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Champion Page 3

by Marie Higgins

  It was my father’s. When he died, I took it.

  Oh, I’m sorry to hear about your father.

  No need to be sorry. He died in a battle, fighting for something he believed in. Truly, that is a hero’s death, do you not agree?

  Your father was in the military?”

  Archer shook his head. “He died trying to protect our lands and home.

  Hmm...” She scratched her head, keeping her stare on him.

  He could tell by the blank look on her expression that she didn’t know what he was talking about. That made them equal, because he didn’t know what she was saying half the time either.

  “Miss? Can you point the way toward Sherwood Forest, and I shall be on my way and leave you alone?”

  The corner of her mouth quirked upward. She’d been doing this before he’d pulled his sword on her. He wondered what she found so humorous, yet at the same time, she looked adorable when she did it.

  “Sherwood Forest,” she said slowly. “Well, I hate to tell you, but from what I’ve heard, Sherwood Forest is in England. This is the United States. We don’t have a Sherwood Forest here...unless it’s at Universal Studios or Disneyland.”

  Confusion filled him once again. “I have not heard of such a place as United States or this Universal Studios. Where is that?

  United States is a country. You know, like England is a country.”

  He blew out a breath of irritation. The pounding in his head was growing worse and actually making his stomach churn. “If I’m in a different country, then how did I get here when only moments ago I was near Sherwood Forest?”

  She shrugged. “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you. I just noticed you coming out from those bushes. I figured you were coming here for the photo shoot, which is over now.

  I know not of a photo shoot. In fact, I have never heard that phrase before.”

  She nibbled on her bottom lip, still wearing that blank expression. At least she wasn’t frightened of him any longer. Not that he could tell, anyway.

  “Hey, Pay,” a man called from the odd-looking structure as he walked out onto the wooden floor. “I’m leaving now.” Pausing, he stepped closer to the grass. “Are you okay?”

  The woman swung her head in the other man’s direction. “Oh, Cal...could you come here for a second?”

  The man with long flowing blonde hair walked toward them wearing a shocking pair of thick, black leggings that hugged his slightly muscular legs indecently. His shirt also hugged his chest. What strange looking clothes. But what Archer wondered was why weren’t they embarrassed about being seen wearing such a lewd fashion?

  He stopped beside the woman, but continued to eye Archer.

  “Calvin, I want you to meet Archer, Lord of Loxley.”

  The man grinned. “You don’t say.” He nodded. “Nice to meet ya, dude. Nice get-up.” He nudged the woman with his arm. “Too bad you can’t make a costume that awesome.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I can now that I have the idea of how to do it.”

  The man ran his gaze up and down the length of Archer. “You are so into character. I love the chain mail, helmet and gloves.”

  All of this confusing talk was making Archer’s head pound harder, and making him angrier. Why could he not figure out what they were saying? Although, he was certain they were saying something about the way he was dressed.

  “And your name is Calvin?” Archer asked.

  “Yeah. Calvin Porter. Nice to meet you.” He held out his right hand.

  Archer studied the man’s hand, wondering how he’d be able to shake hands with the other man while wearing steel gloves. After a few seconds, the man shrugged and pulled his arm back.

  “So dude, are you one of Payton’s new models?”

  Arching an eyebrow, he once again tried to figure out what the man was saying, but the ache in his head was getting worse. “I know not what you are asking.”

  Calvin laughed and bumped his arm against the woman. “He’s a trip, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, he is.” The woman’s smile wasn’t as wide. “So tell me, Archer...or would you rather me call you Lord Loxley?

  Lord Loxley.” He nodded.

  “Fine, Lord Loxley. Tell me, did you want to be one of my models? You have the right look for it, especially wearing that armor.”

  He didn’t know how to answer her question. If he only knew what she meant by model. However, if it came with a room and a meal, he’d gladly accept. “I suppose you would have to show it to me first. However, I’m in dire need of a roof over my head and food in my belly. If you can accomplish that, I shall be eternally grateful.”

  Her smile disappeared, and a worried expression took over her face. Her throat jumped in what looked like a hard swallow. She looked at the other man.

  “Are Ted and Mary still here?

  Yes. And the makeup crew, too.”

  Her shoulders relaxed and she met Archer’s stare again. “Well, it looks like you are in luck. I suppose you can stay the night here, and I still have food left over from our barbeque earlier this evening.” She motioned her hand toward the structure. “Would you follow me?”

  As Archer walked behind her, he found it strange how she enjoyed giving orders around these people. That wasn’t done where he came from. Could things be that different in this place?

  Within moments, the exhaustion he’d been fighting finally overcame him. His legs felt so sluggish, and he wondered where his energy had gone. It wasn’t like him to lose his strength so suddenly and feel like a weakling. He prayed he didn’t have to fight anyone using his sword, because at this moment, he knew he’d not be able to do it.

  Being weak was not a good thing for a warrior.

  PART OF PAYTON WANTED to distrust this man, yet something deep inside her heart tugged in a different direction and she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. Obviously, he was one confused man. At first she thought he might be losing his mind, but would he really go all out and dress the part of a medieval man? Where had he gotten that chain mail? It looked too authentic to be found in some shop. And men who had swords like that one must be very wealthy. The handle appeared to be decorated with jewels. As unbelievable as it was, she really thought they were real.

  She wouldn’t have invited him into the house to stay, but as long as Ted and Mary were still here, she’d convince them to stay the night. Her house had five bedrooms, and she’d had houseguests before. But being alone with Archer was out of the question. Especially since he had a quick temper and was fast at unsheathing his sword.

  Once inside, he stopped. His gaze wandered all around the kitchen, his eyes growing wider by the second. Even his mouth hung agape.

  “I must say, Miss, I have never in my life seen such things. I feel as if I’m in a dream, far beyond anything I could imagine.”

  Cal snickered rudely and walked out of the room. That particular man irritated her, and she wished he had some manners and respect for others. But alas, he was not one of her fairy tale men she’d wished for...

  Her mind screeched to a halt. Fairy tale men. Like Robin Hood? She switched her focus back to Archer. This time as she looked him over, she noticed the dirty face, the unkempt hair that appeared it hadn’t been washed in a week—or more. He still wore those awkward looking armored gloves, but she was willing to bet his fingers were just as grimy with dirt under the nails.

  However, the man was handsome, she’d have to give him that. Incredibly handsome, in fact. She would bet once he was washed and dressed, he’d be an eye-catcher for sure. More than likely, she’d have to keep Jill away from him, too.

  So the question was...where did he come from, and why was he dressed like that? And why did he think he was Robin Hood and in Sherwood Forest?

  Suddenly, the words to her wish echoed through her mind. Please send me a fairy tale man who will love me forever.

  She rolled her eyes. Ya think? What a ridiculous notion. There was no way this man just suddenly appeared to her because of the wish sh
e’d made. Those kinds of wishes never came true, anyway.

  And yet, he was confused and didn’t know where he was. One minute he thought he was in England, and the next he was here. He dressed funny. He talked funny. Right there was enough to convince her that he’d been brought forth to her time because she’d wished upon a falling star.

  Chuckling quietly, she shook her head and walked to the refrigerator. Why was she even entertaining the idea of a fairy tale man that was a real life human? Obviously, her long work day had sapped her brain cells. Once she got a good night’s sleep, she’d be able to think straight.

  Peering inside the fridge, she heard his boots clank on the hardwood floor behind her, coming closer.

  “What is this contraption?” he asked over her shoulder. “I have never seen such a thing.”

  She didn’t have any choice but to move when he stood in front of her, examining the contraption.

  “I cannot believe it. This contraption holds food and keeps it cold. What a splendid idea.”

  She couldn’t take any more of this. She wanted him out of her sight. She needed to think and hopefully figure out what his game was. “Do you like chicken and potato salad?

  Indeed. Chicken is good tasting meat when properly cooked, but I fear I have never heard of potatoes.

  It’s a vegetable.

  Ah, then I would very much like to try it.”

  She flipped her hand, motioning toward the kitchen table. “Go sit down and I’ll fix you a plate.”

  Cautiously, he walked to the table and pulled out a chair, examining it closely before he sat. Because he was still wearing armor, he appeared extremely uncomfortable sitting at the table.

  “Lord Loxley?”

  He swung his head and looked at her.

  “You can take off that armor if you’d like. I’m sure it would make you more comfortable.”

  His forehead creased as if he was in deep thought, and then he nodded. “Indeed, I would feel better.”

  He stood and struggled to take everything off. As he pulled each item off, she realized he wore something very different underneath. Was that padded clothing? And yet, under those garments, he appeared to be wearing regular pants and a shirt...however, they were still out of fashion, unless you lived in the days of Robin Hood.

  When she finally noticed his hands, she groaned. Just as she thought, they needed to be washed. She grabbed a moist towelette from off the back of the sink and ripped open the package. She quickly piled the food on a paper plate, found a plastic fork, and carried them over to him.

  His eyes widened when she set the plate in front of him and then handed him the towelette.

  Hesitantly, he took it from her and brought it to his nose, sniffing. He jerked back as if it had bit him. Then he touched the tip of his tongue to the cloth and grimaced.

  “What kind of food is this?” His gaze snapped up to meet hers. “Fair maiden, are you trying to poison me?

  No.” She growled and snatched the towelette from him. “You wipe your hands with it. This helps clean them.”

  When his confused expression remained on his face, she gritted her teeth, trying her hardest not to say anything mean, and took one of his hands. Using the towelette, she demonstrated on how to wipe it across his skin. Strange to think it wasn’t his grimy hands that made her uncomfortable, but it was how incredibly large they were. And strong. So very strong.

  Unfortunately, one towelette wasn’t going to wash both of his hands. She hurried back to the sink and grabbed another, and then brought it back so she could administer the same treatment to his other hand. Another thing she found odd was how warmth seeped into her own hands while doing this gesture for him.

  Why did she feel giddy when she touched him? This man was obviously not in his right mind, and yet she acted as if she’d never seen anything so beautifully handsome in her life.

  Perhaps something was wrong with her, instead of him...

  Archer kept quiet, thankfully, until Payton finished. She pointed to the plate. “Now you are ready to eat.”

  He narrowed his gaze on her. “Miss? Why did you wash my hands? You are not a servant, are you?

  A...servant? No, I don’t serve anyone. But since you didn’t know how to use a towelette, I thought to be nice and show you.”

  Nodding, he smiled, keeping his eyes on her. Eyes that she realized were the most heavenly blue she’d ever seen. And when he smiled, they practically twinkled.

  Pulling her stare from his enchanting gaze, she moved away and stepped back to the sink. She turned on the water and washed her hands under the warm water, hoping it would remove the warmth that had flowed from his body into hers a moment ago. Unfortunately, it wasn’t working the way she’d wanted.

  “Go ahead and eat,” she said without looking at him. “I’ll get a room ready for you when you’re done.

  You have been most kind, Miss.” He looked at her. “What is your name?

  Payton Fox.

  Nice name, Miss Fox.

  No, call me Payton.

  If you wish.” He smiled wider. “And I give you permission to call me Archer.”

  He gives me permission? Who does that anymore? “Thank you, Archer.”

  What could she say now? She wasn’t sure if she wanted him to be her model. Now that she thought about it, he’d be bossy and commanding. No, she didn’t need someone like that in her life again. One Calvin Porter was enough. She didn’t need two men who acted that arrogant.

  “I’ll be back in a minute.” She hurried out of the room before he stopped her. Once she reached the stairs, she rushed up to find Mary. She was probably already in her room. But when she knocked, nobody answered.

  “Mary? Are you in there?”

  When her friend didn’t reply, Payton opened the door. Mary was in bed. Asleep.

  Groaning in defeat, she closed the door, knowing that an earthquake couldn’t wake her friend. Payton was just as exhausted, but couldn’t leave her strange visitor alone. Even when she went to sleep tonight, she was sure she’d rest with one eye opened.

  She went down the hallway, peeking in the other rooms. Where was Ted? Calvin had mentioned he was here, too, but apparently, he’d decided not to stay.

  Sighing in helplessness, she entered a spare bedroom and made sure everything was ready for Archer. She assumed he’d need a shower and some clean clothes. Thankfully, they had that in their wardrobe of costumes downstairs.

  After checking the bathroom to see if all was ready for his shower, she walked downstairs to check on him. When he wasn’t sitting at the table, her heart dropped. Oh dear! Where could he have gone? But then a movement from farther inside the kitchen caught her attention. He was peeking in every cupboard as he finished eating a chicken leg.

  Inwardly, she grumbled. His barbequed-coated fingerprints were all over her cabinets. Great! Now she had to clean the kitchen before retiring for bed. What else could go wrong? She didn’t dare ask too loud.

  “Are you still hungry?” she asked.

  He jumped and swung toward her. “No. This meal was very filling, I thank you.

  Are you looking for something?” She pointed to the cupboards.

  “No. Forgive me for being curious.” He shrugged. “I have never seen anything like this before.

  Of course not,” she muttered. Because he hadn’t seen anything like what was in her house. “Let me know if you are ready and I’ll show you upstairs to your room. I’m sure you’ll want to take a shower before going to bed.

  Shower? Do you mean a rain shower?”

  She rubbed her forehead. “Uh, sort of.”

  He glanced out the sliding glass doors into the yard. “But it’s not raining.”

  Payton couldn’t take any more of this. She was going to scream out of frustration. “You have never taken a shower?

  If you show me what it is, I shall be able to tell you.

  Fine. Follow me upstairs.”

  As he passed the table, he threw the clean bone on the empty
plate. She took him upstairs, knowing she was going to have to clean the walls and handrails since he hadn’t washed his hands from the barbeque sauce. Was this man a barbarian?

  She stopped in front of the bathroom and pointed inside. “There is the shower. You turn on the water, and the spray gets you wet. A bar of soap is on the shelf, and the towel is hanging on the wall.” She glanced over his armor. “I’ll get you something clean to wear and lay it on your bed.” She pointed to the room across the hall. “You’ll sleep there tonight.”

  He nodded. “You have been more than kind to me.”

  She forced a smile before leaving his side to fetch his clothes. She couldn’t wait to fall asleep tonight, only because when she awoke, she hoped her dream-man would be back to his own century. From now on, if she wanted Robin Hood, she’d stick to watching him in the movies.


  I have died and gone to Heaven.

  Archer stretched in his bed—a bed unlike any other. Never had he imagined sheets could be so soft, and a bed so comfortable. And the pillow...pure paradise for certain. Although his body wanted to remain in this cocoon of total comfort, the sun rose in the sky and lightened up this odd looking room.

  Then again, everything about this place was odd. As incredible as it seemed, he felt as though he had somehow been taken out of his world and put into another. Yet he wasn’t in Heaven, but neither was he in Hell. So where was this place?

  The shower he had taken last night was such a peculiar contraption. Where the water came from, he knew not, because there was no river anywhere around this location. Not only that, but the soft brick of a fragrance he’d never smelled before was a relaxing experience as he spread it over his body, and made his skin feel smooth...almost like a baby. Then there was that strange looking bottle of another fragrance mixture that he had read, instructing him to apply it to his hair. Never had his hair felt so clean and silky. He worried that people might believe him a woman now since he smelled so clean and fresh, and his hair was so silky smooth.

  He pulled himself out of bed and proceeded to pull on the clothes Payton had found for him. They fit him nearly as well as his own clothes had, yet these were so much softer against his skin. Once again, he worried he might be teased for wearing women’s clothing, and yet, they were definitely made for a man. The dark brown leggings were unlike any material he’d ever seen before, and the white billowy shirt with long sleeves and an opened throat, looked remarkably well on him.


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