Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2)

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Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2) Page 6

by Nicole Dykes

  He waves curtly to the only group of people in here and then heads out the back to leave. Of course, that group includes Brady and he saunters up to the bar where I’m standing, “Do you want me to tell him your name is Lilly?”

  I shouldn’t encourage him, but I can’t stop the smile on my face when he says that. Brady is here with his usual group, including Madden. “No, because that’s not my name either, but please don’t correct him anyway. He’s doesn’t seem like a guy that likes that.”

  He sits down on the barstool in front of me, “You’d be right about that. So, you are just going to go by Loraine the whole time you work here?”

  I shrug my shoulders as I wipe down the bar. “It won’t be that long anyway and I don’t usually see him that much. Can I get you anything, Brady?”

  We haven’t really spoken since Sunday when he left in a hurry. I’m really curious as to why he left so suddenly, but haven’t gained the courage to ask him about it yet.

  My eyes leave Brady’s when I hear Caleb yell from across the small bar, “Brady, stop trying to get laid and get a fucking pitcher already!”

  I shouldn’t be shocked, Caleb seems pretty crass and Brady just smirks over at him, laughing it off easily. “I’ll be there in a minute. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” He turns back to me, “Can I get a pitcher, please?”

  “Sure.” I can handle this. At least they are taking it easy on me so far.

  As I fill the pitcher with beer from the tap, Brady asks, “So where the hell is Jade tonight? Seems a little early to make you work alone.”

  Casey always has Wednesdays off, but Jade is usually working. “She had a test in Redbud.”

  I place the pitcher in front of him as he says, “Surprised my mom didn’t stay.”

  I smile, I’ve already grown fond of Marlene. “Actually, Jack is totally worn out because your mom wasn’t feeling well and he made her leave early.” I laugh, “So, I got a knock on my door this afternoon. Jack wanted me to come in early. Not that I minded at all.”

  Brady stiffens, “My mom’s sick?”

  I instantly feel like an ass. That was totally insensitive. Especially knowing he lost his dad at a young age. I move my hand to his forearm, “I’m sorry. It’s just a cold. A couple of days of rest and she’ll be totally fine.”

  He clears his throat, still clearly affected. “My mom doesn’t not work. I don’t ever remember her calling in sick.”

  I’m sure that’s true. Marlene is one tough woman. “I think Jack insisted and the bar isn’t that busy. I’m sorry, I thought you knew.”

  Just like that he gives me that signature grin as he stands, “No problem. My mom’s bullet proof. I’ll go check on her tomorrow. She’ll kick my ass if I showed up tonight and she’s sleeping.”

  I laugh, relieved that he isn’t upset with me and hopefully subtly watch his jean clad ass as he walks back to the table with the guys.

  I hear Caleb exclaim, “Fucking finally!”

  I decide to start wiping down tables and cleaning up, since they are more than likely going to be the only customers tonight. I kick myself when I hear that bell ring on the door and twelve men, mostly older walk through the door. So much for it being a slow night.

  I notice they all have bowling shirts on, three different styles and seem jolly as they file in. One of the men dressed in a dark red shirt sees Brady and slaps him on the back, “Well, how are you, kiddo?”

  I watch as Brady stands up and shakes the man’s hand, “Mr. Brown, how the hell are ya? What are you doing out of Millford?”

  The man laughs, “Well, we just finished a bowling tournament a couple hours north of here and wanted to celebrate.” He nudges Brady, “And buy the poor bastards that lost a round.”

  Brady laughs. I’ve been raised to always be poised and polite so watching the people in this town is so fascinating to me. They all seem to genuinely care about the answer when they ask a question, it’s not just idle small talk.

  “Plus, everyone near Hollis knows Jack hires the prettiest waitresses.”

  Brady’s eyes find mine and I’m sure he can see the panic. When it was a group of five men that I’ve already been around and will probably cut me some slack, I was fine. Now that number has multiplied greatly and I hope I don’t screw up.

  He laughs, “Well, you came to the right place to celebrate, sir. Jack does hire pretty waitresses.”

  The man slaps Brady on the back. He scans the room and then stops on me, “Are you the only one working, dear?”

  I nod my head, “Yes, but don’t worry, you are in good hands.” That almost sounded convincing.

  He gives me a kind smile, “Well, don’t worry we won’t be too hard on ya, sugar.”

  I feel Brady’s eyes on me as the man sits down, joining the rest of his group. I pull out the notepad and pen in my apron. “Okay, what can I get you gentlemen?”

  One of the men in a light blue bowling shirt whistles, “My goodness, you are a pretty young thing. If I were only twenty years younger.”

  I hear the guys at the other table snickering and I just shake my head, “Drinks?”

  Please just want a few pitchers of beer. I don’t get that lucky, they all go around the table ordering different drinks, some I have no clue how to make. I finish writing and try my best to fake confidence for the hundredth time tonight, “All right, I’ll be right back.”

  I walk back to the bar and stare at the numerous liquor bottles. I pull the drink manual out from under the bar and pray I can find these drinks in it. I take a deep breath and then out of nowhere Brady is next to me, “Need some help?”

  The breath I just took spills out of my mouth in relief at his smooth voice. I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath. I turn to him, “Do you know how to make an old fashioned?”

  He nods his head with no fear and confidence I envy. “Let’s see your order.”

  I hold up the notepad and he reads the drinks, “Piece of cake.”

  I watch in awe as he starts buzzing around behind the bar, preparing most of the drinks. I handle the whiskey and brandy and then he even helps me deliver the drinks.

  When it’s closing time, it’s like they already know and ask for the check. I bring it to them and they file out after leaving a generous tip. Brady’s friends have all already left. Caleb mumbled something about heading over to some girl’s house. Madden left shortly after the larger group arrived and said he wanted to be home when Jade got there. I’m not doing so great at getting to know my brothers. I haven’t spent any time at all with Keegan and Landon.

  Soon it’s just Brady and I left at the bar. He moves around, helping me clear the tables. I straighten up the table across from his and say, “You really don’t have to stay. You’ve helped me enough.”

  “You really hate accepting help, don’t you?”

  “No, I can if I need it, but you helped me plenty tonight. I am capable of cleaning up.”

  He just ignores me and continues to clean up his table. I go into the kitchen depositing the dirty dishes in the sink and when I come back out, Brady is sitting on a bar stool with two glasses of whiskey in front of him. “Join me?”

  I shouldn’t, but I do. I take the bar stool next to him and he hands me a glass, “Do you drink whiskey?”

  I’ve never had whiskey plain, but I take a drink. I’m surprised, expecting it to burn, but it goes down smoothly. “That’s not bad.”

  Brady chuckles at me, “I always liked whiskey.”

  I sit my drink down on the bar, nervously biting my lip, “Can I ask you something?”

  He nods his head, sitting his drink on the bar also, but still holding it. “Sure.”

  “Why did you leave so suddenly on Sunday?”

  I need to work on my curiosity. It’s always been the bane of my existence and my parent’s. I know I shouldn’t have asked him, but for some reason I want to know more about this man.

  Chapter 13


  I look down at the glass
I’m holding and I suddenly wish it would magically refill. No matter how long I stare at it though, the whiskey is not going to reappear so I can drink it down. I tap the glass on the table and I look up at Lilly who is patiently waiting for me to answer her.

  “Sunday? I didn’t realize I left suddenly.” I lie and stand up, grabbing her empty glass and heading towards the sink.

  “Oh, you didn’t realize that?” she asks, a teasing tone to her voice. “I thought maybe you’d seen me with my hair in a mess and no makeup a little too long. You were ready to bolt.”

  “I happen to think you looked slightly adorable, Lilly Benson.” I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

  “You did. You have two different looks.” I inform her. “The look you had when you first got here. Like this city girl look, high heels and tight skirt. It’s sexy and smart looking. Then you have a country girl look too. Jeans and a tight t-shirt. It’s fucking adorable as hell.”

  “So, you weren’t bolting because of me, but you were bolting?”

  “Let’s play the jukebox while we finish up.” I suggest and head over to it. I know it’s set on Free Play so I don’t put any money in the machine. I make a few selections and “Humble and Kind” starts to play.

  “My mom likes this song.” I let her know.

  “Did anyone ever tell you you’re very good at deflecting?”

  “You want help with these dishes?” I ask, deflecting again. I shoot her a grin, letting her know that I know exactly what I’m doing.

  I turn the water on and grab the dishwashing liquid. I notice that she isn’t telling me she doesn’t need my help anymore. I start washing while she rinses.

  “So, did you plan to look up instructions on how to make all of those drinks?” I ask. “That would’ve taken all night.”

  She laughs and shrugs. “I didn’t know how to make them so what was I supposed to do?”

  “I don’t know. Go tell them you didn’t know how to make them and that they could either have whiskey or beer, your specialties.” I suggest.

  “Oh yeah, that would’ve gone over really well.”

  “Lilly, you’re a sexy woman in a bar. The men around here will take whatever you tell them to take.” I assure her.

  “And they’ll do whatever I tell them to do too, I suppose?” she questions.

  “Exactly.” I confirm.

  “Well, then I command you to tell me why you left so suddenly on Sunday.” she states and I feel almost as though she’s slapped me. I wasn’t expecting her to ask me again. I wanted her to move on from that.

  Lilly arches her eyebrow at me, indicating that I must answer. I wash another glass, stalling as long as I can and debating on whether or not I want to give in to my instincts and tell her anything.

  “I just don’t like talking about my dad.” I finally speak. “When he died, it was…it was a really bad situation for me and my mom.”

  She reaches her hands into the soapy water and closes them over mine, leaning towards me. “I’m sorry, Brady. I’ve never lost anyone like that, so I don’t know what you went through.”

  Her green eyes gaze up at me and I know her words are sincere. I can see the raw emotion in her eyes and I feel like she wants to take all my pain away. Strange thing is, I want to let her.

  I lean down and she doesn’t back away. My lips are so close to hers that I can feel her breath against them. Then everything goes to hell.

  Kelly shrieks, “Brady!”

  Fucking hell. Perfect fucking timing.

  Chapter 14


  This is not at all how I expected tonight to go. My first night working alone in the bar and I ended up alone with Brady Thompson. I shouldn’t have continued to prod him for details of his life.

  I should be asking my brothers questions. Really getting to know them, but instead I’m in the back of the bar doing dishes with Brady.

  I wanted answers. I could see his pain all over his face from losing his father and I wanted more than anything in that moment to take it all away.

  His body this near to mine was driving me wild and taking away every inhibition. I wanted him to kiss me, I wanted to feel those soft full lips on mine again. I craved it.

  And then I heard a feminine screech and could feel Brady’s body tense and pull away.

  We both pull our hands out of the dish water and turn to Kelly, Brady’s “non” girlfriend, according to him. She sure looks like a jealous girlfriend in this moment.

  Her hand is on her right hip and her eyes are blazing. “Where the hell have you been?”

  Brady wipes his hands on a dish towel and then hands it to me, “What the hell are you doing here, Kelly?” His agitation is evident when he counters her question with his own.

  She drops her hand from her hip and sticks her bottom lip out to pout, “You said you were coming over tonight. It’s past midnight, so I tried to call and you didn’t answer. I stopped by your place and didn’t see your truck outside. I knew the bar was already closed, but thought I would give it a try.”

  Wow. This poor girl is definitely desperate for Brady.

  Brady runs his fingers through his dark blonde locks. “Fuck, Kelly. You sound like a stalker.”

  She recoils like he slapped her. He may not have feelings for her, but she clearly does for him. “Stalker? You said you would be there and then I find you at a bar with….with the new waitress.” She points at me and I oddly feel guilty.

  Brady just squares his shoulders, “Her name is Lilly and it’s none of your business what we were doing.”

  I think our earlier conversation may have him on edge and I feel partially responsible for the scene before me. Brady isn’t a cold and unfeeling guy. I don’t know him that well, but I know him well enough to know that.

  I put my hand on his shoulder and I feel Kelly’s eyes snap to where we are touching. “I appreciate you bailing me out earlier, Brady, but you should go.”

  He turns to look at me, “I’m not ready to leave. I’m not even close to finished.” His eyes have a heat and hunger behind them that makes me literally gulp.

  He has to go. There is no way I trust myself with him right now and I don’t want to end up like Kelly. Just his plaything until he finds his next interest. I secretly wonder if Kelly knows about his past. If he opened up to her before they started sleeping together.

  The thought hurts more than it should.

  I’m trapped by Brady’s eyes until Kelly clears her throat loudly, “Brady, I’m sorry I pissed you off, but I was just worried when you didn’t show up.”

  He turns to her, “You knew I was fine. I’m always fine.”

  She shakes her head and walks closer to him. I realize my hand is still on his broad shoulder and I pull it away as she approaches him, “I’m sorry, baby. Let me make it up to you.”

  She wraps her arms around his neck, like I’m not even here. I get slight satisfaction when Brady untangles her arms from around his neck and steps back. He turns to me, “I need to stay and help lock up.”

  I shake my head in defiance. I don’t want him to think anything is going to happen between us, that it ever will again. I am here for one reason and I keep getting lost in him. “No, you’ve done enough tonight. Go home with your girlfriend.”

  Kelly gives a satisfied smile when I say the word girlfriend and Brady’s jaw twitches. I wonder if he will say she’s not his girlfriend, but he doesn’t. He studies me, probably wondering if I’m bluffing.

  He looks pissed when he wraps his arm around her waist. “All right, Lilly. Have it your way. I’ll lock the back door. Please lock the front right after us.”

  I nod my head, “Of course. You guys have a great night.”

  Kelly beams as they walk out of the kitchen. Brady locks the back door and then looks back at me. I stand with my shoulders squared, hoping he buys it.

  He wraps his arm around Kelly again and then walks out the front door with her.

  I set a boundary again, but who’s to say he
won’t tempt me into crossing it?

  Chapter 15


  I slide out of Kelly’s bed and I’m relieved when she doesn’t wake up. I don’t want to deal with her right now. I’m pissed with myself that I gave into her when I knew I shouldn’t have. I’m stringing her along. I’ve told her time and time again that we are not together, not in a relationship, but I know deep down that she is not understanding that.

  Last night, I should’ve gone home. I sure as fuck shouldn’t have spent the night. I wasn’t in a good place to have spent time with Kelly. She likes trying to get in my head too much. While we were screwing, she kept begging me to tell her she was the only one. That there was no one else. What was I supposed to say? Um, no, Kelly, you’re not the only woman I fuck. In fact, I’m thinking of someone else right now. Blonde hair, green eyes.

  So, I’d lied. I told her what she wanted to hear while I was balls deep inside her. I’m not a fucking idiot or a cold-hearted asshole. But I can’t keep doing what I’m doing with her. It’s not right.

  “You leaving already? I can make you breakfast.” she offers. “We can spend the day together.”

  I cringe and stand up to pull my boxer briefs on. “No, I gotta run. I’ll see you around.”

  I grab my jeans and I’m tugging them up as I walk out of her room. I scan the living room for my t-shirt and spot it on the recliner. My boots are by the door. I’m out in under five seconds, boots and tee in hand.

  When I get to my truck, I pop open the glovebox and grab a piece a gum. It’ll have to do because I’m definitely not staying at Kelly’s to find out if she’s purchased me a toothbrush. It would not surprise me if she has. For some reason, I imagine she’s melded our faces together into one of those “what do our future kids look like” things you can do on the internet.

  I push that disturbing thought out of my head and pick up my phone to call Caleb. His voice is groggy and sounds like he smokes fifty packs a day. I know I’ve woken him up.

  “Get your ass up and meet me at Jack’s field.”


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