Grant: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 3)

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Grant: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 3) Page 11

by Shaw Montgomery

  “I love that. I love knowing you’ll remember being mine all day.” Grant growled out the words, tightening his hand enough to make Carter moan again. “I’m also going to love keeping you turned on.”

  Carter rubbed his cock against Grant’s leg. It was impossible to miss the aroused length. “Horny, yes—“

  “But not now.” Grant grinned at Carter’s exaggerated frown. Carter didn’t seem to know what Grant was trying to say—but it was clear he didn’t think he’d like it. His boy was aroused and ready to do something about it right then.

  Carter looked over at the clock, then back at Grant. “It’s still early…” His voice trailed off and he gave Grant a meaningful look.

  Grant smiled, lifting his head to give Carter a quick kiss. “But I like the idea of you going to work with your cock hard and your bottom reminding you about what we’ve done.”

  “But…” Carter couldn't seem to decide how he felt about that idea. “Going to work…”

  Grant sensed the unasked question. “Yes. Not even playing with your sexy body by yourself. You can do that for me, can’t you?” Grant dropped his voice low but gave Carter a playful look. He was going to do his best to get his way because Carter would love it. “I know we don’t have a contract or a lot of rules, but what do you think about trying this for me?”

  Carter’s brain seemed to be racing around in circles. Grant could see his mind warring over the different choices. He might not like the idea of waiting, but Carter seemed to thrive when he got to stretch the limits of what he’d done before. There were probably moments in the past where he’d submitted unconsciously to someone or in a particular situation, but it was different when you were making a deliberate decision to submit.

  Choosing to gift that to someone wasn’t easy. It probably felt strange. No matter how much Carter had enjoyed the spanking the night before, letting Grant make other decisions in the bedroom wouldn’t come easy.

  The best things never did.

  Finally coming to a conclusion, Carter nodded hesitantly. His words came out skeptically, like he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer. “Okay, but for how long? I mean, how long am I waiting? Wyatt overshares and I’m not sure…”

  Grinning, Grant could only imagine what kinds of things Wyatt had told Carter. The cute little sub loved to chatter and his first instinct seemed to be to tell Carter everything. “We’re not lifestyle and you’re not ready for something as intense as they might do. I’ll probably take control in the bedroom without thinking about it. That’s automatic for me at this point unless you say something. Extending things outside of a scene isn’t something I’ll ask of you very often. And never if it turns out to bother you, pretty.”

  Leaning down again, Grant gave Carter a quick kiss to his lips. “I think you’ll like it, though.”

  Carter settled into Grant’s chest again and sighed. “But how long this time?”

  “How about I come over tonight and take you out to dinner? Then we’ll see if you’ve been good and need a reward.” Grant couldn’t help his smile at the hitch in Carter’s breathing. He was curious to know what had caught his man’s attention.

  Carter shifted his head and licked Grant’s nipple again. Was it something he thought Grant would like, or was he unconsciously showing Grant what he liked?

  Pulling back, Carter’s words came out husky and low. “I like it when you talk about me being good and getting a reward. It feels…wicked somehow.”

  “I’ll like rewarding you when you’ve been a good boy. I’ll like it even more when I get to pull down your panties and spank you for being naughty.” Grant felt a shiver race through Carter’s body. “No spanking or orgasm tonight, though, if you play with yourself.”

  “That sounds sexy, too, when you say it.” Carter shook his head like he couldn’t quite believe it.

  “I’m glad. It’s important to me that you want what we do in a scene. I want it to feel right to both of us. And if there are things you want to try that I don’t bring up, I want you to talk to me about it. Just because I don’t mention it doesn’t mean I’m not willing to do it with you.” There was such a variety in BDSM that Grant would never be able to guess. “Eventually, we can sit down and go over the list that can be in a contract so we can talk about specific things, activities you’re curious about or things that don’t sound good at all. We’ll also talk about safewords.”

  “I’m good with what we’ve done so far.” Carter traced around one nipple with his tongue, making Grant fight to keep his body under control. “I’m curious to know what you want to do tonight when I get my reward.”

  “So you’re confident you can be good?” Grant couldn’t help but think of it as a challenge now.

  Carter nodded, then took one of Grant’s nipples in his mouth, teasing at the tight nub with his teeth. Grant moaned and his hips thrust out, his cock brushing against Carter’s bare skin. Carter moved away long enough to answer, flirting, with sex dripping from his voice. “I know I can. I’ll be a good boy for you, Sir.”

  “You’re trying to cheat, pretty.” His words came out breathless. Carter was making it hard to think. If he thought he’d be able to con his way into an orgasm, he’d be sadly mistaken.

  Carter’s words came out mumbled. “I’m being good.”

  “Even if I fuck you right now, you won’t get to come. Is that what you want?” His sub was devious. Grant loved it.

  It took Carter longer than Grant thought it would to pull away and shake his head no. He’d expected an immediate denial. Grant was left curious again, wondering what had been going through his mind. Did Carter like the idea? It hadn’t been meant as a reward or even a scene, he just hadn’t been willing to let Carter win, but something about the reaction pulled at Grant.

  “Sometimes if you’ve been naughty, teasing me like that, I might have to lock up your cock and you wouldn’t get to come before I made love to you. Of course, I’d have to be sure you were very ready before I slid into you. I wouldn’t want to hurt you, pretty. I’d stretch you and taste you and make sure your body could take me without any pain before I took you.” It was a scene Grant would thoroughly love, but it wasn’t something he would have mentioned for a while. Not everyone was into denial to that degree.

  But his man just might be.

  Another little shiver raced through Carter and his teeth tightened, pulling at Grant’s nipples. His pretty didn’t mind that idea at all. Now his mind was racing. Would Carter misbehave today just to try out the punishment? Grant mentally added stopping by the adult store on the way home to his to-do list.

  He needed a cock cage.

  Carter didn’t seem ready to voice his thoughts about the punishment option just yet, so Grant let it drop for the time being. If it came up that night he’d be ready, but if not, it was something that they could come back to later. If Carter liked denial, there were so many ways they could incorporate it into their scenes. Grant’s cock throbbed just thinking about it.

  “You never did say if you wanted to have breakfast with me?” Grant laughed at Carter’s frustrated sigh.

  “This conversation was just an evil plot to get me out of bed. Wasn’t it?” Carter frowned, sure he’d been had. “There’s no rule or punishment, you just wanted food.”

  Laughing, Grant shook his head. “Sorry to disappoint, but the rule stands. How about we take a shower together? Then coffee and I’ll scramble some eggs for you if you have some.” That was about all he could make in the kitchen, but they weren’t bad. Usually, they turned out reasonably edible, and he was a master at toast. That made a reasonable breakfast.

  Carter’s frown turned into a grimace as he wrinkled his nose like he smelled something off. “I’m not letting you anywhere near my eggs. I’ll cook.”

  “Mine are fine.” Grant thought he should probably be offended. He would have been—except Carter had a right to be skeptical.

  “Nobody in your family cooks worth a damn.” Carter shuddered. “We’ll end up wi
th food poisoning, or they’ll be burnt.”

  “It takes talent to burn eggs. Scrambled ones go rubbery first. They don’t burn for a while.”

  “That you even know that makes my stomach hurt.” Laughing, Carter shook his head. “Nope. Not letting you near my food.”

  “I think I might be offended.” Grant knew his grin made the words less than believable.

  “Should I help soothe you in the shower? Help you feel better?” Carter’s grin held wicked anticipation.

  Grant pinched his butt. “You’re not going to get to come yet, pretty. But jerking one out sounds like a good idea. I should make you watch.”

  Carter cocked his head and gave Grant a look like he wasn’t sure if that sounded good or not. His sub was going to analyze everything. Hopefully, he’d come to realize that sometimes it didn’t matter why something turned you on, it just did. Still giving Grant a questioning look, Carter shifted away slightly. “Let’s go get a shower. I’ll let you make the coffee if you promise you can actually make it right.”

  Not sure what was going to happen in the shower, Grant tried for a neutral look. Figuring he’d play it by ear, he gave Carter a quick kiss as he sat up before starting to get off the bed. Visions of taking his time washing Carter thoroughly had his cock jerking and starting to leak precum. “Let’s go, pretty.”

  “Just to let you know, that innocent act is failing miserably.” Carter looked like he couldn’t decide if he was excited to see what would happen in the shower or not.

  “I’m just thinking about how helpful I can be.” Pulling Carter close as he rose from the bed, Grant let their bodies rub together, loving the way Carter’s cock pulsed against him. “I like being helpful.”

  Carter snorted. “That sounds more like a threat than a promise.”

  Grant laughed. “That’s because you’re more than just a sexy man in lacy panties. Your brains are just as hot.”

  Laughing, Carter stepped away and headed for the shower, giving his hips a little more swing than usual. “You like my lingerie.”

  “I love it.” It was an understatement, but saying he was a bit obsessed sounded wrong.

  “You’ll have to wait and see what goes under my clothes today. I think I’m going to keep it a surprise.” He looked back, grinning. “Just to make sure you think about me today.”

  Grant couldn’t help but smile. His man was wicked.

  Chapter 13


  “Hello, dear.” The cheerful voice of Mrs. Jenkins wasn’t what sent shivers of dread racing down Carter’s spine.

  Where was Wyatt when he needed backup?

  No, it was the sight of Mrs. Jenkins followed by a gaggle of innocent-looking older ladies that had his heart racing. She’d brought reinforcements. What could she want? He wasn’t even going to pretend it would be about his actual job. No, those ladies had a mission and it had nothing to do with antiques.

  He could see it in their eyes.

  When he’d casually spoken about wanting a distraction to keep himself from thinking about what Grant might do when he got home, Mrs. Jenkins wasn’t what he’d had in mind. He’d been picturing something less dangerous. Like an invasion of snakes.

  It took him a moment to realize he hadn’t answered. With a shaking voice, he managed to force out a weak response. “Hello, Mrs. Jenkins, ladies.”

  It sounded good to him. Evidently it hadn’t fooled her, because she gave him a grin and clucked her tongue. “No, you’re safe today. Although don’t think I’m forgetting your recent dates. I’m going to wait for another day when Wyatt is working to ask about your new beau.”

  Relief flooded through him, but it didn’t last long. If she wasn’t there for Carter, what could she want? The options weren’t good. Wyatt had the best radar for the woman Carter had ever seen; he always walked in just as she was starting to interrogate Carter. However, there was no reprieve in sight. He counted to five in his head to try and calm down. It didn’t help. “What can I help you ladies with today?”

  It was a loaded question. One that he didn’t want the answer to.

  Whoever said the customer was always right had never met someone like Mrs. Jenkins.

  “We,” She gestured with fluttery hand movements to her flock, “found the perfect young man for the baker’s son.”

  A short woman with red hair that Carter was sure was found nowhere in nature perked up like a little poodle. “My baker. The boy’s so sweet. A bit rough around the edges. The best ones always are. You know that, though. Your young man.” She fanned herself. “Benji’s so sweet but—”


  “Benjamin.” She frowned, head shaking like she shouldn’t have to repeat herself. “My baker’s son.”

  The big Dom who was into puppy play was named Benji? Carter had a memory of that being a dog in an old children’s movie. Who named their kid after a dog?

  “You know he likes to be called Ben or Xavier, that’s his middle name.” Mrs. Jenkins clucked her tongue again. “Not that his parents listen.”

  All the women nodded in unison. Carter stared, not sure what to say. Luckily Mrs. Jenkins charged ahead, not waiting for Carter to comment. “They seem to be ostrich parents.”


  Her hand waved around again. “You know how they name things these days. Those parents who hide from everything they don’t want to see, even if it’s right under their nose.”

  Ostrich. It worked and, as much as Carter hated to admit it, made sense. “I bet he’s frustrated.”

  It seemed to be the right answer because she smiled at Carter like he’d said something brilliant. “And it’s making it very difficult to find Mr. Right. All that stress isn’t good. Not that he’s admitting there’s a problem. You’d think that someone who takes charge in other areas of his life would stand up to his parents, but evidently not.”

  Listening to Grant’s brothers talk about their mother, Carter understood where Ben might be coming from—or was it Xavier? Carter wasn’t sure. Not that it mattered, but he had a sneaking suspicion it probably would.

  “Sometimes that’s hard.” Again, she gave him that smile. Was it weird he was enjoying her approval? Yes.

  “Yes. We’ve found the perfect young man for him, though, and we had a few questions about his…lifestyle preferences.” She looked over to a woman with white hair in a short bob who could have been anywhere between fifty and seventy.

  She was striking and well-manicured but nothing like what Carter expected as she started to speak. “Yes, according to the fetish definitions on Wikipedia. Although some of those pages really should be updated. We need to make a note about that.”

  What the hell?

  “You’re right. We forgot to make a note of that at the last meeting. Charlotte, will you write that down for us?” Mrs. Jenkins shook her head and gave Carter a smile. “Memories, you know. As you get older you have to write everything down.”

  Carter was back to not knowing what to say again. Commiserate? Agree with her? Just nod like an idiot? Yup, that one.

  She smiled and gave him an understanding smile before bringing the conversation back to the original awkward topic. “The other young man is a model in Charlotte’s art class. He’s a very sweet young man.”

  Charlotte broke in. “Bouncy and happy like you’d expect in a submissive who’s drawn to that lifestyle. He focuses well, though, when he’s modeling for the class, and thrives when given clear instructions. He also seems to respond well to praise.”

  He shouldn’t, he knew he shouldn’t. He did. “How did you find out he’s into puppy play? I’m surprised that came up at an art class.”

  What kind of art was she studying?

  They all looked at him like he was now failing the class and they were very disappointed in him. Mrs. Jenkins tilted her head and frowned at him. “His current lifestyle preference is not the most important thing. What matters is that we need to know the best way to introduce them.”

  To Carter
, it sounded suspiciously like they had no idea what the guy was into. He took a few mental steps back. “He’s gay, right?”

  A few of the women looked guilty but Charlotte, Mrs. Jenkins, and the redhead all shrugged. Charlotte spoke up. “That seems to be the case.”

  He was an idiot but he couldn’t stop himself. “But you don’t know?

  “He stood naked in a room full of mostly women, several well-endowed younger women in their early thirties, I’d say, and didn’t…react, if you will. I’d say gay. We also debated that he might be confused about his sexuality, because there are some indications of that, but it’s unclear.” She spoke like they were analyzing flowers or what to bake for the church bazaar, not what turned on some guy who got naked for little old ladies.

  Lord. Where the hell was Wyatt?

  Carter wanted to know when they’d dubbed him the kink expert, but he had a feeling he was only a stand-in since Wyatt wasn’t there. He knew he should have sent them on their way with a lecture about minding their own business. He couldn’t make himself do it.

  “Invite Ben to art class? Maybe get the naked guy to pick up something at the bakery?” It sounded like a bad romance novel plot. They seemed to think so, too, because he got the you’re-not-so-bright-are-you look again.

  “We’ve considered those. We’re just not sure how much of a discussion we should have with the young man first. Would you recommend that? We’re torn and decided to get a tiebreaker, if you will.” She smiled at him like he should be pleased they’d included him.

  He wasn’t.

  He’d never gotten peer pressured into doing something stupid as a kid. He’d always been a little too different to get included in things like that. It looked like he was going to get his chance to experience it. “Um, a little? Not cold turkey. That could go bad.”

  Very bad if the guy turned out to be straight with a temper. Looking cute and sweet for little old ladies wasn’t hard. He could be some kind of an ax murderer and they probably wouldn’t notice. He’d seen a few guys in bars and clubs lose it when they were assumed to be gay. You just never knew about people.


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