Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2)

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Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2) Page 4

by Nicole Dykes

He scoffs at that, “She’s not my girlfriend.”

  I roll my eyes, “You don’t have to lie to me.” Don’t get me wrong. If I would have known that he had a girlfriend I never would have slept with him, but I had no idea. That’s on him.

  “I’m not lying, Lilly. Her and I fool around, but that’s as far as it goes. There is no relationship and I’ve made that very clear.”

  It didn’t look all that clear to me yesterday. I hear the ding of the bell on the door as Jade and Casey breeze in and then both look at Brady and I suspiciously. I give Brady a quick look and don’t address his last sentence. I don’t want Jade and Casey to know what happened with Brady and me. “Well, thanks for finishing the apartment. I’m sure it’s lovely.”

  He nods his head at me as if picking up that we are done talking about this. “No problem, Lilly. Let me know if you need any help moving in.”

  That sends a shiver through me, making me feel like the twit that was all over him yesterday. The way he said help implied more than just carrying in some bags and I hope Jade and Casey don’t pick up on it. “Thank you. I definitely don’t need any help, Brady.”

  I turn on my heels to completely face Jade and Casey. Feeling satisfied that I sent the message to Brady that what happened between us was a one-time thing. We walk out to what I’m assuming is Jade’s car, because she hops into the driver’s seat. Casey gets into the passenger seat and I climb into the back and buckle up.

  After listening to the radio and enjoying the drive, Casey turns around in her seat to look back at me. “You did pretty damn good your first Friday.”

  Jade nods her head in agreement and I feel an odd sense of pride at that. “Thank you.”

  “No one gave you any trouble, right?” Casey asks.

  I’m not sure if she is talking about Brady or not. I laugh it off easily, “Well, Hank was a little handsy.”

  They both laugh at that. Hank is an older man, that apparently frequents the bar quite a bit. He was flirtatious, but seemingly harmless. “Yeah, that’s Hank for ya.” Jade shakes her head laughing.

  “Well, I’m damn glad they didn’t chase you off, yet.” Casey says, a hint of bitterness in her tone.

  I have to ask, “Everyone jokes about that quite a bit. What exactly happened to the waitress before me?”

  Casey and Jade share a look before Casey answers. “Well, it’s just been me and Jade for quite awhile working the night shift. When we decided to take college courses in Redbud, Jack knew he needed to hire a new waitress to help cover.” That part I’m up to speed on, but I don’t interrupt. “Anyway, the first one was a sixteen year old thinking she wanted a summer job. She quickly learned, she didn’t want to work during the summer and quit after two weeks.”

  Jade laughs, “Work. That girl did nothing, but play with her phone and bitch that we didn’t have wifi at the bar.”

  I smile at that and then Casey’s tone turns a little darker. “After that Jack hired a chick that just graduated from high school. She wasn’t terrible until my asshole ex-boyfriend decided he just had to fuck her.”

  Jade stiffens and I catch her worried eyes in the rear-view mirror. Casey continues, “Anyway, the poor girl thought he loved her and that they had some super special connection when really all he wanted was to get laid and was done. She couldn’t take seeing him at the bar every day and quit after a few days.”

  Jade clears her throat and quietly adds, “To be fair, he didn’t force her or anything. She chose to sleep with him.”

  Casey’s eyes roll, “She was eighteen. She didn’t know what the hell she was getting into.”

  I picked up on a few names last night and I learned that Caleb is the good-looking guy that is usually next to Brady at the bar. Hell, most of the guys at that table are hot as hell. I have a feeling that Casey is more pissed about this waitress sleeping with Caleb than she is about her leaving. “While you were together?” I shouldn’t ask, but I’m curious about what happened. It would make sense.

  Her head shakes, “No, I had the sense to dump him a couple of months before that.”

  I nod my head, “I’m sorry.”

  She shrugs like it’s no big deal. “Don’t be. It was a great decision and he can screw whoever he wants. I just wish he would keep his dick in his pants when it comes to the waitresses, because we really need someone.”

  I’m not used to Casey’s brash attitude, but honestly I like it. Although, I don’t think she’s being totally honest with herself. “Right. So, how often do you usually work?”

  Jade speaks up now, “I go to class Tuesday and Thursday nights so I have those days off once I get you trained. Casey has class Monday, Wednesday and soon will have one on Friday nights so she will have those days off.”

  I look to Casey, “You are starting a class mid semester?”

  She nods, “Yeah it’s only a few weeks, only worth one credit, but it’s a fun one.”

  I smile at her excitement. She’s really enjoying college I can tell. Jade continues. “So anyway, the goal is to get you working Monday through Friday evening and you’ll have Saturdays and Sundays off.”

  Casey laughs, “Yeah, but don’t be surprised if Jack asks you to come in on Saturdays. I swear our whole lives became the bar quickly.”

  Jade nods, “He’s sneaky that way.”

  Casey agrees. There’s no way that’s going to happen to me. It sounds like I’ve agreed to a lot of hours and it’s funny because I really don’t need the money. It’s a great cover though to get to know my brothers from behind the scenes.

  “Well, I’m happy to help you guys out while I’m here. Maybe you’ll find another waitress before I leave. I really won’t be here very long.”

  Jade parks her car outside of JC Penney and we all go inside. We browse through the clothes and I pick out some jeans. I haven’t worn jeans for years, but they seem comfortable. Casey finds a dress and smiles devilishly over at Jade, “This would be perfect for my birthday.”

  Jade looks at the dress, “Your ass is going to hang out of that. Besides, your birthday isn’t until April.”

  “Damn straight. It’s never too early to shop for my birthday. Hint, hint.” Casey winks and goes into the dressing room.

  Jade rolls her eyes, “I swear.”

  “Is she okay?” I ask wearily.

  Jade goes through a clearance rack, “Yes and no. Her and Caleb have been dating off and on since junior high. They grew up together. Honestly, I thought they would be back together before the summer ended, but that didn’t happen.” She shrugs, “You know how it goes with first loves.”

  I’m not sure I really do even though I nod my head in agreement. I’ve had two serious boyfriends, but when the relationships ran their course, I wasn’t heartbroken. It was just over and I was fine with the way things ended.

  After we finish buying up the store we decide to grab a late lunch. We go to a cute little diner that’s already fairly packed for four in the afternoon. I guess there aren’t a ton of choices in Redbud either.

  When we walk inside my eyes instantly lock with the familiar blue eyes of Brady Thompson.

  He’s with Caleb and Madden and Casey folds her arms over her chest in a clearly defensive post.

  So much for a nice, fun girl’s day.

  Chapter 9


  “Okay, you got me out of Hollis and I already see who’s next on my roster.” Caleb grins and points towards the hostess stand. “The curvy redhead.”

  I burst out laughing because obviously, he has no idea who the ‘curvy redhead’ waiting for a table is. “You’re such a fucking moron.” I laugh.

  “What?” he asks, completely clueless. Casey turns around and now he can see her fully, Jade standing behind her and Lilly to her side. “Well, fuck.”


  Casey’s eyes narrow as she spots me, Caleb, and Madden and I swear a chill settles over the room. My plan was to get Caleb out of Hollis for the night. Get his mind off Casey. Come eat and go t
o a club. Have him relax. So much for that.

  Last night we went to the old field behind Jack’s house, started a bonfire, and played with fireworks. Tate, Logan, and a shitload of other friends tagged along until it turned into a big bonfire party. That was Caleb’s big plans for me.

  He got piss drunk and passed out in the back of my truck…after he screwed Jessica Cramer in it. I drove them both home and then went to see Kelly, who yelled at me for twenty minutes because it was after three a.m. Then she forgave me like I knew she would.

  I nudge Madden and he scowls at me. “I thought they were having a girls’ day.”

  “They were supposed to be shopping. Your mom and Jack are working the bar tonight. I didn’t know they’d come here.” Madden explains.

  “Hey, baby.” Jade tells Madden as they approach our large corner booth and she leans over to give him a kiss. “We didn’t know ya’ll would be here.”

  “Just grabbing a bite to eat.” he answers. “Ya’ll should stay.”

  I glare at him and his eyes grow wide as if indicating that he didn’t know what else to do. I look from Jade to Lilly, then to Casey and she looks pissed.

  “We have other things to do.” Casey says, rudely. Her gaze flickers to Caleb and I can see his jaw clench in my peripheral vision.

  Lilly looks slightly uncomfortable while she waits on us all to decide whether or not they should stay. I know she might know a little bit about everyone’s history, but she damn sure didn’t live through it.

  “Let’s stay, Casey. We’ll eat and then decide what we should do after.” Jade pleads. “We hardly ever have the same night off any more.”

  “It’s not my fault someone ran our waitresses off.” Casey quips. Oh boy. Here we go.

  “It’s not my fault she wanted this dick and then acted like a lovesick teenager.” Caleb fires back. And there it is.

  “She was a lovesick teenager!” Casey snaps. She slams her purse on the table and slides into the booth. Lilly slowly slides in beside her. Looks like they’re staying.

  “I made it very clear what I was after, Casey.” Caleb explains, sounding almost apologetic for a split second. Then it’s gone. “When I say ‘this is a one-time fuck’ how hard is that to understand?”

  “She was a kid.” she hisses.

  “She didn’t fuck like one.”

  I lean up and hold my hands up, silencing the petty argument between the two of them. I used to think these arguments were entertaining as hell. That was when I knew the two of them were still going home together no matter how bad the argument was. Now though, Casey goes her separate way and I have to watch my best friend drown himself in alcohol and women so he can erase her from his mind. I’m tired of seeing that and Avery still hasn’t called me back. Someone has to help me get Caleb’s head straight.

  “You’d better stay away from this one, Caleb.” Casey gets one last word in as she gestures toward Lilly and I shoot her an angry stare.

  “Are you done?” I ask and she crosses her arms, refusing to answer.

  Our entire meal is like this. Catty remarks from Casey. Smartass rebuttals from Caleb. Lovey-dovey whispers between Jade and Madden. Silence from Lilly. Not the meal I had planned at all. When the waitress brings the ticket, I pay for everyone, desperate to get the hell out of here. I’ve listened to Casey and Caleb bicker for over two hours now.

  “Okay, we’re heading over to Bass Pro then to Alias.”

  “Alias!” Jade exclaims. “I love that place! I haven’t been in forever. Let’s go after our mani/pedis!” “Fucking hell, Jade! This is not a group outing. You had plans and we had plans.” I complain. “You and Madden do not have to be attached at the damn hip.” “Don’t be an asshole, Brady.” she replies. “If we want to go to Alias, we don’t have to have your permission. Right, girls?”

  She looks to Casey and Lilly and they both smile. Jade gives Madden a quick kiss and the three of them saunter off. I know without a doubt they’re going to Alias.

  “Fine, we’ll go somewhere else.”

  Madden laughs at this. “There is no where else in Redbud.”

  He’s right. It’s bigger than Hollis, but not by much. Alias is the only nightclub in Redbud. If we wanted to go somewhere else, we’d have to drive further.

  “I don’t give a fuck where they’re going, Brady. We’re going to Alias.” Caleb informs me. His dark eyes are full of anger and regret. A common look for them lately.

  We leave the diner and head over to Bass Pro first. I walk over to the giant stuffed bear and shoot Madden a grin. “This is what you need in the hardware store.”

  “I’m sure all the kids in Hollis will love it.” he agrees.

  “You need to start selling bait and hunting supplies too.” Caleb pipes in.

  “It’s a hardware store. We sell tools and hardware supplies. You know, like your construction crew uses.” Madden explains. “It’s not a Bass Pro.”

  “Could be like a Bass Pro.” I tell him.

  “I’m not biting off more than I can chew.” he shakes his head.

  “Didn’t you already do that with Jade.” Caleb laughs and Madden scowls.

  “Nope, you did that with Casey.” Madden remarks and Caleb’s laughter ceases. I roll my eyes in their direction and keep flipping through the rack of t-shirts. I send Avery a text asking her to call me again. No reply.

  After we’ve blown enough time in the store, we decide to head over to Alias. It’s still fairly early when we get there, but the parking lot is already pretty full. I guess when you live in small towns you do what you have to in order to pass the time.

  As we walk in, “Broccoli” starts playing and my head automatically begins bouncing to the beat. I’m a country boy at heart, but I have rhythm. My mama always said I must’ve gotten it from her because my daddy could never dance.

  I wink at a couple girls on the dance floor and flash them a grin when they smile. I nudge Caleb’s side and tell him we should go dance with them.

  “Let’s get shots first.”

  “Nope, no shots.” I tell him and point to the dance floor. “Girls.”

  My plan is to keep him away from the shots as much as possible. Beer is okay, but shots not so much. He needs to remember he can have a good time without passing out.

  I look back at Madden and he motions for us to go ahead as he finds a barstool. Caleb and I make it to the dance floor in a matter of seconds. He takes the blonde, I get the brunette. Her ass bounces against me to the beat of the song. Her fingers tangle with mine as we hold our hands up in the air.

  I lean into her and get a whiff of her perfume. My cock jolts to life. She smells like Lilly. The exact same perfume she wears. It hung in the air the day I bumped into her. It surrounded me the night I was buried between her legs. It lingered in the air the morning after.

  The brunette turns around to face me. She looks down at my obvious hard-on and arches an eyebrow before smiling. She lifts her face and her cherry red painted lips glide over mine. By instinct, I return her kiss. She’s not a bad kisser. I should honestly be more into it, seeing as how her hand is groping my dick through my jeans, but my mind is somewhere else.

  She pulls back and sighs against my lips, “You wanna go find an empty bathroom stall?”

  I give her a light peck and my signature grin. “Let me come find you in a bit. Don’t leave before I find you.”

  She nods and turns around to dance with her friend again. I was paying so much attention to her that I didn’t even notice Caleb was no longer dancing. I spot him at the bar with Madden. Three empty shot glasses in front of him. Before I can get to him, he grabs another shot and walks away from the bar. Fuck.

  “You know, we’re supposed to be trying to keep him half sober tonight.” I remind Madden.

  “I wasn’t the one sucking face on the dance floor.” he shoots back. “He’s a grown ass man, Brady. Do you honestly think we can keep him from ordering shots in a bar?”

  “This probably wasn’t the best ide
a.” I admit, running a hand through my hair. I call for the bartender to bring me a beer.

  “Red is really a good color for you. Brings out your eyes.”

  Lilly comments as her, Jade, and Casey approach the bar. Lipstick. I wipe my mouth off and again, I’m a little annoyed that Lilly doesn’t seem at all bothered by this. Kelly kissed me right in front of her and now she sees me with another woman’s lipstick on my mouth and she thinks it’s funny. What the actual hell? Is it possible that a woman can truly be like me?

  “Where’s your other member?” Casey asks, rolling her eyes. “Is he trying to run off their waitresses too?”

  “Give it a rest, Casey.” I warn. “Can’t you see what your breakup is doing to him? He’s a fucking mess.”

  She visibly flinches at my words, but then her heart of ice is back. “He did this to himself, Brady. I don’t care if he drinks himself into an early grave.”

  She stomps off and I can see that her words have even shocked Jade. Jade mumbles an apology and starts after her. Lilly shrugs, not sure what to do. I offer her my beer and she accepts, taking a slow sip. I open my mouth to ask if she wants to dance, but don’t even get the words out. She hands the beer back and heads off to the dance floor alone. I swear, this woman surprises me more and more every day.

  I watch her dance to “Side to Side”, a slow hip swaying dance, and feel jealousy surge through me as a guy steps up behind her. He grips her hips and rolls his body in tune with hers. Lilly doesn’t stop him.

  “Maybe you’ll have better luck cutting in on that dance.” Madden states.

  “Haha, fucker.” I deadpan, remembering our little scuffle over Jade at the Hollis annual street dance.

  I take as much as I can take, then I do as Madden suggested. I interrupt the dance. Only this time, I don’t ask. I pull Lilly to me, away from the stranger, and she wraps her arms around my neck. Her body presses close to mine as we grind to the music. The stranger gets the hint that this isn’t a threesome party.

  “I finished your apartment earlier today.” I lean in close and tell her. The music is loud, but I know she can hear me. “We should christen it.”


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