Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology

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Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology Page 110

by Ally Vance

  She watched me, the air seemingly trapped in her lungs, as I slowly licked my lips and then lowered my head at an even steadier pace to taste her. That first hit against my tongue shot through my veins like the purest hit of heroine.

  “Delicious.” Heady. Addictive. So damn addictive.

  The tips of my fingers burrowed deeper into her skin, my tongue eagerly lapping up everything she had to give. But it wasn’t enough. I need to feel her. Be inside her. Consume her.

  Tilting my head, I pressed a kiss to the inside of her thigh before pushing to my feet.

  I wrapped my fingers around her wrist and pulled her to the plush leather couch. After sitting down, I guided her onto my lap. “The heels stay on.” My voice thick and gruff. Her skin was warm and soft when I placed my hands on her hips and leaned back against the cushioning.

  “Take what you need.”

  She just looked at me like she had no clue. I traced the sharp line of her hipbone with my finger, one side of my mouth lifting into a slow smirk. “If pleasure is what you want, princesa, you’re going to have to take it.”

  Lifting my hips, I pressed my still-covered hard-on against her, but I made no move to create the friction we were both desperate for. Three, maybe four seconds ticked by before she finally rocked her hips.

  And, shit, I almost lost it at when her needy whimper filled the space between us. Back and forth she moved, slowly steadily, driving me over the brink of insanity. I’d intended to sit back, watch her fall apart on top of me but as she threw her head back, parted her lips and cupped her breasts, I knew I wanted to be responsible for her pleasure.

  Every moan leaving her lips, mine.

  When her body fell apart, it would be because of my touch.

  Reaching between us, I fumbled with my belt and pants until I could shove the material just below my ass. Helping her move so we were perfectly aligned, I palmed the back of her head and pulled her mouth to mine at the exact moment I pushed inside her.

  Big, angry curses lay on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn’t bear to break my mouth away from hers to utter them. Because this should’ve felt like every other time I needed to get off. Whatever feelings were involved should’ve remained physical and below the belt.

  But as it stood, the more we moved—chasing our releases like rabid animals—the more warmth seeped into my skin and steadily crept toward my chest, aiming straight for the long-time dead organ behind my breastbone.

  Needing a breath, or maybe a moment of clarity, I tore my mouth from hers. Ducking my head, I focused on drawing more sinful sounds from her throat by sucking on her chest like it was my last meal.

  Becca shoved her fingers into my hair, the tips digging into my scalp, her hips finding a faster, clumsier rhythm. My teeth found flesh and when I bit into the softness, her entire world exploded, my name bouncing off the walls.

  I had no time to revel in it though because before she had time to catch her breath, she gripped my face and pressed her mouth to mine. She kissed me with such raw passion it pulled me over the edge with her.

  That was also the time I realized what a big mistake I’d made because this woman sitting in my lap, riding the final waves of ecstasy, was making me question everything I knew I had to do.

  Chapter Five


  “You fucked up.”

  Ignoring Jorge’s accusation, I slowly lifted the espresso to my lips and kept my gaze on the Olympic pool beyond my kitchen window. My brother wasn’t wrong; I had fucked up because claiming Becca’s body had never been part of the plan.

  And neither was making her mine.

  I’d had every intention on feeding her the same shit her brother had fed my sister. Of leaving her naked in some hotel room with a needle sticking out of her arm.

  All of that went to shit the moment I touched my hand to hers.

  In an instant I was overcome with a raw need to make her mine. Hell, I’d wanted to drag her off and lock the doors so she’d never leave.

  I still wanted to do that.

  Focusing on the scenery outside, I took another sip from the cup in my hand. Only, it wasn’t the taste of coffee that hit my tongue. It was all Becca. I swear, every pathetic drag of air I took brought her heady scent straight back to my lungs.

  One night of having my dick buried inside her and every single one of my wires were crossed. Suddenly breaking Becca to get to the asshole who shared her DNA didn’t feel right. And that right there was my damn problem.

  I didn’t care about right or wrong.

  I’ll just shoot him myself and be done with it. I hadn’t meant to say it out loud but realized I had when my brother’s irritated sigh filled the room.

  I gave him a sideways glance. He was studying me, the look in his eyes measured. “And where is the suffering in that? Death is too kind a sentence for that pendejo.”

  “I know.” But hurting Becca… Gritting my teeth to the point pain, my nostrils flared with the long pull of air I took to my lungs.

  “I saw you last night.” The tone in his voice had every cell in my body on high alert. “With her.”

  Taking a breath through my nose, I tried to remain calm. “So? It was always part of the plan for me to get close to her.”

  “Sure,” he agreed evenly. “But getting your dick wet wasn’t.” He made a noise of disgust. “So help me, if you forget about what happened to our sister because of some cheap whore—”

  I whipped around, my hand latching onto his neck as I drove him into the wall and got up in his face. “You dare question my loyalty to Isa? You think I’ll forget? I was the one who found her, Jorge!” My fingers curled tighter around his windpipe. “Jack Martin will pay for the life he took. He’ll know what it feels like to hurt.”

  Flattening his palms against my chest, my brother shoved me until I stumbled backward. His hand immediately rubbed the spot my fingers had squeezed moments ago. “If you don’t do it, I will.”

  A new unwelcome thought popped into my head. If you touch a hair on Becca’s head, I’ll kill you. I thanked every deity I could when the words remained trapped on my tongue. My brother didn’t need to know.

  Clenching my teeth, I growled, “I said I’d do it.”

  Chapter Six


  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  Clutching my chest, I shot into a seated position. Either I’d been dreaming, or someone was trying to break through my door. I rolled my lips together and held my breath. Tilting my head, I listened.

  Five seconds ticked by with nothing but silence answering.

  Slowly releasing the air trapped in my lungs, I shook my head and laughed at silliness. Until…

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  My butt lifted at least three inches off the bed, heart slamming against my ribs hard and fast. It took me a few seconds to realize whoever it was, wasn’t breaking in but rather knocking. Feeling somewhat relieved, I slipped from bed and padded to the front door.

  One look through the peephole and I was smiling before I even opened up and let my friend in. Kasia, on the other hand, did not look amused at all.

  Pushing past me, she shoved a steaming cup into my hands and muttered, “You don’t deserve that.”

  My smile widened, and I quickly brought the hot drink to my lips to cover it up. I closed the door and tried very hard to school my features before I faced my friend. “You are too good to me.”

  “Damn straight I am.” She planted a fist on her jutted-out hip and leveled me with a stare. “Especially after the shit you pulled last night.”

  Heat instantly crept up my neck and settled in my cheeks. Last night… I still couldn’t believe I’d done the things I had or that I really wanted to do all of it again. Santiago Morales had pushed my boundaries and giving in to him had been the sweetest surrender.

  Not that Kasia knew any of that.

  Last night had also turned me into a terrible friend. The kind who doesn’t answer the phone after vanishing without a trace. In my defe
nse though, it was kind of hard to think about anything other than the wicked things that man had been doing to my body.

  “Sorry.” Lifting my shoulder, I batted my lashes. Kasia’s stare remained blank. “What do you want me to say, Kas? That I’m sorry Santiago asked me to dance and then had his hand inside my underwear before dragging me off to his office to screw me senseless?” I had to take a breath after all that rambling.


  I sighed. “You’re not really going to make me repeat all that, are you?”

  Kasia set her tea on the nearest surface. Grabbing my wrist, she very unceremoniously dragged me to the couch. She was perched on the edge but sitting so close to me, our legs were pressed together.

  “Let me get this straight… You had sex with Santiago in the club last night?”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  “As in his—” she gestured wildly with her hands “—went into your…” More wild gesturing.

  I smacked her arm. “Oh my goodness. Stop! I’ve had sex before.”

  “Well, yeah.” The way she nibbled on her lip made me want to smack her again. “It’s just… you never do anything so,” tapping her index finger against her chin, she stared at the ceiling, “impulsive.”

  The smile lifting lips couldn’t be helped just as the butterflies taking flight in belly couldn’t be stopped. “I know.” Unable to sit still, I bounced on the spot and grabbed her hands. “There was just something about him that made me want to let go. It was exciting. Exhilarating.”

  Kasia squeezed my fingers. “Yeah, I bet.” She studied me for a beat then leaned forward. “He really had his hands in your pants on the dancefloor.”

  Before I even had time to feel embarrassed about that again, my phone chimed to life from inside my bedroom. I gave my friend an apologetic look before I hopped up and rushed to answer it.

  I knew it was impossible that Santiago would be on the other end of the line, that still didn’t stop the sliver of hope spreading through my veins when I pressed the phone against my ear without even checking the caller ID.


  My “Oh, it’s you,” slipped out before I could check myself.

  “Wow! Is that any way to greet your favorite brother?”

  Perching my butt on the edge of the bed, I rolled my eyes even though the idiot couldn’t see me. “You’re my only brother.”

  “Haha, funny. Listen, Becs, I hate to do this but I’m going to have to cancel our dinner plans tonight.”

  A deep frown pulled my brows together. I couldn’t remember the last time Jack had canceled on me. “Everything okay?”

  “Uh, yeah.” He didn’t sound too convincing. “Uncle Ben wants me to meet the client and you know how it goes.”

  I didn’t. Still, I nodded and said, “Sure.”

  “Maybe we can do sushi tomorrow night?”

  Something in his voice made the hair on the back of my neck stand up straight. “You’re sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m good. My meeting is about to start, but I’ll see you tomorrow, kay?”

  The line went dead before I even had a chance to utter a response. “Goodbye Becca,” I muttered to the empty room as I pulled the phone from my ear. “Have a nice day.”

  I was about to set it back on the bedside table when I saw a new message from a number I didn’t recognize. I opened it and smiled like a freaking loon almost immediately. I had no idea how or where he had gotten my number, but apparently Santiago Morales wanted me to meet him tonight.

  Guess Jack canceling our dinner plans wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

  Chapter Seven


  My index finger brushed the trigger of the gun firmly pressed against my thigh. My gaze bouncing between Jack Martin and his uncle where they were huddled together over two steaming mugs coffee.

  With the way Jack was frowning and pressing his lips into a thin line, it wasn’t hard to gather that he wasn’t too happy with the conversation they were having.

  My finger twitched, the need to lift my gun and put a bullet between that asshole’s eyes so strong, I almost gave in. Almost. The thing stopping me this time wasn’t how badly I wanted to see Jack suffer but rather how desperately I didn’t want my brother to go after Becca.

  And if I killed Jack, Jorge would kill Becca. He’d make me watch too.

  “The hell is wrong with you?” I muttered to myself. I fucked her once and all of a sudden all my plans—plans that’d been put into motion months ago—were changing.

  Jack’s uncle grabbed him by the tie and yanked him forward. My own musings momentarily forgotten as I gave the pair my full attention. The older man’s face was turning a dangerous shade of red where, in contrast, all the color had drained from Jack’s skin.

  The uncle shoved a piece of paper into his nephew’s breast pocket and released his grip on Jack’s tie. Pushing to his feet, Stuart waved his index finger under his nephew’s nose then smacked his palm against his cheek before strolling toward the sleek black Benz parked on the curb.

  I’d never seen this interaction between them before, and something about it had my gut twisting. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I dialed Hank’s number. He was the only other person who knew about Isa and Jack.

  And right now, he was the only one I trusted.

  “This is Hank.”

  With my gaze still trained on the man who stole so much from me, I spoke into the phone, “Something’s going on with Jack. I need you to tail him.”

  “Whatever you need.”

  I rattled off our current location and then hung up

  Like I’d done countless times before, I slipped the key into the lock and felt a rush of excitement when the door slid open. Each time I got closer, stayed longer, I thought for sure she was going to change the locks.

  I stepped inside, locked the door, and slipped the key into my pocket. Closing my eyes, I took a deep drag of air to my lungs. I’d been inside her apartment so often over the past couple of months, I didn’t even need to open my eyes to know there was a small table against the wall with a few framed photos of her and her asshole brother along with a family portrait with them and their uncle and aunt.

  I opened my eyes, immediately making my way to her bedroom where the smell of her perfume still lingered even though it was almost time for her to be home. My fingers brushed over the soft material of her comforter.

  Laying on my front, I slipped both hands beneath her pillow before my burying my nose in it. I’d been in her space so many times before, but this was the first time it felt different. I didn’t want to steal these little moments anymore, I wanted her to give them to me.


  The sound of the front door opening had me quickly slipping into the closet, cracking the door just enough to see Becca enter the room with her cellphone pressed against her ear.

  “I don’t know what to wear,” she said to whoever she was speaking with. “Should I dress up like last night or,” she looked down, fingers carefully pulling on the hem of her t-shirt, “do I go as me?”

  Her head bobbed at the response she received from the other end of the line. “Hang on, let me put you on speaker so I can multitask.” She pulled the phone away, poked at the screen and balanced it on top of a pot of lotion on her dresser. “Okay, I’m back.”

  A female laugh filtered through the line and filled the room. “I suppose that depends on what you’re looking for.”

  Becca pulled the elastic from her hair, leaving her pink tresses to cascade down her back. “What do you mean?” Her hands went to the hem of her shirt again, pulling the garment up and over her head.

  “Are you going there to chat ooor are you going there for more orgasms?”

  Becca’s fingers stilled on the snap of her jeans. Carefully, I moved a little to the left so I could see her reflection in the mirror. If the sight of her teeth digging into that lush bottom lip wasn’t enough to make my blood hot, the breathy words rolling off her
tongue sure as shit did it.

  “I definitely want more of those.”

  The woman on the phone was speaking again but my brain blocked out her voice. All I could think about was sliding in behind Becca and smoothing both our hands down her stomach until we could dip our fingers between her thighs.

  I wanted to lock eyes with her in the mirror, watch every second of her world exploding as our twined fingers brought her pleasure over and over again. The raw, desperate need coursing through my veins was so strong, I had no other choice than to shove my hand down my pants.

  My gaze followed her movements as she slipped out of her jeans and reached behind her to unclasp her bra. Hips jerking forward, I steadily pumped into my palm. It wasn’t what I wanted, though. It’d been less than twenty-four hours and already I needed to be inside her as desperately as I needed my next breath.

  “Ha ha, funny.” Becca’s sweet voice filled my ears. “I’m going to hop into the shower and then I’m off.”

  “Text me when you get there?” her friend asked.

  “I will.”

  Becca poked the phone and slowly padded to the adjoining bathroom. Wanting my release to come from her, I pulled my hand from my pants. A second later, the sound of running water filtered through the room.

  One… two… three…

  I continued my slow count to fifteen before stepping out of the closet. Instead of getting the hell out of there, I headed for the open bathroom door. A cloud of steam covered the ceiling and fogged up the small space.

  Still, I could see Becca’s naked silhouette behind the glass door. With her face tilted toward the spray of water, she smoothed both her hands over her hair. The image in front of me wasn’t crystal clear, but that didn’t matter. I knew what her curves looked like, felt like.

  I would’ve given anything to get into that little stall with her and have her on her knees to finish what I’d started inside the closet.

  But, I thought as I adjusted myself, I wouldn’t have to wait all that long to have her exactly like that.


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