Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2)

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Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2) Page 2

by Nicole Dykes

  I lean against the bar and pretend that the sexy blonde isn’t sitting right beside me. Two can definitely play this game.

  “Jade, we want the usual.” I tell her. “And two pitchers.”

  “I’ll bring it out.” Jade lets me know and I thank her.

  “You come here often enough to have a usual?” the blonde comments and I glance down at her like I just realized she was there. It’s kind of shitty, but I’m like that sometimes.

  “When there’s only two places in town to eat, you wind up having a usual at ‘em both.” I answer and walk off.

  I’m not one to chase after any woman. Certainly not one I don’t know a thing about. She might be sexy as hell, in a snobby sort of way, but she looks like trouble. She looks like someone who’s afraid to get her hands dirty. I’d like to get more than just her hands dirty.

  “You get my usual?” Logan asks as I rejoin my friends.

  “Am I the fucking waitress?” I joke, then smile. “Of course I did. Give me the pool stick.”

  I play a game with Logan while we wait on Jade to bring our food out. Tate gives Keegan shit on allowing Amelia to sell jewelry in the store, telling him it’ll be a jewelry store before long, forget the hardware aspect.

  “I’m pretty sure she’s making a bigger display area as we speak.” Keegan says. “Happy wife, happy life.”

  “The woman knows business.” Landon pipes in. “She did pick out the sign.”

  “No wonder it looks so girlie.” I grin and all three brothers flip me off simultaneously.

  “Okay, guys.” Jade cuts in. “There’s too much testosterone in here. I have your food and I want you to meet our new waitress.”

  Standing beside Jade is my mystery woman. She looks a little nervous as Jade introduces her as Lillian Benson.

  “She’s just shadowing me tonight, but we all know Jack will love her…well, he’ll tolerate her. Ya’ll be nice.” Jade warns.

  The two of them take our food to an empty table and then return with our two pitchers.

  “So, Lilly Benson, you got a job at Jack’s Bar.” I state.

  “Lillian.” she corrects.

  “Thanks for the beer…Lilly.” I emphasize.

  I see the corner of her mouth tilt just a little and I know she wants to smile. Instead, she turns away and continues to follow Jade to the next set of customers.

  I’m halfway through my burger when Caleb walks in. He has a brunette tucked under his shoulder and not the same one he was with last week. Shit, the way he’s going through girls he may have to venture to the neighboring towns. Hollis doesn’t have that many single women. He walks over to our table and drags an empty chair over. The brunette, who I recognize now as Jessica Cramer, takes a seat on his lap.

  “Why didn’t you order for me?” he asks, acting like I was supposed to know he’d show up tonight after our argument earlier.

  “I’m not a mind reader, Caleb.” I answer.

  I study my best friend, noticing how bloodshot his brown eyes are. Dark circles are under them too. His five o’clock shadow has grown out to a little more scruff than he normally wears and I couldn’t even tell you the last time he ran a comb through his hair.

  “You look like shit, man.” I comment and he shrugs.

  “Jess doesn’t seem to mind.”

  Jessica giggles as Caleb presses a kiss to the crook of her neck. I’ve never had a problem with Jessica Cramer. Not even when she let me and Caleb tag team her back in our senior year in high school. I just have a problem with Caleb pretending like nothing is wrong with him. Clearly, there is.

  I push my chair back, nearly knocking it over as I get up from the table. I walk out the back door of Jack’s and pull my phone out of my pocket. I curse when I get Avery’s voicemail. Despite the fact that she’s moved to Los Angeles, her southern twang is still there.

  “It’s Brady, call me when you get this. It’s about your brother.”

  I don’t go into details because I know it could be days or even weeks before I hear back from her. She hasn’t been back to Hollis in years. I hate even calling her and I know Caleb will be pissed when he finds out I did. Still, Avery might be the only person who can reach him.

  I walk back in and sit back down like nothing’s wrong. Caleb and Jessica are making out at the table and I know if Casey were here, she’d be making some kind of comment about them needing to get a room while secretly hoping it was the two of them sitting in the chair.

  I’ve begged her to talk to him enough times. The last time she threatened to nut-punch me, and knowing Casey, she’ll make good on that threat.

  “Amelia’s done making the hardware store girlie. I’m out.” Keegan announces, hanging up his phone. He gives us all a salute as he and Landon both walk off. Landon’s phone is glued to his ear so he doesn’t even bother saying goodbye. He’s most likely taking care of Steele Industry business. I swear he’s on the phone more often than not.

  “Pool?” Madden asks and I nod. Anything to keep from sitting and watching the suck-face session beside me.

  We play a few games and I try to keep my eyes from wandering over to Lilly too much. She’s still following Jade around, delivering food and drinks to the customers who are still left. She seems to be loosening up, taking shots with some and laughing as she slams the shot glass down on the table.

  I don’t know what her plans are, but Hollis seems to be welcoming her right in.

  Chapter 4


  This really isn’t so bad. I follow Jade back behind the bar after we deliver drinks to a small table. This place has finally started to thin out after the dinner rush. I can’t believe her and the older waitress, that she introduced to me as Marlene, handled all of those people. Just the two of them and the cook in the back. Apparently, there is another waitress, but she had a test she had to take for college this evening so she isn’t here tonight.

  Marlene is sweet and totally without a filter. I’m so used to people keeping their thoughts to themselves. Everyone I grew up around had an image to maintain. No one around here seems to be that way.

  Two of my brothers left a while ago. Wow. That’s something I’m really not used to thinking. I grew up as an only child. Now I have three brothers.

  My other brother, Madden, is still here playing another round of pool with the handsome, yet rude, stranger that bumped into me. Brady. I’ve caught him looking at me off and on all throughout the night, probably because my eyes are constantly drifting in his direction.

  I’ve never met anyone like him before and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued. Now that I’ve seen him from every angle, up close and from a distance, I know that the man is gorgeous no matter how you look at him. He has a strong, impressive build with muscles you can only get from years of hard labor. His hair is light brown, and his eyes are a piercing blue. He has a sexy, cocky smirk that I swear he wears all of the time, but can play it up when he wants something. He probably plays it up a lot.

  Like he can tell I’m looking at him, he turns to where I am and winks over at me as he lines up his shot, sinking the eight ball. I roll my eyes and turn away from him, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t affect me. I try to shake it off and my eyes move to study Madden, who is shaking hands with him. I’m not here to flirt with sexy strangers. I’m here on a mission.

  A mission I’m failing miserably at this moment. I came here to properly introduce myself and find out if they knew anything about me. My guess is they don’t.

  I’m snapped out of my thoughts of the last couple of weeks when Marlene hands me a large plate of nachos, “Here sweetie, do me a favor and deliver these over to the boys at the pool table.”

  I smile at her, “Of course, I’ll do that.”

  “And if Brady gives you any trouble, you let me know. I’ll take care of it.” She hollers after me.

  I give her a polite smile and then bring the plate of nachos over to where Madden, Brady, and two other guys are standing. Brady give
s me that smirk that just screams confidence, “About time. We’re starvin’ over here.”

  His tone is playful and after the few shots I’ve had throughout the evening I’m actually feeling a little playful myself. “Do you want them or not?”

  He grins at me, “Hell yeah.”

  I sit the plate down on the table next to them, “Then be nice.”

  “I’m always nice.” He winks at me again and I’m temporarily frozen, lost in his handsome features. Damn it. What the hell is wrong with me? I graduated high school and college with honors. I would have done the same in medical school and here I am drooling all over a total stranger.

  “I’ll bet.” Is all I can manage.

  Madden laughs next to him and Brady nods his head toward the pool table, “You wanna play a round?”

  I know how to play pool. Daddy has a billiard table in the game room downstairs at home, but I look up at the bar and see Jade at the register. “I need to help, Jade.”

  Brady scoffs, “Jade is fine. We’re about the last customers left. Looks like everyone else is closing their tabs.”

  “Exactly. I need to learn how to do that, not be goofing off playing pool.”

  Madden leans over to Brady, “You better leave her alone, man. Jade will kill you if you chase another waitress away.”

  Brady just shrugs that off, “That last one was Caleb and I can handle Jade. I’ve handled her before.”

  Madden leans back in his seat and gives him the finger, “Fuck off.”

  They are joking with each other, but the way Brady said the word handled implied that he may have been with Jade before. I feel a hint of psychotic jealousy for a moment at that, crazy because I just met this man.

  “Do you guys need anything else?” I ask.

  They both shake their heads and I go back up to the register with Jade. “They giving you trouble?”

  I shake my head, “No, they are fine.”

  She laughs, “Good. Don’t let them scare you. The guys in this town can be overly friendly, but it’s just because we don’t get new people often.”

  I laugh with her and learn as she closes the tabs of everyone else in the bar, but Madden and Brady. Marlene comes out from the back with her purse, “Ah, that’s it for me girls. Jade can you close up? I’m plum exhausted.”

  Jade nods her head, “Absolutely. Go home.”

  “Thanks sweetie.” Marlene turns to me, “I hope you’ll stay for a while, dear. It was a joy getting to know you already.”

  There is something really comforting about Marlene. She gives off a motherly vibe, but also a kick-ass vibe at the same time. “I’ll be here a while. It was nice to meet you too.”

  It may take me the entire three months that I told my father I would be in Europe to come up with the courage to confront my brothers.

  She leaves the bar and walks over to give Brady a quick hug and then leaves. I turn to Jade, “They are close, huh?”

  Jade giggles, “You could say that. She did give birth to him and all.”

  “Oh! She’s his mom?”

  Jade moves behind the register and starts counting the money to close it out. “Yep. You’ll find that a lot of people in this town are related.”

  Ironic. Considering I’m here to find my long lost brothers, who were always right there in my life. “Small towns.”

  She finishes the money and then grabs a wet rag and hands me one also. “Yeah, it’ll grow on ya. You wanna take the left half of the tables and I’ll take the right?”

  I nod and we both make our way from table to table, straightening them and wiping them off. It may not be that hard of work, but I’m ashamed to admit that I’m worn out from shadowing Jade.

  When we are finished, Jade grabs four beers and we walk back to where Madden and Brady are playing a game of darts. Brady is up and Jade wraps her arms around Madden’s waist, “Hey, you.”

  He turns and kisses her nose. I remember Madden from high school. He had some girlfriends, but I’ve never seen him look so content. “Hey.” He turns to me and for the first time addresses me, “How was your first night? You think you’re going to stay?”

  I nod my head stupidly. This is so surreal, “Yes. At least for a little while.”

  Brady walks over to us after hitting the dart board, scoring ten points. “How long is a little while?”

  I shrug, “I’m not sure.”

  Madden grins at that, “Uh oh, careful you may end up stuck here, like me.”

  Jade gently punches his shoulder, “Stuck here?”

  “Yup and happier than I’ve ever been in my life. This town has a way of holding on to people.” He says.

  “That’s because it’s fucking awesome.” That comes from Brady and we all laugh at that.

  Jade and I sit down at the small table and Brady and Madden join us for a beer each. “I don’t see myself staying too long. I think I miss the city already.”

  Damn. Those shots from earlier are like a truth serum. That could be dangerous. Madden nods knowingly, “Oh trust me, I get that. Make sure to turn up the TV tonight, the quiet at night here was the hardest part for me at first. Now I love it.”

  Brady shakes his head, “I knew you were a city girl. Probably don’t even know there are stars up in the sky at night, huh?”

  I roll my eyes, but can’t help the smile plastered to my face. I look out the large window of the bar, “Is that what those sparkly things are out there?”

  “Sure are, Lilly.” He’s really enjoying pushing my buttons. I don’t know how many times tonight I have to correct him.


  He grins as he takes a sip of his beer. Madden stands up from the table, “Well, Jade, we should go. I have an early morning tomorrow.”

  He nods to Brady, “Don’t you have to be up early too? Caleb is gonna kick your ass if you’re late.”

  Brady nods, “I’m just going to finish up my beer. I’ll lock up for ya Jade if you want.”

  Jade laughs, “Yeah, like I’m going to trust you with the key.” She reaches in her purse and hands me a key, “Do you mind? I already locked the back door, you just need to lock up the front and bring the key back tomorrow.”

  I look at her, a little stunned that I don’t even officially work here yet and she already trusts me to lockup. “Sure.”

  She laughs, “Don’t worry, it’s a simple lock. Not many people are out this late in Hollis. The whole town is sleeping.”

  That concept is definitely foreign to me after growing up in a city where there is twenty-four hour everything. “Okay.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”

  I nod my head and they both say goodbye to Brady before leaving us alone.

  “So, it’s just you and me, huh Lilly?” I feel a tingle go throughout my entire body when he says that.

  Maybe a little distraction couldn’t hurt?

  Chapter 5


  Lilly glances towards the door and then back at me. She seems a little nervous, unsure of what she should do now. It’s a cute look for her.

  “So, Jade and Madden?” she asks and I clench my jaw a little. What is it about this guy?

  “Yep. They live together actually.” I tell her and not just for my ego. I care enough about Jade not to let an out-of-towner ruin what she’s got. She deserves happiness. “How ‘bout that pool game?”

  “Now?” she asks, her green eyes wide.

  “Unless you’re chicken shit.”

  Her eyes narrow at me and I know I have her. She stands up from the chair and walks over to the pool table. I tell her to rack ‘em up while I get us some beers. When I come back, she’s leaning against the pool table with a stick in hand.

  “Ladies first.” I offer and she breaks. I’ll give it to her, she’s a good shot. A little distracting in her tight skirt and low cut blouse, but a good shot.

  When it’s my turn, she takes a long sip of her beer and I stare at her, swallowing as I sink a solid. I give her a smirk. I’ve been
playing pool in this very bar since I was twelve. I gave my parents every penny I earned from cutting grass and walking dogs, but Jack let me clean up the bar in exchange for free burgers and games of pool. I felt like it was an even trade.

  Lilly lines up her next shot, a difficult one, and makes it. I’m impressed. She cocks her eyebrow at me, finishes off her beer, and then opens another one.

  “I wouldn’t have thought a city girl could play pool.” I say while I take my next shot.

  “I wouldn’t think a country boy could talk and shoot pool at the same time.” she counters and I laugh.

  “So, what brings you to Hollis, Lilly?”

  “Lillian.” she says, firmly. “I, um, came to see the hardware store open.”

  “Well, damn if that ain’t a lie.” I grin. “I know it made the paper, but it sure as hell wasn’t big news. If you don’t want to tell me, you can just tell me it’s not any of my business. No sense in lying.”

  “Fine, it’s not any of your business.” she replies, but not in a rude way. “Tell me about you. Have you always lived in Hollis?”

  “Pretty much. I’ve travelled when I’ve had to, but I like it here.” I answer, truthfully. “It’s not everywhere that you have a whole bar to yourself.”

  “Oh, I bet you do this all the time.” she accuses and I shrug.

  “Only when I’m trying to impress a pretty woman.” I wink and she rolls her eyes. She comes over to me and stands a few inches from me, so close I can feel her breath on my face.

  “Are you going to let me take my shot?”

  I take a step back and she brushes her ass against me as she bends over to take her turn. I fight the urge to give it a little smack. I wonder what she’d do. Part of me thinks she might like that sort of thing.

  We continue this little dance, making little comments to each other and brushing against each other as we take our shots. We finish one game, I get us more beers, and we start another. Then another. It’s well after midnight by the time we decide to call it quits.

  “Okay, I need to get to my hotel.” Lilly says, digging in her purse for her keys.


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