Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology

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Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology Page 76

by Ally Vance

  Several minutes later, I stepped out of the shower a different person. My butt length red locks were gone, in their place a short black bob. Taking a look in the mirror, I almost didn’t recognize myself, which was the point after all.

  After I had told Victor of my location, he promised he would be here in two days. In that time, I was to completely change as much as physically possible for our plans to work. I headed to the local mall and stocked up on black clothing. I had my eyebrow, lip and septum pierced, and a new flame encrusted rose took up half of my upper right arm. My hair was the last thing to go, and the hardest to say goodbye to.

  I checked the bedside clock. Victor would be here at eight pm, in two hours, and I was going to be ready for him. I dried my hair and ran a straightening iron through it, a complete one-eight from the natural curl I had been born with. The night before I had watched a few tutorials on how to apply makeup, and I worked carefully to achieve the look I was going for. When I was done, I stood back in front of the mirror.

  I was positive, not a single soul who knew the former Annie would recognize me. I barely did myself. My black jeans had giant tears through them, and my white, off the shoulder crop top completed my ensemble. With ten minutes to spare I sat on the bed and waited for my destiny to knock.

  He didn’t disappoint.

  I slowly rose from the bed. Taking a deep breath, I blinked away my anxiety and I opened the door.

  The man before me was exactly what I pictured and I couldn’t control the raging lust that flowed through my body. I reached out my hand for his and pulled him in, shutting the door behind me. There was no hesitation, no thought as we took each other into our arms, our lips colliding in an explosion of fiery stardust and darkness.

  My hands snaked up his back, my fingers finding his hair and tugging, pulling him away from my lips as my mouth attacked his neck. Victor didn’t fight it, instead he hoisted me up, my legs encircling his waist and carried me to the bed. When he threw us backwards, my lips detached as did my fingers.

  Victor knew what I wanted, what I needed and he obliged without a single syllable between us. Grabbing the collar of my shirt in both hands, with little effort, Victor ripped my shirt from my body, throwing it across the floor. My heavy breasts bounced, no longer contained by the fabric, and with one hand, Victor grabbed my wrists and held them above my head as his other hand explored my newly presented flesh.

  It didn’t take long for my moans to fill the hotel room around us. I urged him for more with savage grunts, and with the thrusting of my hips he obliged my every whim.

  Victor let go of my hands, but warned me with a look not to move. Crawling backwards off of me, my mouth let out a whimper at the loss of his heat, but his sadistic smirk of enjoyment only proved to stoke the raging fire within me. His fingers deftly undid the button and zipper of my jeans and with one pull, I laid bare to his gaze.

  For several precious moments, his eyes feasted on me, drinking in my every curve, gorging himself on my untouched flesh. It was true, I was still technically a virgin, but we both knew that would end tonight. I desperately wanted to see him in the same light he saw me, but I waited, for what felt like an eternity.

  He must have seen the hunger in my own eyes because he smirked and removed his shirt. Deep, vertical scars ran along the outside of his body, adding to the insatiable desire deep within me. Just as swiftly as he had done with mine, Victor was quick to remove his own jeans and with a light shutter, I took in his fully erect cock. The man in front of me was the devil incarnate, and I desperately wanted to be his Lillith.

  Victor sauntered back over to me, pointing to the head of the bed. With as much grace as I could muster, I scooted my way up, my back resting on the flattened pillows.

  “I want yo--” I attempted but Victor used one finger over my lips to silence me. When he removed his finger, he replaced it with his lips and unlike our first kiss, this one was gentle, and kind, and full of a feeling I had not experienced in fourteen years. There was passion there, yes, but mostly there was love. An abundance of it.

  With his lips still cradling mine, his fingers weaving into my new hair, Victor slowly plunged his cock into my ready and waiting pussy. My mouth dropped open, eyes squinting and neither of us moved as we waited for the storm to pass. Once it had, I opened my eyes, and met his. He knew I was ready, and he was too.

  Slowly, Victor pulled out of me, leaving a hole inside I had never experienced. It wasn’t there long before he pushed back in, causing me to throw my head back in absolute ecstasy. In and out, the man on top of me teased my senses, whispering sweet and seductive nothings into my ear. He bit me, nibbled on me, licked me, and fucked me like a man deranged. Within minutes I came on his cock but he didn’t stop. Several more came swiftly after.

  He pulled out and scrambled down the bed, licking the cum and blood out of my swollen cunt before wrapping his lips around my clit and sucking. My hips came off the bed instantly, but he pushed them down with brutal force, daring me to try again. My hands came up to find his hair and I weaved my fingers through his curls, smashing his face deeper into me. I was going to become one with this man.

  Without warning, Victor abruptly stopped and scooted further down the bed. Grabbing each ankle, he smirked at me, mischief in his eyes, and a glistening coat of pink around his lips, and he flipped me over, my ass his new target. With a firm grip, he pushed me up onto my knees, my head pressed into the headboard and he shoved his way back inside of me.

  “I told you in my first letter,” Victor grunted, pounding away at my insides. “You are my Queen, Annie, and I am your humble servant.”

  I pushed against him, both of us running an imaginary race, trying to get to the final finish line, neither of us ready to stop running. I could feel his cock swell inside of me, and I knew he was close. The urge to slow down and make this time last was strong, but the desperate need that consumed me to be filled with his cum was stronger.

  I urged my body to push against him harder as I turned my head and looked deep into his eyes.

  “Do it, Victor. Fill me up,“ I whispered.

  Victor threw his head back, his nails digging into my hips, and like a rocket on its way out to orbit, I joined him in a climax that left the both of us seeing a galaxy of stars. His cock pumped me with his seed, and the walls of my cunt clasped around him, drinking in every drop. For several moments we stayed just like that. Connected as only two people can be.

  I could no longer hold myself up and I collapsed down into the hard mattress, Victor falling to my left side, a sadistic grin gracing his sweat addled face.

  We both panted, our eyes never disengaging from the others, our bodies working overtime to return us to a normal heartbeat.

  “I hope you recover quickly, Annie,” Victor smiled. “You aren’t going to get much of a reprieve.”

  A smile turned up the corners of my mouth. “You mean you’re not already ready?” I asked cheekily.

  Victor’s laugh caught me off guard. It was both sweet and maniacal, and I knew in that instant, this man would be my entire life if he let me.

  “Turn over on your back, my Queen. Once we’re done with round two, I have a special surprise for you,” he winked.

  A surprise? Well, wasn’t I intrigued. My intrigue vanished almost as quickly as it had come as Victor started round two, his face back between my legs.

  Chapter Four

  “Keep them closed,” Victor laughed, as I tried to pry his fingers away from my eyes.

  “But I want to know,” I whined, taking another small step in front of me.

  “And you shall, my Queen,” he whispered. “But this is a surprise. You don’t want to ruin it do you?”

  He was right. I hadn’t been much of a fan of surprises in my youth, but I had a feeling, with Victor in my life, there were many things I thought I knew about myself that he was going to prove wrong.

  “How much farther?” I asked.

  “Just a little bit, Annie,” Victor resp
onded, a note of both excitement and fear lacing his words.

  “Okay. Stop,” he directed me, “But keep them closed. I’m gonna remove my hand.”

  The urge to peek was strong but I resisted it. I listened to what was going on around me. A jangling of keys, a gentle intake of breath and a single lock being turned.

  “Are we at your house?” I asked.

  “Sort of,” Victor laughed, grabbing my hand. “Follow me.”

  A subtle familiarity surrounded me as we entered our destination. I hadn’t opened my eyes, but a feeling of foreboding and calm washed over me at the same time. Victor took a right turn and pulled me gently along with him, followed by another left turn.

  “We’re going down some stairs now, Annie. Don’t you worry, I won’t let you fall.”

  The air grew slightly colder with each step we took and when we got to the bottom and stopped, I shivered lightly.

  “Cold, my love?”

  “A little,” I responded.

  “Well, don’t you worry about that. I’ve got just the thing to warm you up. Open your eyes.”

  “I hope it’s your coc--,” my words cut off as I took in the scene in front of me. I wasn’t sure what I had been expecting, but this wasn’t it.

  A wall of memories threatened to topple me over as I looked around the basement of the home I had grown up in. Every single detail was in place, down to the deep freezer that I had drawn on with red permanent marker when I was four or five. Even the smell in the air reminded me of my youth.

  There was only one difference that I could vividly see. One that made my heart swell with more love than I thought was humanly possible. There, on the wall directly across from the stairwell we had just come down were seven perfectly spaced bars attached to the wall. Secured tightly to each bar was a set of thick metal cuffs, and within those cuffs, the wrists of those who had wronged me.

  Justin, Thomas, Jerry, Frank, John, Phillip, and Cory, all looked at me, confusion wide in their eyes, bound and gagged for my delight and pleasure. Leon’s brothers had been presented to me on a silver platter by the man behind me and I couldn’t contain my joy.

  I turned around to face Victor, tears in my eyes. “How?”

  “I’ve had almost ten years to locate them, my love. Are you happy?”

  “Happy?” I asked incredulously. “Victor, I’m over the moon. What are we going to do with them?”

  “Well, the choice is ultimately yours, Annie, however, I think you already know what you want to do.”

  Victor was right. I knew exactly what I wanted to do to these foul creatures before me, but would I have the tools needed to get the job done?

  “I can see the questions spinning in your mind, Annie, but like I told you in my first letter. I know you better than you know yourself. Wait here.”

  I watched as Victor walked over to the stairs and made his way up. As soon as he was out of view, I turned back around to meet my prisoners. There was so much I wanted to say to them. So many hours I had spent locked behind bars practicing every single syllable of what I would say, but they all disappeared as soon as I saw them.

  I walked down the line of brothers, each more pitiful than the last. They had been stripped down to only their boxers and I took a good hard look at each one.

  The first brother Justin, the oldest, had clearly been here the longest. His hair was shaggy, his beard disheveled. His underwear and his body reeked of filth, and shit and piss. If I had to wager a guess, I would say he had been locked up for nearly a month or more.

  The next few brothers down faired much the same fate, while the last one, Cory, the youngest just above Leon, had probably only been captive for a day or two.

  “You don’t recognize me, do you, Walker brothers?” I asked. “Well, I remember you. I remember the way you tormented me, and teased me. I remember the way you pushed me around, spat on me, and called me foul names. Mostly though, I remember the way you turned your own brother against me.”

  I watched as each one’s eyes dawned with clarity, immediately turning to rage, and finally settling on fear. Good. They should be afraid. They should be very afraid. Inside, I vibrated. Their fear only adding fuel to my rage and revenge.

  While I waited for Victor to rejoin me, I looked over to the laundry area to find my fathers grass watering hose, spiralled up just like he always had it. I didn’t know how Victor had accomplished something so detailed, but in the moment, I didn’t much care.

  Hooking up the hose to the washing sink, I turned the cold water on full blast and walked up to Justin.

  “You fucking stink,” I whispered before aiming the nozzle at him and pulling the trigger. Ice cold water splattered the filthy man in the chest and ran down his body.

  One by one I rinsed the muk off of each man before returning the hose back to it’s rightful position.I turned back towards them and gently sauntered up to Cory, the one on the far right.

  “You aren’t perfect. But you will be,” I uttered, my hand softly caressing his cheek. Cory’s eyes softened a miniscule as he let hope back in. I laughed inside and moved on to the next brother, Phillip.

  “You aren’t perfect. But you will be.”

  One after the other, I made my way down the line and as I pulled my hand away from Justin’s face, the familiar sound of boots coming down the stairs greeted my ears.

  “I’ve got everything you need, my love. Are you ready to begin?”

  I grabbed the electric hand saw out of Victor’s hand and smiled. “I love you.”

  Chapter Five

  I walked up to the eldest, and hit the button on the powertool in my hand. It whizzed to life and Justin’s eyes opened wide, a single tear falling down his cheek.

  “You were the oldest. You knew better. You should have protected me, protected Leon. Instead, you walked away. Now, you’ll never walk again.”

  Bringing my hands and the saw down, I put the whirring blades to the flesh of the man in front of me right above his knee. Blood sprayed, immediately coating me in the familiar irony scent and I smiled as I cut through his left leg. Layer by layer, I watched in amazement and complete satisfaction as muscle, tissue and skin ripped apart. I wanted to bathe in his horror and swim in his essence.

  Justin screamed behind his gag, and I laughed as the saw hit bone and I kept going. Too focused on my task, I didn’t look over at the other six, but I could hear the muffled pleas and begging from most and screams of horror from the others.

  When Justin's leg was completely detached, a feeling I had not anticipated struck me, and I grabbed the appendage and turned to face Victor. It was obvious we both had the same train of thought. I threw the saw down and raced to my love.

  We both scrambled, fumbling with the others clothes until we both stood naked in front of the other.

  “Sit on the second step my love and spread your legs.”

  I handed the severed limb to Victor and did as he commanded. Throwing my head back, I waited for what was to come.

  I could feel my cunt dripping with desire as Victor approached. I was still swollen from our two rounds of savage fucking back at the hotel, but it didn’t matter. We both needed this.

  Slowly, and very gently, Victor pushed Justin’s foot into my waiting pussy. The eldest hadn’t been a very large man, so with a slight bit of finesse, all five toes plummeted into me and I cried out in extreme pleasure. Inch by inch, Victor wedged the foot into my opening, before pulling out and slamming it back in. I could feel my body tightening around the severed limb and with one final push, I exploded, coating my thighs and the foot in delicious, creamy cum.

  Victor immediately brought the eldest brother's leg up to his mouth and cleaned it of my juices, his erection hard as steel, winking at me from just a few feet away. I wanted to throw him down on the floor and mate with him like a wild beast, but the night was still young and there was so much more to be done.

  I stood up smiling and looked at the Walker brothers. Justin sat, passed out, in a pool of his own
blood. I could see the gentle rise and fall of his chest, but it wouldn’t be long, and just as the thought crossed my mind, Justin took his last breath.

  My revenge on the eldest was complete.

  Chapter Six

  Thomas was unlike his brothers in many ways. As the second born, he had always been sort of a loner when I had seen him. In a lot of ways, his silence and uncaring nature made him one of the ones I hated the most.

  “You never laid a hand on me, or spoke to me out of turn, Thomas. When your older and younger brothers picked on Leon and I, or shoved us in the toilet for swirlies, you just watched. Now, you’ll never watch anything ever again.”

  With my glove firmly in place, I grabbed the hot metal spoon Victor took off the torch. Walking up to Thomas, I watched in fascination as he pleaded with me to stop what I was doing with just his eyes. I smiled and bent down to meet his gaze.

  Grabbing him by the hair, I tilted his head back and plunged the spoon into his eye socket. Unlike his brother, Thomas fainted on impact, stealing from me the joy of listening to him scream. I continued anyway.

  Like a hot knife through butter, I moved the spoon around his orbital bone, and scooped out his offending balls of sight. Never again would he watch by, complacent in the horrendous acts of his brothers.

  Once both eyes sat in my non-gloved hand, I dropped the spoon and rushed over to Victor.

  “Let’s make him watch!” I giggled.

  I turned both orbs in my hand so the wide eyed pupils faced one direction and Victor and I headed over to the unconscious brother. Victor kicked Thomas in the stomach, and when that didn’t rouse the man, he went back to the stairs for the smelling salts.

  For a split second, I wasn’t sure if the salts had worked, but when Thomas screamed, I knew he was awake.

  Victor spit in his own hand and stroked his cock before straddling Thomas’s body. He turned back to me and winked. “Are you both watching?” He asked.


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