by Robin Miller
And with that the children and I got on my ship togo home. I decided to fly slow enough to get a look at the countryside, and said, "look at those homes down there, each one of them is expecting us to come up with a way to keep them safe, and the best thing I can tell them is to get a good club."
Kitten, "we are all doing the best we can."
Prowler, "yes, just like with the swarm, the best we can do is to cut their numbers. Some are bound to get through."
I said, "sometimes I wish I could live in a cave like Goo da wa. The most anyone ask of him is to draw another beer."
We made it home just as the sun was setting. Kitty was coming up the road, as we got off the ship, and Owsee was with her carrying a bag of food from the store.
I yelled out, "that's the way to do it, put him to work."
Owsee, "I bet you can't guess what we bought."
I said, "milk, bread, eggs, cheese, jam, ice cream and sausages."
Owsee, "that's remarkable, how did you know?"
I said, "I know what we are low on or out of."
Owsee, "we got one more thing."
I said, "did you get me some candy?"
Owsee, "hey, you're not supposed to be able to readmy mind."
I said, "what kind did you get?"
Owsee, "sweet and sour drops."
I said, "I like them, good for a dry mouth."
We all went in the house, and the Twins got a soda and a piece of candy. Owsee, Kitty and I had a beer, and I asked what was for supper.
Kitty said, “how’s fish?”
I said, “fish is good,” so she handed me a bucket to go down into the basement with, and get some fresh out of the freezer. While I was there I got a bottle wine for the table. After giving the bucket of fish to Kitty she filled it with water to thaw out the fish, and asked if I would get some potatoes from the garden, then gave me a pot to put them in. Owsee went with me, and the last rays of the sun was just about gone as we dug for the potatoes. They were a bit small, but very tender, I liked him that way. After bringing the pot of potatoes in I turned the radio on to get the news, but it was just going off. So I tuned it in to the station above ours, and the news was just coming on. Owsee and I sat in the living room drinking our beers while Kitty got supper, and the Twins were working on the new program at the dining room table. Newsy had some interesting things to say about a number of things, like the government set up a new program that if you farm 10 acres or more for five years you get the land. And government loans to start farming, free schooling of farming, as well as government guarantees on next year’s crop price. Farming had just become so profitable a farmer could hire people to do the work for him, and assume a role as management. Newsy said, "we may see a higher prices at the store, but at least the stores will have the food to sell. Public service jobs will have an increase in their bonus pay by 50%, and one day off each week. Better roads are on their way as well as new housing, and the power grid will be extended to include some towns that were once too far away. That's right people, the government is spending credits as if they could just dig them up from the ground, or wait a minute, that's just what they are doing. The Crystal trade has made your government of very rich, and it has made farmers and other landowners rich as well. But what about the rest of us? All those people that don't have land? Where do we fit into a world that has so many rich people? Tune in tomorrow and we will see if we can find some answers. This is Newsy Owsee saying goodnight."
By this time supper was ready and we were at the table.
Owsee, "he is right you know, the cost of food will go up."
I said, "and everyone’s employees will need more money, and everything will cost more to pay for it. Eventually it will even itselfout."
The fish was breaded fillet, and baked. The small potatoes boiled whole, and there was both cheese sauce and gravy on the table. We also had some kind of beans that had a smoky flavor to them, they were very good and I had extra. Prowler said, "we have been working on that program you wanted, it will take two or three days to write, in order to cover the whole planet. That's working in our spare time, unless I devote myself to it."
I said, "well you're the only ones I want to do it, so if you need to take yourself off the repair crew, do it. It's that important. There is not much in the north or south of the planet, that should help."
Kitten, "yes, we are mainly looked at only 1000 launch point around the planet." Prowler, "the rest can just go straight up to orbit."
Owsee, "a thousand! Sounds like we are not overlooking much."
Prowler, "as father said, it only takes one falling out of the sky to cause a disaster, best to make sure it falls in the water, woods or desert, not a city." I said, "I'm hoping for five to 10,000 ships. With up to a thousand ships taking off at the same time, we want to be as safe as we can."
Owsee, "sounds like one of the most important parts of the war is going to be a computer program written by your children, you mustbe very proud." I said, "we are all doing what we can."
We all ate our food and remarked about how good it was. Then Kitty said, "what happened to the storytelling time? It went from news to music."
I said, "last night was the last audition."
Owsee, "have you picked your ten yet?"
I said, "yes, I have been calling them today, three more to reach." Kitty, "is that women we heard the other night one of them?"
I said, "yes, she got the numbers, she gets the chance."
Owsee, "a female storyteller, a bold move, but if she got the numbers maybe that's what people want. I've got nothing against her, it's just not traditional." Kitty, "things change when you leave a planet for over 30 years."
Owsee, "things change, people not so much."
Kitty made a sweet-nut pie for dessert, my favorite. I got the extra piece and was not ashamed to eat it. We cleared the table so the children could work, and went out to the porch to drink wine and smoke.
Owsee said, "so story land Park will open soon, how many employees will you have?"
I said, "27, to start, including the storytellers."
Kitty, "have you lined them up yet?"
I said, "I called the employment office, and will setup interviews in the next three days. Somehow I'll find the time."
Kitty, "what will the storytellers make?"
I said, "a free apartment at my hotel, free food at my club, and 300 credits a week. All the other employees will just get the 300."
Owsee, "will you have a manager?"
I said, "yes, him I will have to pay more, I'm thinking of 500 credits a week to run the story land Park."
Owsee, "that's good pay, but then you always pay your people too much." I said, "he will earn it, there is the food to order each week, the grounds to keep up, trash to take care of, and if there is a problem with an employee or storyteller, he will have to take care of it. Not to mention all the people, I'm sure he will have to deal with them as well."
Owsee, "just dealing with the people is worth the extra pay."
I said, "well then I guess I'm getting a deal. Talk kin about videos are from a ship we can use in the war without blowing it up. It was in the desert and I claim so which wrights."
Owsee, "the Trident, yes, one of my people sent a photo of it to me. A cargo carrier by the size of it, but then the Trident's never carried anything but weapons. They were pirates in the true form, and the CM had them all killed. Though I think some of them may have got away, you've got a good ship there, lots of power. We could use more of them."
I said, "Trident, that's a good name for her/him. I will call it Trident." Owsee, "that makes four ships for you, not counting your freight company and all its ships."
Kitty, "and he even gave one to Gripper or it would be 5, 6 if Nova had stayed as well."
I said, "we probably should not count the living ships, as they don't really belong to anyone. They chose to stay where and with whom they want." Owsee, "I've said it before and I'll say it again, there are advantages
to having a living ship, but I would not want one in my head."
I said, "it's a relationship few would choose, an extra consciousness, not only for what you do but what you think as well."
Owsee, "I’m a banker now, too much of a conscious is not good for the bank. I said, "yes but you grew up as a farmer, that gives you some heart for the poor." Owsee, "yeah well, just don't spread that around."
We laughed and poured more wine and got another bottle, then said, "let's go see Goo da wa at his cave bar."
Owsee, "you read my mind."
Kitty, "why not, I'll get the Twins."
Moments later she came back out and said, "the children rather stay here and work on the program for you. I told them it was alright, as long as they were still here when we got back. They promise not to leave the house, if that's okay with you."
I said, "if you're fine with it then so am I."
My ship just appeared in the front yard, offering us a ride, but we felt like walking and said no thank you. But by the time we got to Goo da wa’s I headed for the garden first and sat down on the bench by the fountain, then said I needed a few moments. So Kitty and Owsee join me in watching the fountain. It was made by Zoos of Trident three. The best interplanetary Stone Carver this world had ever seen. It was one of those things you just could not put a price on, and here it was in the middle of just about nowhere. Goo da wa would not say what he paid for it, only that it was not for sale. Everyone that got to see it felt privileged. After a short while I was up again and we walked a bit more through the garden before going in the cave and to our booth at the end of the bar. Goo da wa came over and said, "it's nice to see all of you again. What can I get you?"
Kitty reached in her bag and said, "I brought you some brownies, they are not bud, but you may enjoy them anyways."
Goo da wa, "of course I'll enjoy them," and he took a bite of one.
Owsee, "we have been drinking to the winemaker and didn't want to leave you out. This is over 35 years old, and as fine as you will come by."
He handed the bottle to Goo da wa, who poured a glass, then said, "to the winemaker," and he took a drink."
One of your father's best he said, and handed us a bowl of nuts.
Goo da wa, "so, how goes the war on the robot spiders?
I said, “all I know is what I hear on the radio, but it sounds like we are making progress. Actually I found something today that may help in this war." Owsee, "he found a Trident cargo ship that can be fixed."
Goo da wa, "a Trident!" And he took a sip of wine then said, "now that's a word I have not heard in over a hundred years, powerful ships they were. Energy collectors in the bulkheads made it so one could fly by a sun and turn its power against another ship. The only ship I knew that could do it."
I said, "so I don't have to worry where its energyis coming from."
Goo da wa, "so what was, or is, wrong with it?"
Owsee, "blown out side panel, pilot probably lost it on the way down. Most likely killed him before the crash in the desert."
Goo da wa, "may have been the CM that shot out the panel. Tridents are tough ships, it would not have come off by itself during re-entry."
I said, "well this is one ship we are not going to rig to blow up."
Goo da wa, "how is the next book coming?"
I said, "well about two thirds of the way done, lots of things to write about lately. Even when I think it's been a slow day my book tells me differently. Writing it down keeps it clear in my head."
Goo da wa finished his wine and said he would be right back, then went to the other end of the bar to draw a few mugs of beer. Owsee filled his wine glass and that killed the bottle, so he said, "I guess we will have two drink store brand wine now."
Kitty, "I've had enough for one night."
I said, "as have I, but I could go for soda."
So as soon as Goo da wa was back I asked him for a ginger ale. He got one out of the cooler and handed it to me saying, "you know, I sell as many of these as I do beers."
I said, "I knew they would catch on, that's why I bought the bottling plant to make soda pop."
Goo da wa, then noticing his wine glass was full, picked it up saying, "to the winemaker," and took a drink. Then they asked how it was going with story land Park.
I said, "we open in four days, I think. The day after the war on this infestation of scrapers is over, at least the one in space. I fear we will be bashing them on the planet for a while, and I want to give people something else think about. I’m also having a postwar/pre-Park opening party at the club. I think there will be a lot of parties that night."
Goo da wa, "the whole town will probably show up here, I'll need to order more beer. I hear the two of you are building radio stations around the world. Why do that when you already broadcast on 20 frequencies from the space station?" I said, "to give people a place to go to, and say this is where the music comes from. A place to go and see the announcer, order air time, do call in shows from and interviews, and keep it all local but global atthe same time. And if the satellite goes off-line we will still have worldwide communications." Goo da wa, "how is the work on the new clubs an hotels going?"
I said, "we have started on one, the steel is going up. Owsee says he will be done mining the crystals on the rest of my sites tomorrow, and I should have those holes done in a day or two."
Goo da wa, "well it sounds like you have been very busy, what with the war and all."
I said, "well I haven't been doing any fishing. You have been keeping yourself busy as well, by the looks of your garden."
Goo da wa, "it does take up some time, but I find I love it. And you my good friend Owsee, how are you, and your bank and your mining company doing?" Owsee, "let's not forget my port, and job on the space station as chief dock master. We are all doing the best we can."
Goo da wa, "sounds like you have not been fishing either."
Owsee, "you got that right, some time to eat and sleep is the best I can do." Goo da wa, "has the port repaired many ships to blow up?"
Owsee, "seven, and two more came in today in fair condition. We will have them ready by the time the metal eating robot spiders get here, and hopefully the Trident as well. The Twins have some engineers from the space station working on it, so the rest of my men can fix the ships that want to be gone by the time the M.E.R.S. get here."
Goo da wa, "and how was your day Kitty?"
Kitty, "not bad, thank you for being the first to ask, people are being a little shy with their money but it was worth going to work."
Goo da wa, "I have nights like that myself, but I'm already home so it's not keeping me from anything."
We talked a little longer then went home on my ship.
The children were right where we left them, at the dining room table working on the program we needed. Kitty got out the ice cream and we all had a bowl, then Owsee said he was going to call it a night, and left for his place. I felt like going to bed as well, but wanted to catch up on my writing first. So I went out on the porch with my laptop, and went through the day in my mind. Trying to write it down in a way that would take my readers with me on a journey through my day. But I was tired and left out a number of details. Just as well, I don't need to take my reader with me to the bathroom, or make a note of each time I farted. I'm trying to write a story here that chronicles my life. I soon put my writing away and went to bed, telling the Twins on the way not to stay up too late. I think I heard Kitty say goodnight just before my head hit the pillow, and I was out.
Day 95
I slept with no dreams and woke to a window with full sun in it, and there was the smell of sausages and pancakes in the air. As I walked to the bathroom I could hear Kitty saying to Owsee, "I'm not waking him, he can sleep as long as he likes or can."
I said, "I'm up!" and went to wash my face. Still feeling half asleep, I found my way to the table and sat down. Kitty gave me a cup of coffee, for which I said, “thank you,” then I went for the pancakes and sausages
that had been saved for me, as the others were about half done.
Owsee said, "get a little extra dreamtime did you?"
I said, "no dreams at all last night, and I feel like I got no sleep either." Owsee, "I've had nights like that, you have two choices, work your way through it or go back to bed."
I said, "hard choice, let me think about that for a while," and I drank my coffee then ate my breakfast, still trying to wake up. Then got a call from the station. It was Gripper, wanting to know if I was going with the fleet today. I told him to go without me, that I had preparations to make towards the final assault. He said, “fine, see you later.”