come in also Alocer, and you too, Lance. I’ll only repeat this once, and then Adam will deal with this woman once and for all.” Lilly tapped the arm of the chair as she waited till Alocer and Lance both came into the room and stood next to them.

  “I’m sure my daughter told you of what my husband did, leaving me for some younger and thinner woman? Well, that woman is the same one you have downstairs.”

  Marcus’s hold on Annabelle grew stronger, as he stroked her. “What is she doing here then? I don’t understand?”

  Lily stood and started to pace. “At the time Adam was the most powerful male on our planet and Amaza Dorcest will not rest until she has had sex with any powerful man she can. In total, she now has sixteen children. I was lucky, once Adam and I mated, he couldn’t produce children with anyone else, but others were not so lucky. After Adam finally figured out what she was all about, he packed her up and sent her back to her husband.”

  Slowly she turned and glanced at all three of them. “You’re very lucky, she has her sights set on you three.”

  Alocer stirred beside him. “But the things she knew and told us, it just does not make sense.” Alocer glanced down at Annabelle then at Lily.

  “What did she tell you? Did she tell you what other species were coming to Earth? Guess what-- even I can get that information, Alocer. What do you think our families do here? We monitor those that come here and stay. What she has told you is nothing.” Lily held out her hand.

  “Come Annabelle, I’ll show you how to shift back. Once you do it, the next time will be easier and there will be no pain.”

  Marcus watched as both women disappeared into the bathroom. “You know what this means, don’t you?” Lance asked entering into the sitting room.

  Adam sat there talking to Dwayne and Sandy, when he turned to see them come in. He stood facing them.

  “First, I’m sorry Amaza Dorcest contacted you. I’ve alerted her father and her husband, they will be here shortly. I have two guards on her room now, so she won’t slip away.”

  Alocer punched the wall next to him and snarled. “So this bitch comes here just to get pregnant by different men. How the hell did she find out about us?”

  The room grew quiet and bright, Marcus shielded his eyes when the one council man stepped through the light and nodded to Adam. “I’m afraid it’s my fault. My daughter heard us talking and the next thing her husband and I knew, she was gone. Her husband has been faithful, he even raises all of her children, but this will end now. Thank you Adam, and please tell your daughter, I’m sorry for the trouble my daughter has caused.”

  He held out his hand and Amaza Dorcest appeared in the room. She was crying. “I’m sorry, Papa, but I couldn’t stop.”

  “I know. Come ,it’s time for you to sleep.” Both of them stepped out of the room and into the light. The light disappeared with them.

  “He’ll put her in a deep sleep for a few thousand years, giving her husband time and the other children to grow.”

  “Will this change on Annabelle affect the children? We need answers, and I want your promise that something else is not going to pop up all of a sudden.” Alocer snarled and went to reach for Adam, but he put his hand on his shoulder and shook his head.

  “No, Alocer. We already have much to make up for. I sure don’t want to explain to Annabelle why her father is all busted up.” Marcus squeezed his shoulder.

  “There is no reason to be upset at my father, when the three of you wouldn’t open your own eyes and see what was before you. That a woman knows what another is doing.” Annabelle walked past them, and kissed her father on the cheek.

  “But Alocer is right, Dad. If I have any more surprises pop up, I’m personally going to go off on you.” She hugged Sandy and Dwayne.

  “Thank you both for helping me earlier. Shall we go to lunch, Sandy? I have reservations downstairs. I ‘m starving all of a sudden.” She hooked her arm with Sandy’s and made her way towards the door.

  “Annabelle…” She turned and held up her hand, stopping his movements.

  “No Marcus, I’ve got plans for the rest of the day, and I’ll be damned if the three of you are going to screw that up. We’ll talk later.” Annabelle was now dressed in a pair of comfortable jeans and a sweater. She grabbed her purse, and stuffed it full of letters.

  “I wish you would stay so we can talk.” Marcus pleaded, but she ignored him, walking out of the door and never looked back.

  “Why did that just feel like the kiss of death?” Alocer asked, and glanced at him.

  “Because she learned it from her mother.” Adam groaned.

  “What? It’s the truth. They shut down, and it takes forever to get back in their good graces.”

  “I was afraid of that.” Marcus looked once more at the door and shook his head. “We have plans to make. I suggest we start now.”

  Chapter Eight

  Annabelle twirled the water around in her glass. “You know, you’re doing the same thing your mom did to your dad. The same thing you swore you wouldn’t do to your husband.” Sandy preached across the table from her.

  She snorted and took a drink of water. “I know and I hate it, but they wouldn’t listen, damn it, and look what happened. I’m some damn freak.”

  “No, you’re not. If you must know the truth, you are one of the rare, few women who have the gift.” Her mother sat down at their table and motioned for the waitress.

  “What is so special about shifting into a half dragon? I mean it would be cool if I could be a real dragon, but instead I have the skin, eyes, and venom like a snake.What’s cool about that?” The waitress came over, and all three of them ordered a drink and their food.

  The waitress left and Annabelle’s mom leaned over to her. “Who said you aren’t a real dragon?” She grinned. “Just because your father does not know, does not mean it does not happen.”

  “What? You can shift to a dragon?” Sandy grabbed her arm and stared at her, then at her mom.

  Her mom sat back and nodded. “When your father is off on his trips, I go up to the mountain, where humans can’t detect if I fly. It’s lonely, but beautiful. There are other things you need to know, you’ll…” Her mom stopped and turned.

  Three very tall full-figured women came into the room and made their way to their table. “Help me move these tables together.” Lily stood and all three of them pushed the tables together.

  “Lily, it’s so good to see you again.” The tallest one said, and hugged her. “You must be so proud to have a daughter join our ranks.”
/>   Her mother laughed and hugged all three women. “Sandy, Annabelle, I would like you to meet a very rare group. On our home planet there are a total of two hundred females that can shift. Not one man can. We keep ourselves hidden, although some of us have told our mates, while some haven’t. It all depends on the couple. This is Agar, Selma, and Bran, they are from our old world, when we would fly free, not worried as to who saw us.”

  Each woman took a seat and ordered a drink. Agar smiled and stared at her for a minute, when her eyes grew large and her hand flew to her chest. “Dana, Selma do you see it? She’s here, it’s time.”

  The bottom of her stomach dropped, and she glared at her mom. “You said nothing else would happen. Damn it, Mom, I’ve had it with yours and dad’s secrets!” She leaned over to her mom’s side and whispered in her ear, well almost, her words turned into a snarl towards the end.

  Agar and all the women whispered together, till she had enough. “Excuse me, but you’re

  talking about me, and it’s rude to do that when I’m sitting right here!” Annabelle glared at the women and her mother.

  “Annabelle!” her mother yelled and nudged her under the table, but that didn’t matter, she was done being nice.

  “I am so sorry, and you are so right. Please forgive us, but we were so excited.” Agar reached over, and patted her hand. “The mark on your neck. Did you have it before you shifted earlier?”

  She shook her head, and reached up to rub the spot. Annabelle thought she had gotten it when she fell. “No, I just thought I had hurt myself, and that it would eventually go away. It’s just a red blotch.”

  The three ladies shook their head, Agar handed her a small pocket mirror, which came from nowhere.

  Confused, Annabelle took the mirror, and glanced down at her neck to see the perfect shape of a dragon’s head. The mark that had been red was now a bluish green, and the size of a quarter.

  “Damn, it’s like a small tattoo.” Annabelle stared at it for a little while longer, and busted out laughing. “Oh my, they are so going to have a shit fit!”


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