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Star Wars - The Wrath of Darth Maul

Page 13

by Ryder Windham

  He soon saw the Queen’s starship, still resting where his droid had sighted it earlier. Despite a layer of dust, the ship’s highly polished silver exterior gleamed under the bright desert sky. The ship’s boarding ramp was lowered.

  And then Maul sighted two figures in front of him, both running toward the ship. The nearest figure appeared to be a child, a young boy. Beyond the boy was the tall Jedi.

  Maul sensed something about the boy. The boy seemed to emanate ripples in the Force, but the ripples were unfocused, uncontrolled. This surprised Maul but did not distract him. He stayed focused on his target, the Jedi. If he happened also to mow down the boy in his path, so be it.

  Maul accelerated. He was almost on top of the boy when the Jedi turned and shouted, and then the boy fell flat to the ground. As Maul’s bike passed over the boy's prone body. Maul realized the Jedi must have commanded the boy to fall. He was intrigued by the fact that the boy had obeyed without hesitation, without looking back. Most boys would have stopped and turned.

  Dismissing the boy as insignificant. Maul cut the bike’s engine and leaped from it, sailing over the Jedi’s head as he activated his lightsaber in midair. The Jedi activated his own green-bladed lightsaber and raised it fast to block Maul’s sweeping blade. The lightsabers met with a bright flash of energy before Maul landed on his feet in a tight crouch.

  The pain in his leg was exquisite.

  Up close, Maul saw the Jedi was a big man. The Jedi shouted at the boy to go. Maul swung hard with his lightsaber but the Jedi blocked the blow. The Jedi shouted, “Tell them to take off!”

  As the boy ran for the Queen’s ship. Maul lashed out at the Jedi again and again, but the Jedi blocked each blow. Maul was suddenly aware that the Jedi seemed to anticipate each lunge and jab, as if he knew how Maul would move before Maul himself knew. Maul drew from the dark side of the Force and began to move faster, increasing the speed of his lunges along with his footwork. The Jedi kept up with Maul, but Maul soon sensed...

  He’s gelling tired.

  Maul felt the pain in his leg become more intense. He became angry at himself for being wounded, used the anger to fuel the dark side, and directed his rage at the Jedi. Maul was certain he would defeat his opponent.

  He will fall heavily, like a monument.

  But the Jedi did not falter. As Maul spun and moved around the Jedi, he saw the Queen’s starship lift off. He also saw the hoarding ramp was still extended.

  Maul leaped over the Jed, blocking his path to the rising ship, as their lightsabers continued to weave and smash into each other. The ship had just moved above their position when the Jedi leaped straight up and landed on the extended ramp, his lightsaber still blazing.

  Maul watched the ship rise away from the desert, taking the Jedi with it. He deactivated his lightsaber and continued to stand where his feet were planted. Within seconds, the ascending ship vanished in the sky.

  Maul lasted sand in his mouth. And blood. He continued to watch the sky as he felt almost overwhelmed by his humiliation. He had never felt such shame before. The shame was darker than any darkness he had ever known.

  He found the darkness pleasing.

  Maul had no reason to remain on Tatooine. He recovered his speeder bike and rode back to the Scimitar.

  He transmitted a report, notifying his Master that the Jedi had escaped with Queen Amidala, and that he would be returning directly to Coruscant. He did not mention his run-in with the Togorian pirates in his report. nor his less significant encounter with the Sand People, because he knew his Master would be displeased. His Master would not be interested in explanations. His Master would only accuse him of allowing himself to be snared by the pirates and distracted by the Sand People.

  As the Sith Infiltrator lifted away from Tatooine. Maul continued to contemplate how Sidious would respond if he learned about his apprentice’s misadventures. If Maul admitted he had sustained a leg wound, his Master would regard him as weak. But because his leg wound was already almost healed, he questioned whether it was even necessary to inform his Master about it.

  Concealing details from his Master was impossible. Sidious always knew everything about Maul’s thoughts and actions. However, Maul knew his Master would not wish to be distracted by information that had nothing to do with conquering Naboo and destroying the Jedi. A wounded leg was beyond trivial. If he and his Master were to proceed, they would focus on moving forward.

  The Sith Infiltrator left Tatooine’s orbit and launched into hyperspace.


  Arriving at Coruscant, Maul guided the Scimitar to the dark hemisphere, where night had fallen, angling past illuminated skyscrapers to the spire that housed Sidious’s secret headquarters. He docked the Infiltrator in a landing bay, checked to make sure the landing bay was secure and then went to meet with his Master.

  He found Sidious’s hooded figure seated in the middle of the otherwise empty medication room. The dour slid closed behind Maul. Sidious said. “Report.”

  “Queen Amidala and the Jedi were on Tatooine, Master. A Jedi and a young boy were running for the Queen’s starship when I came upon them in the desert. The Jedi and I dueled. I nearly had him. But the boy reached the ship, the ship lifted off, and the Jedi leaped to it. I failed to stop them, Master.”

  Because of his Master’s cowl. Maul could not see his face, slaying alert for any blight twitch at the mouth or change in skin tone that would indicate his Master was angry. But his Master’s expression remained neutral as he said, “You feel you would have defeated this Jedi?”

  “Yes, Master. I felt him tire. I can defeat him.”

  “Was he bearded?”

  Maul nodded.

  “Good. That is Qui-Gon Jinn. He is the stronger of the two. His Padawan is Obi-Wan Kenobi.”

  Sidious sounded satisfied, which puzzled Maul. He had imagined Sidious would be furious with him for failing to stop the Jedi and the Queen. But then it suddenly occurred to Maul... The Jedi will deliver the Queen to Coruscant, because the foolish Queen will think the Senate can help her. Maul realized he could have another opportunity to please his Master. But before he could announce his deduction, his Master said, “Queen Amidala believes the Galactic Senate will support her. She has already arrived on Coruscant. She is staying in the Senatorial quarters.”

  Maul stiffened. “And the Jedi?”

  “They are on Coruscant as well.”

  Maul’s hand shifted to the hilt of his lightsaber. He felt a burning that began in his chest and spread outward. “Let me kill them, Master.”

  “Not here.” Sidious said. “Not on Coruscant. I have another plan.”

  And then Maul sensed Sidious was preoccupied by other thoughts. He seemed oblivious to Maul’s presence. Maul left the meditation room and went to his own quarters.

  As soon as he was alone, he wondered whether his Master was actually furious and was now only delaying punishment. Is he aware of my battle with the pirates? Of my foolish decision to follow the bantha tracks? Did he sense my leg wound? Maul would not be surprised if his Master was just waiting to punish him like never before. He felt ashamed.

  But then he thought of his Master’s teachings. Think of the now. Think of the future. Do not meditate on the past.

  Maul knew what he must do. He would use his shame, turn it inward to feed the darkness and hatred that flowed through his veins. He would direct his fury at his enemy, the Jedi named Qui-Gon Jinn.

  In the past. Maul had never cared about the names of the people he’d killed. To him, enemies were nothing more than targets. But now he said Qui-Gon Jinn’s name aloud. He clenched his teeth and repeated the name, then began chanting it like a curse.

  I will destroy you, Qui-Gon Jinn. I will see the shock in your eyes when I run you through, Qui-Gon Jinn. I will stand over your dead body in triumph, Qui-Gon Jinn.

  Because of you, I failed my Master.

  You will pay.

  Hours passed. Maul’s comlink chirped. His Master was s
ummoning him to the strategy room. Maul went. He found his Master shrugging out of the robe he wore in his guise as Palpatine, and realized his Master had returned from the Senate building,

  “Queen Amidala will attempt to bring the Senate to her cause,” Sidious said with pleasure. “She will ask them to outlaw the Trade Federation blockade of Naboo.” He chortled happily.

  Maul had never seen his Master in such a jovial mood. He thought. My mistakes don’t matter. Unless he is distracted by current events and will turn on me later...

  “I anticipate the Queen will return to Naboo.” Sidious continued. “No doubt the Jedi will accompany her. Foolish girl.” He smiled at Maul. “Come. Let us contact the Neimoidians and share the good news.”

  Sidious pulled on his dark robe, lifted its hood up over his head, stood before the communications console, and activated the holocomm. Maul stayed out of sight in the alcove behind Sidious’s seat and watched as holograms of Nute Gunray and Rune Haako materialized in the air. Many light-years away, in Theed Royal Palace on the planet Naboo, Nute looked anxious as he said, “Yes, Lord Sidious?”

  ‘The Queen will soon be on her way to you. I regret she is of no further use to us. Destroy her when she arrives.”

  Nute nodded. “Yes, my lord.”

  “Is the planet secure?”

  “We have taken over the last pockets of primitive life-forms. We are in complete control of the planet now.”

  “Good,” Sidious said. “I will see to it that in the Senate, things stay as they are. I am sending my apprentice, Darth Maul, to join you.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  Sidious broke the connection and die holograms disappeared. Stilt facing the comm console, he laughed. “Soon the Neimoidians will no longer be useful to us. What a fine day that will be.” He turned to face Maul. “Make sure the Neimoidians take care of Queen Amidala. You yourself must destroy the Jedi. Do not fail me again.”

  Maul bowed to his Muster, then left quickly for the Sith Infiltrator.

  When the Scimitar exited hyperspace in the Naboo system, Maul saw a single Droid Control Ship, the only remnant of the Trade Federation’s blockade, in Naboo’s orbit. Although the Neimoidians were expecting his arrival, Maul had activated the Scimitar's cloaking technology to guarantee they would not be aware of his ship approaching the planet. He thought it would be best if he presented himself to Nute Gunray unannounced.

  Naboo was a small world, covered by grassy plains, verdant mountains, and clear, unpolluted seas and fakes. As Maul descended through the atmosphere, he saw a flock of large, graceful birds soaring away from a waterfall that plunged over the edge of a steep cliff. Maul imagined what Naboo would be like if it were reduced to a lifeless, smoldering rock. He grinned at the thought.

  He guided the Scimitar to the capital city of Theed. The city’s architecture consisted primarily of elegantly designed domed structures, most of which appeared quite old but also well maintained. The largest structure was Theed Royal Palace, an interconnected cluster of domed spires that rose from a high cliff. As Maul landed his ship, he thought of Queen Amidala growing up in such rich, computable surroundings, with her handmaidens and assorted servants seeing to her every need.

  Pampered weaklings.

  From Maul’s perspective, death could not come soon enough for the people of Naboo.

  The Neimoidians had seized Theed Royal Palace as their own headquarters, and had settled into its lavish rooms as if they had owned it for years. Maul found Nute Gunray in Queen Amidala’s private bedroom. He was lying sound asleep on a plush touch, a coverlet of soft shimmersilk draped over his body. Maul yanked away the coverlet and delivered a swift, hard kick to Nute’s side.

  Waking in a panic, Nute exclaimed, “Are they invading?!” And then he saw Darth Maul looming over him.

  Maul glared with open disgust at the Neimoidian leader. “Get out. These are now my quarters.”

  Nute scrambled to his feet He was taller than Maul, but Maul looked at him as if he were an insignificant bug. Nute tried to take the shimmersilk coverlet with him, but Maul snatched it and tore it in half. Maul said. “Send someone to remove the traces of your presence here.”

  Eager to distance himself from Maul, Nute shuffled quickly out of the bedroom. Maul looked around at the Queen’s furnishings and laughed. He had no desire to sleep in such an extravagant room, but he had enjoyed terrifying Nute.

  Leaving the bedroom. Maul thoroughly inspected the palace. Everywhere he looked, from the floor-to-ceiling windows to the grand hallways and staircases, he saw evidence of line craftsmanship. He reconsidered the bedroom. Although he had been raised to associate luxury with weakness, he found satisfaction in the idea that there was nothing to stop him from claiming the palace as his own. There were no rules for how and where the Sith Lords should leave after they achieve their goals and Maul doubted that his Master expected him to rule from a small room with bare walls. He wondered if he had been too quick to envision laying waste to the entire planet. He could imagine worse fates that ruling from the opulent palace. And the Naboo plains and forests were rich with wild beasts ready for slaughter.

  He made his way to the throne room. There he found Nute, seated on the throne, talking with Rune Haako. The Neimoidians looked up with alarm as Maul approached. Maul took pleasure in watching Nute cling desperately to the throne’s broad arms, as if Maul might yank it out from underneath him. Maul said. “Status report.” Unable to meet Maul’s gaze, Nute winked his large eyes and said, “Things are... er, going well.”

  “Most of the Naboo people have been captured.” Rune chimed in. “We have them in camps. A few have eluded us, but we shall crush them soon. As for Queen Amidala, every Trade Federation troop in the area is on alert, watching for her ship. We expect her to land in the city’s central plaza, and that she will attempt to negotiate with us while using the Jedi as her shields. She will not slip through any of our safeguards.”

  Maul scowled. “Unless she is already here.”

  The Neimoidians glanced at each other and cried out at the same time, “Impossible!”

  “I suggest we inspect the security around the plaza.”

  Nute and Rune babbled their approval. They shuffled after Maul as he led them outside to the wide plaza. Maul imagined that the plaza was usually crowded with citizens, musicians, and merchants and the air was filled with conversation and singing birds. But now the only sound was the distant, clanking footfalls of droid troops. Maul enjoyed the desolation. However, he was not deceived by the overall quiet. Looking up at the cloudless sky, he thought, A storm is coming. A death storm.

  Jedi will die.

  Rune pointed to a detachment of Federation battle droids that was marching across the opposite end of the plaza. He said, “They are timed to cover the plaza every fifteen minutes.”

  “Make it every five,” Maul said as he scanned the surrounding buildings.

  “But Lord Maul,” Rune said uneasily, “What of the few citizens who have so far resisted us? Shouldn’t we keep the troops spread out?”

  Maul fixed his yellow eyes on Rune. “Do you think,” Maul said, “the Queen will dawdle when she arrives, and simply wait for you to pick her up? Think, cretin, Where do you think she’ll be heading?”

  “Five-minute patrols?” Nute barked into his comlink. “Cover the plaza every five minutes!”

  Maul gestured to the balconies that overlooked the plaza. “There should be surveillance at all times. Infrared sensors to alert the patrols.”

  “It shall be done,” Rune said.

  Nute’s comlink signaled. He glanced at it anxiously.

  “I suggest you answer that,” Maul said, “or I’ll throw you over a waterfall.”

  Nute pressed a button on his comlink and said,


  The voice of a battle droid command officer responded flatly, ‘The Queen’s starship has been found in the Naboo swamps, Viceroy.”

  Nute looked stunned. “Have you captured her?”<
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  “The ship is empty. Viceroy,” the officer replied. “There is no sign of the Queen’s party. They have disappeared.”

  Nute and Rune glanced at each other. Rune’s mouth was agape. Neither dared to face Maul. Still clutching the comlink, Nute said, voice trembling, “Send out patrols. Search for her.”

  Maul grabbed the comlink and switched it off. Through clenched teeth, he hissed at Nute. “Everything is under control, you say? You’ll pay for this. Now we must contact Lord Sidious.”

  Nute nodded obediently as his mottled face turned a mote sickly shade of green.

  Maul led the two Neimoidians back to the palace’s throne room. Nute sealed himself quickly on the throne. Maul stood near Nute while Rune activated the holocomm, sending a transmission to Sidious. A moment later, a hologram of Maul’s hooded Master flickered to life. Sidious said, “Yes, Viceroy?”

  “Lord Sidious.” Nute cleared his throat. “The Queen and the Jedi... they are on Naboo, but did not arrive where we expected.”

  Sidious frowned slightly, then said. “Go on.”

  “We’ve sent out patrols” Nute continued. “We already located their starship in the swamp. It won’t be long, my lord.”

  “This is an unexpected move for her,” Sidious said. “It’s too aggressive.” His hologram shifted. Even though Sidious’s eyes were lost in shadow. Maul knew that his Master’s gaze was now on him. “Lord Maul, be mindful. Let them make the first move,”

  “Yes, My Master.”

  While the Neimoidians scurried about the palace Maul stood in a dark chamber near the throne room and meditated. He visualized the fight he knew would come, the inevitable duel with Qui-Gon Jinn. On Tatooine. he knew he had been wearing down the Jedi Knight. He had sensed that Qui-Gon Jinn fought without fear, but also without hate.

  He will know fear. And I will make him hate me.

  Maul heard someone running toward him. Annoyed by the interruption, he turned to face Nute Gunray. Nute cried out, “She is assembling an army!”


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