Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2)

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Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2) Page 12

by Nicole Dykes

  I smile at her, “So no Madden?”

  I can feel Brady’s gaze on me when I ask that and I’m not sure why it feels intense. Jade shakes her head, “No, he’s going back to the hardware store.”

  I nod my head. Truth be told I had thought about spending the rest of the day with Brady, secretly tucked away in my apartment or his house, but I kick myself at the thought. “I would love to, Jade. Thank you for inviting me.”

  She grins and then turns to Brady who seems to be on his way out, “What do you have planned for the rest of today?”

  His voice is a little gruff when he answers her, “Working at your boyfriend’s store.”

  I wonder if he wanted to spend today together.

  “On a Sunday?” I ask.

  “Yeah well, it’s a side job, so Sunday is perfect.” He answers easily. “See you ladies later.”

  With a quick wave, he’s gone and I wonder if he’s pissed off or I’m reading him wrong.

  Marlene comes out of the kitchen where she was doing the dishes while we were all chatting. “You girls out of here?”

  Jade slips her apron off and grabs her jacket, “Yep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I follow suit and pull my jacket on and we both leave the bar. I climb into Jade’s Honda and buckle up. “So what movie are we seeing?”

  She shrugs as she starts the car, “I’m not sure. Neither of us are really into chick flicks and Casey can’t stand gore. What kind of movies are you into?”

  I actually haven’t been to a movie in a long time. Med school was hectic. “Anything really.”

  She smiles, “Well, we will just have to find something that suits us all when we get there.”

  She fiddles with the radio and I say, “It’s good Madden got to spend time with his brothers. I’m sure he misses them now though.”

  “Maybe a little, but he knows they will be back next weekend. They have definitely grown a lot closer lately.”

  “Were they not close before?” I ask.

  “They were I think, but when Madden was in college he didn’t see them all that often. I’m sure you’ve seen what a workaholic Landon is so he was always on some business trip according to Madden. Then Madden moved here without telling anyone.”

  I look at her, surprised by that. “He did?”

  She nods and sighs, “It feels like a lifetime ago, but he was in love with Amelia.”

  I remember Madden and Amelia were attached at the hip in high school. That makes sense. I hate not being able to tell Jade that part. Keeping a secret from her is really hard to do, but I remind myself I will tell them all soon enough.

  I just hope she can forgive me.

  Chapter 29


  “Well, if I try to put another shelf here, you won’t have room for the hanging merchandise.” I argue with Madden.

  “If we don’t add another shelf, we don’t have enough room for the merchandise period.” he counters.

  “A 5x8 display for the all the shit you have in mind is ridiculous.” I mutter and run a hand through my hair.

  We’ve been discussing the setup for the new display the Steele brothers have in mind for Amelia’s jewelry section since I arrived at the hardware store over three hours ago. Hell, maybe it’s been four hours now. I’ve lost count.

  Madden started out by telling me Amelia’s jewelry has been selling out, which I figured it would, and that she needed a larger area in the store. There aren’t any stores in Hollis that sell jewelry like Amelia’s. I knew once I saw that she was setting up a small display stand that her items would sell just as much as the tools and shit. Probably more.

  The problem is, they didn’t exactly clear enough room for her display. He showed me the boxes of merchandise she has in storage and they expect all of it to fit on a 5x8 display. Not going to happen.

  The other problem is that the Steele brothers are control freaks. They cannot stand the thought that someone else might actually be able to do something better than them. They drew up a draft of the display shelving they have in mind. Any time I’ve tried to make suggestions of changes, Madden has shot me down or explained why it wouldn’t work.

  Of course, I have millions of reasons as to why theirs won’t work. I’m the damn construction worker. I know what the fuck I’m doing.

  “I need a break.” I state, letting my pencil drop to the counter. “You got a beer or something?”

  Madden nods, clearly as frustrated as I am. He walks to a mini-fridge behind the counter and takes out two beers, handing me one. I chug half of it in one sip.

  “Have you heard from Caleb?” he asks and I shake my head to answer. He shrugs and says, “Maybe that’s a good thing.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” I agree. “When he won’t listen to me, he typically listens to Avery.”

  “Jade said Casey acts like things are getting serious with that professor. I don’t know Casey all that well, but I just don’t see her with that guy.” He laughs. “I mean, he drives a Prius.”

  “I know!” I grin. “I mean, what do they even have in common?”

  As I say this, it crosses my mind that Lilly and I don’t have anything in common either. Hell, truth be told, her and Madden are more of a match than her and I could ever be. We are complete opposites, coming from two entirely different worlds.

  Before I get lost in thinking of her too much, I slide the paper across the counter to Madden. He arches an eyebrow at me.

  “You have to give me some leeway on this.” I tell him. “You asked me to do the job, so let me do it and let me do it my way. I design the display and I build it. If you’re not happy with it, don’t pay me.”

  He sighs and looks down at the draft he and his brothers came up with. Finally, he gives me a slight nod. “Fine, but if you screw it up, you’ll never hear the fucking end of it.”

  I shake his hand. “Agreed.”

  I finish off my beer as the electronic bell on the door chimes. Jade and Lilly walk to the counter, both smiling and laughing. Jade greets Madden with a kiss and I feel a surge of jealousy that Lilly doesn’t do this with me. I know there’s a reason we’re keeping things quiet, but I can’t for the life of me remember why at this very moment.

  “So, I take it you both had a good time?” Madden asks.

  “We watched that sci-fi movie you’ve been talking about.” Jade grins.

  “No way.” Madden scoffs.

  “Oh my God, it was so good!” Lilly cuts in. “You’ll have to come with us next time, Madden. The special effects were awesome! I could spoil it for you, but I won’t. Jade promises she’s going to take you to watch it.”

  “Sci-fi? You watched a sci-fi movie?” I comment, surprised that Jade was into that. Neither of us are big sci-fi fans.

  “Lilly picked it out. There wasn’t a lot to choose from and I couldn’t talk Casey and Lilly into watching the horror movie. They out-voted me. I know you hate sci-fi movies, Brady, but this one was actually really good.” Jade says and I feel Lilly’s eyes on me like she’s scrutinizing the fact that I don’t like sci-fi flicks.

  “Yeah, not a fan, but I’ll watch a horror flick any day.”

  “Nope, not me.” Lilly makes a face. “I cannot stand all that blood and gore.”

  Madden laughs. “You and me both, Lilly, but Jade will stay up all night watching that shit. Next time she wants to see one at the theater, I’ll tell her to go with Brady and me and you will go watch a sci-fi flick.”

  What the fuck? I glare at him, but he doesn’t seem to even notice. Did he really just say that? Am I the only one thinking there’s something off with this fucking conversation? Even Jade doesn’t seem to think there’s anything wrong with what he’s said.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Lilly accepts.

  I swear, I want to go all caveman and throw her over my shoulder yelling “she’s mine.” Instead, I pick up my pencil and calmly put it in my back pocket. Maybe I’ve been thinking about the display and arguing with Madden too long. My brain is fri
ed. Has to be.

  “I gotta head out.” I tell them and head over to the garbage to toss my bottle in it. “I’ll get to work on that display. See ya’ll later.”

  I wave as I walk towards the door and outside. I push the jealous thoughts out of my head because I know I shouldn’t be having them. I’m not a jealous person. I know Lilly and I are exclusive while she’s in town. I have no reason to think she’s interested in Madden or that he’s interested in her. Right?

  Chapter 30


  I wrap my bare leg around Brady’s and smile over at him from my spot next to him on the bed. He showed up at my apartment a couple of hours ago, when I had just decided to finally climb into bed after my long day.

  I was surprised when I heard the knock and saw it was Brady. Things felt a bit off with him ever since Jade and I made plans to go to the movies this afternoon. He seemed equally pissed off when Jade and I got back and went to the hardware store, but when he showed up it’s like whatever was bothering him wasn’t important anymore.

  He pulled me into his arms and carried me over to the bed. It’s like we can’t get enough. Probably because we both know our time together is limited. It’s a surreal feeling I’ve never had in a relationship, or whatever this is, before. Don’t get me wrong, none of my relationships ever felt like they would go the distance, but this I know for certain will not. It has a specific end date.

  The thought saddens me and it must be visible because I feel Brady’s large hand tuck a stray hair behind my ear and his deep voice says, “What’s on your mind, Lilly?”

  I move my gaze from his beautiful face to the freshly painted ceiling above us. I’m not sure how honest I should be in this moment. “Were you okay today?”

  He lies flat on his back as well and looks up to where my eyes are, “Yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Should I just ignore it? Maybe I will try to be subtle, “You seemed a little off at the bar and then at the hardware store today.”

  “I just had a lot to get done and I think anyone would be after spending hours trying to talk to city boy about his vision.”

  I turn my head to study his face. The way he said “city boy” seems almost hostile. I thought they were good friends? I have to be reading this wrong. “Well, I’m sure it can be frustrating to bump heads with your friend all day, but you both want it to be successful so I’m sure it will work out. I’m sure Madden has thought long and hard about that display.”

  He turns his gaze back to me, “Right. So, I should just stop arguing and do what I’m told?”

  Uh oh, something is definitely up. What the hell? I know that Brady and Jade have history. Does he still want her? Is he angry that Madden and Jade are together? Is this a jealousy thing I somehow missed? I feel totally lost all of the sudden and Brady sighs, slipping to his side and looking down into my eyes, “I’m sorry. That was an asshole thing to say.”

  “I thought you and Madden are close?”

  He shrugs, “We hated each other at first, but yeah he grew on me I suppose. It was just a long day, but we worked it out. I’m glad you had fun with Casey and Jade.”

  I nod my head, almost certain there is more to all of this and I can’t help, but wonder if he’s still pining for Jade secretly. I decide to drop the Madden talk for now, but I’m not sure I want to talk about Jade either.

  That thought upsets me because Jade is my friend. We really did have a lot of fun today and after she told me about Madden being in love with Amelia and that’s why he left Dallas we talked in length about everything that happened between them.

  How they started out, both just trying to get over their lost loves. Jade’s being Brady. My heart clenches in my chest. It’s really not that farfetched that they still harbor feelings for one another.

  I shake it off. Jade is in love with Madden and vice versa. I’ve been around them long enough to know that. Hell, I knew that the very first day I was here.

  I lean up and using my hand I pull Brady’s mouth to mine, taking an intense kiss and he doesn’t resist one bit.

  I’m tired of talking right now.

  Only happy memories. No drama.

  Chapter 31


  “Don’t tempt me, Lilly.” I say with a half-grin. “I need to get to work.”

  Lilly struts into the bathroom, slowly letting the sheet fall to expose her bare ass. I groan when the door closes and I hear the lock click into place. I pull my boots on and then my shirt. When Lilly emerges, she’s dressed in a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved purple tee. I think it’s cute that she woke up when she could have slept in.

  I slip into the bathroom and use her mouthwash. I don’t bother with a comb when I know I’ll be putting a hardhat on. I just run my fingers through the unruly mess instead.

  “Try not to let anyone give you any trouble today.” I tell her as I open her door. She knows I’m talking about Kelly’s lunchtime antics.

  She follows me down the stairs. “I’ll try not to.”

  “And I know you’re checking out my ass.” I smirk, looking over my shoulder at her.

  “Can’t help it. You have a very nice ass, Brady Thompson.” she smiles, circling her arms around my waist as we reach the bottom step.

  I turn around and give her ass a good smack. “You too, Lilly Benson. Completely smackable, kissable, and hmm…pinchable.”

  She squeals when I pinch one of her cheeks and then laughs against my lips. I close my mouth over hers for one more lingering kiss before I leave. It only takes tasting her to have me rock hard and pressing into her again.

  The way we are right now makes me think I’m an idiot for even considering that she might be interested in Madden. More than likely, she’s just trying to make friends and I can tell her and Jade are hitting it off pretty well.

  “You need to go.” She whispers. “You’re the boss now, remember?”

  “Yeah, I should get going.” I agree.

  I reluctantly pull away and head for the door. I glance back once before I open it and walk outside. My truck is parked across the lot, but the bright red letters are easy to see against the light, blue paint.


  Fucking hell. My Chevy Silverado has been violated. At least, that’s how I look at it. And she sure as hell didn’t deserve it.

  “Fuck!” I yell and jog across the parking lot. I know whoever did it is long gone. I run my fingers over the paint, but it’s dry.

  “Oh my God, Brady!” Lilly’s voice sounds behind me as she places her hands on my shoulders. “We need to report this.”

  I clench my jaw in frustration. “There’s no need. Jack doesn’t even have security cameras.” I explain. “I’ll repaint it later.”

  “But who would do this?” she asks and I give her a look. She looks saddened at first, then pissed.

  “It’ll be fine. I’ll talk to her about it.” I assure her. “I honestly didn’t think she’d go this far.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t say anything to her, Brady. It might make things worse. Just ignore her.” Lilly suggests.

  “I’ll figure it out. Please, just don’t let Kelly bother you.” I plead. “I can handle this shit, but don’t let her upset you, Lilly.” I pull her to me and wrap my arms around her before pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “Promise me that.”

  “Okay, I promise, she will not bother me.” she says. “Now have a good day at work.”

  I look at the derogatory word scribbled across my truck once more before climbing in. Lilly watches me drive away and it makes me feel sick to my stomach to know that I’ll be working out of town today. It’s a short job and it won’t take our crew long to do it, but I’d feel more comfortable knowing we were working in Hollis today. The majority of our jobs lately have been short-term out of town jobs though. With a town as small as Hollis, that’s how it goes.

  Still, I don’t like leaving Lilly here with Kelly knowing she’s capable of vandalism. I thought her hissy-fits at Jack’s were as
far as she was going to take things. This is too much. This is my fucking truck. What if she does something to Lilly’s car? Hell, what if she does something to Lilly?

  I pull up at the job site and ignore the smirks and stares from the guys. I grab my tool belt from behind the seat and strap it on. I get my hardhat from the back of my truck and I’m putting it on when Logan approaches.

  “Who’d you piss off?” He questions, eyeing my truck.

  “No idea.” I answer.

  “Damn, she had to fuck with the Chevy.” he comments, shaking his head.

  “Yep.” I agree.

  Now I just have to figure out what the hell else Kelly is capable of doing when I’d rather be spending the time I have with Lilly. She hasn’t given me a specific date as to when she’s leaving, but she’s made it damn clear that she is. So I have that to worry about and now this.

  “What a bitch.” Logan grumbles.

  As if on cue, my phone rings and Kelly’s smiling face appears on the screen. I ignore her, taking Lilly’s advice. The thing with Kelly is, she doesn’t like being ignored. An hour later, she’s called my phone twenty-three times.

  “Yeah.” I answer, taking a break from putting up the sheetrock I’m working on.

  “I’ve been calling you.” she whines.

  “I’m working, Kelly.” I clip.

  “Well, I need to see you. Can you come over tonight, Brady?” she asks.

  Is she seriously going to pretend that she didn’t fuck my truck up? “No, I can’t. I need to get back to work.”

  “I miss you.”

  I hang up without saying another word. I can’t believe I actually felt guilty when I ended things with her. I can see that her true colors are starting to show now.

  And they’re red.

  Chapter 32


  This shift is just dragging by. I can’t wait to go home, take a shower and hopefully call Brady to see what he is up to. Pathetic I know, but hey, we have limited time here. I’m going to milk as much time with him as I can.


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