Seduction in a Suit: An Office Romance Collection

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Seduction in a Suit: An Office Romance Collection Page 3

by Monica Corwin

  She’s watching me, waiting to see if I’ll show any signs of nervousness. And although I’m calm on the outside, my mind is racing with worst-case scenario thoughts. I don’t speak until I’m ready to put on a good show, knowing it would need to be award worthy.

  I remember Robert saying Martin & Martin owed him one. Owing Robert is like owing the devil. No one would purposely cross him. So, I conclude this must be an honest mistake. All I need to do is just give them something and hope that it sticks. It’s already 5:00 p.m., so Martin & Martin will be unreachable until Monday. That’ll give Robert the weekend to make it right.

  Easing to the edge of my seat, I rest my hands on the table. I release an exaggerated sigh and focus in on the problem—Judy.

  “Here’s the thing, I worked for Martin and Martin from 2012 until now. Nancy Brooks did as well. We handled different divisions. If you don’t believe me, check my facts again, with the company’s owner. He’ll vouch for me. Now if that’s all, I need to get back to work. I have a presentation to prepare.”

  Alexander looks at Judy who’s turned three shades of red. I can’t tell if she’s embarrassed, pissed, or both but I’m enjoying watching her squirm.

  Alexander closes the file, slides it back to Judy and stands. “I think we’re done here.”


  Present day

  Karen has Judy digging for dirt on me. I shouldn’t have to worry, but I am. If there was one slipup, there could be more. Now it all makes sense, Alexander’s earlier behavior. How long has he been sitting on this? We were together last night, and everything was fine, so that leaves today.

  Needing to get away, I take shelter in the restroom. It’s a temporary escape from it all—Alexander, Robert, this job, and the other job.

  While everyone is questioning my loyalty, perhaps I should be questioning theirs. Robert doesn’t make mistakes, not like this. I have to wonder if this was done intentionally. Why else would this Nancy lady show up out of the blue, looking for employment.

  And Alexander coming to my office earlier, what was that? Was it like the screw before the screw? I understand he has to look into all security risk, but he still should have warned me. He’s the goddamn boss. You mean you have time to fuck me but no time to warn me about what’s going on.

  Standing in front of the mirror, I trace the scar on my shoulder, reminded of how close I had come to death. It also marks the day my heart turned to stone.

  I shouldn’t be thinking about this now, especially not here. But doing so keeps me in check.

  The sound of my cell vibrating disrupts my thoughts. It’s Robert. We definitely need to talk but this isn’t the time or the place. He’s been calling all week. Either he trusts me, or he doesn’t. But I can’t keep sneaking off to update him on every little detail, especially not for three months. And after what happened earlier, I don’t want to take the risk.

  I’ve been hiding out for long enough, and why? They can’t prove anything. Nevertheless, it sickens me to know Judy and Karen are probably getting some pleasure out of this.

  On the way back to my office, I notice things are extra quiet which is fine by me. I can do what I need to without any distractions.

  Not long after I’m settled, my phone vibrates again. I don’t bother to look at it. Instead, I hold down the power button and turn it off. Already, I know, it’s Robert. Enough with the distractions. It’s time for me to get back to this marketing plan that will impress the hell out of Alexander.

  Not even a minute later, my office phone rings—an outside line.

  “Samantha Wright. How can I help you?”

  “Answer your cell. I’m giving you one minute to turn it back on.” Immediately, I recognize the demanding voice. My cell barely powers up before it starts to ring.

  “This is insane.”

  “So, this is what I have to do to get you to answer. Don’t forget, you work for me.”

  How can I? He reminds me every time we talk. “What do you think I’m doing?”

  “You mean other than the job I paid you to do.”

  “I can’t talk right now.”

  “It’s been four days since you checked in. Is there a reason why?”

  “You know why. I was with Alexander.”

  There’s a knock on my door and before I respond, Karen walks in. The nerve. Either she’s stupid and thinks I don’t know she’s trying to get me fired. Or, she’s trying to push my buttons.

  “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  Robert’s still going at it when I move my cell away from my ear and press it to my chest. “Yes, did you need something?”

  “I do, and it can’t wait.” She’s also rude.

  I raise a finger. “Give me a second, and I’ll be right with you.” She’s fishing for something and one of these days, she just might find it—me bent over Alexander’s desk and him ramming me from behind.

  A woman knows when another woman is interested in a man. Alexander says it’s just her way of protecting him and the company. I say that’s bull. Karen’s protective of one thing, Alexander’s cock. I bet she dreams of him fucking her on a daily basis.

  Maybe in another life, they can be together. But in this one, the only time she’ll have access to him, is in her dreams.

  If it was anyone else, I’d leave her standing there waiting. But I need to get Robert off the phone quick. His voice is louder than it needs to be, and although she’s too far back to make out what he’s saying, it wouldn’t keep her from trying.

  “So, I’ve made some mental notes and we can talk about it later.”

  “Today, not later.” Roger’s voice comes through gruff and strained. “I would hate to have to come to you.”

  “That’s not necessary. We’ll talk later. Thanks for the update.”

  The call leaves me with a terrible headache. And Karen’s presence only adds to it.

  “You know you should really lock your door when taking care of personal matters. It may send the wrong message to employees.” Karen invites herself to the seat in front of my desk.

  “Is that why you’re here, to eavesdrop on my private calls? Or, was there something else you needed?”

  I open my drawer and search for some pain relievers.

  “I was talking to Alexander and suggested someone other than you should know what’s going on with certain affairs. We feel it’s best, you know, just in case something happens and you’re not able to make it in. So, we discussed it and he wants you to give me a full rundown of Tuesday’s presentation. And, I’ll need a written copy of the outline.”

  I’m certain I heard her wrong. And who the hell is we? It sounds like she said Alexander wants me to prep her with my notes. It’ll never happen.

  Without thinking, I slam the drawer shut. Karen flinches and a hand flies to her chest.

  “I’ve put in sixty and sometimes seventy hours into every work week over the last month, prepping for this. If you think I’m going to just turn over my work to you, you’re sadly mistaken. So, if you’re looking for a promotion, I suggest you do more work.”

  “Look, Samantha, I think you’ve got the wrong idea. We were thinking of this as more of a backup plan. No one is trying to take credit for your work.”

  “Karen, I’ll talk to Alexander myself. Please, just get the hell out of my office.”

  She rises up and walks to the door. “Samantha I—”

  “Save it, Karen.”

  I lock the door behind her and press my back to the wall.

  This day can’t get any worse. Or can it?

  I’ve had enough of Jackson & Lennox for one day. I’m tired, my feet hurt, and my head is still pounding. Instead of working late, I knock off about an hour early.

  Knowing Alexander is pissed, is getting to me. After paging him from the office a few times, and him not answering, I paged his secretary line. That’s when I found out he had taken off early. It makes me wonder when exactly he had time to talk to Karen. Digging into my jacket, I reach for my
phone. I’m about to dial his cell when the elevator door opens. I’m pulling his number up on speed dial when a black Range Rover with tinted windows pulls in front of me. I can either walk around it or wait for the driver to pull off. I’ve never seen it before, so I doubt if it’s someone I know. It reminds me of one of the vans used in the movies to kidnap women.

  Okay, so my imagination may be getting the better of me. Still, I don’t trust the situation. I shuffle back a few steps and do a quick scan of the garage, hoping to spot someone but no one is around.

  I clutch the briefcase I’m holding tightly, recognizing it may be my only weapon. My heart is beating fast when the person in the backseat barely rolls down the window.

  “Get in.” I can’t make out the face, but I recognize the voice. It’s Robert.

  I release a breath and get inside the SUV.

  “Just drive,” he informs the driver.

  I rest my head against the seat and place the suitcase on my lap. “I hope you know you nearly scared me to death. I didn’t realize you had gotten a new car.”

  “Why haven’t you been answering any of my calls?”

  “I told you, I couldn’t. People are in and out of the office all day. And I haven’t been home to call you after hours.”

  “Do you have anything for me?”

  “You mean aside from what I’ve already given to you. No. You said I had three months.” I’ve never seen him like this. He’s overly anxious, extremely impatient, moody, and desperate.

  Since I’m here, I might as well tell him about the earlier incident.

  “Also, we may have a problem. I had to meet with compliance today. They found a discrepancy on my resume. A lady named Nancy Brooks applied to the company. Evidently, she worked at Martin and Martin and held the same title as I did, during the same years you had listed on my resume.”

  He rubs his chin. “That is a coincidence, isn’t it?”

  That tone, I recognize it. It’s how he responds when he’s plotting and scheming to take out his competition. My stomach hardens. I want to say something, but I can’t because if I do, I may burst into tears. How could he do this?

  “Anyway, you survived it. I’ll take care of it over the weekend. You should have answered my calls.”

  So, this was punishment. I brace my hand against the door to stop it from shaking. Suddenly, I can’t breathe.

  I don’t want him to see me this way, so I angle toward the window and coach myself into taking smaller breaths. It helps and soon, I’m able to calm down. Still, I want nothing to do with him.

  “Take me back to my car, please.” Because of bumper-to-bumper, rush hour traffic, we’re still fairly close to the office.

  “What about what’s in the suitcase?”

  Shit! I can’t let him see what’s inside it. Alexander will never trust me again.

  “What about it?”

  “Stop playing games, I want to see what’s inside it.”

  “Why? You can’t do anything with it.”

  “Have you gotten confused about where your loyalties lie? Anything you have is rightfully mine. You’re doing the job that I hired you to do.”

  What does he know about loyalties? If it would help him close a deal, he’d sell me to the highest bidder without thinking twice.

  “I know that, it’s just…if I let you see what’s inside here, this could blow my cover completely.”

  Robert won’t sit on this, he’ll go after the deal himself. He reaches into his jacket, pulls out a handkerchief, and pats his forehead.

  “You can either give it to me, are I’ll take it.”

  Maybe I can get out and make a run for it.

  As if it was fate, the driver slams on his brakes. Realizing, this may be my only chance to get away, I quickly unlock the door and jump out of the vehicle.

  The light turns green and horns sound off, and people yell, but I don’t care. I rush across the busy road with no idea of where I’m going or what my next move will be.

  Have I just made the worst mistake of my life?


  Present day

  Low on options, I turn to the only person left for me to trust—my brother. Despite us living in the same town, I haven’t seen him in years. In a way, I think that’s for the best.

  The one thing that ties us together, our bloodline, is also the thing that keeps us apart. He hates our father, even more than I do. He was disowned for following his own path—getting help for an addiction that almost killed him.

  It’s funny how the thing which tore him down was the same thing that built him up. Turns out it was the best thing that ever happened to him. Now, he has a family and life he can be proud of. Maybe I should have done the same, but I couldn’t. I didn’t have the heart to. Not if it meant leaving our mother behind.

  Still, I wonder how different my life would have been if I had walked away as well. Would I have the house with the white picket fence? Would I have the husband who loves me? And beautiful children? Or perhaps my fate would be different, and I’d end up like my mother, turning to alcohol and pills to get through my days and a self-imposed depression.

  I’ve been closed off from the world for three days, holed up in a hotel under an alias, hiding from everyone and from everything. After hours of pondering over the what if’s and maybes, I’ve concluded, I don’t know who I am. The person I know is the one I was groomed to be.

  I’ve felt almost every negative emotion a person can feel—anger, regret, hurt, confused. I’ve been lying to myself when I said I didn’t want to be loved or in love.

  I’ve picked up the phone at least twenty times, considering whether are not I should call Alexander. Then I remember, the last day I saw him…the last time we were together, and, the way he treated me. He loved me once. I could feel it when he touched me, when he held me, and when he made love to me.

  Alexander trusted me with his secrets, with his livelihood, and with his heart. And because I didn’t know how to do the same, I pushed him away.

  The hotel phone ring and it startles me. No one is supposed to know I’m here. In the past few days, I haven’t heard anything more than my own whimpers. The television’s been on, but I muted the sound. At the last minute, I race over the bed and pick up the receiver. I’m about to say hello but change my mind. What if it’s Robert? By now, I’m certain he’s furious.

  “Are you there?”

  It’s Alexander. His voice is strained, and he sounds worried. As much as I want to say something, I don’t. He holds the line for some seconds and hangs up.

  The next time it rings, I don’t bother to answer it. Grabbing a pillow, I cradle in a fetal position and hold it close, imagining Alexander’s arms around me.

  All the crying has worn me down. Here and now, this is my break from life. I’m dozing off when a noise wakes me. I’m not sure where it came from, and I wait to hear it again. Moments later, I do.

  Someone is knocking on the door.

  I peep out the spy hole. It’s Alexander. As if he can hear me breathing, I cover my mouth, press my back against the door, and slide to the floor.

  “Open the door. We need to talk.”

  I remain quiet, hoping he’ll just go away.

  “I’ll stay out here all night if I have to. Please, just open the door. I’ve been worried sick, and I just want to see you.”

  “How did you know I was here?”

  “It wasn’t easy. Now, let me in. You know I’ll never hurt you.”

  Doesn’t he know he already has?

  “What about last week when you came to my office? What was that?”

  “It was me being angry and hurt. I wanted you to feel some of what I’ve been going through over the last year. I’m sorry. I’ll never behave that way again. Please.”

  Exhaling, I shut my eyes tight. I’m in so much pain. And while Alexander is the cause of some of my pain, he’s also the cure.

  Slowly, I rise to my feet, dust off the sweat pants I’m wearing, and open the door.<
br />
  He pulls me close and holds me tight as if he’ll never let go. This is what I needed—to be cradled in his arms.

  “You shouldn’t have done that. You made me feel like Robert does.” There’s no end to my sniffling.

  “I’m sorry but I just…I had a moment. You taking on this alias name, Samantha Wright. Us pretending like we’re something we’re not. And then this thing with Judy and Karen, and their obsession with you. It’s too much. Game over. We’ve taken this far enough with Robert. We took him for a good ride. We planned it well but from now on I’m addressing you by your birth name, Olivia Collins.”

  “Things haven’t been easy for me either. I’m doing what I have to do.”

  “What you’re doing is torturing yourself. I just don’t get it. Why do you choose to be in so much pain?” If he would have asked me that same question a week ago, I wouldn’t have known the answer. But today, I do.

  “You know why?” He may be the only one who really does. “For the longest, all I’ve ever known is pain. I was raised in a house where love didn’t exist.”

  “And yet, you won’t let me in.” He releases a long breath.

  “You know, sometimes what starts off as an aching, lustful need, turns into something more…a desire for passion, a desire for companionship, and a need for love.”

  I hear him, and his words touch me deep.

  A whimper escapes me, and I don’t care if he sees me cry. As if he knows what I’m feeling, he lifts me into his arms and carries me to the bed. When he puts me down, I don’t want to let go.

  It’s not until he says, “I’m going to take care of you,” that I relax and release my hold.

  Never has any words comforted me more.

  I wake up and the first thing I notice is his arms are not around me.


  “I’m here.” He’s sitting at the desk over in the corner. The sight of him puts me at ease. I go over and wrap my arms around him.


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