Smoke and Sin
Page 14
“What are you doing?” Gus followed him, hot on his heels.
He was happy to toss her own words right back. “It’s none of your business. You go your way and I’ll go mine.”
But he would circle right back to her because he intended to discover whatever secrets she was keeping—one way or another. Gus would learn she couldn’t hide from him.
“Roman, stop.”
He paused mid-stride. He would give her a chance. One. She’d better tell him the damn truth or the gloves were coming off. He wasn’t taking risks where her safety—or their president—was concerned.
Brow raised, he turned and faced her, laying one hand on the railing to the stairs so she would understand fully that he was thisclose to walking away. “Yes, Augustine?”
Her face flushed to a pretty pink, and for a moment he could see the wheels of her brain working, trying desperately to find a way out of the trap he hadn’t meant to catch her in. Nevertheless, he’d keep the cage door shut tight. Her hands fisted at her sides. “Please, Roman. I think he did something that hurt a friend, and I’m investigating him. I’m asking you to drop this and let me handle the incident myself. Please. Just walk away.”
He moved into her space, looming over her. She was poking into the business of a highly trained killer, had walked into his room and attempted to search it. Gus made the crime against her friend sound more like a minor transgression against one of her girls, not a potential crime against his country. Roman wasn’t buying her tale. If he hadn’t come along, she would have been in the room all alone when Kemp unexpectedly strolled in and quietly plotted something insidious with an unknown caller. If she’d been caught, Kemp could have done anything at all to her. And no one would have been the wiser.
“Not on your life, baby. You’re involved in something incredibly dangerous. I’m taking over. I heard every word he said. He’s spying on Zack, and that means he’s mine.”
“Is he spying on Zack? Or working for him?”
He stared at her for a moment. “What do you mean? Of course he works for Zack, at least in theory. That’s why I have a problem with Kemp spying on him.” Some of what she’d said was beginning to sink in, but he still pressed her. “Who is the friend of yours Kemp hurt?”
“I told you, it’s none of your business.”
“If you want to play it that way, I’ll have Kemp arrested and find out myself.”
“What will it take to get you to back off, Roman?”
She didn’t understand him at all.
He stared down at her, letting one hand drift up to find the back of her neck. “There is nothing you can give me that could possibly make me walk away from you and potentially allow that asshole to hurt you. No amount of money. No amount of power. No amount of sex, even with you. I’m not walking away from this.”
“Tell me you didn’t have Mad killed.” Her voice sounded hoarse and low. Anguish twisted her face.
He felt his jaw drop. “What?”
Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at him. “I think I have proof that Matthew Kemp is the one who put the bomb on Mad’s plane. I need to prove it. I owe him that much. But I have to know if Zack made the call to take him out…and if you helped. So help me god, if you walk away from me and spill all of this to Zack before I get answers, I’ll never, ever forgive you. Do you understand me?”
Not that she ever had. Obviously, if she thought he was low enough to have had one of his best friends killed.
He could spill everything to Zack and do his job…or he could try to calm her down and make her believe that neither he nor Zack had anything to do with Mad’s murder. He didn’t like her threat, but he understood it.
Roman’s thoughts raced. How could he maintain his loyalty to Zack while not testing Augustine’s vow to cut him out of her life forever? The perfect, simple solution presented itself. Connor was already on full alert, and Roman hadn’t promised Gus that he wouldn’t give Connor a heads-up about Kemp’s possible plot. When Roman told Connor there might be a threat, he wouldn’t ask for explanations. He would simply protect his president and friend.
And all the while, he could also shield Gus by making certain that fucker Kemp understood he couldn’t use her for his own ends. “All right, but I have some demands of my own, and they aren’t negotiable.”
“I thought nothing would make you walk away,” she replied with a bitter laugh.
How little she knew. “Oh, I’m not about to walk away. That’s the first demand, baby. You’re stuck with me. You will stay with me, sleep in my room, act like my lover until we figure this thing out. You will not be alone with him, and if he asks, all you were trying to do with him was make me jealous. Is that understood?”
She shot him a cynical glance. “I thought I couldn’t buy you with sex.”
“You can’t, but I didn’t say you couldn’t rent me out for a while,” he shot back.
Damn it, this always happened. He ended up saying things he didn’t mean because she pushed him. “I didn’t say you had to have sex with me, but you will be in my bed tonight. I will be by your side for the remainder of this investigation, and you will obey me implicitly when it comes to anything I deem important to your safety. Do I make myself clear?”
“You make yourself into a massive asshole, Calder,” she hissed back. “What do I get out of this? Except being made to look like your complete doe-eyed idiot.”
“You get the privilege of not being in protective custody. Don’t think I can’t do it. You know I can, and I’ll have Dax on my side. I’ll tell your brother absolutely everything you’ve been doing, and I might even make some shit up, and he will believe me. He’ll cut his honeymoon short so he can protect you. I’ll call your mother, too. Fill her in on what’s happening. If that’s not enough, I’ll call every friend you have and either beg or threaten them—whichever works—not to enable you because I’m the man who’s desperate to save you. You won’t see the light of day for a long time, baby. It’s me or a lovely gilded cage.”
She shook her head. “We can be partners, but I won’t pretend to be your lover.”
The little shudder in her voice told Roman that he had her. A thrill wound through him. This was his in, how he got her. This was how he kept her for however long he could. “No one will believe that you and I can be in the same bedroom night after night without fucking our brains out. Not for a second. Besides, I don’t trust Kemp to keep his hands off you unless he understands that someone bigger and badder has dibs.”
“Don’t be juvenile.”
“I’m not. I’m being possessive, and he’ll understand that. Did you sneak away from him to come down here?” Suddenly, he could almost see her whole plan. She’d gone out the night before with the singular intent to get close to Kemp. She would have flirted and made it clear she was interested, and all to put herself in the position to be closer to him, maybe get into his room. She might have thought she could do something stupid like get a look at his phone. When that hadn’t panned out, she’d decided to search his room instead.
“Yes.” Her mouth flattened into a mulish line.
Still, she was so sexy in his eyes. She always had been.
“Think about what I’m doing.” He took her hand. “If you fight or double-cross me, I’ll have Kemp arrested and I’ll bring Zack up to speed on everything. That’s not a threat. But right now I’m choosing you, Gus. Over my best friend and my president, I’m choosing you. Do you understand?”
She scoffed as she followed him up the stairs. “You’re blackmailing me.”
He came to a grinding halt on the second floor landing when he heard some commotion above.
“And I need everything you have on the meeting tomorrow,” Zack was saying, his voice hard.
“I’ve already e-mailed it to you,” Liz shot back. “Mr. President.”
“I want you to personally review it with me.” Zack stomped his way down the stairs. He stopped and glared up at Kemp and Gates, who were peering down from the ra
iling. “And you two should find something better to do with your time.”
“My apologies. We had the evening off, as did Ms. Matthews and Ms. Spencer,” Kemp spoke. “We were simply spending it together, watching a movie.”
This was his moment. Roman leaned over and pulled Gus against his body, his arms wrapping around her tight. “Last chance, Gus. Don’t fight me.”
Her eyes widened and she gasped as she seemed to realize what he planned to do.
He slanted his lips over hers and kissed her long and hard. He hauled her against him and cupped her ass with his big hands. Roman wasn’t playing. He intended to leave Kemp—and everyone else—absolutely no question about what was happening between he and Gus. So he dominated her mouth, and the moment he felt her soften, he let his tongue surge inside.
God, she tasted like heaven, like something sweet and forbidden. Like precious memories he’d forgotten. Like perfection.
After a suspended moment, she lifted her arms and encircled his neck. Primal thrill filled him when she kissed him back with a hunger he hadn’t expected. And she melted into him with a soft sound of need.
From above, someone cleared his throat. Roman figured he’d made his point and released Gus. It was the last thing he wanted to do but if he kept drowning in her lips, he feared she would kill his resolve.
When Roman eased away from her, he saw with satisfaction that everyone had been watching them. Good. That had been the point of his display. Liz looked dumbstruck. Zack’s blank stare would have told anyone else absolutely nothing, but Roman knew the man’s minute expressions. Zack was wondering what the hell was going on; Roman had no doubt he’d have to dodge plenty of questions later.
But Roman had one far more specific target, and he found the blond hunk grilling him with a blue-eyed glare from the third floor landing. Roman merely smiled in return. “Special Agent Kemp, thank you for entertaining my girl while I was out, but I think we’re going to head to bed.”
Gus’s hand tightened in his, almost to the point of pain. Oh, she was pissed, but she wasn’t giving away the game. Yep, he had her.
“And Ms. Matthews has work to do,” Zack said. “She won’t be getting any more nights off. I think it’s important that she’s by my side so she can deal with the press properly.”
Clint Gates held his hands up. “Of course, Mr. President. We were only relaxing with friends.”
“Ms. Spencer, are you all right? Is there anything you want to say?” It looked like Kemp wasn’t backing down even as his friend gave him an elbow to the side. “Because if you do, you should understand that while I’m here to protect the president, I’ll protect you, too.”
Gus gave him a brilliant smile. “Protect me? From Roman? I’m afraid he’s the one who needs some protection. I’m sorry if you feel I’ve misled you, Special Agent. I was trying to get this one’s attention. You know, after a while they stop trying, get a little complacent, and start thinking three minutes is a marathon.”
“And we’re going to bed.” He should have known Gus would find a way to bust his balls, even when he had her firmly in his grasp. She would never cry prettily as she asked for his mercy. She would have none on him when they were alone again. Of that he had no doubt.
Why did he find that so damn arousing?
“You’re dismissed, gentlemen,” Zack told Kemp and Gates.
Neither looked happy—Matthew much less thrilled than his counterpart—but they retreated.
“Gus?” Liz asked, her stare falling to where his hand gripped her elbow.
“I’m fine. I’ll talk to you in the morning. You okay? If you don’t feel like working, you could tell Connor. He’s very much on our side when it comes to manageable working hours.”
Zack frowned. “When did Connor get so interested in your schedules?”
Sometimes Zack was slow to catch social cues.
Roman moved in close so the boys above couldn’t hear. “She’s talking about you being alone with Liz. Connor’s offered to babysit…just in case.”
“What does he think I’ll do?” Zack asked, sounding outraged.
“I can tell him it won’t be anything at all interesting,” Liz replied. “I don’t need Connor to save me. President Hayes is completely harmless except for boring me to death.” She turned to Zack. “If you’d like to review our talking points for the press, I’ll follow you. I wouldn’t want you to not know the names of every member of the British press circuit. I’ve made flashcards. It’ll be fun.”
Zack watched Liz walk away. “I wouldn’t hurt her.”
“You already have,” Gus said under her breath.
“Et tu, Augustine?” Zack asked with a sad twist of his mouth.
“You have no idea, Mr. President. None. I’m going to Roman’s room now where we’re going to have violent hate sex and he might tattoo his name on my ass so that when he tosses me out like garbage again, no other man will want me.” Gus turned and stomped her way to the stairs, but not before she pointed his way. “And don’t forget our deal. You don’t want to cross me on this, Calder. It won’t be pretty.”
With that, she was gone. He and Zack were alone, looking in different directions as the objects of their affections/irritations sauntered away.
“What the hell was all of that?” Zack demanded.
“Nothing I can’t handle. I’ll take care of Gus.
Zack scowled, obviously not liking it, but equally baffled by the woman. “All right. What the hell are we going to do?”
“No idea.” But he knew he’d better come up with one—and fast. Gus would sleep in his bed tonight. She might stab him, too. Or, if he played his cards right, she just might fill his arms again.
He had the closest thing to a second chance he’d ever had with her. The question was, should he take it?
Gus strode up the stairs, ignoring Roman behind her. Nothing he could say would make her stop this death march to his room. Once they reached his quarters, she knew they would have one hell of a fight.
Then what?
She worried a bit about that answer. It would be so easy to fall into bed with Roman, just like losing herself in that damn kiss had been. Gus didn’t want to think about that.
“Augustine,” he called after her, his voice full of demand.
She kept right on walking. She had zero reason to start a conversation before they reached his quarters. Otherwise, they’d only argue sooner, where anyone could hear.
When they turned down the west wing hall, Roman right on her heels, the doors to the two largest suites came into view. Naturally Zack had the best, but Roman’s digs weren’t far behind. Yes, she understood custom dictated that the officials with the most important positions in the administration were given the most lavish quarters. Hell, they were like small luxury apartments. And neither man could defer or refuse for fear of insulting their host country. But Roman and Zack were single. Why did either of them need multiple rooms and a king-sized bed?
On the other hand, Gus intended to make damn sure Roman would be happy his room had a sofa tonight.
“Augustine, stop. I found something.”
She paused mid-stride. Okay. He could say words that would make her talk before they were behind closed doors. No idea what he might have found, maybe his good sense. Or perhaps some decency. That would be nice.
Schooling her expression, she spun around and found him holding up something plastic. Awesome. He’d found trash. That would help them so much.
Responding with only a sigh, she turned again and headed for his room. They couldn’t have this out until they had privacy. Then she would explain the world to him.
Her phone buzzed in her hand. Liz was texting her, likely asking what the hell was going on. Or asking Gus to save her from Zack.
Zack. Damn it. She needed to know if her brother’s friend, the president, was involved in this tangle. She’d looked into Roman’s eyes when she’d asked about his involvement in Mad’s death and she’d s
een his shock. And hurt, too.
Had Roman become a good actor? Years ago, he’d been terrible. But since then, he’d cultivated that blank poker face she’d come to associate with him stonewalling. He did it to the press all the time. Tonight, however, his face hadn’t been blank at all. He’d been open in that moment. And seemingly stunned.
Did she dare believe him?
He rushed to catch up, his long legs now striding in sync with hers. “You’re an impossible mule.”
Took one to know one. “You didn’t have to humiliate me.”
He nodded to the Secret Service agents standing guard outside the president’s room. The whole house was full of them. There would be one or two shadowing Zack…and overhearing his latest fight with Liz. But despite the black suits crawling everywhere, Roman had ensured she couldn’t get close to the only one who mattered.
“I wasn’t trying to humiliate you,” he said under his breath as they passed by the agents. “I was trying to keep you safe. How was that humiliating?”
He was supposed to be so smart, but sometimes she swore he had the emotional IQ of a turtle. “You treated me like a piece of property.”
He sighed and rushed ahead of her, using his key to unlock his door. He held it open and hustled her in, then shut them away from the rest of the world. Despite her anger, Gus knew all too well how dangerous it was to be alone with him. Five minutes after that kiss he’d used to brand her as his, her body still thrummed, her blood still coursed, and her pussy still ached.
He turned on her. “I treated you like a woman who doesn’t have the sense to protect herself. You were in his room. If he’d caught you there, he could have killed you.”
She rolled her eyes. At the time, it had been terrifying, and she’d been oddly relieved to have Roman huddled in that closet with her, his arms wrapped around her as if she was precious and he meant to protect her at all costs. Then he’d ruined everything with his caveman kiss. He hadn’t pressed his lips to hers because he wanted to be closer to her or because he wanted to pleasure her. He’d done it simply to prove his ownership.