Because I Love You: A Brother's Best Friend Secret Baby Romance

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Because I Love You: A Brother's Best Friend Secret Baby Romance Page 125

by Amy Brent



  I went into the studio the following day in the afternoon after a strenuous workout. I kept myself in shape because in this industry, I could be easily replaced. I wanted to be the best-looking actor in the best shape, so I’d keep working. Hell, I might even get hired in regular films though not too many people were that lucky here. The industries seemed to stay separate even with the billions that they both brought in.

  Not that the celebrities weren’t aware of who I was and eager to date me. I’d slept with a lot of models and actresses over the last few years, but we didn’t spend a lot of time out in public together. The cameras were everywhere and being seen with me would get people talking, but they were wild in the bedroom.

  I was going to be filming a threesome today with a couple new actresses for a movie that revolved around the plot of an orgy, if you could call it a plot. We all know that porn doesn’t have a realistic plot with any real believability and I made a fortune on the popularity of it.

  I went to my dressing room and the woman fixed me up for the screen, highlighting some of my finer points as she flirted with me. I hated a lot of people in this industry because they were fake and stupid, but I played along as she rubbed my body and complimented me on my muscles. She’d do me right here and now if I wanted her to and I watched the blonde in the mirror as she oiled my arms and back, her eyes dropping to the bulge in my boxers. It was impressive, and I dropped them when asked so she could oil my ass. I walked to the set where a bed was in the center of the room, big and covered with red, satin sheets and complete with posts as I smirked. The porn that I did involved a little bit of everything without being too hardcore since I wasn’t willing to settle for one genre, feeling like I made more doing a variety of films.

  “Lance. Good to see you.” Brianne was the director today and I smiled at her as I glanced at the women behind her, wearing skimpy lingerie as that stared at me. Pretty girls but I didn’t find a lot that stood out ten years into this job. It really was work with the people on the set; a perfect combination of moans and thrusting.

  “Bri. I know this is going to be a good one,” I greeted her as she glanced back at the girls, telling them to move to the bed. The scene started with them sitting in the bed, barely dressed, and drinking wine as they had some stupid conversation before I wandered into the bedroom from the party going on in the rest of the house. From there, things moved fast, and I would alternate between pleasuring one while the other worked on my, leading up to sex with both. It was going to be hot and quite the popular genre with the addition of ties and handcuffs for me to use on them both.

  I watched as they took their places, chatting about the party and some of the guests as they giggled and flirted with each other. I strolled in, acting drunk as I asked what their names were, leaning on the bed in just a pair of shorts.

  My name on this film would get views. I was the top actor in porn right now and good at my job, though I thought about doing something else sometimes.

  I leaned in as the girls kissed, fingering them both as they moaned loudly. They were both wet as their tongues danced together and I knew that this was going to be easy as I focused on their swollen clits. I told them to get the clothes off and it was on as I kissed the brunette hard, bruising her lips as I felt the blonde rip my shorts down and grip my cock.

  I was known for getting and staying hard until the job was done. I was only twenty-eight with years to go and I pushed the brunette down to the bed as I started stroking her again as the camera zoomed in on the shot. A good orgasm was a great close up and I skillfully maneuvered a scream from her lips as Brianne moved back with the camera, so the blonde could drop to her knees and suck my cock. The brunette watched us as she slipped a hand between her legs to masturbate, spreading them wide to show the camera her glistening pussy. We were perfectly placed for the filming and from there I moved to eat the blonde out, making her scream within a few moments.

  It didn’t sound like they were faking it and fuck if she didn’t soak my lips with her juices. I pushed her legs back and moved up her body to suck her tit, biting her nipple as the brunette moaned softly. Brianne moved the camera to her as I slipped a condom on and told the blonde to get on her knees for me. I was going off script a bit but that wasn’t a problem when I was on set. I knew what looked good and once she was over and her tight ass was raised for me, I smacked her ass as she cried out, playing it up for the camera as her body jerked forward as she did the same. I did that a few more times before plunging into her as she cried out and gripped the slippery sheets. I fucked her slowly at first and then harder and faster as the brunette moved to the front of the blonde to offer her slick cunt.

  I fucked the blonde hard as she bent over the other woman and cleaned up her pussy. I knew that Brianne had the best shot of this as I worked her, feeling her loose around me as I realized that this would get worse. She would be fucked my so many guys and every sex toy under the sun and it ruined women in this industry. I used to sleep with girls off-set but now I wanted just the average slut in a bar for the night or a celebrity. I wanted to keep work separate from my personal life and I gripped the blonde’s hips as I fucked her hard and fast, sliding in too easily. This forced her against the brunette who cried out with the feeling of her mouth against her pussy. I wasn’t even sure if she was really working the other girl with the way that I was going at it, but I didn’t fucking care.

  I moved faster as moans filled the air and knew that I wasn’t going to be coming today. Not with these two. I faked it, roaring into the room as I jerked slower before dropping to my back to the brunette could climb over me to fuck me as the blonde fondled her tits. She wasn’t great, but I faked it for her as she rocked back and forth, too wet, and loose to feel anything real. We moved to a different position and kept the scene going as the fake party sounds filtered into the room, and I used the binds on them as they gave in to the pleasure that I was giving them.

  After a couple of hours, we were finished, and I pushed myself off the bed to go get a cold bottle of water. The girls remained there for a moment as Brianne told them that they did great. She brought them some water and I asked her if she needed anything else. I needed a shower and some lunch before my scene later.

  “You’re good. Thanks, Lance.” Brie gave me a weary smile and I grabbed my shorts to wear to the dressing room. I didn’t care about being naked, but I respected those that didn’t want to see it. I took a shower and changed into jeans and a shirt to go grab some lunch in down the street, covering my head with a ball cap. I wandered into a deli and up to the counter to order, looking around for a table once I was finished. I caught sight of the pretty real estate agent from the other day perched in a small booth as she talked on the phone. Her voice was clearly annoyed as she complained about someone and I smirked as she leaned back and tossed her curls over her shoulders.

  Fuck, she was gorgeous. I pegged her to be a few years younger than I was and she had an innocent look to her that made me wonder if it was true as I took her in. I took a table right in front of her, feeling bold today as I sat down and leaned back. The woman looked up as one of the guys brought her tray over, thanking him softly as she told the person on the phone that she needed to hang up and eat before going out to look at more houses and she giggled as she said goodbye.

  She set the phone on the small table and looked at her salad as I watched her for a moment. I could see that she wanted more than that but more than likely was worried about the image that women had to deal with here in LA. She didn’t have to. Her curves were perfect.



  I looked at the boring chicken salad in front of me as I sipped the ice water and thought about my day. Nan loved the beach house and knew that Cameron would as well, making me want to gag. She still had a few others that she wanted to see and that was the plan after lunch.

  I felt someone looking at me and glanced up to see a guy sitting in front of me, his gaze full on my
face. I frowned as he didn’t look away like any other person would.

  “Can I help you?” I asked as he kept staring at me.

  “I want to take you out,” he told me, his voice certain. I wasn’t used to this kind of confidence and my mouth dropped open and someone brought over a tray of food for him.

  “I don’t date,” I replied as he shrugged and sipped his drink.

  “So, we can just spend an evening in. That works as well.” I was dumbfounded. This guy was gorgeous and could get any woman that he wanted. I thought I was decent looking but not worth all of this. I suppose that I should appreciate his honesty in what he wanted, given that so many people skirted around the subject.

  “Surely you have plenty of…attention from women. You don’t need me.” I glanced down at the salad and stabbed my fork into it to take a bite. Nan was expecting me in an hour at the other house to start the rest of my afternoon.


  “It isn’t about need, it’s about want.” I chewed my salad as I took him in curiously. He was quite muscular with dark, tousled hair and blue eyes that looked like the ocean to me. He was gorgeous but a guy like that screamed trouble to me. I wasn’t experienced enough to begin with for someone like that and I didn’t need to even give him a second thought. “Let’s have dinner tonight.”

  “I can’t. I have a busy schedule,” I deflected his words as he raised an eyebrow at me. “I have to finish this and rush off to work as it is. Thank you, though.”

  “You’ll go out with me,” he assured me as I smirked at him. The men in this city were certainly something and this one was the icing on the cake. I ate the salad, picking out the chicken and vegetables before finishing the greens, all the while feeling the guy still looking at me.

  It was unnerving, and I was relieved to finish and take my tray to the trash bin. I knew that he was still watching me and shivered as I walked towards the door, my legs trembling in my heels as I pushed open the door.

  Once outside, I took a breath of the fresh air and acknowledged that I was attracted to him. I was but it wasn’t going to happen. Bryce, my ex, was also a good-looking man and I gave him a chance only to end up with a broken heart. We dated for just over two years and I found out that he was cheating on me with multiple women despite asking me to live with him throughout the relationship. Thank fuck I didn’t.

  I moved shortly after that, just wanting to blend in and get a fresh start. Carlsbad wasn’t all that big, and this opportunity was better than anything I found in San Diego, so here I was. I breathed again, in and out, before making my way to the car so I could go meet Nan and Cameron.

  I laughed as I drove. My body went on high alert with that man in the deli and I actually ached. I hope that he didn’t see how much I wanted to take him up on his offer and just enjoy a carefree, wild night. Women did that all the time and it was fine. I was just too shy and scared to give in to the need that he’d filled me with, need that was new to me. Bryce was cute and good in bed, but I never felt this way about him.

  Perhaps I was ready to give it a go again. I’d have to talk to Viv later and regretted not taking a photo of him. She’d want to see it, so she could tell me what an idiot I was for saying no. I knew that she just wanted me happy and doing more than working all the time. Everyone in my life did but I still remembered that shame that Bryce caused me when I realized that the whole town knew about his antics.

  I couldn’t go through that again, not even in this big town. I was stupid enough to fall for Bryce before that happened.

  I pulled into the elite neighborhood and let the voice guide me to the house. It was a huge brick house that overlooked the ocean from a distance and I knew that it wouldn’t be enough for Cameron. I parked a few feet behind her brand-new BMW and got out as her boyfriend turned to look at me with a cocky smile on his face.

  The smile on my face was forced as I walked forward, greeting them through clenched teeth. I didn’t even want to walk into the house with the look that he was giving me, and told Nan to go ahead. I’d join them in a bit. The way that his eyes raked over me hungrily before he followed her made me shudder and I heard my phone ringing in my pocket. I answered it, relieved that I could stay outside for a bit longer. It was my office telling me that I got a call from a potential new client today, and Marcie gave me his information as I jotted it down. I didn’t recognize the name and wondered how this guy found out about me as I slipped the paper into my purse along with the phone.

  I walked into the empty house, looking over the beautiful features as I wondered why it was taking her so long to choose. Every house that we looked at was amazing and I would have picked one a long time ago. Nan’s kids were grown and gone so the only people that would be living with her was her boyfriend-man child. Her husband was being extremely generous in the divorce settlement from what I’d heard, and she was spending every bit of it. I went through the open living room and kitchen and looked outside to see a pretty view of the ocean. I knew that the beach was a ten-minute drive away, which wouldn’t bother me at all. Cameron could handle that for his surf mornings that Nan went on and on about.

  “Nice place,” Cameron said behind me as I gulped and turned around, looking for Nan. She was nowhere to be seen and I stepped back as he moved closer.

  “Where is she?”

  “Deciding if the bathroom is up to her standards,” he told me, his eyes locked on mine as he moved even closer. “The best part of this process has been getting to see you so much. I could give a shit about any of these houses, to be honest.” His voice was low, and I moved to the kitchen, walking around the island as I heard him behind me. I heard stories about agents being attacked in homes and wondered if this was going to happen to me today.

  “Why don’t you tell her that? Don’t lead her on!” I snapped as I walked towards the front door, reaching for my phone.

  “I’m getting a place to live. Why would I do that?” Cameron asked as I reached for the front door. “It’s not like I’m going to marry her. She’s not even the only person that I’m seeing, and I convinced her easily to go with you as an agent. Nan is stupid.” He grabbed my arm and I froze as he held me in place. “I want to see you.”

  “I don’t date.” I told the man at the deli the same thing, but now my voice was high and shrill as I tried to move.

  “I’m sure you fuck,” Cameron said as we both heard heels coming towards us. He let go and turned towards Nan as she approached us, talking about how the bathroom wasn’t big enough. I kept my face turned towards the door, knowing that I looked as scared as Cameron made me feel just before her arrival.

  “Fine. We can go then,” I said as I opened the door and walked outside. Nan asked Cameron if I was all right as I strode to my car, leaning against it for support.

  They walked up, and I froze as Cameron stood in front of me, his arm draped around Nan as she asked about going to a different house. I locked the house from the app on my phone, walking up to try the doors and make sure that they were locked as I thought of some excuse to leave.

  “I’m sorry, Nan. I am not feeling well, and I think that it might be lunch.” I made a face as I walked back up to her, seeing the disappointment in her eyes. “I’ll call you to reschedule.”

  I was in my car and backing up as she told me to feel better, knowing that the house was locked. That was all that mattered right now, and I started crying as I drove back towards my house. I couldn’t keep working with her, not if he was a part of the package. Cameron had always been a creep towards me but today was different. It was worse. I called my manager and explained to her what happened and was assured that I was not going to see this client ever again. Madeline assured me that she’d send out one of the guys and throw some money to me from the sale since I’d put up with Nan this long. I thanked her and hung up as I drove a few blocks from my apartment, calming down some. I parked in my complex and looked around the sunny sky, deciding to go get a drink at the bar on the corner and catch a car home.



  I finished my shoot that evening and got a call from one of my friends asking if I wanted to hang out tonight. They were going to some new place in Santa Monica that just opened, and I agreed, not having anything else to do. I’d been thinking of that damn woman from the deli all day. Maybe going out would distract me and I could go home with a girl and fuck her out of my system. It certainly made for a great scene earlier today when I pictured her in my head as I worked.

  She resisted me. Few women did that, and I imagined her handcuffed to my bed as I fucked the actress earlier today. I could hear that sweet voice begging me for more as I drove my cock into the nameless actress and even I came today. It just wasn’t enough. I needed the real thing and I went home to shower, thinking about the call that I made to the real estate office earlier today.

  I dressed in some fitted jeans and a dark gray t-shirt before my friends picked me up. It was a group of three guys, my closest friends here in the city and the only people that I trusted. I had a lot of acquaintances in the industry, but they weren’t part of my circle and never would be.


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