Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology

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Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology Page 104

by Ally Vance

  “Mercy,” falls from his lips with a mixture of blood and saliva. I grab my phone recording him begging for his life. When I’ve got the perfect footage, I send the cryptic message--This little piggy went to a whore house, and now he is dead--before shoving it back in my pocket.

  “Did you give mercy?” I growl, as a flashback attacks, tilting my vision. Another low moan escapes his lips bringing me back to reality. I grab his hair holding the tough strands tight as I pull his head back. “It’s okay, the others will be joining you very soon,” whispering next to his ear as I slide the gleaming blade across his throat, watching as his blood pours down his chest. I wipe my knife clean on the silk bed sheets, savouring the sight in front of me.

  Hearing footsteps racing towards the door, I slip back into the hidden room. I watch through the one-way mirror as the Capo’s men all run in, seeing their boss tied up, bloody and dead. I pull the paper out of my pocket and cross off the first name. For the first time in years, I feel alive. Alive with revenge.

  Chapter Two


  I walk through the main room, everyone parts as if they can see the anger coming off me in waves as I head for my office. The whole house was in chaos last night when one of the men got killed; brutally. Fuck, the photos even turned my stomach. And I have seen every corner of violence this world holds.

  I run my hands through my hair, reading over the message I was sent. This isn’t another killing, a grudge, or another family. To do what this man did to Roberto. This was more, so much more. Killing, no matter how many lives you take, how dark you are, it takes a slice of your soul. But this? This has no words. This is something darker.

  He must have watched Roberto for months, to know where he was. I look up just as Dante walks in the room, my breath stills for a second. He is handsome, sinfully so. Tall, dark curly hair that is shaved on the sides. Dark brows that make his eyes appear even darker. A strong jaw that always holds a thin layer of stubble, making the scar on his lip stand out. Wide shoulders, that his tapered jacket fits perfectly, no doubt Armani. Sans tie, his top button undone, his usual style. Leading towards a tapered waist, thick thighs covered in black trousers, and I swear there is an outline of his cock.

  “Sir,” his low dark voice, rubs against my skin, as if it tickled my balls and sucked my cock. There's a look in his eyes, a smugness, as if he knows what I’m thinking. We’ve been playing this cat and mouse game for months now.

  This world didn’t accept our sexuality. It is something I go to great lengths to hide. I have seen the painful truth of what can happen, the torture that has been laid on man for laying with another. A flash of green eyes flick in front of me.

  “Take a seat,” my voice comes out harsher than intended as I throw him the photos of Roberto’s bloody body.

  He picks them up slowly, flicking through each one.

  “As you can see one of our Capo’s is dead, so I’m moving you up.” His eyes widen in surprise before he straightens and nods.

  “Sir.” That one word sends goosebumps over my skin. I get stuck looking in those dark eyes, that hold a million secrets locked up tight like a vault. We both rise, my legs taking me closer; so close I can smell his musk aftershave. See the fullness of his lips. I don’t know who moves first but there's a brush of lips and a whisper of a kiss. My fingers thread through his curls as I groan into his mouth. Our body’s fit together like they belong, there is no coldness, it feels familiar. The kiss turns heated, our tongues fighting for dominance. Who will be the first to submit?

  I jerk back when his lips disappear. Only to see him turn towards the door just as Caterina, Roberto's wife, walks in. Tears streak her cheeks. Of sadness or joy, I’m not sure. Everyone knows he was a bastard to her and where he met his end.

  Dante gives me one last look before he disappears out the door. I curse myself because I am not a fool; I am the head of the Rosso family, and a mistake like that could ruin everything I have built, along with my life. It would be a deadly mistake. One I would not fall victim too.

  Chapter Three


  I light up a cigarette, blowing out the smoke as I watch Luca laugh and shake hands with the bouncer. I don’t miss the small package exchanged. I step out of the shadows as he enters Sin nightclub. Where he cheats on his wife and meets his mistress every second Saturday. I enter the nightclub, where strobe lighting and the sweet sickly smell of sweat and perfume surround me. Pushing through the hot bodies, I stay on the edge of the room keeping Luca in my sights. The bodyguard will soon leave him alone as he goes to meet his mistress. A foolish mistake. One that tonight he will pay for as he is my number four.

  Anger beats through me to the heavy base as I watch him laughing, drinking the finest whiskey. There is no guilt in his eyes, no remorse for his sins. I keep an eye on everything around me like a predator in the dark, and he is the helpless prey. He doesn’t know he is being watched, and that his time is up. Running out like sand in a timer.

  At exactly nine, he makes his way through the crowd knowing Racheal will be on her break in ten minutes. I walk parallel to him, watching the way he walks through the sea of people as if he owns them.

  As he puts the code in, stumbling through the door, I shove my foot in the gap before it locks. Taking one more glance around, I slip into the back hallways. The cold air hits me, and the sound of Luca’s feet hitting the bare concrete lets me know which way to track him. I keep my head down knowing where every camera is faced. Making sure there is no evidence of me to be found.

  I walk to the doorway, seeing him bent over the white powder on the table, a fifty-pound note rolled between his fingers. Just as he leans down, I grab his hair, slamming his head into the glass table, it bounces off with a sickening thud, making him scream in pain. Lifting his face, blood pours from his nose and mouth.

  “What the fuck!” he snarls, trying to focus on me through red rimmed eyes and tears. “Do I know you?” he growls, going to stand, only I push him back down.

  “You did, a long time ago,” I hiss between my teeth, pulling out my piece. He freezes as the metal presses into the base of his skull. A nervous laugh escapes his lips.

  “Come on man, you need money? I got loads.”

  “No, I want you to take a line.” Another tense laugh leaves him, but he shrugs and leans down, doing one.

  “Another.” I feel his body straighten.

  “Brother,” he pleads.

  “You are no fucking brother of mine,” I snarl, lifting the gun and hitting him across the head with it. He hisses in pain. “Now another or I blow your brains across the fucking room.”

  He falters before doing another and another.

  After the sixth line, I pull back the gun and sit opposite him. Watching as his eyes roll back, and the colour of his skin changes from flushed, to greyish, pale. Sweat starts to trickle down from his hairline, and as he tries to focus on me, his pupils blow wide.

  “This used to be more fun.” I smirk, keeping my eyes on his neck as his pulse beats erratically against his skin. His mind too spaced to figure out the clues.

  “My name is...Remy Marchetti.”

  Luca tries to focus on me. “Wemy?” he slurs.

  “Nasty little habit you got,” I snarl, slapping his face to bring him around more. “All it would take is for someone to swap your drugs for something else and well… I guess you have about one minute before you start foaming at the mouth, choking on it.” He tries to speak more garbled words as he gets up reaching for me and stumbling. He falls to his knees, hands going to his neck, clawing at the skin. I grab my phone out of my pocket. Filming as he tries to suck in the oxygen he will never get. When his hands drop to the floor, fingers drag along the rough concrete, leaving bloody trails. His eyes wide in fear, locked on mine, begging me to help. I take the whiskey off the table, taking a sip before holding it up in cheers, just as the light vanishes from his eyes.

  I step over his body, making my way back into the hallway before sending
the film and message--This little piggy should have stayed at home.

  I make my way down the corridors, walking fast but not enough to bring attention, breezing past some workers loading up crates of alcohol. They don’t even look up. The cold London air hits me as I pull my coat tighter. Just as I walk out the alley, a high-pitched scream fills the air, making my lips twitch. Disappearing into the crowd. I’m good looking, yet forgettable. My looks fits every other guy out on a Saturday night.

  I grab my list out of my pocket, crossing off another name.

  Three more to go.

  They will never see me coming.

  Chapter Four


  “I don’t care what you have to do! Find this man! I want him,” I hiss to the crowd of men that have gathered in the main room. Luca got killed last night. Fucking poisoned. They sent me the video of his last moments, with that sick little message again. Everyone knows the nursery rhyme five little piggies; two are dead, meaning there’s another three to go. Only this stops here. I’m going to get this sick, twisted, sociopath and make him pay. I watch all their eyes widen in fear, then curt nods as the room empties.

  Alec, my second and the under boss, follows me to my office. As soon as I shut the door, I spin to him, the facade falling away showing my pure rage.

  “This man knows us; he knows where we will be,” I snarl. This alone should have heads rolling. We were meant to be private, keep ourselves hidden, so no moves could be made against us. Instead, we’ve all fallen prey.

  “I’ve got all the Capo’s finding out where our soldiers were.”

  I shake my head as I pull off my jacket, chucking it over my chair. “That’s not good enough. He’s been able to get to two of our men! How long do you think it will take for people to start talking! Thinking we are weak.” This is not just a message or a warning. It’s a declaration of war. Alec undoes his tie, pulling it off as if it’s choking him. When he looks back up to me his eyes are filled with hunger for retaliation and cover the streets of London red in this guy’s blood.

  “We will find him. You have my word.”

  A knock comes at the door, I swing it open, ready to put a bullet between their eyes. All thoughts and words fail me as Dante stands there, unfazed by the chaos happening around us. He is always cool, put together, no emotion plays on his face. He holds out a sheet with names, times, and crosses. “All my men checked out; they were all where they said they were.” That low voice, swirls around me, mixed with the dark look in his eyes, and I can only nod. Dante’s eyes stay on mine a second longer before turning to Alec who he gives a nod to.

  “Come in.” His body growing taller as he enters.

  I hand him the photos of Luca. Watching as he flicks through them like Roberto’s. “What do you think?” Those dark eyes slowly raise to meet mine.

  “This isn’t a silly grudge, this is revenge.” His words are careful, slow, but strong.

  “What do you mean?” Alec snatches the photo’s back as if he can see the same thing as Dante, but Alec's mind isn’t sharp like his. He sees black and white, only what's in front of him. Dante is smart you can see the intelligence in his eyes, and the way he watches a room. He doesn’t act off emotions.

  “He’s picked these men for a reason. They are not random. He’s used their vices to kill them.”

  Alec snorts. “This is some moral killer?” His lips spread into a smile, thinking he was joking and hasn’t got a clue.

  Before I can say anything, Dante speaks up. “No, he’s made it painful, he showed the world their sin’s, made their death a shameful one.” His voice holds a dark undercurrent that wipes the smile off Alec’s lips as I nod.

  “This is personal?”

  Dante nods. “That would be my guess.”

  Alec shakes his head. “That list is pretty fucking big. To find one guy? Impossible.”

  He was right. You didn’t become as powerful as we had without treading on a few people. We had taken enough lives that we could fill a morgue. It could be any of their families, or another family starting a war. Though my gut told me something else.

  “We are going to find out who is messing with us. Then we are going to kill them,” I snarl.

  Alec’s phone rings, and he pulls it out, cursing before leaving the room. Leaving Dante and me. The air becomes thicker, electricity building between us. Like two magnets we are pulled together. We come together, mouths clashing, hands feeling all the hard muscles. No care that the room is unlocked, that anyone could walk in here, it adds to the thrill, the danger.

  My fingers tighten in his hair. I feel his body go rigid as he looks at me with those dark eyes, a flicker of dominance and defiance flashes in them; he is an alpha, but I’m his. I wait to see what will win. Pride or lust. Then it happens, he submits, going to his knees.

  His nose runs against the soft Italian fabric of my trousers before his strong hands go to the belt, making quick work of pulling it through the loop and unbuckling it. The sound of the zipper going down echoes in the room as voices can be heard outside. We both freeze as the footsteps come closer before disappearing. Cold air hits my cock, making it twitch. I’ve had many men on their knees before me, but seeing Dante, the strong man I knew he is, the things I know his hands are capable of, things he has done for this family, made me want it painted with the way those pitch-black eyes stared up at me.

  I didn’t have a weakness, but Dante was quickly becoming something I found hard to resist.

  Gripping his hair tight, I grab my cock, rubbing it against his lips, wetting it with pre cum. Fuck!

  Unable to hold back, I push my cock head past those lips and into his hot mouth. It was the dirtiest of sins but felt so good.

  Feeling Dante’s tongue wrap around the head made me shudder, biting my lip to stop the groan at the back of my throat from escaping. Pleasure taking all my rational thoughts, I no longer cared who walked in and saw a man sucking my cock. Because this would be the only slice of heaven I would ever get.

  I leant down, smoothing a finger over his jaw as I pushed my hips deep, hitting the back of his throat, feeling it tighten around my sensitive head. My hips move as I fuck Dante’s mouth, and he takes every thrust, sucking harder. His blunt fingernails dig into the back of my thighs, making me hiss in pleasure.

  “You like me fucking your mouth? Next time I’m taking that arse,” I growl. He stops sucking for a second, eyes watching me before his lips tilt.

  That image is already branded onto my very soul as my hips pick up pace. Hitting the back of his throat hard enough that I know he’ll feel me for the rest of the day. A deep groan, my own warning as I release, holding my hips close to his face, his nose is buried in the hair there until he swallows it all greedily.

  I already know this will not be one time. But if the psycho is after our sin’s, then mine is kneeling in front of me.

  Chapter Five


  I watch in the shadows across the street as the bright light warms his house with a soft glow. To his neighbours, he’s a nice man. Waves as he takes his bin out, or on the way to work. They don’t know the truth he hides. The evil that lives behind that fake smile. Just on time, I watch him disappear, to return with a bottle of expensive whiskey. Only the best for his taste. After all, you're refined, unless you're pissing on someone’s corpse. Then all your rightful morals disappear. Revealing who you really are.

  He's most probably forgotten his sins against me. Covered them with new ones. But today you will die for his.

  I walk closer, knowing the exact steps as I’ve counted them enough times. Every step takes me closer to fulfilling my revenge.

  On time, he opens the door for his last cigar of the night. The sharp tobacco scent fills the air, and I watch as his eyes flick nervously to shadows. Can he feel me staring? He’s smarter than the other two, and I wonder if he know his time is counting down. If he can feel me circling, getting closer.

  I watch him return to the living room. Knowing it�
�s my time to move, every footstep brings a fresh wave of anger. My heart beats to claim my revenge. This close, I can feel it. Taste it.

  The door slightly ajar, I slip through the opening, taking my position. Looking at my watch, just three minutes until we meet again, Gianni.

  To the nearest second, I watch the light from the hallway fill the room. If anything, Gianni is a creature of habit. Which works in your favour when you’re a stalker.

  He turns the light on, walking to his desk. Firing up the laptop, I wait until he puts in the password-- bigdick01--before sending off the check in email.

  The head of family, Romeo Russo, is getting skittish. I could see it today. The way his muscles were tight. The way the muscle popped in his jaw. The anger he tried to hide. He has no idea who’s coming for them or why. He can’t find the rhyme or reason, but he will.

  Because he’s my last little piggy. The boss himself; Romeo Russo.

  I step out of the shadows, wrapping the thick cord around his neck. His fingers try to reach the alarm. “I’ve already disabled it.” He freezes at my voice realizing this is real.

  “What do you want,” he snarls.

  “To make you pay,” I hiss, holding the cord tight as I cross it at the back before making quick work tying it around his middle. Shibari, the Japanese rope tying for bondage pleasure, is something I learnt, but these positions are different. I stand back, and as he moves, the rope around his neck tightens. “I wouldn’t move. You do and the rope will cut off your air supply.”


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