No One But You

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No One But You Page 8

by Michelle Monkou

  “Everyone except Athena will be there. She’s got a late class. But if she can get someone to record the lecture for her, she’ll be there.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “You look tired,” Denise remarked.

  “I’m beyond beat. I had a rough night last night. By midmorning, I was dragging.”

  “I heard.”

  “You did? Who?” Sara’s mind flew to Martha. Then she thought for a second. “Jackson? Does he tell you everything? What the—”

  “Calm down, girl. I called your place this morning, but you had left already.” Denise bumped her with her elbow. “And I was quite surprised to hear his voice.”

  “Don’t start. Ain’t a darn thing going on.” Sara unlocked her car. “I’ll see you at the hotel in fifteen minutes.”

  “We aren’t finished talking. And you’d better fill me in before I give my version of things to our line sisters,” Denise said.

  Sara started her car. She shifted the gear and eased out in front of Denise’s car. “Here’s something for you. Jackson is leaving in a few days. And I will still be here. You and the rest of the gang went to a lot of trouble for nothing,” Sara said as she pulled off before Denise could reply.

  Putting it out there that Jackson would be gone in a matter of days was for her own benefit. She had to tell herself that he would return to his life. Then, her life could return to normal.

  Sara arrived to the meeting with several other sorors. She greeted them with the secret handshake and accompanying three pats on the right side of their backs. Since she didn’t hold an officer position, she opted for the back of the room. She hoped the meeting wouldn’t last more than ninety minutes.

  With the craziness that she’d dealt with in the last few days—well, ever since Jackson appeared—she felt as if she’d been strapped to a roller coaster and taken for a wild ride. Being alone had become a habit. She now craved that comfort zone.

  “Sorors, we’ll begin the meeting.” The president banged her gavel and stood.

  The entire room of sorority sisters followed suit and stood. Discussions ceased. Everyone stood still, respectfully.

  “Let’s begin with the pledge.” The president clasped her hands, with fingers intertwined before turning toward the east. She led off with the first line of the pledge and then the others turned to the East and recited the pledge.

  Sara spoke the words that she learned during her days as a pledge. Their collective voices uttered the sixteen lines about their devotion to the sorority, its founders, principles and sorors. When they finished, they turned to face the president and waited for her to hit the gavel once, signaling them to take their seats.

  The meeting started with the previous meeting’s minutes, then the financial information. None of these items drew much discussion. Thankfully she could cross out the agenda items quickly.

  “Soror Watkins, would you present your suggestion for Founders’ Day.”

  “Thank you, Madame President.” Soror Watkins walked up to the front of the room to address everyone. “Founders’ Day this year falls on Wednesday. I’d like to suggest that we host a light dinner affair rather than a weekend activity. It would be less labor-intensive and cheaper.”

  Sara didn’t have a preference. Founders’ Day was one activity for which she always volunteered. The others laughed at her sentimentality, but she loved this sorority. The five founders had made history on their campuses by starting an African-American sorority on the campus of a small Midwestern university.

  “We need volunteers.” Soror Watkins looked around the room. Not too many hands shot up.

  With the function being a part of the traditional programs, there was a template for the event with small variations each year. Not having too many volunteers was probably a blessing.

  Sara wrote a note on her writing pad to follow up with Soror Watkins. An idea had popped into her mind. Since the international president was from a local chapter, maybe they could have a special presentation from their undergraduate chapters. She’d have to mull it over before presenting it to Soror Watkins.

  Sara spotted a couple of her line sisters who had slipped in after the meeting started. Lucky for them, the sergeant at arms was absent. Otherwise, that soror, known for her adherence to the laws, would have barred them from entering the meeting after the pledge was recited.

  Her line sisters had missed many meetings due to their late arrival one too many times. Sara had only been barred once since moving to the area. She wondered if other chapters were as strict.

  Craning her neck, she spotted the twins, Asia and Athena. Then a couple rows behind them, she saw Naomi. Whoever sat behind her had to adjust her seat to see around her tall frame. With a quick glance around the room, she noted that Denise hadn’t arrived. Maybe she figured that she wasn’t going to make it and wouldn’t get in on time.

  Speak her name and she appeared. The door opened a little and her familiar head popped in the doorway. Denise did a quick finger wave at her. Sara responded, beckoning her to come in. Soror Watkins had finished up her presentation. The next person wasn’t ready so it would take a few additional minutes to begin the next agenda item. Sara motioned to her more vigorously.

  Denise could be so frustrating at times. Now she beckoned for her to come out of the room. What could Denise want? They had just talked.

  She was about to shift her focus to the remainder of the meeting when out of the corner of her eye, a man popped into view.

  Sara did a double take. Her mind couldn’t be so focused on Jackson to conjure him in the doorway. For heaven’s sake, she wasn’t a teen with a schoolgirl crush. But if she wasn’t mistaken, that was Jackson signaling for her to come and Denise’s head popping over his shoulder making comical faces.

  “Soror Lovell, is there a problem?” the president asked.

  All heads turned toward Sara. Embarrassed at the attention, she indicated that there was no problem. She pushed back her chair quietly and eased out of the seat. Why had she sat at the far end of the room?

  The president had little patience for cell phone or sidebar chatter during chapter meetings. She’d even gone so far as to have the sergeant at arms levy a penalty for repeat offenders.

  Thankfully she made it to the door and slipped out, making sure to close it behind her. “What do you think both of you are doing?”

  “I don’t know what he’s doing?” Denise motioned at Jackson with her thumb. “I wanted you to come out and deal with him before he got called out by the sorors. And now that you’re here, I’m heading into the meeting.”

  “What? No.” Sara grabbed Denise’s arm. “You’re not leaving me here.”

  “Am I so frightening?” Jackson provided her with the toothiest grin.

  “Denise, this wasn’t the time. Not here.” Sara shook her head. “Jackson, I can’t take this anymore. I think we’ve had all the meetings that we need to have between us.”

  “Look, sweetie, don’t be afraid of him.” Denise patted her on the cheek, opened the door and slipped inside.

  “I’m going to kick her—”

  “Shh…” Jackson grabbed her by the arm, halting her momentum. He spun her toward him, allowing her body to crash against his.

  She opened her mouth to protest.

  Instead of words escaping, she only managed a surprised blink before his mouth settled on hers. Electric shock zigzagged its way from the source, his lips ravaging hers.

  She clutched his shirt in her hands. If he’d only stayed away. If he’d only gone back to Ohio.

  Now she was no longer safe. Contact with his body made her melt. Without breaking contact with his body, she slid her hands along his chest, up to his shoulders. His muscles rippled under her hands as he wound his arms around her body.

  No kiss had ever tasted so sweet. His tongue made its acquaintance, reminding her of what she had turned away from so long ago.

  Her body powered up like a battery, full of power and energy. Her breasts ached for his
attention. She pulled him tighter, hoping that his contact would quench her body’s hunger. Their tongues intertwined with their unique rhythm.


  Sara closed her eyes tightly at the intruding noise. In Jackson’s arms, she only wanted to concentrate on him. While his lips remained on hers, there was no room for anything else.

  “Pssst, Sara. Everyone is waiting.”

  Sara’s eyes opened, before her lips detached their hold from Jackson’s. Her senses didn’t settle into place. Intoxication didn’t only come from alcohol. Her legs felt rubbery. She kept her hands on his chest for support until reality staked its place.

  Jackson’s smoky eyes still had their hypnotic hold. She could easily ignore Denise’s irritating hissing in her ears.

  “Could you two take a breather. The sorors are waiting for you to join the circle. It’s time for the hymn.”

  “Why can’t they go on without me?” Sara kissed Jackson’s chin.

  “Soror Lovell! Do you think that you can extricate yourself from this young man long enough to join us in our closing tradition.” Soror Watkins stood in the hallway with her hand on her hip.

  Sara giggled. The comical side to being caught in the hallway like a schoolgirl grew funnier. Her giggling continued unchecked.

  Jackson had his gaze fastened over her head. Unlike her, he remained serious.

  “Sorry,” she managed to say behind her hand.

  “I’ll wait here.” Jackson pushed her toward the door.

  Sara followed Soror Watkins, with Denise bringing up the rear. The threesome entered the room to many snickers. Quite a few sorors strained to see who had occupied her attention for the last few minutes.

  They formed a circle, as had been the tradition from the creation of the sorority. They held hands with the soror next to them. Once they were in a circle, they maintained solemnity.

  In unison, they rocked side-to-side before the gentle first notes of their hymn sounded. The melody was simple, even sad, but the lyrics were uplifting and reflected on the glory of sisterhood, the beauty of womanhood and the perpetual love to the sorority. After three verses, the hymn ended with the final two lines being hummed while they stood still until the last note died into silence.

  “Sorors, I’ll see you next month,” the president said, marking the end of the meeting.

  The hospitality committee served light refreshments for the half-hour social period for sorors to mingle and catch up on news. Sara ignored the iced lemon cake, double chocolate brownie and apple juice that filled the table.

  Unfortunately several sorors also passed on the food. They perused Jackson—the object of their curiosity—causing a bottleneck in the doorway. Her line sisters struggled to create a path for her.

  Maybe Jackson had taken flight. If she had so many sorors bearing down on her, she’d want to escape. Sara impatiently waited until she could get into the hallway.

  One sorority sister boldly asked Jackson, “Who might you be?”

  “’Ello, luv,” another soror—known for her acting talent—said.

  “My, aren’t you a handsome one.”

  “What are your intentions with my soror? After all, I am my sister’s keeper.”

  That last statement—spoken so crisply by one of the older sorors—drew laughter. Sara smiled, hoping that Jackson wouldn’t encourage any of these remarks with more information.

  “Excuse me, ladies, could you give the man some breathing space.” Sara walked over to Jackson, who leaned against the wall. His shades were in place, as a barrier. “Let’s go,” she said, only to him. She was ready to move forward, at this moment and with him. Though she knew he had to return, she had a few days to enjoy him.

  They walked off together, arm-in-arm, out of the building.

  “I didn’t think you would see me.” Jackson looked down at her.

  “I didn’t think I would see you.”

  “Your note hurt to the core.”

  “I wasn’t trying to hurt you. I was aiming to be practical.” She motioned in the direction where she’d parked. “And right now I don’t want to really think about any of it. I’m afraid my brain will make me do something sensible like—tell you to have a safe trip.”

  At the car, Jackson kissed her. This time his hands cupped her backside and raised her effortlessly. He devoured her with raw emotion and with a hunger that she found contagious.

  Sara held nothing back in return. She was amazed that time didn’t matter when she kissed Jackson. She didn’t know how long their lips connected. He pulled away and kissed her cheek, leaving a trail as he kissed his way to the sensitive skin behind her ear. “I hope your brain won’t stick to being sensible,” he whispered.

  “I hope not,” Sara responded in a husky voice. Her heart raced, as if she’d completed a marathon.

  The drive to her home should have been an express trip. She wanted him in the worst way. Concentrating on using the turn signals, slowing down for the yellow lights and stopping at four-way stop signs proved to be difficult. Her mind chose to play erotic images of her on top, on the bottom, on her side.

  This man was like an addiction. She couldn’t get enough of him to soothe her craving. She sneaked a glance at him. His head was laid back against the headrest. He’d better not think about sleeping. With an evil grin, she rested her hand on his leg, then finger-walked her hand to his inner thigh.

  A strong hand closed over hers. He raised his head off the headrest and shot her a mischievous grin. “Don’t start what you may not have the stamina to finish.”

  Sara turned into a shopping center and parked in front of a drugstore. “Go on, get what you need. Then, we’ll see who needs a shot of vitamin B-12 when we’re done.”

  Jackson stepped out of the car. He’d been so leery of Denise’s advice to go to Sara. There was no way that he wouldn’t have seen her at least once more before he left. But never had he planned to go to her sorority meeting for his showdown.

  He wandered down the aisle, back toward the pharmacy counter. He scanned the many items on the shelves, looking for the familiar boxes for sexual protection. Finally he spotted them, but pulled up short.

  A mother and her two kids stood at the counter. The boxes of various designs hung from the little hooks next to the children. He may never see this family again in his life, but he couldn’t risk it. What if a sharp child’s voice announced his selection.

  Jackson made a detour down another aisle. From his vantage point, he kept an eye on the family. The mother was in deep conversation with the pharmacist. Maybe he could make a running start, scoop up the box and head to the cashier at the front of the store.

  “What on earth are you doing?” Sara asked from behind him.

  Jackson started. “Stop sneaking up on me.” He turned an irritable gaze on her.

  “Why are you in this aisle?” Sara motioned to the aisle markers hanging above that showed feminine hygiene. “And why are you peeking over these?”

  “Shh.” Jackson pushed Sara out of the aisle. She was enjoying herself too much at his expense.

  “You do know that the condoms are right over there.”

  “The stuff is near a child,” he argued.

  “So,” Sara said and laughed.

  “You’re no help. Why did you come out of the car?”

  “Because I didn’t think it would take you fifteen minutes to get a pack of—”


  “Oh, for goodness sake, you’re making me cool down.” Sara marched up to the family, asked them to move aside and pulled out a box.

  When the mother followed her action, she looked first at Sara and then at Jackson with horror. Her conversation with the pharmacist wrapped up and she pulled her kids away in a quick trot.

  “Here, catch.” Sara tossed him the box. “I’ll be in the car.”

  Jackson paid for the item of necessity and headed to Sara’s car. “That was a nightmare.” He closed his eyes and laid back his head on the headrest.

/>   “I’ll make it all worth your while.”

  “Promises, promises,” Jackson teased.

  Jackson went to the refrigerator, where he knew a bottle of wine was chilling. He pulled two long-stemmed glasses from the cabinet. With hands loaded, he entered the bedroom.

  Between the sheets, Sara waited. Then she reached out for him.

  “Your pressed grapes.” Jackson handed over the wineglass.

  Sara waited until he poured his share. “Toast.”

  Jackson held up his glass.

  “Here’s celebrating the present.”

  Jackson couldn’t argue. The present was kind to them and their relationship. They could stand the scrutiny of the present where they both enjoyed each other’s company. He clinked his glass with hers and drank the wine.

  While he set aside their glasses, she turned on the mood music with a romantic CD.

  There was so much he wanted to say, to promise her. But they’d promised to stick to the present. He pulled the peach-colored sheet away from her body. At present, he’d enjoy all the gifts she bore.

  In between her legs, along her body, he laid his body, resting his head against her breasts. He wanted to feel the thump of her heartbeat. As he stroked the roused peak of her nipple, he enjoyed the quickening beat. Gently he cupped the fullness and brought it to his mouth. Her soft moan tantalized him.

  He moved from her breast to the base of her neck to kiss the indentation. Her legs crossed over his buttocks, locking him into place. He felt the moist invitation between her legs.

  With condom in place, he coaxed her sensitive folds with his fingers. Gently he stroked the lips, swollen with desire. Her hips bucked under him. He kissed her, loving her moans against his mouth.

  When she arched back, body shuddering from desire, he entered the sweet cavern. They moved with the familiar motions. Sara rocked harder against him. He followed suit, holding onto the headboard with one hand.


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