Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught

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Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught Page 25

by Andrew McGregor

  The admiral continued talking as Riaz’s thoughts drifted, his head now facing the front, eyes staring out into space towards the distant stars and planets, an excitement at the sight consuming his frame as his nerves and muscles tingled and tensed. The combat uniform responded to his rising body temperature and heart rate, chilling his follicles and releasing mild chemicals to sooth his rising pulse and use of oxygen, his eyes widening as he realised this new military clothing was even more sensitive to his body than the previous issue.

  The admiral continued, listing differing planets that the conflict had consumed and the races that fought with the Trevakians, then discussing the heroic exploits of some divisions against the enemy, the 107th Trevakian Marines on Karfult, the Blue Leopard Division on Tergar and the 56th Trevakian Engineers on a mining mission to rescue Alixian settlers. Summarising with a brief history from the Alixian first contact with the Morgons over one hundred years ago to the trials of an economy solely based on military production and devastating war…the losses and deprivations the Trevakians and other races now faced in the pursuit of victory or freedom.

  With most heads bowed, the admiral cleared his throat, Riaz refocussing his attention from the startling view and hearing shuffling behind, his jaw tensing as he felt Shino’s grip tighten on his elbow, an arm sweeping round her once more as she wiped a tear from her eye, his voice a low whisper, ‘Come on mate…we will go to the fitness deck later and you can try and outshoot me!’

  Shino coughed slightly in surprise, glancing up into his eyes fondly and forcing a smile, ‘You’re silly…you know I can beat you any day of the week…’

  Riaz grimaced, shaking his head, ‘Perhaps not any more my little Samurai…I have been practising. The last time you beat me was over a week ago now…and never on the laser rifle, just those old obsolete assault rifles…’ He grinned playfully as the smaller Philippine female glared up at him, ‘You got to use your little snub sub-machine gun thingey!’

  Debra Hardie slapped the hand draped over Shino’s shoulder, her voice low and indignant as she glared, ‘Sshhh! This is a remembrance service!’

  Riaz lowered his eyes is regret, Shino squeezing his elbow as she blushed, shaking her head, ‘Sorry…’

  Captain Dugachard lowered a hand onto either of their shoulder plates, concealing a faint reassuring smile as she leant forward and whispered, ‘Heads up…eyes front! Show respect!’

  All three stiffened, David Bland shaking his head beside Debra as the heads rose, Riaz’s expression solemn as he realised the crowd were moving aside to his left, two figures shuffling forward from the curtains and moving into sight. Both male figures wore dark blue fleet uniforms, the larger one supporting his colleague as the smaller limped forward.

  The admiral smiled welcomingly to the new arrivals, indicating for them to come to the front, clearing his throat, ‘One of the senior pilots of our revered Viper squadron wished to pay a tribute to one of the fallen. First Officer Anjara is a highly decorated pilot and is believed to have a Morgon bounty on his head.’

  The two figures stopped by Rees’s silver coffin as the larger man supported the shorter, the pilot obviously in extreme pain as he bowed his head, the admiral continuing, ‘First Officer Anjara expressed a wish to pay his respects to the fallen, but one human in particular…a Private Rees. He has provided a briefing on what he wishes me to say.’

  David Bland’s eyes widened in surprise as Jozefina lowered her head, wiping her eyes, the admiral leaning on the lectern once more, ‘Private Rees was responsible for saving the pilot’s life during the battles east of Morasat…exhibiting extreme bravery and determination and the two formed a unique friendship, fighting together whilst both badly wounded. As a result of the full report flight officer Anjara provided, we have awarded Private Rees with the Trevakian Silver Star…and a bounty for his surviving family for his courage in battle.’

  The lights above slowly dimmed as the admiral continued, Flight Officer Anjara struggling with assistance to lower to one knee with bowed head before Rees’s coffin as his colleague assumed the same position, ‘It is with great regret that we return these brave and sacrificing initial human allies to your planet in ceremonial caskets for their final resting places…all will receive a full military funeral and be listed in the Trevakian hall of fame.’

  Upper Parade Deck, Galactic Freedom

  Captain Dugachard’s boots squealed on the shining floor, her expression determined as she glanced across the lines of uniformed soldiers stood at ease, the two companies a mixture of Trevakian and human soldiers, the first combined unit in earth’s history. Slowly walking the length of the room, she studied the lines of six hundred marines before her, the formations separated by a narrow gap where the individual platoon commanders stood with their soldiers, a thick red curtain behind with a glimmering silver leopard head almost filling the wall. The companies were arranged six deep with fifty soldiers in each line, many of the males admiring the slender figure before them with relish.

  Stifling a smile of pride, she glanced up and down the immaculate new uniforms, the dull reinforced fabric sensing the lowered body temperatures and lack of adrenalin, the camouflage sediment dormant under the dull parade deck wall lights. The silver leopard emblazoned shoulder armour fitted even more snugly to the female and male bodies in front of her, additional resin abdomen shields complimented with shin and thigh protection, the arms also covered with additional padding at the knee and elbow joints.

  As with the body armour, the dull black helmets virtually protected the whole head, a narrow gap between the rim and the shoulder plates, the bubbled resin across the whole body edged in red, the colour dimming whilst in action. Each protective head piece was fitted with radio communications synchronised with the owner, all able to communicate amongst each company or nearby allies, the devices useless once removed or if the technology sensed the user’s life signs had ceased. In addition, medical alerts would be sent to the nearest qualified medics and comrades for assistance should the soldier become wounded or incapacitated, the Fahimian additions to Trevakian technology enhancing the kit.

  She nodded as Tregan stepped forward from the first company, formally stiffening to attention, ‘Yankee and Zulu companies ready for your briefing captain!’

  The captain stifled a grin, ‘Good…continue please!’

  Tregan stiffened further, barking his order, ‘Companies to attention!’

  Six hundred pairs of boots slammed together in unison, the crack echoing across the walls as fists rose to right chest plates, the uniformed men and women stiffening to attention. Lights glowed across the wall opposite, the captain smiling as she glimpsed a few scrutinising stares, the illuminations swirling slightly before national flags began to form, the display of all the nations stood in the room, in the middle, the poster of a Trevakian and human stood side by side forming last, the last formation being the slogan below, ‘Our time together is now!’

  Several soldiers breathed heavily in pride, their bodies seeming to stiffen even further, determination filling their eyes as the slim captain looked on in satisfaction, raising her voice, ‘We are now within the human galaxy…progressing past a planet named Pluto. We will soon reduce speed and join with our remaining ship in this galaxy for final preparations.’

  She walked further along the line, the soldiers all staring forward in unison, ‘This is a new unit and your individual companies have been selected for you after your individual displays in aptitude tests and on the training deck. Each platoon you are lined in has collectively similar abilities and performance levels to ensure your chances of combat success are maximised…and your ultimate survival.’

  Captain Dugachard stopped in the centre of the room, turning abruptly to stare over her command, the poster of the Trevakian and human soldiers directly behind and above her, her chest inflating in pride in the new uniform, ‘Now for the battle to come…we are tasked with supporting none other than the Fahimian commando units in battle.’ She glan
ced across the soldiers, seeing some attempting to prevent their surprise becoming evident, her voice rising, ‘The Fahimians requested our unit accompany them into battle…along with companies from the Trevakian 76th Infantry Division.’

  The captain indicated to Tregan, the Trevakian soldier raising a small tablet in his hands as Dugachard continued, ‘We will now mark your new shoulder plates with the awards and recognition you have received.’ She stepped forward, smiling, ‘All human soldiers received the Trevakian Galactic Medal and in addition, we believed appropriate, the Zaxon B battle clasp beneath.’

  Tregan tapped on the tablet briefly, wisps of smoke rose from the shoulders and chest plates as the small gold star with red outline appeared, underneath two crossed silver swords. Further wisps of smoke drifted upwards as individual ranks and recognitions were awarded to the new uniforms, David Bland’s pip returning along with one for Debra Hardie, much to her surprise. Riaz glanced down suspiciously as his nostrils twitched, his eyes widening in relish as a single short horizontal red line appeared above his decoration, Shino gritting her teeth in annoyance next to him.

  Captain Dugachard glanced away quickly as he looked up, having conservatively observed his response, her voice echoing across the parade deck, ‘Now for the rear of your helmets…your new unit will be displayed alongside your name and company.’ She nodded towards Tregan, the Trevakian tapping the tablet once more.

  The soldier behind Shino smiled as the smoke rose from the shorter Philippine’s helmet, the words, ‘Shino’, ‘Freedom Battalion’ and a smaller ‘Zulu’ appearing, his eyes moving to look at the next helmet, ‘Riaz’, ‘Freedom Battalion’ and ‘Zulu’ complimented by a short red line beneath.

  Captain Dugachard turned to walk along the line once more, her jaw tensing, ‘We will deploy to the armoury for weapon issue in eight hours precisely, drop ships will be ready to depart in nine hours…’ She turned, her boots squealing once more, her voice becoming instructive, ‘In thirty minutes you will be assigned to quarters to rest…’ Hesitating, she smiled, indicating to the rear curtain, ‘Until then, the admiral has provided Trevakian wine and a strange fizzy substance we have replicated for your refreshment…the humans call it beer I will be permitted one glass back to your barrack rooms after a brief socialising event.’

  Slowly, the curtains drew back, a long table full of refreshments being revealed behind as she grinned, ‘Freedom Battalion…dismissed!’ Boots squealed across the parade deck as all the soldiers turned right in unison, lowering their fists and grinning, muffled voices spreading across the wide room as most turned towards the table at the back, two white uniformed stewards stepping from a side room with additional bottles.

  Shino immediately turned to face Riaz, prodding his chest plate, her gloved finger retracting suddenly as it touched the red line, ‘That’s still hot! What the hell does it mean and why didn’t you tell me?’

  Riaz seemed confused as Debra Hardie joined them grinning, his shoulders rising to shrug, ‘I dunno what it means…maybe it’s an error…a glitch.’

  Shino stuck out her tongue provocatively, ‘Glitch! Hmmpph…indeed! The most advanced race we have ever met and you think they have computer problems!’ Her hands rose to her waist in frustration, cocking her head to one side, ‘Maybe they have a computer virus…some hackers from earth have broken into their system? To do what…just place a red mark on your uniform? Hardly a security breach…’

  Riaz backed away, feinting fear as his own gloved hands rose in mock protection, Debra giggling as she interjected, ‘He is Private First Class now…the captain told me earlier. Exceptional performance on the fitness deck…’

  Shino turned her head to glare in jest at the airport supervisor, ‘Exceptional? What in? Boring people to death about BMWs?’

  Riaz was laughing silently, his eyes moist with emotion, ‘Why are you so competitive? We are in the same squad with Debra and seven others…several are bound to be better than both of us…one that plays computer games like a pro called Phoenix and…’

  Shino interrupted in determination, ‘…the other that plays with himself?’

  Riaz burst out laughing with Debra, Shino grinning as she began giggling, ‘Just don’t expect me to call you anything special…well, not to your face anyway!’ She slapped his shoulder playfully, her eyes narrowing in suspicion, ‘So what…or who did you do to get this?’

  Captain Dugachard stepped next to them, smiling at the laughter as Shino flushed with embarrassment, the officer interjecting, ‘On the contrary, he spent over twice as much time practising as some of the others here, even longer sometimes…the late nights drew our attention most, he really pushed himself when he was alone…’

  The captain’s voice trailed off as she glimpsed Shino’s eyes widen in annoyance, the Philippine’s voice lowered and demanding, ‘You went on your own? Where the hell…where was I?’ She glanced at Dugachard, lowering her head, ‘Sorry Ma’am…’

  The captain shook her head to dismiss the remark, indicating for Riaz to speak, ‘Tell her…you are in the same unit…’

  Riaz cleared his throat, his eyes staring down at Shino before glancing to Debra, ‘You had both gone to bed or were in the bar mostly…it was when I said I had to go to the hold on ration duty.’ He sighed reluctantly, ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t want to tell you…I just did it because I wanted to help you guys…I thought if I was the best I could be, then I could…well…’ His cheeks flushed nervously, ‘…protect you…’

  Debra sighed, her eyes glistening as Shino looked up, staring into Riaz’s face, her mind seeming conflicted before her eyes widened, a cheeky sly grin forming across her lips, ‘Very well, PFC Riaz…apology accepted, but I am still a better…hot shot!’

  David Bland stepped next to captain Dugachard, Jozefina Kapralova beside him, his eyes strained as he sipped from a wine glass, Riaz indicating for Shino to accompany him to the table for a drink, the Philippine sticking her tongue out again as he chuckled.

  Clearing his throat, David’s voice seemed cautious, Debra glimpsing the ‘Yankee’ company name on the back of their helmets as the airport manage spoke, ‘Will we all be together? I mean, I like to look after my staff, but we are in different companies…will we all be placed together?’

  Dugachard grimaced, nodding at his question as her head lowered, ‘My apologies David, my intention was to have told you beforehand but I was called away by the admiral. That would have prevented any surprise.’ She glanced round at the soldiers drinking and chatting before looking him directly in the eyes, Debra and Jozefina stepping forward to listen intently as the captain lowered her voice, ‘We were given specific instructions to split the human forces across the units, a maximum of three in each platoon. We cannot afford for mass casualties amongst our allies…for misunderstandings when sent into battle. To higher command a unit is a unit…they have not got time to investigate the nationalities of the soldiers they send into battle. That was the mistake we made before…an innocent one that we have now rectified.’

  She drew a deep breath, ‘On Zaxon B, the Heathrow Battalion was sent on front line duties as it was seen mistakenly as an experienced unit in full Trevakian uniform…the casualties reflected the inexperience, although we realise now that this could probably not have been avoided. As a result, we now follow a new protocol…and when I say new, I mean it was determined in last night’s briefing. Debra, Riaz and Shino have seen extensive experience together and as a result were placed together by fleet resource. This prevented any other humans from being placed with their platoon and your close association then designated yourself and Jozefina to a separate company.’ She stepped back, jaw stiffening, ‘I hope you understand…you can apply for a transfer, but until then that is the situation…’

  The Trevakian officer shook her head, her eyes darkening, ‘Personally, I would advise against it…close emotional attachment on the battlefield can get you killed. Historically and having read your reports and those of your commandeered
transport pilot, your previous actions only prove this further. In short, you are lucky to be alive Lieutenant. If you were Trevakian, you would be facing a court martial.’ She stared sympathetically into his strained eyes once more, ‘Now if you would excuse me, I wish to try this fizzy earth beer…’

  David gritted his teeth as he watched the Trevakian captain walk towards the table, indicating to several of the soldiers as they nodded, his voice a whisper as Debra’s gloved hand rubbed his lower arm supportively, ‘A transfer request it is then…’

  Chapter Twenty Two: Total War

  Nearly Seven Hours Later

  In a briefing room next the bridge of Galactic Freedom, the commanding admiral stood leaning over the hologram table below, a raised screen being fed scrolling information from an intelligence officer in a lower section of the Battle Cruiser. The other ship commanders sat around the glowing differing coloured images projected upwards, including a Fahimian delegation with Begum, the petit tanned figures all wearing translation earpieces as hushed discussions continued around the sombre grey, dimly lit room.

  The room was soundproofed, the glass side facing the ensigns seated across the wide control deck having adopted a smoked effect once all fleet officers had entered, preventing observation from outside should any visitors be present.

  The twenty one vice admirals and nine senior ship officers stared across the hologram of the human universe, the Fahimians whispering to each other as they considered different planets and whether any atmospheres could sustain life.


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