Book 7 of The traveler.

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Book 7 of The traveler. Page 23

by Robin Miller

  I said, "yes, it's back in its place, we can go home now. Did you get the mountain recorded?"

  Owsee, "yes, it took up a lot of the computer's memory, but we can upload it when we get back to the station."

  I said, "well then let's go home."

  When we got to the Stargate Id showed us the shortest way back to Laureate, but it was still a long trip. I tried to tell Owsee about all the things I had seen, but I found my words to be inadequate to properly describe the wonders. Owsee said I had seen what no other human had ever seen, and hewished he had been there as well. I shared some of the food I had put in mypocket. Owsee thought it was quite good, but it only reminded our stomachs how hungry we really were. So we had the replicator make us a stew.

  Owsee said, "just like their food, the Voleons are too good for the scavengers. They will probably end up on the colonies before long."

  I said, "even that is more than their home world of Tronex would of hoped for them. The word of what they did will soon get out, and they will have to live with it."

  I then told Owsee all I had learned while on the scavengers ship. He said that what they did was the most coldhearted thing he had ever heard of, and lying about it for nearly 300 years was just as bad.

  I said, "well maybe they can now correct their mistake, and give these people their long-life’s back. From what Gripper tells me, the genetic treatment his people now get lets them live up to 300 years."

  Owsee, "I think Gripper is over 130 years old and don't look a day over 30." I said, "he told me how old he was once, but I forget. Nursa and him are still trying to decide if they want their children to have the treatment." Owsee, "to bad it does not work on Cadillac’s. Their lives are almost as short as the scavengers, but at least they breed at a youngage."

  I said, "yes, the fact that Kitty and my children will most likely die many years before me does give me some pain. I have to keep telling myself to enjoy them while they are still here, and try to give them a happy and good life." Owsee, "be thankful you will not live as long as Goo da wa. I think he has buried more than five wife’s and each of them a true soul-mate. For that man love means hundreds of years of pain. It's hardly a wonder that he never leaves his cave."

  I said, "I wonder how Nova is doing with having all my memories. A living ship, traveling the galaxy with a lifespan that may have no measure, yet no longer being able to be part of our lives."

  Owsee, "that's a destiny that awaits you when your body dies, and your joined with Id."

  I said, "true, but by then I hope to have lived a full life, Nova got my consciousness too soon."

  Owsee, "if it was not for the scan we took of you back where I met you, we would not have been able to bring your body back to life at all."

  I said, "it's good that you did, for Kitty’s sake.But I'm still left with a hole in my memory, and a ship out there that thinks it's partme but no longer can be with Kitty. It's hard to be split in two like this. Worse than split in two, doubled and separated. It's a harder thing to explain than the Voleons."

  Owsee, "having a living ship that is always in your mind is not for everyone, nor is the almost immortality that comes with it."

  I said, "your immortality will come from what I write about you."

  Owsee, "that I can both live and die with."

  I then tried to get some writing done, but soon fell asleep until we got back to the Laureate space station.

  Owsee woke me up and said, "we are back at the station, stay here or go home, it's up to you. But I am going to my quarters."

  I stepped out onto the landing bay and told my ship to take me home. It was no more than an hour before some up as I walked into the house, and laid down on the sofa. I think I remember Kitty stroking my hair and giving me a kiss as I passed out.

  Day 101?

  By Robin Miller

  Words 83,682 of story. Book list on next page. Book 7 list

  Day 88: Working on book 7, working on story-land park, finding Owsee’s old gold mine, retrieving meteor damaged satellite.

  Day 89: Upgrades for the fighters, looking to buy $300,000 in earwood, Newsy comes up with reports from 20 areas, storytellers start auditioning on the radio.

  Day 90: Story land park sign goes up, a trip to the fountain maker, the screw the CM water tax, the information seller’s warning, making plans at Goo da wa’s, story time before bed. Day 91: astrophysics sends a probe, Muser takes offer, Prowler cracks Plexon encryption code, I tell Owsee about my synaptic reader in bank box.

  Day 92: Plexon takes hit by metal eating robot spiders, Gripper leads strike force to attack M.E.R.S., U1&U2 help make mines, gathering old ships to use as flying bombs, a family night out at my club.

  Day 93: My fleet attack the M.E.R.S. about to hit Tronex, Flarn?, a full body scan just in case, story time, Kitty love, the repeating dream.

  Day 94: Morning telekinetic exercise, gathering more ships to blow up, finding the Trident, my children to write master remote control program for flying bombs, ordering things for story land park, a walk through Goo da wa’s garden.

  Day 95: More kinetic exercise, workers and story tellers for the Park, Id says liven ships will have fun smashing robots in hyperspace, seafood cookout at my place, 1003 mines ready. Day 96: Going with the fleet to attack the M.E.R.S. and saving the star-gate, placing hundreds of mines around lunar-2, Laureate ancestors were intergalactic hippies and ecological warriors. Day 97: A flying start – the Trident and the sun, another attack on the M.E.R.S., moving the three-parts of the station, 10,000+ flying bombs, war-fire in the sky, using the power of the sphere, another near-death.

  Day 98: Starting my day in pain, putting the parts of the space-station back, checking everywhere for damage, mining Owsee’s gold, celebrating victory at my club. Day 99: Opening story land park, Plexon sends free ammo as thanks, gold for Owsee’s bank, Kitty see’s my park, my twins play sky-tag, Kitty brings in over $267,000 today, end of day talk. Day 100: Morning question “two in shower is okay but not kitchen?” Goo da wa over 300, the captain tours the station, intruder alert! Voleons, space pirates, freeing slaves, the shameful Tronex secret, new home for the scavengers, returning the stone of fate, the magnificent underground world of Voleon, home to Laureate.

  Page1 Day88 p18d89 p28d90 p49d91 p62d92 p73d93 p83d94 p99d95 p110d96 p119d97 p122d98 P125d99 p139d100 p168 end. I would like to use this space to say I’m assuming you have read my first 6 books of “The Traveler,” and I thank you. It has taken about a year for me to start seeing them sell, so I have not been working hard to put more out; that may soon change. Even as I write this, book 8 is underway and should be for sale by 8thor 9thmonth of 2010. If you go to you can find me at niborrellim369 where I have left 100 post on things of interest, and a link to leave me Email. So far no one knows about my blogs, or they just don’t write me. I would like to use my blog site to take questions, and give answers about my books or myself, until it becomes too much or offensive. Perhaps I could start giving free downloads to my best customers, is it you?




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