Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught

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Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught Page 14

by Andrew McGregor

  The Trevakian captain smiled warmly, ‘We know...we ordered the Fahimians to reset the equipment for you and I think four others...a special programme to determine how good you are.’ She looked away briefly as if fleetingly embarrassed to stare into his eyes, ‘We are have shown tremendous determination and agility against the most difficult routine we could devise.’ She stepped forward, moving fully into his line of sight, a seductive smile crossing her lips as she hesitated, ‘The general and our Fahimian allies had requested we join him tomorrow but wished to see the five finest soldiers under my command in action before assigning our unit to them.’ She slapped his shoulder, Riaz’s eyes widening in surprise, ‘You have ensured that happens...convinced them of our worth and capability. You show exceptional promise...’

  Her eyes seemed to stare deep into his briefly, ‘We will be issuing you with one of the latest weapons for the battle that will commence in the next few are also now second in command of your squad...reporting to Hardie.’ She stepped back, the general nodding his approval as captain Dugachard continued, indicating to the smaller figure next to them, ‘The first company of my battalion will fight with the Fahimians and Commander Begum here in the coming battle...a special operation. The remainder will continue with another mission...’ She grinned at the bewildered soldier, ‘Now, what do you have to say to that?’

  Riaz swallowed hard, his dried voice rasping as he stiffened further in pride, ‘It will be my...our honour, captain!’

  He swallowed again, Dugachard recognising an intriguing feature that she had seen in him before, ‘Go on...say what you feel...’

  A fleeting smile swept across the asian soldier’s lips as he whispered, ‘Erm...I just wanted to know...who was the best out of the five candidates?’

  Chapter Eleven: Zaxon B Updates

  Red Leopard Defensive Positions, West of Morasat

  General Gristin stared down at the flickering display of the land before him, the command table portraying identified Morgon positions before and around Contax Base, a short distance from his frontal command post, a camouflaged reinforced resin dome at the outskirts of a petrified forest. Grimacing, he ran his finger across the main track leading to the mining village, lines straining across his forehead as he considered the limited width of his possible advance, the enemy able to concentrate their fire against his troops.

  Straightening, his eyes glanced back and forth across the three senior officers present as he grunted, ‘What of the patrols further west…have they found a way through the mountains from Zangara Outpost?’

  One intelligence officer swallowed, nervous of providing unfavourable news as he stepped forward, stiffening as his boots cracked together, ‘No Sir…the cooperating Silakians there are unable to provide much help. Most are in extreme withdrawal from the drugs the enemy had sedated them with and are under medical care…we are extracting the devices from their heads, several have died as these have an anti-tamper mechanism that creates a small explosion. The remote control devices amongst the rocks in that sector are still being disabled by one of the engineering units, most are booby trapped…we a have suffered some casualties.’ The officer shuffled, adjusting his shoulder armour nervously, ‘Zangara Outpost is secure and the upper pasture and animals protected by our troops…the deep cave is quarantined and still being investigated by the Scientific Battalion…they report back to a Professor Laran alone, we will have to await their findings.’

  The General stiffened, straightening his back and drawing a wheezing breath, a historical acid attack still affecting his lungs, the deep burns across his muscular torso a continual reminder of how close life was to death, his voice strained in irritation, ‘Very well…what is the news from Morasat?’

  The intelligence officer looked away in distain, ‘Communications are jammed...again sir. We are awaiting a courier…’ The Trevakian swallowed, ‘We have news of several Morgon units being withdrawn...perhaps redeployed back towards their landing areas...for extra defence perhaps.’

  General Gristin raised his hands in exasperation, ‘Just like Zaxon A and Pengathon…jamming and more jamming…the same despicable dust ridden mining hovels with no greenery.’ Then he hesitated, a hand ran across the electronic table map below, the dull light sparkling in his eyes, ‘Too much hesitation from high command, and that damn foolish wasteful attack to the east. The enemy is now heavily dug in before us and will be difficult to remove…but they have withdrawn some units...interesting.’ The senior commander shook his head, ‘We will wait for this damn courier, but not for much longer...we are Red Leopards, we do not defend...we attack!’

  Gristin spun round, indicating to one of the officers, his eyes narrowing as a plan gradually formed in his mind, head turning to the glowing map below, ‘Have the new prototype weapons arrived in sufficient quantity for our infantry yet?’

  The subordinate officer’s eyes widened in shock, ‘Er...yes sir...we have an adequate supply of the new combat rifles delivered from Alexion One...we also have some Fahimian reserves to the rear, a specialist unit that has just moved up...I was going to meet with them shortly. Our mortar and artillery units are now also in place...they have been freed from protecting Morasat now the enemy has withdrawn.’

  The general smiled fleetingly, ‘Send this return message when the despatch arrives...Morgon positions are concentrated before Contax Base. General Gristin requests freedom of action and artillery support from Alexion One. The enemy position is weakened and ground intelligence indicates a penetration possible after several salvos and a coordinated advance supported by drone fire and artillery. Once this breakthrough is achieved, the Red Leopards can swarm forward into the valley beyond.’

  He turned, suppressing a grin, ‘ is rare several indicators present themselves at the same time...I think we have an opportunity to grasp the initiative. Our tanks may be moving up soon...this enemy is about to taste defeat.’ His face flushed with excitement as he stared down at the map, ‘Place the first three divisions on alert...use the fourth for rear operations and mopping up. Prepare a carrier to take me to our new allies for a briefing...once we break through we will keep moving and not allow the enemy to re-establish a defensive line...’

  Zaxon B Reserve Battalion Outpost, East of Morasat

  Lieutenant Malikkas sat trembling uncontrollably in the corner of the small armoury, his knees pushed up under his chin, arms clasping his shins tightly as he closed his eyes in terror, the scraping against the reinforced door becoming frenzied as growls resounded around him, the ravenous snow tiger now desperate to get to the Herrakian entombed in the small dark hut.

  Having pushed shelving and some reinforced shields against the steel and resin reinforced outer door, Malikkas shivered uncontrollably, his undernourished and severely weakened frame shaking in fright, his chest pained as he attempted to force breathing through a constricted and tightened throat. His eyes slowly widened in realisation at how shattered his mental resolve and bravery now was, his mental state only a shadow of the commanding warrior he had once been.

  The determined scratching and muffled growling continued, his head lowered in ultimate defeat, the darkness of the room seeming to close in on his morose and exhausted mind, his breathing painful and despondent as he waited for the end, his chest shaking in dull agony with each inhalation. As he had slammed the door, he wept in relief as he felt thick deadbolts inside, slamming them into place and stumbling backwards, dropping to his knees as he felt around frantically for a weapon in the pitch darkness. But there was nothing, a few dispersed bullets and empty ammunition clips in the dust, the discarded locks from rifle racks as the defending reservists had desperately retrieved all the weapons laying across the small room floor.

  Growls and whines of frustration, the cracking of resin as jaws and sharp talons tore a panel from the door, the claws now scoring the lower armoured plate, Malikkas pushing his sobbing head further into his forearms. He realised there was now a second predator
at the door, the low pitched whining and growling becoming more motivated, the tigers sensing his fear.

  Distant blood thirsty howls made him shiver, salivating tigers now emerging through gaps in the rocks surrounding the outpost, sharp talons clicking across the jagged stone surfaces below as their bodies slunk into the compound, the two pack leaders snapping at the reinforced obstruction preventing the beasts from their prey.

  The noise of screeching metal was now deafening inside the armoury, Malikkas hearing a large cat jump onto the roof, dust falling onto his shoulders as he whimpered, the jaws snapping in anger just a couple of metres above his dishevelled body. Wood splintered, the shrieking and tearing becoming terrifying as the Herrakian realised time was now running out, his head shaking uncontrollably as tears ran down his tanned but dry dirt encrusted cheeks.

  Further howls, the mentally defeated and defenceless officer pushing his back into the wall behind, closing his eyes tightly and awaiting the snapping jaws, the incisors that would slice through his body. His weakened mind roamed back to fallen comrades, their smiles and camaraderie warming him in the last seconds as the door cracked open, talons pulling further wood and metal behind, a powerful body attempting to surge forward, the cracked opening still restricting the animal’s frame.

  The Herrakian felt the hot fetid breath swirl around him, his head shaking as his mind focussed on the final passing out parade of his men, immaculate camouflaged uniforms and raised assault rifles, the large unit of Blue Leopards stood stiffly to attention, a General inspecting the highly trained soldiers intently. Malikkas heard the loud whining before him, further wood and resin cracking as claws raked the ground before him, the beast shaking in rage and snapping further as it continually lunged into the narrow opening.

  Then shrieks jolted his body, snapping outside and a piercing howl, scraping and further cracking, muscular bodies running as he drew breath, the dull hum of engines approaching from above, dust billowing through the opening as the downwards draft swept dust into the cold air. The tigers ran through openings in the outer defences, a couple leaping from gantries out into the dust swirled rocks around the settlement, the transport craft circling briefly as the pilots stared down in distain, glimpsing the torn and dismembered limbs and shattered bodies lying across the small compound. Ripped and dirt cased uniform fragments rose in the billowing mass, the rectangular and angled transport hovering over the stockade, electrical whirring as the side and rear loading doors rose, the uniforms of soldiers with raised assault rifles immediately transforming into light grey with white and blue splash in the dull light, their visors lowering in protection against the swirling murk as several raised scarves over their mouths.

  Then the craft swept away over the outer wall, turning and surveying the barren terrain below in a wide arc before the engines whined, the transport vessel approaching the main gate and lowering further. Steel landing legs extended on either side as the vessel gradually and almost tentatively touching the dust and rocks beneath before rising slightly, then lowering once more, debris billowing around the disembarking crouched figures as they lunged forward, rifles raised to their shoulders as targeting sights swept and surged over visors.

  The smaller officer jogged out behind his men as the transport craft rose upwards once more, two crewmen manning heavy machine guns one either side for additional support. The soldiers lowered nervously, most kneeling to provide a defensive semi-circle, the officer crouching next to his radio operator, his hand rising as he strained a shout, ‘Move inside…man the gantries and place auto sentry guns…I want the whole stockade closed down and secured before nightfall!’

  Four marines rose, darting forward to the main entrance, ducking to quickly glance inside, their faces strained as one by one they disappeared through the torn opening, the second section sweeping forward after them, the vessel above hovering over the stockade as the pilots and covering machine gunners stared into the billowing dust below.

  Lieutenant Malikkas sat shivering in the small armoury, his dirt covered figure shaking uncontrollably as he stared in shock towards the almost shattered door, ripped metal and resin bent outwards or scattered across the earth, his eyes bloodshot and cheeks stained. Unable to see the soldiers outside, their boots crunched past, the pulsing engine above the only sound that seemed to fill his senses, then he stiffened, hearing a muffled voice and recognising the language, the officer shouting hoarsely, ‘Repair the gaps in the walls…I want two heavy guns from the transport on the walls…three men as a patrol to plant trip wires and flares out in the terrain as protection.’

  The boots crunched past as the Herrakian listened excitedly to the crackling short wave message, the operator abruptly summoning the next nearby transport, ‘Outpost under occupation…no sign of the enemy! Bring in the additional equipment and engineers with their mortars…’ The operator glanced up at the hovering transport, then at the highest rooftop, acknowledging one of the marines wave down to him, ‘Additional fire support requested until base fully secure…dual sniper position identified.’

  Malikkas was coughing, his chest heaving in elation, his parched voice rising in the gloom, ‘In here! I am alive!’

  Tears of relief flowed from his eyes as the radio operator shouted, the crunches of boots approaching as he wept openly, a shadow passing into the dusty illumination of the shattered lower door, the soldier grinning as he stared aghast at the tattered uniform, a flicker of recognition for the unit markings and features passing across his eyes, ‘Herrakian?’ The head promptly disappeared, the soldier snapping to attention as the officer approached, ‘Sir! We have a Blue Leopard officer…the only survivor!’

  Alexion One, orbiting Zaxon B

  Admiral Shadian spun round, his tone demanding, ‘What do you mean, connection to the earth portal is disabled?’

  The young engineering officer stepped back in surprise at the outburst, his blue uniform creased with dust, dirt on the yellow shoulder epaulettes, the embroidery now deeply stained with oil smears on his sleeves, his body stiffening in determination as weary blue eyes stared at his commander, ‘As I said sir...the earth portal is disabled. I can only presume this is to avoid any signature or energy must be under direct attack! That is the only protocol that would result in such a measure...that is, unless the ship has been completely destroyed.’

  Shadian slumped forward over his console, his head falling into his hands, ‘Well, we are alone again...what of any other portals closer to this station, have we picked up any signals?’

  An intelligence officer looked across from one of the occupied desks nearby, his face grave, ‘We have run continual scans sir...both near and deep space...nothing.’ A Fahimian officer sat next to the ensign, staring down at her own adapted screen and tapping an earpiece impatiently.

  The engineer swallowed, sparks still flashing from overhead cabling across the bridge of Alexion One, dust drifting downwards as the space station jolted once more, the massive upper guns firing out across dark space, ‘Sir...I wish to redeploy my crews to the repairs higher up in the station. We believe the new enemy ships may be launching fighters soon...there are numerous breaches in the hull on several floors. Our upper Alpha facility is producing defensive droids for the laser shield, Bravo to the base of the station is manufacturing the new laser rifles and as a result, we have few workers available...there is also still sporadic fighting above us.’

  The officer turned as another figure strode into the bridge, the junior subordinate in an immaculate Trevakian marine uniform, red striped along the seams of his breeches to indicate the combat intelligence arm, an electronic tablet under his arm. Observing the figure approach, Admiral Shadian slowly rose to his feet nodding to beckon the man forward, the other operators studying the new visitor with interest, his own eyes falling on the small Fahimian and smiling with intrigue.

  Stopping abruptly before the Admiral and engineering officer, the Trevakian marine stiffened, his boots cracking on the dust laden floor as a f
ist rose to his chest, ‘Admiral Shadian...updated situation comms from Morasat prior to your later visit today...’

  The admiral forced a strained welcome smile, ‘Please go head...provide a summary.’

  The junior officer cleared his throat, lifting the small tablet and staring down onto the flickering screen, clearing his throat, ‘From military command, Morasat district. Reconnaissance teams have moved out to previously vacated eastern forward outposts, including those we lost contact as the Morgons advanced. Most have now been re-occupied, and initial reports indicate the structures were deserted with little signs of recent enemy presence. Unfortunately, there are no survivors from any rear guards that remained behind...the bases overrun. Structural damage is being repaired and units being restationed at these locations with sensor equipment. They will also have additional heavy weaponry and limited air cover provided by our Fahimian allies.’ He smiled, ‘We are denying any cover to the enemy as winter approaches daily.’

  The officer stiffened further, reading the next section, ‘The appearance of a new enemy has now eliminated any possibility of advancing further eastwards until their strength is ascertained...intelligence believes this new Terraxile threat is not as strong as their Morgon allies and that they will limit their landings to the existing far eastern enemy bases and incursions or any attacks against the eastern villages until they are more heavily deployed. We also believe from Fahimian historical records that this species will not be prepared for such a bleak winter as the ones that we experience on Zaxon B...that this will delay their deployment.’


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