by Robin Miller
I said, "when that day comes you'll get it."
The twins and I then stopped by the broadcast station to announce that we were only looking for storytellers that were willing to live in Central city, and that starting tomorrow we would have three hours of stories right after the evening news. Then we went back to story land to put out the trail lights. Stony and his crew were putting the forms on the second story of the main building. They were using instant stone, no drying time. Well, very little that is. They would add something at the last minute and it would get hot then hard. Digger, the man that did my club, said that instant stone didn't get as hard as the kind you wait for. But we used instant stone on my hotel and it seems hard enough. Then again, we were not trying to span a hundred feet without upright supports. My new ride was sitting next to the cargo container, and it looked bigger than its pitcher, yet small enough to drive in-between the trees in the woods. We put the boxes of trail light in the back and drove it to the trails. The information chip for them said they would come on as you got within 15 feet, so we put them 30 feet apart, except where the trails took a twist. We did the trail around the lake, then the ones that went through the woods. There were not many left over, so we just put them back in the cargo container until our new building was done. Then we went back to the club for an afternoon soda. Surprising how fast time goes by when you're having fun. It was nice to drive there on our transport, and I felt I would be getting a lot of use out of it. We parked right out front of the club, next to the door. No need to park in the lot with this small thing. I got myself a ginger ale, the Twins had root beer.
As we sat in our booth I said to kitten, "today was not all that busy, you could've gone to your music lesson."
Kitten, "I like to help you with things. There isalways tomorrow for lessons, or the day after, no rush."
I said, "quite right, a good attitude. That is to say I encourage commitment, but you have already shown that and learned a great deal. So I think you have earned the right to give yourself a break."
Prowler, "you have been working hard lately father. What would you do for break?"
I said, "how about we go home and take the speeders out for a couple of hours? We can go to the mountains behind the house and check out the caves, this time would lights."
The children were up for it. So we finished our drinks and went home to take out the speeders. I grabbed a rock hammer from the barn, just in case we ran into a nice crystal to bring home, and a utility light for each of us. Then we were off to the mountains. Our speeders were the jet skis of the sky, but a lot more dangerous if you fell off. So we wore our safety belts, that went around our waist and into the seats. Before long we were in a set of caves we could not go far into last time, because we didn't have lights. They were not far from where we had found the skeleton of the ecology warier the last time we were here. There were signs that someone had used this cave once upon a time, a small fire pit near the front and a picture of a pipe with a face on it done in charcoal on the wall. It reminded me of the pipes Owsee made as a boy. The cave had a wide crack in the back of it, big enough to walk in to. It didn't go far, but there were signs someone had done some mining. With our lights we could see why, a large vain of gold ran through the wall. I took out the hammer and chipped a piece of it off to take to Owsee, as he owned all land clear to the desert. I said to the Twins, "this should make Owsee happy."
We looked at some other caves, and did a bit of flying around, before it got close to dark and went home. I left the heavy piece of gold on the porch while the Twins helped me make a website for the radio station, I wanted a place for people to call in to vote on the storytellers they like, it didn't take us long. Then we got into a game of tag ball until Kitty got home. Banger was with her, carried a bag from the bakery. He said he got off early today, and had some time before his date tonight, and wanted to know if Prowler would like to learn something new on the drums. Of course he did, and the two of them went to the back porch to play on the drums. Kitty said she had some treats, from the bakery, for after supper and took them inside. Kitten and I went inside as well, and I made myself a drink while she helped her mother in the kitchen. I asked Kitty if she would like me to make her a drink, and she said not until shegot supper started. So I asked what we were having and she said, "a stew with someof the fresh vegetables from the Garden," then sent kitten out to get them. I went as well, and dug up some small potatoes for the stew, Kitten got the rest. We saw Grippers ship come down next to the lake, and I thought to myself Owsee would most likely be on it. Kitten and I took the fresh vegetables inside and gave them to Kitty, then I sat down at the small bar with the opening to the kitchen, and asked how her day was.
She said, "fine, sales could've been better. Got the books you sent, and sold five already. Once the word gets around that I have the new book they will go fast. How was your day?"
I said, "the children and I spent most of it at the park, then we took the speeders out and looked at some caves in the mountains. We saw a Goldmine, and I brought back a piece."
"So you follow my old Goldmine," Owsee said as he walked in the door, "I almost forgot about that place."
I said, "I thought it might be yours, by the pitcher on the cave wall." Owsee, "a pipe with a face on it?"
I said, "that's the one."
Owsee, "it’s not much of a drawing, but it's enoughto lay claim."
I said, "it don't look like you worked it much."
Owsee, "I was on foot in those days, a 3 day walk in and out. I could not carry much gold, and didn't want anyone to know where I got it."
I said, "well we promise not to tell anyone."
Owsee, "well, I own the land now, and can work the mind openly if I want to. With the use of a shuttle, that would not be so hard. It would be nice to see how much is really there."
I said, "so when you left for the stars you knew you could always come home to the gold mine."
Owsee, "yes, but it was the ice mine on the moon in that other system that made my fortune. Just like the one you have."
I said, "yes, the mine does bring in the credits, but it's the crystal trade with the Plexons that bring in the most."
Owsee, "and you would not have that if it was not for the station." I said, "and I would not have the station if it was not for the Plexon that tried to kill me. He was wanted by his planet, so their law then gives me all he had because I stopped him for them. And because he was the last living owner of the station, that’s what I got. Good timing considering we were about to go to war with the swarm."
Owsee, "yes, but you were the one that put the crew together. That was no small job, and you made it work."
I said, "that was a lot of work. Talk about work, how go’s the crystal mining?" Owsee, "got all 19 sites done, it was a lot of running around."
I said, "my contractor wants to get with you tomorrow, so he will know where all the sites are."
Owsee, "I'll find the time. What's for supper?"
Kitty, "stew, with vegetables from the Garden."
Owsee, "I likes stew. My father made a good stew, we would have it at least once a week. I'll go find a good bottle of wine to go with it," and he went to the basement then came back with three battles and said, "this should hold us until after supper."
I said, "I should say so. Real thirsty are we?"
Owsee, "they're small bottles, only three good glasses each. He was right of course, and we drain the first bottle pouring a glass for the three of us. Owsee led the first toast, "to the winemaker, may the fruits of his labor be appreciated." And we all drank to Owsee’s father, then I said, "so Gripper let your use his ship for the day?"
Owsee, "yes, he said I could use it anytime, or until I got the other ships up and running. That should only be a few days."
I said, "so how many loads of crystals went up from the sites?"
Owsee, "they were small sites, but rich in crystals, 23."
I said, "so we paid the port owners, and I make 23 mill
ion to split with you." Owsee, "we paid the port owners what the government would have paid to them, 500,000 per container. I take the same, and you still make 23 million." I said, "that’s even better, I can live with that. How will it work with the land owned by those your bank give loans to?"
Owsee, "with that I'm just a subcontractor for the government, they get their share as if they mined it, and the land owners also get their half a million per container. I just get a small fee for the work done, and the 20% on the loan I gave to the land owners. Which if I mine them soon after the loan, it's fast money for the bank."
I said, "yes, a sweet deal all the way around. It’s good for the land owners because the government may not get around to mining private land for a very long time, and you are the only one with a contract with the government. Just like I have the only contractor sell crystals to the Plexons. I told you once, being the dock master on the space station would put youin a place to make good deals for your bank."
Owsee, "that you did, and with the help of my assistance I spend even less time up there than you do most days."
I said, "I've been trying to spend more time up there lately, we need to be ready for whatever comes our way. And I don't want people to think I have more important things to do other than run the station that protects the planet." Owsee, "those techno-sages told you something didn’t they?"
I said, "only that something is coming our way, no clue to what or when." Owsee, "anyone can say something is going to happen, but once a techno-sage says it you know it's going to be big, bad or ugly."
I said, "all we can do is to keep our ears open. I can't plan a defense against something until I know what it is."
Owsee, "it wouldn't hurt to have the explosives company make up some extra bang bang for us just in case."
I said, "good point. I'll talk to them tomorrow, and have Plexon send more ammunition to give the fighters at least five turnarounds. Let’s triple that, just in case we get cut off like last time."
Kitten and prowler came in the room and kitten said, "we have a way to carry five times the ammunition."
Prowler, “but it will make the fighters less maneuverable in an atmosphere like this planets.”
I said, "I forgot what good hearing you two have. Map your ideas out on the computer, and I’ll look them over after supper."
They went back to the dining room to work on it and I said to Owsee, "I'm glad to have their help, but wish they didn't have to think of such things. I still feel they are too young, even though they never act like it."
Owsee, "I have learned to treat them as the prodigies they are."
Kitty, "ever since they learned to walk I have had to learn to let go of them and just hope they were safe. But you don't have to worry about hiding the truth from them, that they are good at handling."
I said, "you're right of course. I guess I only feel this way because I'm from Earth. There is so much madness there that we have to shelter our children from it, so they do not become suicidal."
Owsee, "that word does not translate. What means this suicidal?" I said, "it means to kill oneself, usually becauseyou just can't live with the things you know."
Owsee, "we have no word for that. Can't remember anyone ever doing it, at least not from this planet."
Kitty, "we have a word for it on Catalack, but it translates as brain fever. It's common to those that are hurt to bad to take care of themselves
I said, "that can be a reason why some of my people do it as well." Owsee, "well I don't plan to go out without a fight. I'll cheat death as long as I can."
Kitty, "let's talk about something more cheerful shall we. How is story land park coming?"
I said, "the main building should be up by now. Lots of work to be done on the inside yet. Parking lot about done, a swimming area ready with a nice beach, lights on the trails, and the pluming is coming along."
Owsee, "what about storytellers?"
I said, "I have 20 of them scheduled to do 30 minutes spots on the radio, after the nightly news, over the next five days. And a website for people to call in to, and tell us what they think of them. I'm sure more storytellers will call in to get a spot. But I’m only taking the ones that are readyto move near the park. Part of their pay can be to live at my hotel."
Owsee, "that's a nice place to live, there is not a better hotel on the planet." I said, "well I'm glad you think so."
Owsee, "not just me, everyone I talked to says so. You did a first-class job when you built that place."
I said, "I have a good architect and building crew."
Owsee, "well if you put as much care into story book park, as you did the hotel or club, then it will be quite a place."
I said, "there is only one thing I was thinking of doing that I'm not sure I can. Planting a earwood tree there for all to see."
Owsee, "as you know, they only grow in one forest up north, and it is forbidding to dig one up to move it. Even if the government let you do it, I think you could offend too many people."
I said, "you're probably right. It's just that it would be something most would never see."
Owsee, "we don't have many things that I would call sacred, but the earwood tree is one of them. After its death we cut it up and sell it to be put where people tell stories, but we still respect it."
I said, "I've been thinking about the words on the main building, "Story book park," what if I was to do it in earwood? Would that be too much?" Owsee, "I don't think so, some bars have their signs made of it, but if you are going to have the letters a full story tall it will take a lot of earwood." Kitty, "I thought you were going to call it story land Park?"
I said, "did I say that? I'm still not sure. Story land, story book, which do you think sounds best?"
Kitty, "well, story book park sounds like a place where people read to you from a book, but story land sounds like a place where you may hear your stories via a storyteller."
I said, "story land it is, but the main building is still going to look like a big book." Kitty, "I think this is very unique and appropriate."
Owsee, "I still need to pick out a tree to tell my stories under."
I said, "just show me which one and I'll nail a sine, with your name on it, to the tree."
Owsee, "oh no, you must not nail to the tree, some people will feel bad for the tree that it got hurt. Tie a rope around the tree to hang a sign to." I said, "I've already cut the lower limbs on some trees to make things more open, and to take out the deadwood, how will they feel about that?"
Owsee, "some will feel bad for the trees and others will say a pruning makes the tree grow better. As long as you paint the cut with something, so it does not bleed too much, it’s fine."
I said, "that's something I didn’t think of, I'll have it done tomorrow." Owsee, "most likely they don't need it, but it is something people will look for." Kitty, "well supper will be ready shortly, it just needs to simmer for a while." Owsee poured her a glass of wine, and I went to the porch for a smoke. Banger and Prowler were playing the drums on the back porch and kitten was playing her horn. They sounded good, we would have to do another club night soon. I took out my flute and played a little, then put it away again. The sky was clear, and I could see both moons as well as the space station. It was a nice night, but despite its beauty I could not help wondering what danger was out there, and on its way here. If I knew what and when, we could prepare for it. Maybe whatever it was would not come for years, the anticipation would drive me mad, I envied the ignorance of others. I had my smoke, and went back just in time for supper. She had made dumplings to go with the stew, and there was fresh bread from the bakery. Kitty asked Banger to supper, but he saidhe was eating with his girlfriend and had to go. The stew was so good we ate it all,each of us had two bowls then the Twins had another, hard to believe they had the room with milk to go with it. Kitty had sweet pastries from the bakery for dessert. The children said they would save theirs for later and showed me their plans f
or the fighter upgrades, they were very detailed. I was sure the engineering crew could do it, so we sent the plans to the station for the chief of engineering to look at. If it was as easy as the plans made it out to be, we will refit all 150 ships. A big job, but worth it for the extra firepower. 10 more Plexon heavy fighters would be nice as well, a fullsize warship while I'm at it why not? Because this is not Plexon that's why, I can't spend all my credits on things I may never use. We are just lucky to have the station. We did good against the swarm, without help from others. Maybe it would be different with the next war, I would like to hope so. I went out to the porch, with my wine, to have a smoke. Kitty and Owsee were already there, talking about their favorite desserts. I said for me it was either cream fruit and berry, or sweet nut pie. Kitty made a joke about thinking it may be bud brownies. I asked Owsee how goes the loans to people that want to sell the crystals on their land?
Owsee, "I've already made loans to most of the people in town, and a few farmers that then applied to the government's agriculturaltraining program, for a guest worker to learn on their land. It's all part of the keep producing for five years farming act. Of course the more farmers that take part in it, the less workers there will be, so they all want to get in on it now."
I said, "what about the farmers that can't get into a program?"
Owsee, "then the bank is responsible for seeing the land is worked for the next five years, so some of the loans will come down to the farmer giving me their word that they will see to it the land is worked."
Kitty, "from what I have seen, and heard about your people, they all seemed very trustworthy."
Owsee, "yes, the old laws say a liar shall their tongue cut out, but I don't think that has been used in a long time."
I said, "remember the ambassador to the station that lied about sending the guard to spy on us?"
Owsee, "he quietly disappeared now didn't he?"
I said, "yes, before anyone could start talking about taking his tongue." Owsee, "I'll put my trust in the farmer, over anyone in the government, any day." Kitty, “what above all the off-worlders that now live on this planet? Some may have been here for generations.”