Star Wars - The Wrath of Darth Maul

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Star Wars - The Wrath of Darth Maul Page 11

by Ryder Windham

  Sidious brought the lightsaber down on Maul. Maul waited for the pain and the shock of death.

  He was surprised when the lightsaber’s blade bounced off his shoulder.

  Sidious cackled merrily. He stood and looked at Maul. Then he tossed the lightsaber aside. Maul realized his Master had been using a harmless training saber.

  Maul leaned back against the cave wall. The rock bit into his back but he concentrated on the pain while his Master continued to laugh without mercy. When Sidious was done, he faced Maul end said. “Do you feel the hate?”

  Maul nodded.

  “Good, it is the source of your strength. You still hate me. No matter. Today you have delivered yourself into my hands. I have the power of life or death over you, Maul. Someday you will hold that power over another. It is the honor of the Sith. You will devote yourself to the idea of domination.”

  “But... what about the other apprentice?”

  “There is no other apprentice.

  Maul was astonished. He didn’t know what to say.

  “You have passed the test.”

  Maul could stilt taste his Master’s blood on his lips, but his rage was rapidly ebbing. He shifted his feet and realized he was standing on his lost lightsaber. He picked it and showed it to his belt.

  “From this day forward.” Sidious said,” you are a Sith Lord. You have chosen a path of darkness, the path of power. You are Lord Maul. You are my instrument.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Sidious smiled proudly. “Your rage. You enjoyed it? You enjoyed wanting to kill me?”

  “I took pleasure in it.”

  Sidious laughed again, but it was not a mocking laughter. “You will do well, Lord Maul.”

  Maul realized he no longer felt any anger toward Sidious. He felt only... loyally.

  Sidious and Maul returned to Coruscant, where a medical droid tended to Mauls injuries. Maul had felt drained by his trials on Hypori, but within several days he felt stronger than ever before. Now that he was a Sith Lord, he was empowered by a sense of purpose.

  He was fully recovered when Sidious summoned him to his private library. He found Sidious examining an ancient pyramidal holocron. Maul knew from his studies that the Holocron was a Sith artifact, used to preserve data.

  Sidious glanced at his apprentice. “You are a formidable warrior. Lord Maul. Now you need a weapon to match. I have spent many hours perusing the Sith archives, and I believe I have found something appropriate for your fighting skills.” He brushed his fingers along one edge of the holocron, and a moment later, the holocron projected a hologram of a double-ended lightsaber.

  Maul stared at the hologram, fascinated by the weapon’s appearance. Imagining the damage it would inflict, he suddenly felt eager to wield such a lightsaber.

  “This will be your weapon, Lord Maul. In order to serve me well, you must be invincible.” Pointing to the hologram, he continued, “You must build the lightsaber yourself so that you know it intimately. It will be fitted for your hand, balanced for your stroke. You shall train with it until it is a part of you. And then you shall join me on the greatest mission of all.”

  “What is that, Master?”

  “The domination of the entire galaxy.”


  Maul was exercising in his training room on Coruscant and had just completed a triple backward flip when he heard the signal on his comlink. He pressed a button on the comlink and heard his Master’s voice. “Strategy room. Now.”

  Maul strode fast to a turbolift and ascended to his Master’s strategy-and-communications room. Maul suspected his Master wanted to give him an update about his plan that involved the Neimoidian Trade Federation.

  Although Maul did not know every detail of his Master’s current project, he was aware that Sidious had established an alliance with the greedy Neimoidians. The Neimoidians were angry because the Galactic Senate had imposed taxation on the former Free Trade Zones of the Republic’s outlying star systems, but then Sidious told the Neimoidians how they could force an end to the new regulations, allowing them to reap even greater profits. Sidious had instructed the Neimoidians to use their battleships to form a blockade around a planet Naboo, and then deploy battle droids to invade the world. After the invasion, the Neimoidians would force Queen Amidala to sign a treaty with the Trade Federation, a treaty that would convince the Republic Senate that the Neimoidians had assumed control of Naboo legally. Maul trusted that this project was part of a larger scheme, and that his Master would explain everything in time.

  Exiting the turbolift, Maul found Sidious waiting in the center of the strategy room, in front of the holocomm station. Sidious was wearing his robe with the hood draped across his back. He did not look pleased.

  “The Neimoidians are signaling me,” Sidious said, the irritation evident in his voice. “I want you to hear the transmission.” Raising his hood to conceal his face, he continued. “No doubt they have contacted me because of some ridiculous setback that has sent them into a panic. Stay out of sight.”

  Maul moved to the side, stepping into a shadowy alcove near the comm console.

  Maul watched as holograms of two Neimoidians materialized in the air before Sidious. Humanoids with lumpy grayish-green flesh and eyes with horizontal irises, the Neimoidians were Viceroy Nute Gunray, the leader of the Trade Federation, and Daultay Dofine, the captain of the Trade Federation’s flagship vessel. Nute was distinguished by a tall, crested tiara. Daultay’s head was topped by a command officer’s gray miter, and his face wore an especially worried expression.

  Sidious said. “What is it?”

  “This scheme of yours has failed, Lord Sidious.” Daultay replied, trembling. “We dare not go against these Jedi.”

  Jedi?! Maul saw his Master stiffen in anger, and then another hologram appeared in the air. Transmitted by the Neimoidians, the hologram showed a pair of Jedi - a bearded Jedi Master and his younger Padawan apprentice - seated in a meeting room in the Neimoidians’ battleship.

  Sidious sneered as he said, “Viceroy. I don’t want this stunted slime in my sight again.”

  The cowardly Daultay ducked and shuffled out of view. Still facing Nute Gunray, Sidious continued, “This turn of events is unfortunate. We must accelerate our plans. Begin landing your troops.”

  Nute gasped. “My lord, is that... legal?”

  “I will make it legal.”

  Nute’s lumpy brow furrowed. “And the Jedi?”

  “The Chancellor should never have brought them into this. Kill them immediately.”

  “Yes. Yes, my lord,” Nute said hesitantly. “Uh... as you wish.”

  Sidious broke the connection and the holograms faded out. A question formed in Maul’s mind. He knew that he should remain silent, that to interrupt his Master’s thoughts almost always brought harsh consequences. Unable to wait, Maul said. “Do you think the Neimoidians are capable of destroying the Jedi. Master? They are fools.”

  Sidious nodded slowly. “Yes, they are fools. But even fools are sometimes lucky”

  Maul returned to his training room. He moved his hand over a sensor on a curved wall, and then the wall panel slid back to offer a sweeping view of Coruscant. The city appeared to spread out above, below, and around Maul. The sun was setting, and he watched the sky shirt to crimson. As millions of gleaming windows and passing starships reflected the color of the sky, Maul thought the entire world looked as if it were bathed in blood. He thought it was beautiful.

  And then he thought of the two Jedi who had arrived at the Neimoidians’ blockade at Naboo. He hoped the Neimoidians would fail to kill the Jedi. By the Force, he knew they would fail. And after all his years of training, he would be called into service to strike against the Sith's greatest enemy.

  Maul grimaced. He realized that by wishing for the Neimoidians to fail, he was also wishing for his Master’s order to fail. Maul did not like this contradiction, the conflict it presented. He did not want to be disloyal, but he couldn’t slop the
feeling that gnawed within him...

  The Jedi are mine. Mine to hunt. Mine to destroy.

  The feeling wasn’t purely selfish. Maul wanted his Master to see that he was a worthy apprentice. As far as Maul was concerned, all his previous tests had been trivial. Tb fight the Jedi would be his first true test. The ultimate test.

  From Maul’s vantage point in Sidious’s lair, the Jedi Temple was not visible. He closed his eyes and visualized the Temple in his mind and saw a smoking ruin. The bodies of fallen Jedi Knights and their small Padawans littered the stairwells and hallways. He saw himself standing in the rubble, surrounded by Jedi corpses. He envisioned his Master arriving to meet him at the scene.

  Here is what I have done for you, Master.

  I am pleased. Lard Maul.

  Maul opened his eyes. His vision had been so realistic he could smell the blend of rising smoke and spilled blood. He had no doubt that he had seen something more than a dream. He knew he had glimpsed the future.

  It wasn’t long before Sidious once again summoned Maul to his strategy room. When Maul arrived, he found his Master wearing a quilted blue cloak with Naboo-style bloused sleeves. Sidious shrugged out of the cloak and donned his dark hooded robe.

  With his face lost in shadows beneath the hood, he glanced at Maul as he gestured to the dark alcove a short distance behind the single seat at the communications console. “Stand over there.” Sidious said. “Remain in the background. I may need you. Who knows what those Neimoidian slugs have managed to bungle this time?”

  Sidious seated himself in front of the holoprojector and initiated a transmission to Nine Gunray’s battleship. Maul watched from the dark alcove as a hologram of Nute and his diplomatic attaché Rune Haako materialized in the air before Sidious.

  Eyeing the two Neimoidians, Sidious said. “What is your report of the invasion?”

  “We control all the cities in the North,” Nute replied, “and are searching for any other settlements.”

  “And Queen Amidala, has she signed the treaty?”

  “She has disappeared, my lord.” Nute said ruefully. “One Naboo cruiser got past the blockade.”

  Sidious snarled. “I want that treaty signed.”

  “My lord, it’s impossible to locate the ship. It’s out of our range”

  “Not for a Sith,” Sidious said. With a discreet motion of his hand that only Maul could see. Sidious gestured for Maul to approach. Maul stepped forward so he stood just behind his Master. He braced his arms across his chest and stared down at the Neimoidians’ holograms.

  Sidious continued, “This is my apprentice, Darth Maul. He will find your lost ship.”

  Maul saw the look of surprise and dismay on the faces of both Nute and Rune Haako as they shifted their gazes from Sidious to him. He thought, Yes, you fools. There are two of us.

  Sidious broke the connection with Neimoidians. Turning to face Maul, he said. “Those incompetents have performed worse than my lowest expectations. Queen Amidala must sign that treaty.” He clenched his teeth “The Jedi are behind this, of course. They are becoming a nuisance and must be eliminated. Find them.”

  Maul bowed. “I will find them, Master. I will not fail.”

  Sio Bibble, the governor of Naboo and chair of the Naboo Royal Advisory Council, was among the many citizens captured by the Neimoidians during the invasion of Naboo. Maul scavenged holographic datatapes to replicate Sio Bubble’s likeness and voice and created a fragmented message from the white-haired, bearded governor. Reviewing the message, Maul watched Bibble’s simulated likeness say urgently “...cut off all food supplies until you return. The death toll is catastrophic. We must bow to their wishes. You must contact me.”

  Maul’s plan was to transmit the message and establish a connection trace to pinpoint the location of Queen Amidala’s starship. He routed die transmission so it would appear to originate from the Royal Palace on Naboo. And then he waited.

  It did not take long for Maul to intercept a response, a brief encrypted message that said the Queen was safe and would soon return to Naboo. The response came from a small sand planet in the Arkanis sector, in the Outer Rim Territories. The planet’s name was Tatooine.

  Maul found Darth Sidious standing on a balcony that curved around the outside of their secret lair on Coruscant. Sidious was apparently oblivious to the airships that whizzed past the balcony as he gazed out over the skyscrapers that illuminated the night. As Maul approached, he heard his Master mutter...

  “Far above, far above.

  We don’t know where we’ll fall.

  Far above, far above.

  What once was great is rendered small.”

  Sidious glanced at Maul. Maul recalled the verse from his childhood and wondered why his Master had recited it, but he did not ask.

  Sidious began walking on the balcony and Maul fell into step alongside him. Maul said, “A connection tract suggests the Queen is on Tatooine. She might be hiding there while she plans to retake her planet.”

  Sidious shook his head. “She is not so brave. She still trusts the power of the Senate. No, that is not why they landed on Tatooine. And the reason is not your concern. Just find them.”

  “Tatooine is sparsely populated.” Maul said. “If the trace was correct, I will find them quickly, Master.”

  “Move against the Jedi first. You will then have no difficulty taking the Queen to Naboo to sign the treaty.”

  Sidious came to a stop at the edge of the balcony. Maul stopped beside him and said, “At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge.”

  “You have been well trained, my apprentice. They will be no match for you.”

  Leaving his Master on the balcony. Maul proceeded to the hangar that housed his personal starship, the Sith Infiltrator named Scimitar. Sidious had given him the vessel, which was equipped with a powerful hyperdrive, weapons, and a rare cloaking device that rendered the ship completely invisible. Maul had used the ship on numerous missions on behalf of his Master, including recent attacks on the interstellar criminal organization Black Sun and Bartokk assassins on the planet Ralltiir.

  After boarding the ship, he entered Tatooine’s coordinates into the starship’s navicomputer to plot his course through hyperspace, a course that would have him leave Coruscant via the Corellian Run and then shift to the Triellus Trade Route to reach Tatooine’s binary star system in the Arkanis sector. Minutes later, seated behind the Scimitar’s controls, he was rising away from Coruscant when he realized his entire body was tingling with excitement.

  He could hardly wait to kill Jedi.


  The Scimitar dropped out of hyperspace. Maul glanced through a shielded viewport to see the twin suns of the Tatoo system, then spotted a third point of light that was so bright it could have easily been mistaken for a small star. Maul checked the nav console and confirmed the third body was Tatooine.

  Although Maul did not expect to spend much time on the sand planet, he had briefed himself about what he would find there. The Republic had no functional presence on Tatooine, which was essentially run by the Hutts, large sluglike beings whose criminal enterprises spanned the galaxy. Because water on Tatooine was so scarce, most colonists were moisture farmers. Indigenous natives included bright-eyed Jawas, hooded scavengers who drove enormous sandcrawlers through the desert in search of scrap metal and abandoned vehicles. There were also nomadic masked savages called the Tusken Raiders, known to moisture limners as Sand People, who rode large creatures called banthas. From what Maul had gathered about the Sand People, he doubled that Queen Amidala and the Jedi would seek refuge with them. Everyone avoided Sand People.

  A light flashed on the comm console. The Scimitar had picked up a distress signal from a nearby ship. Maul sighted the ship on his viewscreen, saw it was a small space cruiser that had stalled in a shipping lane. He ignored the distress signal, but as he passed by the ship, the signal grew louder, and then a voice cried from the comm, “Help us! P
lease, help us!”

  Maul saw a large bulk freighter tumble out of hyperspace, and he assumed the freighter had arrived to assist the stalled ship. But then the stalled ship’s engines fired and it raced after the Scimitar while the freighter came up fast on Maui’s other side. Through his viewport, Maul saw panels slide on the freighter’s hull to reveal proton-torpedo launchers.

  Pirates. Maul brought his fist down on the edge of his console. He felt foolish and furious for letting down his guard, for letting his ship be sighted, for leaving himself open to an attack. He did not want any witnesses to his arrival on Tatooine. His mission was too important. But he knew that the pirates had never seen a ship like his before, that they were fully intent on seizing it. He dared not activate the Scimitar's cloaking device, because that would only draw more attention to the ships existence. The pirates would love to get their hands on an exotic cloak, and if they couldn’t, they would doubtlessly talk about the ship, and their talk might reach the Jedi on Tatooine. All these thoughts raced through his head in just a few seconds.

  Maul knew he would have to kill the pirates. Every one of them.

  He increased energy to the Scimitar's deflector shields as he angled away from the other ships, but they veered along with him and cut him off, just as he had expected. Then the space cruiser opened fire and the Scimitar was rocked by the blast, a warning shot. He responded by cutting power, letting his deflector shields fall. The Scimitar came to a dead stop in space.

  Anticipating that the pirates would board the Scimitar, he went to the back of his ship and climbed into a cramped escape pod. As the pod’s hatch sealed with a hiss, he consulted a monitor to watch the bulk freighter draw closer. An armored docking tube extended from the freighter.


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