Tiffany Madison's MFM Collection

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Tiffany Madison's MFM Collection Page 5

by Tiffany Madison

  Taken By The Outlaw Biker And His Gang 2

  I sat on my bed, counting the stack of hundreds that Mercy had left on our doorstep that morning. He said it was my dad’s new bonus for being a new high-ranking member in the Sibling’s Of Freedom motorcycle club. My dad wasn’t going to believe it when I showed it to him.

  “Five thousand dollars?” I whispered to myself.

  My dad was still asleep upstairs and I didn’t want to wake him. The night before was long for both of us. He nearly got kicked out of the Sibling’s because he got into a pinch and was forced to rat out another member. I didn’t know the exact details of what had happened, but I was able to help my dad get out of the trouble he was in. Mercy, the Sibling’s main leader, wanted to have a night with me in exchange for getting my dad out of trouble and I obliged. I had to help my dad, and letting Mercy have his way with me was the least I could do for him.

  I counted and re-counted the money, still in complete awe of how much cash was in my hands. I hadn’t seen that much money in my entire life. I had a job as a hostess at a local restaurant and the biggest check I had seen was one-tenth that much.

  I wrapped the stack of cash in a rubber band and stood up to get dressed and ready for the day. My pussy was still sore from the night before with Mercy. I didn’t really mind, though, because it just reminded me of the amazing sex we had.

  Mercy, the leader of the most notorious motorcycle gang in the state, I thought. What a way to lose my virginity.

  A little smirk came on my face as I replayed the night before in my mind. Mercy was so gorgeous and powerful but he was also 100% trouble. No good could come from me associating with him any more than I absolutely had to.

  I walked up to my mirror and slipped off my t-shirt and yoga pants that I had slept in. I turned around and looked at my hips, which still had red marks from Mercy’s grip.

  Damn, I thought.

  The rough sex was more intense than I had remembered. I wondered how long it would take for the red marks to go away.

  I gazed in the mirror again at my changing body. I still couldn’t believe how much more developed I had gotten in just the few short months since high school had ended. My hips and breasts seemed like they were more developed every day. I still looked young, but I was starting to look more like a woman and I liked it.

  I slipped on some jean shorts and a cute little blue tank top that my dad had bought me when we when shopping. I decided I wanted to go to the mall and hang out with my girlfriends, because my plans to do that the night before had been ruined by the ordeal with the motorcycle club.

  I sent my friend Jenny a text: Let’s meet at South Lanes Mall at 2. Kewl?

  I had so many things that I wanted to tell my girlfriends about. They weren’t going to believe it when I told them I had had sex with Mercy from the Siblings Of Freedom.

  I heard some rustling upstairs.

  “Daddy!” I shouted.

  I made sure I grabbed the stack of money and then skipped out to the living room. My dad walked down the stairs, with sleep still in his eyes.

  He smiled widely when he saw me. He took a big sigh and then shook his head.

  “Some night, huh?” he said.

  I nodded in agreement.

  “Yes, that was one crazy night. I hope you aren’t mad about what I did with Mercy, but it was for your own good. It was the only way we were going to get you out of that mess,” I said.

  My dad sat down at the kitchen table. He looked disappointed with himself.

  “Thanks, Ashley. You saved my ass,” he said.

  I tossed the wad of money onto the table in front of him and his eyes widened when he saw it.

  “What’s all this from?” he asked, immediately questioning where I could have come up with that amount of money.

  “Daddy, I went outside early this morning for some fresh air and there was a box that Mercy had left on our doorstep. The money was in there, along with a note. The note said that the money is just part of your new bonus as a high-ranking member of the club.”

  My dad’s face lit up when he heard that.

  “You’re kidding me, honey!” he shouted. “This is great!”

  I was even more excited than he was. It felt good to have finally contributed and I had a feeling that it was just the beginning.

  “Things are about to change for the better,” I said. “I can feel it.”

  My dad stood up and put his arm around my shoulder, squeezing me tight.

  “I think you’re right, kid,” he responded. “Maybe it’s our time to be moving up in the world.”

  He kissed me on the forehead and then turned to walk downstairs.

  “The boys and I have a ride planned for today. It’s a charity ride, so I promise I’ll stay out of trouble,” he said, giving me a wink. “Give me a call if you need anything. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  He walked halfway down the stairs and then stopped and turned around.

  “Oh, and honey,” he said, with a smile on his face. “Half of that money is yours. Go have some fun with it.”

  My jaw hit the floor.

  “Really?!” I said, excitedly.

  He was already out the door, but yelled back, “Yes, really!”

  A few seconds later, I heard him start his motorcycle and then take off down the road. As the sound of his bike faded off into the distance, I sat down at the kitchen table and counted out half of the stack of hundred dollar bills.

  This is incredible, I thought. I’m going on a shopping spree!

  I heard my phone buzz on the nightstand in my bedroom, so I ran to go see who it was. There was a text from Jenny saying: Yep, 2 sounds good. I’ll see you then!

  I needed to take a shower and get ready to go. I only had a few hours before I would be meeting her.

  I slipped off my clothes and hopped in the shower. I let the hot water cover my body, relaxing me after a long and hard night. The image of Mercy, naked and on top of me, flashed into my mind. I thought about his tattoos that were glistening in the thin layer of sweat that was covering his body. I remembered his huge dick and how it felt when he slipped it inside of me.

  Just thinking about him got me turned on. I brought my hand down to my pussy and immediately got wet. I touched my clit, trying to get the feeling that Mercy had given me the night before with his tongue, but it just wasn’t the same.

  I slid two of my fingers inside, and started fingering myself while the water splashed down on me. It felt good, but it left me a little bit disappointed. It didn’t feel nearly as good as having Mercy’s cock inside of me and I knew that I wouldn’t ever be able to replace that.

  I have to have him again, I thought. There’s no way I can live without fucking him again. I’m a changed girl now, and touching myself just isn’t enough any more.

  After finishing up my shower, I went to my closet to find some clothes to wear. I wanted to wear something cute when I went to the mall with Jenny. I dug through my clothes and found the perfect outfit. It was a black mini skirt that I had been looking for an excuse to wear. My dad wouldn’t let me wear it to school because it was too short, but now that I was 18, I could wear whatever I wanted. I decided that my purple tube top would look good with it.

  I slipped them on and then spun around in the mirror. The skirt slid up and exposed my little butt in my blue thong.

  I giggled at myself and pulled the skirt back down. I didn’t remember it being that short, but it looked really sexy, so I kept it on. I sprayed some of my favorite fruity perfume on my neck. Then I threw the money in my purse, along with my cell phone and lipstick. I checked one last time in the mirror to make sure I looked good and then headed out of my bedroom and down the stairs.

  I was only halfway down the steps when I heard the sound of a motorcycle coming up the driveway. It didn’t sound like my dad’s bike, though.

  My heart started beating through my chest.

  Oh god, I thought. What in the hell is wrong now?

; I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. I listened as the motorcycle stopped near the house. Within a few seconds, I heard the sound of footsteps in the gravel driveway. They were coming towards the door.

  Shit, I thought.

  I stood patiently on the stairs and waited for whoever it was to ring the doorbell.

  Knock, knock, knock!

  They skipped the doorbell and knocked loudly on the door instead. I took another deep breath and headed down the stairs to answer it.

  “Mercy,” I whispered, as I opened the door to see the man who had roughly had his way with me the night before.

  He was leaning back with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

  “Hey, doll face,” he said. “Where’s your dad?”

  I smiled coyly. I was still amazed at how nervous he made me. He stood at least a foot taller than me and his authoritative presence was enough to fill up any room. He was wearing his leather vest, with no shirt underneath. His ripped, tattoo covered muscles were exposed along with the medallions that he carried around his neck. He was wearing black leather pants and black riding boots. He looked even sexier than he did the night before.

  “Um, I thought my dad was with you,” I responded. “He said you guys were doing some sort of charity ride.”

  The smirk that was on his face faded as he said, “Good. I’m glad he’s not here. I wanted to talk to you about business.”

  I looked at him quizzically and asked, “Aren’t you the leader of the club? Shouldn’t you be going on that ride with them?”

  An annoyed look came into his eyes and I realized that I had over stepped my bounds.

  “Listen, Ashley, I’m trying to be patient with you. Don’t ask about things that are none of your business,” he said, sternly.

  He took a breath and then leaned up against his motorcycle.

  “As the leader of the Siblings, I call all of the shots. I make every executive decision and every major business exchange. If someone gets in a pinch, I help them out,” he said. “But even as the leader, I still consult with some of the other members before making a big decision. I wouldn’t be a very good leader if I didn’t listen to my crew.”

  I didn’t really know what he way trying to say, but I decided it would be best to just let him finish speaking.

  “I think I have a job for you, Ashley. I could really use your help with some, um, financial organizing...if you will. You would basically be keeping our books straight for us. I can’t get any of my guys to take care of it, and because some of our business is “under the radar,” I can’t hire somebody that’s outside of the club,” he said.

  My eyes widened as I thought of the possibilities.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I shouted, while jumping up and down like an excited schoolgirl.

  Mercy put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Hey, kid, calm down. You don’t need to draw a bunch of attention over here. This sort of a job would be the type that you don’t tell your friends about. You just make sure our books are straight once a week and I’ll pay you five hundred dollars every Saturday.”

  My face must have gone pale when I heard that. I had virtually no bills, so five hundred a week was going to equal a lot of fun shopping at the mall. Maybe I could even eventually get my own place.

  “I assume you can handle it. I think your dad mentioned once that you were really good at math,” Mercy said.

  I nodded my head in agreement.

  “Good,” he said. “There’s only one issue, though.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him, waiting to hear what the issue was.

  “I need to consult some of the other club leaders about it first. You see, traditionally, women are not allowed to be in the club. Which, technically you won’t be. I’m considering you to be an outside “hire”. But even calling you that may not be enough for the other club leaders. I doubt they would be against it personally, but bringing a girl on board is against tradition and I’m afraid it might upset a lot of the other men.”

  My excitement started to turn to nervousness. I didn’t want to start this new job and have everyone hate me.

  “Wait a second,” I said. “What do you mean by other club leaders?”

  Mercy threw his leg over his bike so that he was straddling it.

  “This club is bigger than most people think it is. There are several regions throughout the state and each one has a leader. I want to get their approval before I make this move. I’m just trying to keep the peace, you know?” he said, as he turned the key to his motorcycle.

  It let out a deafening roar as the engine fired.

  “Get on,” he said.

  I did as I was told and hopped on the back of the motorcycle.

  Fuck, I thought. I’m supposed to be meeting Jenny at the mall soon.

  “Where are we going?” I said, trying to speak over the sound of the engine.

  He looked back at me and responded, “We have a meeting with Blake and Johnny, two of the regional leaders. We’re going to find out if they like you. If they do, then you’ve got yourself a job.”


  We rode for over an hour. At a stoplight, I asked Mercy where exactly we were headed, but he just said, “It’s a meeting place. Don’t worry about it.”

  I had no choice but to accept that response because I knew that I wouldn’t be getting any more information from him.

  I held on tight as we sped through the turns on the highway. Eventually, we pulled off of the Interstate and onto a dirt road. After a half an hour of riding on the dirt, we pulled up to a small house. I immediately noticed two other motorcycles parked in the driveway.

  Well, this must be the place, I thought.

  We parked next to the other bikes. Mercy turned off the ignition and hopped off, making his way toward the front door. I looked in the rear view mirror and tried to fix my hair. It had gotten wind blown on the ride over and looked ridiculous. Luckily, I had an extra hair band in my purse, so I just threw it back in a ponytail.

  The house looked like it had been abandoned. I didn’t see an address sign anywhere on it and at least half of the windows were boarded up. Looking around, I noticed that there weren’t any other houses in sight. I could see why they chose it as their secret meeting spot.

  I followed Mercy up to the door, trying to fix my shirt as we walked. It had gotten wrinkled on the ride over. If I would have had more time, I would have changed out of my mini skirt and tube top and put on something more appropriate for a job interview, but I was going to have to make do.

  Mercy didn’t even bother knocking. He just opened the door and walked right in. I followed him in and was surprised by what I saw.

  The inside of the house had been completely remodeled. It was absolutely beautiful and looked nothing like the outside. Dark wood floors and fresh paint made it look nice and cozy. I guess the look of an abandoned house was just a front.

  We stepped into the entrance and through the kitchen, making our way to the living room. When we got there, I noticed two men sitting on the couch, talking about something. They looked up when they heard our footsteps.

  “Mercy!” one of the shouted. “Where the fuck have you been, man? Haven’t seen you in a while.”

  Mercy chuckled and said, “Yea, well, you know. I’ve just been doing my thing. I’m busy running this club.”

  The man looked past Mercy and noticed me. His demeanor changed immediately.

  “Who the fuck is this?” he asked, standing up and walking towards us.

  Mercy held out his hand to stop him from coming any closer.

  “This is Ashley. She’s the one I mentioned the other day. She said that she would be willing to help us organize our finances, since none of you guys are willing to do it.”

  The man stood there shaking his head and said, “I don’t know, Mercy. We have too much trouble going on as it is. We would be pissing off a lot of guys if they heard that we let a woman in the club.”

  Mercy looked back at me and m
otioned me to step beside him.

  “Ashley, this is Blake. He’s a real asshole once you get to know him. Don’t let his charm fool you,” he said, sarcastically. “The other guy over there is Johnny. He’s the quiet type, but one of the biggest bad asses I’ve ever known.”

  Johnny looked up and raised his eyebrows, finally acknowledging my presence.

  Blake looked like a stereotype bad boy from the 1950’s. His arms and neck were covered in tattoos and his short black hair was slicked back. He had dark blue eyes and a bright but deceiving smile. Johnny had a buzzed head, which I didn’t like on most guys, but I thought it looked good on him. His hands and fingers were covered in tattoos and scars. It was pretty clear he had seen his fair share of fights. Both of them had black riding pants on and black t-shirts.

  “Blake, we just need to think about this differently. She isn’t going to be a club member. We are just hiring her to help us out with some work. We won’t have to tell a single soul about it,” Mercy said.

  Johnny looked me up and down, as if he were assessing me. His gaze stopped at my tits and that was when I realized that I hadn’t worn a bra and my nipples were rock hard from the cold air on the motorcycle ride.

  “You need me to pick your jaw up off the ground, Blake?” Mercy said. “Hasn’t anybody ever told you that it’s rude to stare?”

  Johnny brought his eyes from my tits and back to Mercy.

  “Sorry, Mercy,” he said. “She’s fucking hot, though. You can’t blame me.”

  I felt like they didn’t realize I was standing right in front of them and hearing everything they were saying. They definitely didn’t care what I thought about it.

  Blake gave me a quick once over, his dark blue eyes piercing through the dim light in the room.

  “How do we know we can trust you?” he asked me.

  I immediately felt nervous from being on the spot like that.

  “Um, well, my dad has been a member for years,” I said.

  As soon as the words escaped my lips, I realized that it was the wrong thing to say.

  “Oh, that’s right, you’re Donny’s kid...” Blake said. “I’m not going to lie, that’s not exactly going to help me to trust you. Your dad was a fucking snitch and almost caused the entire club to get shut down.”


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