Because I Love You: A Brother's Best Friend Secret Baby Romance

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Because I Love You: A Brother's Best Friend Secret Baby Romance Page 86

by Amy Brent

  “Daniel is putting in for a transfer, and if he gets it, he’ll be moving closer. Then I won’t have to travel so much.”

  “It’s not the traveling; it’s the spending the night with him. You’re going to end up pregnant and ruin your future.”

  “Daddy, relax. I’m on the pill, and he knows what he’s doing. He’s a grown man. Not some silly boy.” I had much preferred she’d been with a silly boy at times.

  “I don’t want to hear about that; I just want my daughter to—

  “To live here forever and be unhappy and chastened for the rest of her life; yeah, I get it. I wish you’d accept that me and Daniel are in love, Daddy and he’s a good guy. Besides, if you don’t like me remarking on the women you date.” She stabbed her last bite of eggs and crammed them into her mouth.

  “Which you do, anyway.” I hated spending the morning arguing, but neither of us had raised our voices once. We were like two old barking dogs, and it was only because we cared about one another.

  “Oh, Daddy!” She practically jumped in her seat and then wiped her mouth before continuing. “I’ve just thought of the perfect person to hire!”

  “Who? Don’t tell me it’s some guy you met at a party; I’ve already hired Gorgio against my better judgment.” She’d met him at a party where he was the caterer, and they’d hit it off.

  “Please, Daddy. You can’t deny those are the best eggs you’ve had and I’m talking about Gemma.” My cock twitched at the name. Gemma had been a constant fantasy since she was eighteen and had thrown herself at me.

  “Where has she been lately? You used to have her over every day.” She’d continued to come around after our incident, and her favorite thing to do was taunt me. I’d managed to avoid her, but she hadn’t made it easy. I figured she’d finally given up on me.

  “Daddy, that’s been a while. She went to art school, and she’s finished up her degree. She invited you to her graduation a few weeks ago, remember?” I nodded, remembering that I’d had to go out of town for business.

  “Oh yeah. I’m sure she’d want to put her degree to use than and not be a phone jockey. She’s always been far too talented to sit in an office.” And too seductive. I thought of her young virgin body, those tight nipples pressing against her little top and that wet spot in her panties and cleared my throat. Fuck, she still made me hot. She’d grown up a lot since then, and though I’d tried to avoid her, I’d noticed that since that night, she’d changed. She started wearing her hair down and styled, and her clothes had taken on a more mature style. She’d been even harder to resist, but I knew we couldn’t be together.

  “So, hire her as a designer. You know she’s got skills, you’ve seen her sketches since she was a kid.” She was good, but there was no way I could deal with another designer, not since I was already sleeping with the one I’d hired.

  “Then what do I do with Ashely?”

  “That’s a good question, Daddy. What do you do with Ashley?” She gave me a narrowed glare. She’d been upset with me ever since she caught Ashley leaving the house.

  “It’s not what you think.” I gave her a scolding look. “She had only come by to show me some sketches.” And her breasts. And how well she gives head. And how well she can work a cock.

  “Whatever. Then hire Gemma as your secretary. She needs to work.”

  “I don’t think the office is the place for Gemma.” I could see that going south fast. Especially when she tried to seduce me. I had a feeling that Lila was only hoping Gemma could play spy, anyway. She’d been suspicious of Ashley and me, and she knew I had to be seeing someone since my last serious relationship had ended six months earlier. Not that it was nothing too serious, but I’d let her meet Lila, which was a risk.

  It turned out the two liked each other for a while, but then once Lila overheard her at the club talking about how she was going to marry me for my money, she’d put her on the road. The last I heard, she’d found a new victim. Good riddance.

  But Lila had been even more protective about who I saw and her opinions of them. Put that together with the fact that I hated her new relationship and we were quite the pair.

  “Daddy, please. It would help her out.”

  “I’d rather give her a check than a job if she’s that hard up. But the answer is no. You need to worry about yourself and to get your own career kicked off. I don’t want you having to worry about some guy supporting you. You’re strong, and you can take care of yourself.”

  “I know that, Daddy. But, so what if I want my man to take care of me? I’ve always been a daddy’s girl, and that’s your fault. So, maybe I have a new daddy now.” She gave me a wink, and I wanted to punch a wall. I hadn’t liked Daniel from the moment I’d learned he was fourteen years older than my little girl.

  I couldn’t say too much though, my last relationship had been the same distance in age and though Lila hadn’t minded at the time, she had encouraged me to see women my own age since.

  “I’m the only daddy,” I said with a growl as I pulled my mug to my lips. I sipped the warm coffee and wondered what I was going to do. I’d have to call the temp agency as soon as possible.

  “You’re jealous, Daddy and it’s adorable. But you took care of mom. You didn’t expect her to go out and get a job.” She shook her head and gave me a look as if she’d just won the argument.

  “Your mother worked until you were born, and if she was still around, I know she’d be working again. She made that sacrifice for you.” She’d made many sacrifices, and one of them had been our marriage. I couldn’t tell Lila that though, she didn’t need to know some things like the fact that her mother’s fatal wreck when she was only five, had happened on the way back from seeing her lover. I’d only found out about the infidelity after she was gone.

  I’d never let Lila know, not wanting to tarnish the memory of her mother and I knew that her protective nature about seeing other women was because of losing her mother and the way I’d handled the grief. All of my grief had turned to hate, and I’d used sex to deal with it. It took a lot to trust and I never really thought I’d be that close to anyone again.

  “Well, I’m going to look, but not until Daniel and I decided that it’s best. We want to make sure things line out for us.”

  “Are you talking marriage?” I dropped my fork on my plate and pushed my chair back.

  “Not anytime soon, but in the future, maybe. Daniel thinks we shouldn’t rush and I agree.” Of course, she did. She’d agree if he wanted to feed her poison too. I let out a frustrated sigh and decided that breakfast was over.

  “I better get going and call the temp agency.” I couldn’t sit and listen to any more about her and Daniel.

  “I love you, Daddy. Have a good day.” She reached up as I approached and put her arms around me as I leaned down.

  “Thanks, baby. Promise me you won’t tell Gemma about that job. I really don’t want to cause a conflict.” I planted a kiss on her forehead.

  “Yes, Daddy. I promise.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head as she pulled out her phone. I left feeling certain she’d keep her word.

  Chapter 4


  I had slept in for the better part of the day, and I scolded myself for being so lazy. I’d worked hard for it though, so I decided to give myself a break. I had cleaned the house and gathered up my laundry to throw it in the wash and had even managed to run to the market before four o’clock. The day was shot, but as I put up my groceries promise for a better evening knocked on the door.

  I answered only to find Samuel Stafford, who was better known as Staff in college and one of the hottest guys on campus. We’d met in the library while studying for a test and had messed around a few times. “Hey, to what do I owe the honor of this visit?”

  “I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d drop by and bring you this.” He extended my copy of a movie we’d watched at his place the last time we’d gotten together.

  “Come in; I was just about to make dinner.
Are you hungry?”

  He walked in and shrugged his shoulders. “That depends on what’s cooking?”

  “Well, we can do spaghetti or tacos.” He made a face and stepped closer.

  “How about spaghetti tacos?” He planted a soft kiss on my cheek and gave me a warm smile.

  “I don’t know how to make those.” I shook my head and gave him an apologetic look.

  “Then regular old tacos are fine. I’ll help you make them.” He went with me to the kitchen, and the two of us got busy cooking the ground beef and chopping lettuce. I warmed the shells as he got the cheese all the while making small talk and flirting.

  We sat on the couch and faced one another as we munched on our food and it was nice to sit and casually chat. I hadn’t had many friends over since graduation, and I had a feeling that Samuel was looking for more.

  He took my hand and held it in his lap, and I knew it was only so I could feel his big hard on through his jeans as he gave me smoldering looks. He was very hot, with dark hair and the deepest brown eyes. His chiseled features made me think of Whitt Porter, and I wondered if this is close to what he’d looked like as a younger man. I wondered about Sam’s size and if it were comparable to Whitt’s. I’d never forgotten that night we kissed. The way he’d been hard for me despite insisting on how wrong it was.

  “Do you want to mess around?” Samuel asked. He placed my hand directly on his cock and pressed his hips forward. “Because I’d like to.”

  I met his eyes and smiled. “A little.” I still hadn’t gone all the way with anyone, though I’d certainly had more than my fair share of invitations and done oral more times than I could count. I just couldn’t ever go through with it. There was only one man who would take my virginity, and it was Whitt Porter.

  “A little?”

  “I’ll make you come if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Sounds good to me.” He stretched his arms back across the couch and gestured to his crotch and the way he sat reminded me of that night I’d seen Whitt. I sat in front of him and took his cock out just like she’d done Whitt’s. Samuel was actually pretty impressive. His cock was thick and veiny, muscular with a thick ridge down his shaft. I held his cock up and licked it, and he threw his head back and hissed a breath through his clenched teeth.

  “That’s good, Gemma. Fuck.” I closed my eyes and imagined myself with Whitt as I rolled my tongue around his head and then took him into my mouth. His cock was salty, and it made me crave my reward even more. I reached for his sac and rubbed his heavy balls, thinking of how I’d cupped Whitt’s which had hung light two weights between his legs, beneath that huge erect cock of his.

  I relaxed my throat and took him deeper, and with all of my oral practice, I’d learned how to take it deep. I was confident in my technique, and the young men I’d been with hadn’t complained.

  At least not when it came to oral.

  “Take off your clothes, Gemma. I want to taste that sweet pussy.” I stood and slipped down my panties, which were already soaked at the memory of Whitt. “Let me see those tits.” I slipped off the rest of my clothes, and he came forward, taking my nipple into his teeth before sucking it hard. Then his hand came up to my mound, and he met my eyes. “That’s the softest pelt I’ve ever felt. I want to skin it.” He leaned down and pressed his mouth against my soft tuft of hair which was neatly trimmed and shaped into a small V at the top of my cleft.

  “Is that my arrow showing me the way?” I knew he was going to want more, but I had never had any problems steering men to oral sex.

  “I want to suck your cock. How about we do sixty-nine.” I stroked his cock and licked my lips.

  “You got it, Gemma. Then I’m going to fuck that little pussy of yours.”

  “I don’t do that, but if you want me to make you come, I promise not to disappoint.” His face fell, and he shrugged.

  “Okay, baby. We can do whatever you want, but I won’t promise I’m not going to come all down your throat.” I offered a smile.

  “I’d prefer it on my tits.” I had always preferred it on my tits, and only because it reminded me of Whitt.

  “Whatever.” He took my hand, and I led him to the bedroom where he stretched out atop my covers. I lay down opposite of him, and he pulled me over the top of his body, my knees settling down around his head. Then he pulled me down and lapped at my tender slit. The ache in my core was so great that I knew I was going to come soon.

  As he gripped my ass cheeks and rolled my hips hard against his face, licking me as deep as possible, I took his cock into my hand and stroked it, milking a tiny pearl of pre-come and gathering it with my tongue where it exploded with a taste of sweet and salt and all too soon it diluted. I’d have to get more. I sucked and worked my head on him taking him deep into my throat, and he lapped and slipped his fingers between my folds.

  “No penetration, please.” I heard him huff, and then he stuck his tongue in deep and flicked it against my little barrier.

  He paused. “Are you a virgin or something?”

  “Yes, or something.” I put my mouth back to work, and in a few minutes, he pulled away from my sopping wet slit, and we rolled over and sat up.

  “Are you like, saving yourself for someone?”

  “Yes,” I said with a shrug.

  “Suck it.” He sat back and held his cock up. It had always been the same. When they found out they couldn’t have the cherry; they’d get in a shitty mood. Lucky for this fool I had a little bit of fantasy left in me.

  “Come on these, got it?” Now that our agreement had been made, I took his cock back into my mouth, and he held my head and fucked my face really good, holding me down when he wanted, and I had even gagged a little. In the end, I felt his cock twitch, and I knew that his orgasm was on the way and he has no intention of stopping. I jerked back, and with a huff, he shot his load all over my tits, but not before I caught a taste, which lingered on my breath even though I’d swallowed it down.

  “Nice try.”

  “Yeah, well, I thought I should get something out of it since you’re not willing to put out.”

  I grabbed his tender balls and gave them a squeeze. “Seems lighter to me, so I’d say you’d got something.” I got to my feet and went to the bathroom to clean up while I watched him dress in in the mirror behind me. He wasn’t even concerned if I had gotten off or not, which I’d gotten plenty. I hadn’t wasted a thought on Samuel, and everything I had done had been to catch a glimpse of Whitt in my mind.

  “See you around, Gemma.” He left with a look of disappointment on his face. It was hard to feel sorry for him when it would take me another thirty minutes and two double A batteries to finish his job, but after locking the front door, I lay on the bed and closed my eyes thinking again of Whitt as I worked my clit. It had been tempting to work my vibrator inside me, but I had made a promise to myself a long time ago to protect my virginity and leave myself intact for him.

  After I had come, I decided that I should call and check on Lila. With any luck, she’d tell me how her day went and talked about her father. Besides, I knew she had a lot on her mind with the new boyfriend drama. I was glad she was dating an older man too and wondered if it would bother her if I was with her father. It’s not like I could ask.

  I took out my phone, rolled over in bed, and dialed her number. “Gemma!” Her voice came through the phone. “I’m so glad you called, I’m driving, and I’m getting so sleepy.”

  “It’s not even eight.” I was thankful that Sam hadn’t taken up more of my night.

  “I know, but I’ve been sleepy all day. I’m so tired all the time and this driving back and forth to see Daniel is killing me.”

  “It’s worth it though, right?”

  “It is when I get there.” She let out an evil giggle, and I giggled too knowing she’d told me all about their sex and how amazing it was. I imagined it would be half as good as me and her father’s, but it wasn’t like that had happened. Yet. I was still determined. �
�What’s going on with you, college grad?” She still had a year to go and only because she’d quit for a year before going back.

  “Nothing, I’ve been so lazy. Samuel just left, you remember him, right? From that party at Monica’s?”

  “The big stud on campus, yes. Did you give him a bite of your cherry?” She’d called my oral escapades that for years.

  “Yes, but he wanted the pie. I gave him a blow job, and he left.”

  “Ugh, let me guess. You didn’t finish?” She had heard all about my woes through the years and knew everything about me except for my wild fixation on her father.

  “You guessed it. But I don’t want to talk about it. Subject change; how’s your father?”

  “Ew, we’re going from oral sex to my father,” she said making a gagging noise. I couldn’t tell her that it wasn’t that far-fetched. “He’s fine; still on my case and today, he was in an extra-special good mood. His secretary f*cked up and quit on him. Took a huge bonus he gave her and eloped to Vegas.” She let out a long breath. “I liked her too.” I knew that was her way of saying the woman hadn’t slept with her father. She hated anyone who did, and I knew that one day, she might even hate me. It broke my heart to think that but hoped that our friendship was strong enough and she’d understand how much I loved him.


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