Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught

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Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught Page 20

by Andrew McGregor

  Crimson pin lights swept across Aat’s frame, then glanced downwards briefly onto the crumpled body before staring at the security officer once more. The muscular framed body lowered slightly as a blood drenched arm dropped downwards, armour plated fingers grasping the back of the prone man’s throat and closing, twisting suddenly. A dull crack as Aat slumped backwards, pushing himself away in nauseated terror, his chest heaving as further whimpers came from the other two officers staring up at the tall enemy soldier in horror.

  Red glowing eyes stared directly at the young security officer opposite as the Morgon stepped back, the limp body dragged upwards before being tossed sideways down the stairs, crashing and banging across the walls as the bloodied lifeless corpse bounced on the blood splattered steps and walls, finally coming to rest in a twisted heap on the ground floor.

  The Morgon straightened, the helmet moving slowly round the room once more, flames from outside flickering off the angled armoured plate as the head shifted from side to side, the fingers cracking and closing to tight fists as the bloodied serrated blades extended once more.

  The two officers opposite Aat began weeping in fear, their frames shaking uncontrollably as the young officer pushed himself away further, the Morgon raising his head as if to sniff or sense the air, smoke drifting through the shattered windows as glass fragments cracked beneath the young Thai officer’s body.

  The Morgon took one step forward, his head thrust back to produce a loud, blood curdling shriek, seeming to fill the room and echo around them, the three Thai security officers covering their faces as they shook in fear.

  Then the black armoured figure turned away, Aat’s hands slowly lowering as the alloy boots clumped back down the stairs, the young male exhaling heavily in relief as he heard the creaking once more, the soldier hesitating to collect the dead body at the foot of the staircase.

  The young female opposite slowly lowered her hands, her voice breaking as she sobbed, gasping for air, ‘Are we safe…has he gone?’

  Aat nodded solemnly, straining to breathe in despondency as he realised what had happened, ‘He has gone…but I think he will be back. They are all around us and we cannot escape. They have got plenty of food across the airport for tonight…there are bodies everywhere. He will return when that food stock gets low…or is not as fresh.’

  He stiffened as dull thumps suddenly echoed outside, rising slightly to glance over the glass fragmented window sill, his body slumping back in demoralised defeat, flashes reflecting across the dim room, ‘They are firing artillery and mortars into the city…’

  Elsewhere, further landings were ongoing on the southern coastlines surrounding the Gulf of Thailand, broken reports of enemy troop sightings on the north east coastline of Malaysia, the western beaches of Cambodia and Vietnam…realising the vast resources of food nearby, the Morgons were increasing their territory as another large ship settled on the seabed.

  Deep below the South China Sea

  Tony Shelley sat whimpering in the corner of the cell, his body shivering in withdrawal from the previous weeks’ chemical festivities, hands covering his eyes as he rolled over into a virtual foetal position, gasping in disgust as the stench of excrement and decomposing organs seemed to sweep into his nostrils. Covering his head with his hands, his twisted mind wandered along the edges of reality, the four hours he had spent in the fetid atmosphere and steel prison having eroded what little courage he had left.

  As the new arrivals had settled down earlier amongst the dishevelled and dirt caked occupants in the rectangular cell, they had listened fearfully at the clunks of steel boots passing in the metal grilled corridor outside, the Morgon jailers knowing full well and relishing any hesitation in their steps would bring a fresh wail or resumption of terrified weeping, glowing eyes sweeping though the slits in the cell walls to enhance their pleasure.

  Tony had then witnessed the last desperate acts of human life, the only particles of resilience and mutual comfort. Collectively the group of twenty plus youngsters were resigned to a morosely gruesome fate, the ship they were held prisoner in deep below the surface of the South China Sea, all realising there was now no hope of any survival or escape...just perhaps prolonging a miserable existence for as long as they could.

  Whispers had spread through the virtually nude and shivering huddled crowd, rumours igniting sparse hope that the enemy soldiers would perhaps choose pets from amongst the captives and treat them fairly, that some were even used to serve food and complete chores...the whispers quickly dying away once brief collective reasoning considered just exactly what the meals would consist of…all hope had gone.

  Tony had stared in drug starved shock as a number of couples had openly made love just beside the huddled and whimpering group, the physical attachment intense and perhaps the ultimate proof that the dirt smeared individuals were still alive and not simply existing through a gruesome dream. The sights of heavily entwined bodies and passionate breathing had obvious physical effects on some, either through rising lust or envious consideration that the participants were briefly gifted with some erotic pleasure, the ultimate horror of their predicament fleetingly extinguished.

  Eventually he had closed his eyes tightly, willing the physical and emotional sights to be removed, his young body and sparse torn shorts unable to conceal his own rising physical reaction, the mixture of his anxious chemical withdrawal and self loathing for his feelings driving him deeper into mental exclusion and guilt, tears running down his flushed face as his body shook.

  He had shuddered as a hand fell softly onto his thigh, his legs crossed and head bowed as he sniffed, swallowing chemically tinged saliva, his eyes fluttering open briefly. Before him, the French youth was slowly and meticulously entering the blonde girl he had spoken to earlier, the black haired teenager talking softly in his native language as the straddling female wept, her back muscles straining as she gasped, Tony’s eyes almost mesmerised by the sight of final love in human desperation.

  The hand had risen carefully up his thigh, his body shaking as his head turned, eyes widening as he realised the face before him was male, a tanned local Thai teenager weeping as the fingers reached under his torn shorts. The English student’s eyes strained, then opened wide, realising the local youth was alone amongst westerners, the strains across a young face that continually swallowed exhibiting utmost fear and a similar drug induced state as himself.

  Swallowing once more, he nodded into the frightened face, an arm sweeping around the teenager’s shoulder and pulling the slim body to him, his eyes closing as the head lowered gradually down his chest and then abdomen. He had leant back as the shorts were pulled, then torn aside, feeling the sensations sweep through his body as rough black hair swept back and forth across his stomach slowly, a hand slowly moving across a taut slim back in nervous encouragement…his thoughts briefly forced from the ultimate horrors that would wait outside the cell.

  Swallowing hard as he shivered in the corner of the cell, he felt gentle hands press against his shoulders, then move across his chest, knowing the Thai youth was pushing next to his nude frame for warmth, his hands grasping the smaller ones forcing into his for comfort, the two males becoming entwined as a head lowered softly onto the side of his. He shook slightly, the hands grasping him tighter in reassurance, a soft kiss to his neck and then a sigh, the teenager behind him pushing closer, Tony briefly sighing as he felt the warmth of another body, the emotional comfort soothing him.

  Next to them, the French teenager and his girlfriend smiled tearfully, both staring into each other’s eyes as they lay facing each other, the male nodding towards Tony, ‘He has his comfort and we have ours…we cannot judge now, we are all as one.’

  The Nakdong River, South Korea

  Gusung Shin pulled the bolt back on his rifle, the metal cracking in response as he inspected the breach of the weapon, the South Korean sat on logs with several other volunteers under the edge of the trees, the men now wearing a full camouflaged tunics and trouse
rs, the swirling and dappled pattern in dark and light green, black and grey spots complimenting the design.

  The rain was now pelting down, bouncing off the tarmac before them and splattering onto their shoulders from the drenched foliage overhead. Lines of cars edged forward on the motorway north, the heavy drops pounding on metal roofs and bonnets as the group stared out nervously, many with simple camouflaged army caps, only a couple of the eighteen men with camouflaged helmets.

  Gunfire erupted from the south, a couple of the men shuffling in rising fear as they realised just how long it had been since their military service, one considering that he had held a clarinet longer than an actual rifle. Muffled explosions pulsed across the river, the Korean marines now fighting in the forest opposite, desperate to prevent the advancing Morgons from reaching the vehicle packed road, the only main local escape route north now tantalisingly close to the vicious invaders. Both sets of combatants now realising that if the bridge fell, further vicious slaughter would ensue on the south side.

  Further rifle cracks, distant screams as people clambered out of their vehicles to run, the grinding of metal as others drove forward, their cars pushing other deserted vehicles to one side. The few coordinating drenched police officers turned to run as explosive flashes swept through the trees, screams of pain echoing through the pelting rain as several wounded marines struggled from the undergrowth.

  Gunfire erupted once more, the South Korean marines in the woods surging forward and grappling hand to hand with powerful Morgon armoured troopers, the desperate Koreans attacking three to one to gain a combat advantage. Tae Kwan-Do kicks and punches rained down on some of the isolated enemy soldiers, pistols and short punch knives thrust into gaps in the armour as shrieks of hatred rang out, the gunshots and spurting blood ending several lives of the more ambitious and overconfident alien invaders.

  The remaining soldiers concentrated fire on the Morgons advancing between the trees, most realising that they would soon be overwhelmed, but relishing the immediate local tactical advantage. Many gritted their teeth as they heard the crashing of branches and trunks further up the slope as more armoured soldiers were frantically ordered forward and emerged onto the hilltop, red gleaming eyes scanning the thick trees and undergrowth as shrieks filled the forest.

  The officer emerged from the trees on the north side of the river, indicating to the seated volunteer soldiers, Gusung Shin rising and stiffening to attention with the others, their rifles rising across their shoulders. The artillery pieces rumbled further along the river, mortars firing from verges further up the clogged roadway as the whirring of helicopter blades swept over them, Gusung glancing to the right to see Chinook transporters lowering above the carriage way through the falling rain, troops jumping from the lowering rear doors as he glimpsed further parachutes in the rain filled sky, droning Hercules transport aircraft banking away high in the clouded sky.

  The captain glanced round, wiping rainwater from his face and gritting his teeth, further marines running from the north and trees as he shouted in exasperation, ‘The enemy are breaking through in strength to the south…Busan may have fallen. We will hold the bridge and allow as many to escape as possible…advance to the middle and provide covering fire…Now!’

  Gusung dropped to one knee on the left brow of the bridge, his uniform and face drenched in rain as he raised his rifle, the newly arrived Korean marines and special forces running past and towards the southern end of the long river crossing, his eyes straining in the downpour as two army vehicles crackled and burned on the other side of the carriageway.

  Water dripped from his cap rim as he stared in horror at the southern side, flashes through the upper trees as a ferocious firefight continued amongst the trees, wounded and bloodied soldiers limping between the stationary cars and vans, several being helped by terrified civilians. Shocked children were being dragged by their parents, some half carried as the screaming and shrill weeping reached his ears, his hands tightening against the assault rifle nervously.

  Denotations erupted through the trees on the hill opposite, plumes of fire and smoke rising upwards as he gasped in rising fear, several vehicles burning fiercely on the south bank and lower parts of the bridge, his head shaking as he glimpsed struggling burning figures and others twisting frantically and falling seemingly covered in a green substance.

  He stared in horror along the southern shore to the left, the rifles of soldiers and police officers firing further east, flashes seeming to fill the bank as his head turned further. Then his heart rate soared, glimpsing distant tall black figures ducking from the treeline and surging out into the stationary traffic, arms seeming to slash downwards at the running pedestrians, many falling and being bludgeoned on the tarmac, a number of cars bursting into flames as mortar rounds fell dangerously close to the traffic.

  Leaning against the steel barrier as people pushed past, he stared down into the churning water in horror, many desperate people jumping into the frothing surf in desperation and attempting to swim across the wide river, his head shaking as he realised the current was far too strong. Many heads bobbed and abruptly disappeared, others struggling in the overwhelming under surges, his breath caught as he saw other figures in the waves…black armoured helmets grasping out for the humans attempting to swim above.

  Gusung looked back, raising the rifle as he gritted his teeth, hatred for the invaders overwhelming any natural sense of restraint as he lunged upwards and forced his way into the carriageway to join with the advancing marines, the trees burning fiercely at the hill summit, the roar of gunfire filling his ears as he pushed past terrified civilians heading northwards.

  Outskirts of Tokyo, Japan

  Struggling with the cumbersome bags his mother had packed, the youthful teenager was breathing heavily, tears on his eyes as he heard the muffled explosions behind in the distant city centre, the cracks of rifle shots and sustained machine gun fire. Glimpsing the green signs to Setagaya ahead, he gritted his teeth further, realising the couple were at least progressing, his voice strained against the weight on his young arms, ‘Keep going Mama…we will be away soon.’

  He nodded to soldiers on either side of the packed street, many marching forward, several volunteers placed to guide and assist the throng of people filling the tarmac. Cars were now prohibited from entering the thoroughfare to allow more civilians to flee, the army and police blocking side streets, the few remaining vehicles parked along the pavement sides. Japanese efficiency and contingency planning were reaping dividends in the most dreaded situation, several ironically considering the number of disaster movies they had seen had never prepared them for any actual reality.

  Naomitsu Kanaya slowed to allow his mother to draw alongside, the woman still weeping uncontrollably at the loss of her husband, her son struggling to hide his own rising feelings as they approached the district where his father had historically taken them for riverside picnics and to teach his son fishing, perhaps the patience required for his elder years.

  He slowly drew to a halt, thoughts beginning to consider the wide Tama River where he had stood with a fishing line, his father scolding him for moving, for startling the fish…the teenager’s head lowering as the older man had smiled fondly, rubbing his thick hair and chuckling. Then the thoughts suddenly darkened, a realisation the water was where he had seen the armoured figures first…the invaders scrambling over the quayside to slaughter the fish merchants and their helpers…perhaps he no longer wished to be anywhere near the river.

  Trudging onwards amongst the crowded street, he glanced upwards as the whir of helicopter blades swept overhead, several more machines laden with soldiers progressing towards the city centre and the vicious battle, his eyes straining as he contemplated many of the men and women were perhaps making a final flight into the unknown. A small number were circling below the others above, black uniformed and body armoured soldiers with mounted heavy machine guns at the open doors, Japanese special forces now designated as protected for a l
ater fight and ordered to supervise the retreating civilians, provide heavy support if required.

  A hand suddenly clenched round his elbow, his head turning to stare into the eyes of his mother, her head nodding knowingly in encouragement as they continued to walk arm in arm, his biceps straining further against the weight of the bags. Staring ahead, he glimpsed the people parting in the distance, numerous different coloured high coaches in a wide car park as the wide street ended at a large square…all that escaped the city centre devastation were to be evacuated under military supervision.

  Chapter Eighteen: The Far East 2

  Prisoners no Longer…the Deep

  The loud clank of bolts being pulled back awoke any that were barely asleep, a collective low murmur of dread rising to whimpers as two tall black armoured plated Morgons stepped into the cell, the impact of their boots resounding across the walls as the moaning rose on either side of the prison corridor, the scene repeated in five other enclosures out of sixteen.

  The huddled group of seated or slumped captives shuffled away fearfully, most lowering their heads in ultimate dread, knowing four or five victims or even more would be chosen. The dark black helmets moved from side to side, studying the pitiful humans before them, Tony feeling the grip around his chest tighten as the Thai teenager sniffed and sobbed in fear behind, the Englishman’s hands tightening around smaller tanned wrists.

  Tony swallowed hard, feeling bile and acidic liquid seeping upwards from his empty stomach as he stared up defiantly at the two robust figures, the helmet eyes now flickering and then glowing red, turning slowly as they selected potential offerings. The arms tightened closer around him, his chest stiffening as he felt the course sweated black hair against his back, the Thai teenager lowering his head to kiss Tony’s shoulder.


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