Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught

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Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught Page 30

by Andrew McGregor

  Herk’s eyes widened slightly as she stiffened to attention, the slamming of boots behind as all the ensigns rose to their feet, her chest swelling in pride, voice breaking, ‘Our time is now admiral! We will succeed this day!’ Her head bowed with respect, the link flickering before cutting as she turned away.

  The admiral lowered slowly back into his seat, his eyes narrowing as the screen filled with the nearby planet, the lead ensign’s voice shrill with excitement, ‘Admiral…we have a power surge, Cruiser Pirrigan is cloaking and beginning to accelerate…they will clear the planets shield shortly.’

  The commander nodded, his head turning to face his own crew as his voice rose with pride, ‘This is our time…the greatest opportunity for us to defeat this menace in open battle. Finally, we are attacking in concentrated force for the first time in many years…let us not fail this day!’ He swallowed, glancing across his bridge crew in determination, his jaw tensing, ‘This could change the war for our children…the children and future of our allies. This day will be written into history as the beginning of the end for the Morgon menace! For freedom and peace…our time is now!’

  The admiral’s frame stiffened, ‘Initiate Red Alert! Final attack orders to all vessels…we cloak at the outer orbiting ring marker! Maximum velocity…clear the shielding planet and attack!’

  Jozefina ran her tongue across her lips in trepidation, staring ahead as she patted and grasped David Bland’s lower thigh tightly for reassurance, her voice a low gasping whisper, ‘Regulate our breathing? I have never been so bloody nervous!’

  Muffled voices came from the cockpit, the hum of engines becoming louder as the drop ship vibrated slightly, David drawing a sharp breath as he glanced across the other seated pensive marines through his visor in embarrassment, several whispering in hushed voices, ‘It’s getting hot in here…’ His eyes narrowed, ‘This uniform may be reinforced but your grip of friendship is beginning to irritate me…it will use the suit’s energy up before we land at this rate! I am not too keen on physical contact at the moment.’

  Jozefina giggled nervously, withdrawing her hand, ‘Oops…sorry…I just get too excited!’ Her eyes lowered, suddenly filling in emotion reflectively, ‘I used to grab Rees’s thigh or hand…guess that will never happen again now…’ She sniffed, attempting to compose herself, her vision misting as tears filled her eyes, a deep suck of air causing David to turn as she whimpered, ‘He was so young a naive…I should never have taken him with us.’ She turned to look into David’s eyes, a tear running down one cheek, ‘He swore he had been in the army cadets and completed basic weapons training with the training team at Heathrow…’ She sniffed deeply once more, ‘I guess I just wanted to believe him…he was so keen to come…it is my fault he is dead…’

  David shook his head, turning in his seat to face her, his eyes widening as she stifled a loud sob, her face strained, some of the other marines glancing round in concern, ‘That can’t be helped now…it’s not your fault.’ He shifted uncomfortably as tears rolled down her cheeks, Jozefina’s breathing becoming sharper as she sobbed uncontrollably, more helmets turning to stare at him as he raised a hand in innocence, his voice strained in irritated embarrassment, ‘Look…he told you what you wanted to hear, you made a judgement on that alone…it’s not your damn fault!’

  Jozefina was struggling to breathe through the sobs, tears flowing freely, her voice broken, ‘W-what of the others that died…were killed…that was my stupid idea.’ She drew a sharp strained intake of air, her eyes straining in emotional pain, ‘They texted me…told me they wanted to volunteer…’

  David interrupted, wary all the soldiers were now listening, ‘They volunteered…exactly! They knew what could happen…’

  Jozefina shook her head, pursing her lips in anger, ‘No…I arranged it, got the company to agree!’

  A solemn raised voice cut in from behind them, the Trevakian marine leaning forward as they all turned to stare, several heads moving round the rack supports, ‘I fought with an earth security officer…a Morris from something called ‘Campus Security’…airfield if I remember correctly, he volunteered. He told me it was the greatest adventure he had ever been on…spoke very highly of you for allowing them to come…’ He slumped back slowly, wary of the rising intrigue and attention, his voice trailing off, ‘He was killed in the outer eastern villages on Zaxon B…Morgon sniper bullet to the head in the early morning just after he woke up…as he stretched.’ The soldier glanced round in embarrassment as several marines glared at him, attempting to regain the situation as Jozefina sobbed once more, ‘H-he loved it there…the camaraderie and excitement…told me that even if he was killed it was his wish to fight against this enemy…that someone had to.’

  The marine coughed nervously as the glares continued, smiling faintly in recollection, ‘We had become friends just before he was only a couple of days. We slept in the same trench and we shared our different coloured ration tins for fun…’ Tears gradually filled the soldier’s eyes, the marines next to him grasping his arms in comfort, ‘It was so very cold at night…we began to sleep next to each other for warmth.’ His voice became strained with emotion, glancing round as the soldiers around him nodded in agreement for him continue, some clearly becoming bleary eyed with similar emotional memories, ‘We used to speak before we drifted asleep, tell each other of where we came from, about our lives. He was originally from somewhere in…Shottland…no, Scotland?’ He continued, noticing David nod his approval discretely, Jozefina listening intently as the marine grinned fondly, ‘Morris liked scotch alcohol and an earth dish called haggis with chips…his father was an engineer on the oil rigs…I was proud to have been his friend, if only for a short time.’ The marine stared directly towards Jozefina, ‘He said several times you were the one that made his and others dreams come true…to see unbelievable things and become something his parents would be ultimately proud of.’ He coughed nervously, ‘Morris also said that again the night before he died…he loved that you created the chance for him.’

  The marine slumped back, clearly overwhelmed with emotion, Jozefina wording ‘thank you’ silently as hushed whispers spread around the rear compartment of the vessel, the marine nodding as the troopers on either side attempted to console him.

  The door to the cockpit suddenly swung sideways, dim light filtering through the opening, the marines stiffening as the flight officer’s helmeted head emerged, his voice determined and exhilarated, ‘Get ready! Galactic Freedom is accelerating; we will be dropping soon…Our time is now!’ His eyes strained in confusion at the startled red faces and embarrassed emotional stares in the hold before continuing, ‘This combat section is assigned to a sector in northern Europe...apparently there is some fighting there.’ He glanced at a couple of the marines suspiciously before nodding towards two or three further back, ‘Get the morale up, and quickly...we will be landing in a combat zone, I don’t want any tearful eyes facing the enemy...’ He shook his head in irritation, ‘Damn mixed units...leave you alone for a couple of minutes and look at you...’ Pursing his lips, he continued, glaring at David Bland and Jozefina, ‘You will have comms from the cockpit as motivation...I am not letting you talk too much!’

  He turned and disappeared back into the cockpit, the door slamming behind, two of the chosen marines unfastening their belts and rising, one...a younger male raising his voice, Jozefina noticing he had a yellow star on his shoulder plate, ‘You heard the officer! What we have listened to is simply an expression of camaraderie…that our two races are meant to be together!’ The young blue eyed soldier’s voice rose further with exhilaration, Jozefina studying his muscular frame, ‘We are Yankee company...this is our chance to defeat the enemy!’ The hum of engines increased in the background as he continued, the craft creaking and seeming to lean slightly as Galactic Freedom changed course, ‘This is our time! A time to beat the enemy...let us show them what we can do, defeat them in open battle and crush their belief of ultimate supremacy!’ The youn
ger soldier leant forward, shouting with encouragement as the marines stiffened in resolve, ‘Now...Are you with me?’

  Several nods, a few enthusiastic murmurs as the young soldier began to step up and down the aisle before him, whispering further words of motivation, his colleague adopting a similar behaviour between the next set of seats. Then the speakers burbled, the pilot’s gravelled voice booming across the rear hold, ‘Freedom’s velocity continuing to increase...cloaking stable with brief power surges...thirty seconds to next zone...’

  Jozefina’s eyes widened with David’s, the solemn voice seeming perfectly calm as the heavy duty speakers crackled, adrenalin clearly rising in the rear compartment, ‘System checks complete...oxygen levels stable, port and starboard laser guns fully responsive...’

  The young motivational soldier reached them, his body lowering as Jozefina smiled broadly, his demeanour attractive to her even with puffed and tear dried eyes, the young marine’s eyes widening at the interest from the slightly older female as she whispered provocatively in forced fun, ‘Are you fully motivated?’

  David rolled his eyes, gritting his teeth as he shook his head in distain, the young marine blushing behind his visor, ‘I am sorry...she is rather excitable at present...’

  The younger marine grinned sheepishly, nodding to David with respect as he lowered to a crouch, ‘Not a problem, Lieutenant…’ He glanced back at Jozefina and winked, ‘We all have similar stories, your human soldiers have been an inspiration for most of us…naively reminding us of the Trevakians at home and why we need to win.’ He drew a sharp breath, his eyes darkening, ‘I lost my entire family on Zaxon A…when we retook the village in a counterattack I found their mutilated bodies…several had been half eaten. I will never let love or camaraderie leave my heart…we have love like you humans, the enemy only has hatred and suppression. They are evil and we are not…we should express our feelings, it makes us far stronger and shows what we fight for…’

  Jozefina’s eyes were wide behind her visor as she swallowed nervously, ‘But you are so positive…you motivate people…how?’

  The young marine smiled warmly, glancing across both their startled faces as he stiffened slightly, ‘We have to go on or we will perish and fall…death needs to make us stronger and more determined. That is my belief!’ He extended a gloved hand towards her, ‘I am Babon…communications marine for these squads…and yours. We have not been introduced.’

  Jozefina smiled widely, grasping his outstretched arm with both hands eagerly and staring up into deep blue eyes, ‘Will you be with us when we land?’ David exhaled heavily, folding his arms in annoyance and leaning back.

  Babon nodded eagerly, ‘Yes Ma’am…I think I should say?’ Jozefina blushed, shaking her head as the young Trevakian seemed confused, ‘Your internet stated that was the term to address a lady?’

  David coughed in exasperation, Jozefina blushing as the speakers burbled once more, the pilot’s voice interrupting them, ‘Engine and power checks complete, no faults detected. Redistributing power to boosters and shields. Initial flight checks and preparations complete.’

  Jozefina glanced round, shaking her head, ‘I am Jozefina…no need for Ma’am…I am just a soldier, not a lady.’

  David grimaced, shaking his head as he glimpsed the two still holding hands, his low voice disapprovingly sarcastic, ‘Lady? For heaven’s sake, you can let him go now…’

  The two dropped their hands, the Trevakian grinning self-consciously, ‘Jozefina it is then…I will always be close to you both, try and make you safe…’ He flushed further, becoming more serious, ‘It is my duty to safeguard our allies…the battle will be upon us soon. You will see many dead, the fallen of your own race as we progress…and we will be victorious. Your planet has suffered, but will be reborn…we will win and save them.’

  David stiffened as Jozefina stared up at the young marine intently in belief, the airport manager’s voice inquisitive, ‘How bad is it on earth? Where are we landing?’

  Babon shrugged, slowly rising, his eyes never leaving Jozefina’s as he whispered, ‘I cannot say…but you…we are going to your home…earth.’ His eyes glistened briefly as his voice became more vigorous, his adrenalin rising, ‘This will be the initiation of the final battle for survival…what happens on your earth will resound across the galaxies. This is the beginning of the end for either us or the Morgons…what happens here will either give hope and courage to our forces, or plunge us into defeat. The Trevakians will now fight by your side to the end, whatever the outcome…that is our pledge to you for your loyalty and the allegiance our constitution evokes. We are bound together until death or victory…and we will defeat this enemy!’

  Jozefina nodded willingly as David stared up at the younger Trevakian in awe, several marines to either side expressing their agreement, reaching for their laser rifles as one shouted enthusiastically from the front of the transport, ‘Together to victory! We must kill them all!’

  Babon smiled, his lips pursing as he shouted across the rear compartment, still staring excitedly and in relish into Jozefina’s eyes, ‘We are landing to kill the Morgons…to defeat them completely! We will free human earth from their evil and tainted will! We will destroy them and their ships…send the ultimate message to their entrenched forces across the galaxies…that they can and will lose!’ He stepped back, raising his voice further, ‘Many will fall, but we must not waver…we must defeat them now or face extermination! Are you with me and the humans?’

  Cheers rose around them, David seeming shocked at his own rising excitement, the Trevakian glancing from side to side excitedly before looking back down at Jozefina and smiling warmly, his voice virtually a hissed whisper, ‘We will free your planet from this filth…everything in your world will change from now! There will be other things to come…we will never desert you.’

  The speakers crackled, the pilot’s voice seeming strained, ‘Final marker reached…Morgon target warship ahead, fleet readying to engage. Cloaking secure…final disembarkation point established…make ready!’

  The whirr of engines filled the rear cabin, Babon grinning with adrenalin, ‘I must take my seat…now is our time…a time for vengeance!’ He turned away, Jozefina sighing as she stared at his lower frame with excitement, David drawing breath in annoyance as the communications marine shouted, ‘We are to drop…fasten belts…make yourself safe and breathe. Today we meet our enemy…let us fight hard!’

  Jozefina gritted her teeth as the engine power seemed to grip the drop ship, her voice a low whisper, ‘He is very sexy!’

  David thrust his head back, rolling his eyes, ‘Yes, I realised…he is meant to be…to draw us all in.’ He winced as Jozefina nudged him forcefully in distain.

  Then the vessel seemed to rise, the hull creaking as the hum of engines rose in intensity, the whir of mechanics and a deep clank as the undercarriage withdrew, the pilot’s voice surging through the speakers, ‘Brace for descent!’

  Jozefina screamed as the drop ship suddenly shot forward, David clenching his teeth as the upward force on his shoulders increased dramatically, the transport vessel shooting out into space and falling dramatically, an adrenalin fuelled voice surging through their strained bodies, ‘Departure complete…nuclear cloud incoming, descent increasing!’

  The armoured craft hull shrieked as the pressure outside increased dramatically, the voice seeming calmer, ‘Mother ship cleared…entering nuclear polluted cloud, visibility decreased.’ The pause was deafening as the grinding of metal increased, ‘Clear of cloud, atmosphere imminent…’ The small craft bounced and buffeted, shrieks of fear ringing out as Jozefina grasped David’s upper arm in fear, the drop ship thrown from side to side violently as they stiffened in terror.

  Then intense heat suddenly filled the rear cabin, the pilot’s voice strained as he struggled with the controls, ‘Atmospheric pressure as we enter…Morgon fighters below…Fahimian craft engaging initial defensive response wave! Full power to shields initiated…sensors rep
ort eruptions on Morgon warship shields!’

  Several screams as the drop ship dropped suddenly, then bounced, boxes falling from the overhead racks, ‘Within atmospheric ring…external pressure increasing, heat initially beyond structural tolerance…venting ducts in response!’

  The door to the cockpit abruptly swept open, the officer shouting desperately, ‘Hold your breathing! Oxygen level are decreasing…we are burning up; the radiation has affected the earth’s outer atmosphere ring!’

  Chapter Twenty Seven: Zaxon B Revisited

  Lieutenant Malikkas’s eyes flickered open, his vision blurred as he took in the pin lights overhead, the green and amber flashing as scans swept up and down his emaciated body, the Herrakian feeling pain seep through his muscles and bones. There was an immediate reaction from the medical beds anaesthetic capability, liquid seeming to excrete from pads across his naked frame, the follicles on his tanned skin twitching as the soothingly cool substance drifted through his pores.

  His mind drifted once more as he closed his eyes, visions of his fallen soldiers seeming to taunt him mercilessly, their smiling faces slipping one by one into his imagination, their expressions slowly contorting in fear and pain as blood slipped from lips, dribbling and then flowing from their mouths. The Herrakian twisted back and forth in mental torment as the medical bed increased the anaesthetic, his breathing becoming deeper and more relaxed as he drifted briefly into unconsciousness.

  The camouflaged tanks ground forward, electrical engines whirring as the heavy tracks ground up the slope towards Contax Base, forward guns belching flame as high powered shells and laser fire ripped through Morgon defensive positions. Black armoured bodies were tossed upwards as heat and billowing smoke swept over the armoured hulls, black acrid clouds rising in heavy plumes across the horizon, the grim flushed faced Red Leopard gunners reloading frantically as turrets turned slowly, commanders shouting additional targets as the enemy seemed to run in panic before them, a collective excitement rising that victory was finally within their grasp.


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