A Destiny Revealed

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by Andersen, Dria

  A Destiny Revealed

  Dria Andersen

  ©2013 Adrienne Andersen

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real people, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters and events in this work are figments of the author’s imagination.


  I would like to take this time to thank my loving family for their support. My husband who has sat through so many brainstorm sessions bouncing ideas around, my son and mother in law for their unending patience and help with ideas, and my sisters and aunt for reading through the very many drafts of this story. Thank you to the friends that helped with Beta reads and kept up a steady stream of encouragement. Thank you ROMCritters for helping me realize that I actually could write if I took the time.

  A Destiny Revealed:

  Dalia went out one night looking for trouble, when she woke up the next day chained to a wall, she realized she had found more than she bargained for. That night changed her, haunted her and she spent years hunting down the man responsible. Plans change when she becomes the one hunted. The man sent after her is handsome, and sets her body on fire, but he is an enemy, right?

  Bron's task was simple: find Dalia and bring her back to their oracle. It's his one chance at redemption and his last chance to earn back the trust of his brothers. When he finds out she is one of their deadliest enemies he's torn between his duty to the tribe and his feelings for a woman who fate has marked as his mate.

  Chapter 1

  DALIA WAS IN THE MOOD TO HUNT. She was looking for excitement that bordered right on the edge of trouble, and unfortunately this upscale nightclub was sadly lacking. Pompous men in overpriced Karl Lagerfeld suits surrounded Manhattan socialites with their pin straight blond hair, glittering baubles and too loud giggles. Were it not for the eagle eye her friends kept on her, she would have snuck out hours ago.

  Ana and Camille had dragged her from her apartment three hours ago with hopes of hooking Dalia up with a man who was not what they termed a 'hooligan'. She suppressed a sigh, her friends meant well. They just couldn't understand her aversion to the stuffed shirts they loved to date. The last thing she wanted was a man who could only converse about which stocks were hot.

  “Hey ladies, can I talk to your friend for a bit?”

  Hmm, sexy voice.

  Dalia gave the brotha a cursory glance. Turning back to her friends, she arched an eyebrow in amusement. Yeah, he was sexy, but definitely not her type. That three piece linen suit he wore put him out of the running. She didn't do three pieces, at least not after five pm. Bro needed to loosen up.

  “Can you at least try and have fun?” Ana pushed her shoulder.

  Dalia eyed her petite friend and made a face. Ana was five’ five in heels with curves that made men drool. Clubs like Plush were her favorite hangouts.

  “I am having fun.” Dalia held her beer up in a mock toast. “That cat was lame.”

  Ana rolled her eyes and grabbed Dalia’s beer from her hand and set it on the bar. “Let’s dance.”

  Dalia accepted Ana’s hand, her hips already swaying to ‘Lady Marmalade’. She towered well over Ana, so Dalia didn’t miss the glances thrown their way as they sashayed through the crowd. Her form-fitting jumpsuit tucked into knee-high stiletto boots hugged her curves tightly. She circled Ana, swinging her long dark brown hair over her shoulder. Her mocha skin was soon covered in sweat and gleamed under the flashing lights as Captain and Tennille turned into ‘The Hustle’ and then KC and the Sunshine band.

  Camile joined them on the dance floor, and Dalia swung her into a low dip. A week's worth of tension rolled from her shoulders. Now she was having fun. An hour later, signaling to her friends that she needed a drink, Dalia walked back to the bar and ordered another Budweiser.

  “Now, what is a fine sista like yourself doing up in this kind of joint?”

  Dalia ignored the mocking voice and tapped her foot, waiting on her beer.

  “So you just gonna ignore a brotha?”

  “Not interested.” She didn't bother turning from the bar.

  “Aww now come on, you didn’t even turn and see if you would be interested,” he teased.

  Sighing, Dalia turned and pursed her lips. She grabbed her glass off the bar and took a closer look. Now, this guy was definitely her speed. His brown skin practically glowed in the dim lights of the club. Tattoos started at his neck and disappeared into the collar of his tight black t-shirt, intriguing Dalia. Clearly defined muscles screamed to be touched. His strong thighs were encased in a pair of tight bell-bottom jeans. He stood out from the crowd of suits in the club. Power, subtle and masculine swirled around the man, giving him an almost dangerous air. He had trouble written all over him, Dalia smiled.

  Oh yeah. She was looking for trouble tonight.

  How this brotha got past the snooty bouncers at the front door was a mystery. Dalia decided he was certainly worth checking out. His chocolate colored eyes mesmerized her, amusement evident in their depths.

  “I’m looking,” Dalia taunted. “Is this the part where I’m supposed to get interested?”

  His smile bloomed showing off perfect white teeth. “Let me buy you a drink.” He moved closer to her to be heard over the music.

  “As you can see, I already have a drink.” She brought the beer up to her lips. She smiled as his eyes followed the bottle.

  “I see that.” He cleared his throat. “You want to go somewhere quieter to talk?” His eyes never left her lips.

  Dalia snorted and placed her beer on the bar next to her. “Really papi, does that work on these proper types you find in here?” She shook her head, disappointed in his game. She sighed. Not everyone could have the whole package.

  Her eyebrows rose when he crowded closer, and placed his arm around her waist. She held her temper in check as his hand skimmed down and grabbed her butt. She glanced down at his arm and back up to his face. “You wanna lose that hand?”

  He lifted his hands and backed away. “You can’t blame a brotha for trying.”

  Dalia turned her back to him, disgusted. She couldn’t understand what made men think they had the right to touch a complete stranger. Okay so maybe her jumpsuit was skintight and her assets were on display. That didn’t mean they could sample the goods without asking. Finishing her drink, she decided it was way past time to leave.

  She moved through the crowd to where her friends still danced to let them know she was leaving. After much eye rolling and name-calling she waved goodbye and pushed through the crowded dance floor and headed to the door.

  The brisk air outside cleared her head a little, and Dalia frowned. Her vision swam and she shook her head. How many beers had she drunk? Taking the subway was definitely out. It would be better to take a cab. She walked a few steps and stopped. The handsy cat from inside the club lounged against the wall as though he waited for her.

  “I was hoping to catch you.”

  She walked past, ignoring him. He moved closer, his steps matching hers. Dalia waved her hands to shoo him. She was unable to talk, her tongue felt swollen and she swayed on her feet.

  “Let me help you.” He grabbed her around the waist to support her.

  Dalia looked into his eyes. She shuddered in fear at his sinister gaze. Oh God, she had finally found trouble. Her mind went numb with terror, panic clawing her insides. Black dots swam on the edge of her vision.

  Be careful what you wish for.

  It was her last though
t before she blacked out.

  DALIA WOKE WITH HER VISION SWIMMING, her head pounding. Her heart raced as she fought to see through the dark haze. Her breath hitched when she tried to bring her hands up to her head and found them shackled to the wall behind her. Fighting panic, she tugged on the chains and screamed as pain wracked her head.

  “Aahh, it's good that you are awake,” said a voice from the other side of the room. Although he didn’t shout, the effect it had on Dalia was the same. Every noise in the dark room was magnified and pounded into her skull like a hammer.

  “Why are you shouting?” she croaked out pass dry, cracked lips. She had no idea where she was, or how long she'd been there. Despite her determination not to panic, she couldn't stop her heart from slamming against her ribs.

  “Forgive me, but I did not realize your date had given you so much of the drug. If you would but wait a few moments some of it will wear off.” His accent was foreign and unfamiliar.

  The jerk from the club! Nausea rolled through her stomach. He’d drugged her and set her up. Embarrassment and anger heated her cheeks. “What do you want from me?”

  A soft shuffle reverberated and a beautiful man stepped into view. His pale skin was smooth, his blue eyes cold as ice, and Dalia shivered in dread. Straight black hair brushed his shoulders. He wore pressed slacks and a silk shirt with an elegance that belied their surroundings.

  “I am called Maksim.” He stepped closer. “I only want to make you as I am. Vampire.” His smile was polite, open and flashing a pair of wicked looking fangs.

  “Fine, you’re crazy, I got that part. Why do you have me chained?” The confident way he spoke aggravated her. She would be damned if she'd sit here and let him toy with her. If he was going to kill her, then she would rather him get it over and done.

  “I'm not crazy, my dear. You and your family are a part of a long history that I want only a small part of. Did you know you are descended from the Aje tribe in Africa? They were captured and sold into slavery.” His face lit with a crazed excitement.

  “And? That's old news." Half of Loíza, Puerto Rico where she grew up could claim some blood relation to African slaves. Her arms and back ached from being curled on the floor for who knew how long. She really didn't feel like getting a history lesson from this maniac.

  “And, your family has access to power I want. Since you're not inclined to hear any explanations we shall simply get to the point.” Her captor chuckled.

  Dalia squinted as the lights came up in the room. She gasped; it was a prison, a nightmare, only there was no waking up to escape. The room was cold and dank. Stone walls surrounded her. The floor was stone as well and Dalia swallowed back bile as she noticed the drains on the floor. A lone table loomed in the middle of the room with restraints top and bottom.

  A noise across the room snagged her attention, and Dalia’s eyes widened. Her younger brother was chained to the wall, his eyes covered and mouth gagged. Bruises colored his face and chest, and dried blood covered his exposed skin. Oh God, not Xavier, please. She struggled against her restraints.

  “What do you want?” Fear choked her.

  “I see I have your undivided attention now. In a minute I'm going to strap you to that table" His slender finger pointed to the middle of the room. "and kill you.”

  Her heart dropped and tears blurred her vision.

  “When you die, you’ll be in the temple of your African ancestors. Once there I want you to go straight to the altar. On the right side of that altar is a bowl of red stones. You are to take one and wait.” His voice was hypnotic.

  Trapped in his eyes, she was unable to look away. “Wait for what?”

  “I will bring you back to life, of course.” His mocking smile stole the air from her lungs. “If you do this, I’ll allow your brother to live. I’ve found that you are the stronger of the two. I have no need of him. Are we in agreement?”

  Dalia nodded. She didn’t see where there was any other choice. She only needed a chance to get her brother safe and find a way to escape. Two other men helped Maksim strap her arms and legs to the table in the middle of the room. She didn't bother fighting. The men surrounding her had cold eyes- ones that promised retribution if she moved.

  The first cut to her wrist hurt the most. The blade slid across the skin and blood welled, spilling over, running down her hand. The pain came only after she saw the blood. Primal instinct bowed her back as she fought the second cut to her wrist.

  "No." It came out a whimper. Terror stole the strength from her voice.

  His breath brushed her throat a moment before his teeth sank in. The swipe of his wet tongue across her throat turned her stomach. "I only need a small amount to tie you to me."

  She twisted and jerked against the restraints, panic turning her body cold.

  "Yes, fight." Soft lips touched her ear as he whispered. "Such strength. Fight if you feel you must, Dalia. It will make your death faster."

  Numbness crept up her arm, invaded her chest and legs and she felt the truth of his words. The screams of denial in her head drowned the rest of his taunting and for the second time that night she blacked out.


  The pain was unlike anything Dalia had ever felt. The fire sweeping through her veins woke her from the blissful darkness and she opened her mouth in a silent scream. Sharp needles of heat traveled across her skin and stabbed into her insides. She struggled against the restraints on the table. A dark hunger rode her, nearly as painful as the fire moving through her body. She could barely discern the voice trying to calm her.

  Warm fluid slid down her throat and her limbs jerked with spasms. When the convulsions stopped, a heartbeat sounded in the room, strong and beckoning. Dalia opened her eyes, her vision cleared and she spotted her brother still chained to the wall. She focused on his neck, the pulse calling to her, and licked her lips. Her mind screamed that she did not want to hurt him, but her body demanded she slake her thirst.

  “Don't worry. I will keep my promise to you.” Maksim trailed his fingers across her neck and down her chest.

  Dalia’s eyes tracked the movement of his fingers. Tattoos covered her shoulders where none had been before. The swirls and jagged edges of the tattoo looked tribal and Dalia felt as though she was marked in a warning to others.

  “I have someone for you to feed from and then your brother may leave. He has served his purpose.”

  Dalia was confused but pushed that aside as a second heartbeat called to her, this one faster than that of her brother’s. When the restraints were lifted from her arms, she sat up and latched quickly on the man thrown in her lap. Nothing mattered but feeding.

  Chapter 2

  Thirty years later

  DALIA TOOK A DEEP BREATH and shuffled onto her stomach on the roof of a vacant apartment building. Concealed in the shadows, the black leather she wore blended into the night. She tucked her rifle against her shoulder and looked through the scope. Voices from the couple she watched drifted up to her. Dalia’s rifle tracked the movements of the male, focusing on the tattoos on his neck. If she took the shot there, she would have enough time to get to him and finish the job up close and personal. It wasn't necessary, but she was nothing if not thorough. Scattering her victim's dust to the winds ensured they would not get back up.

  'I know you’re confused, but if you come to us we can explain all to you.'

  Dalia shivered in unease. For the past six months a female voice had been invading her mind.

  'Allow us to help', whispered a male voice.

  Her body shivered again, but in lust. Her stomach clenched, and heat bloomed in her cheeks. She was going crazy, she knew it, but what could she do about it? Steadying her shaking hands, she ignored the voices and resumed her watch. The couple was up against the wall. Their moans and writhing bodies had Dalia rolling her eyes.

  “Ti Ti, is this going to take all night? I have a test tomorrow morning,” her nephew whined in her ear.

  Dalia removed her hand from the trigg
er and pushed the button on the receiver in her ear. “I didn’t ask you to wait, Julian. Go home, I’ll be fine.” Dalia kept her voice quiet. Her target and his girlfriend were arguing now.

  "I'm not a ho!" The woman shouted.

  Dalia snorted. "Right, cause good girls make out in nasty alleys." She replaced her finger on the trigger. “Come on, come on,” she mumbled. “Make a move, bro, and I'm all over you.”

  The woman shoved the male away and stormed off and Dalia tensed in anticipation. She centered her attention on her target and waited on the male’s reaction. If he followed, he was toast. She took deep breaths to release the tension and held steady.

  Dalia laid still, deadly, a bead of sweat moving down her back. His voice carried as he called after his date. Seconds later when he received no response the male turned, walked the other way and Dalia breathed out.

  “You were almost gone, brotha.” she murmured, and laid her rifle carefully on the concrete. Rolling onto her back, she stretched to loosen her tense muscles. She'd been watching her target for the last hour and marveled at the patience she'd learned with her new, albeit unexpected, career. Sighing, she hefted her body up and packed her gear. Tapping her earpiece, she called to let her nephew know she was on the way home.


  "About time," her nephew Julian grumbled when she walked through the front door of her condo minutes later. He grabbed his book bag from the floor, impatience and anxiety stamped across his handsome features.

  Dalia dropped her keys into the bowl on the table at the door and the sound echoed off of the high exposed ceilings. Entering the kitchen, she double tapped the wall next her refrigerator and entered a six-digit code into the panel that slid silently out. Air hissed into the room as the door swung open, revealing Dalia's weapons storage room.


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