“You roll up on any woman in a dark alley papi, and you're bound to get on their bad side. What do you want from me?” Her hands were loose at her sides.
Bron, a trained soldier, knew a fighting stance when he saw one. He could practically swim in all the distrust she was throwing his way. His animal circled his body, preparing itself for a battle for dominancy. Bron pushed down on his power and kept his voice calm. As a shape shifter, enemies to the Ajo, his senses were heightened, the hunter in him wary to see what she would do.
"I want only to talk."
"Is that right?"
The corner of his mouth turned up in a smile at her sarcastic tone. "I mean you no harm, Dalia."
"I can't tell by your stalking."
"Ouch." He winced and raised his hand to his chest in mock distress. "Stalking sounds harsh, I'm merely pursuing you."
Her lips twitched as she fought a smile. "Following a woman into a church and spying on her while she prays, is stalking."
"You pray for the lives you have taken?" It slipped out, but he had to know.
Her eyes glowed hazel and anger pulled her lips back into a snarl as she realized he'd read her mind.
"That's none of your concern," she snapped. "Stay out of my head and you'll get to keep yours." She brushed past him and walked into the night.
Bron rushed behind her. "Look, I'm sorry. I had not been expecting…” He paused. “Well, you know what you are.”
She tensed as she took in his words. “I bet you have all the girls swooning with that game.” The words were clipped, New York written all over her accent “You don’t know me, so don’t judge me, hombre.”
Bron sighed, scrambling for a way to reach past her wariness. “I'm not judging you. Look, I haven't been around people for a few years so I'm a little rusty at this. I was momentarily surprised at the fact that you are-”
SHE CUT HIM OFF. "I know what I am. What I don’t know is what you're doing here, following me around.” Dalia eyed the stranger. He was struggling for words but she’d be damned if she helped him. He'd invaded a private moment, one she swore no one would ever see.
Yes, she knew the lives she took were necessary to save others, but it didn't mean she enjoyed it. She feared for the ragged pieces left of her soul and she hoped God heard her prayers.
Dalia couldn’t help the butterflies that collected in her chest as she assessed the man sent for her. Her eyes fell to his mouth and she barely contained her sigh of longing. His teeth were straight and white, his full lips parted as he started to say something then stopped. At over six feet tall with broad shoulders, he towered over her.
Her stomach clenched at the way his chest filled out his green t-shirt. She cursed her body’s reaction to him and raised her chin to meet his eyes. She'd been having the same reaction to his voice; it stood to reason her body would betray her seeing him in the flesh.
“We've been calling to you for a few months now,” he said finally.
Dalia hands started to tremble as he confirmed what she already knew. Her knees weakened as relief flooded her body. She wasn't crazy.
The voices in her head were real.
“Who is 'we'?” Her mind flipped through possibilities. Why would someone seek her out? She wondered if the vampire killings were finally coming back to haunt her. Even if they were, she'd never back down from her self-appointed mission, no matter who was sent for her. She looked back into his eyes, and her breath caught at the intense expression on his face. He wanted her, Dalia could tell and she couldn’t stop her reaction to that. Her body heated, melted, as she fought to keep her composure.
Her breath stalled, her legs shook, and her breast swelled with the intensity of her arousal. Fire lit his eyes and his nostril flared with the deep breath he took. His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, and she watched him fight the attraction turning her into a pile of hormones.
“My name is Bron. As to the others, there is only so much I can say to you here in the open. If you would but come with me, we can explain everything.” Arousal made his voice a deep growl. He waited for her response.
Right, just go with him.
Not gonna happen.
“Try that on a dumber female.” She turned her back to him and teleported back to her mother's house.
BRON CURSED AS DALIA DISAPPEARED. He looked around sheepishly as he remembered where he was.
'Zahra', he called to the oracle, he needed to talk with her.
'Yes Bron', she answered almost immediately. He knew she was probably hovering in his mind. 'Not hovering', she told him.
He sighed. As the oracle they were aware she would be a shadow in the minds of the tribe members, but he and the other warriors didn't know she would learn so fast. It was disconcerting.
'I need to talk to you.'
'Is it safe for me to teleport you?' She asked him.
'Yes'. His body was wrenched an instant later.
The oracle sat peacefully on the patio outside of their safe house in South Carolina. Zahra's eyes roamed his face, curious, waiting for him to speak. She was married to Fynn, his brother in arms though at times because Bron raised him he felt like a son. Because of that bond he felt a genuine closeness with the oracle.
“Why didn’t you tell me what she was, Zahra?” He sat next to her on the swing she'd had her husband install.
“I didn’t want you to go there with preconceived ideas. She's important to our tribe and you wouldn’t be able to see that if you only focused on the fact that she's Ajo.” There was no remorse evident in her voice.
Bron sighed. “How can she be the one our goddess seeks? It would make no sense to bring an enemy into a tribe still growing.”
“Have you talked to her yet?”
He nodded. If one could call the short exchange they had a conversation. Dalia's sultry eyes flashed in his mind.
What he would give to touch her.
He squelched that thought quickly, firmly and turned to Zahra, frustration burning through his chest.
“Do you realize how dangerous this could be? Have you any idea how bad this could end up, Zahry?” He used her nickname to soften his tone.
She cut him a look that had him squirming.
Bron sighed heavily. The last thing he wanted to do was piss her off. He and the other warriors had learned early not to rouse Zahra’s temper.
“We didn't get far. She is understandably wary of me.”
“We need her Bron, I trust you to bring her in. The goddess specifically asked that you be sent for her so that's what I did. You'll bring her to us and we'll move forward.”
Bron nodded at Zahra and relaxed. Far be it for him to argue with the goddess and the oracle she chose to speak for her, but…
He tried anyway. “Zahra, do you understand what this could do to my position in this tribe?”
“Good God Bron, just do what I asked you to do. I understand what you're looking for, but it'll only come when you forgive yourself."
“It's not as simple as that, Zahra."
She touched his shoulder lightly. "Everything will work out as it should. Please, trust me."
“I'll go back to it then.” He stood. “I need to bring Little Lord to you. It will be better if I'm able to focus solely on her.”
A bright smile broke out on Zahra’s face. “I'll be happy to have him here. I’ll try not to spoil him too much while you're gone.”
Bron shook his head as she teleported him.
ZAHRA CLOSED THE DOOR to her office and locked it. Her feet were silent on the carpet as she lit the candles she placed around the room. Soon the soothing smell of lemon and lavender filled the room. Haze from the incense smoke gave the room an ethereal look. Satisfied, Zahra pulled her cushion from the cabinet and sat on it in the middle of the floor. She gathered her scattered thoughts and focused on her breathing as she was taught. Her meeting with Bron was going through her mind and for a moment she felt doubt.
She understood his position within the tribe, and knew th
at one wrong move could make it that much more precarious. The men respected Bron, but they kept their distance for fear of what the Ijoye would say.
Zahra shook her head and closed her eyes to focus. She rolled her head, and shrugged her shoulders to release the tension gathered in her body. Taking a deep breath, she took in the scent of the candles and incense and felt her spirit drift.
Moments later, she opened her eyes and blinked at the brightness. Cold stone under her legs brought a smile to her face. The place she met the goddess changed often, but they frequently met at this bench, on a pretty spot along the river. It was familiar and comforting, and Zahra relaxed. A breeze blew across her face a moment before Oya spoke.
"You have doubts."
"Some, but that's human nature." Zahra said calmly.
Oya huffed, the impatient sound amusing. "Humans."
Zahra laughed, the sound carrying on the wind. "He has met with the ala-irin and I've warned her mother of our need to reach Dalia."
"Isabelle will help where she can. She has been faithful."
"I found the Healer, do you want me to start contact with her?" Zahra turned to face Oya. The goddess was beautiful; her dark brown skin was smooth and glowed with an inner beauty that humbled Zahra. The temper, always so close to the surface, reflected in Oya's dark brown eyes, but those eyes also held a compassion that never failed to soothe her when she was in the goddess's presence.
"Not yet, she is not quite ready. She's not in a place to deal with what you will bring in her life."
Zahra nodded. "Fynn has grown restless, he says something's coming." Her husband could on occasion hear the whispers in the winds, a gift no doubt from his grandmother.
Oya sighed. "War is coming."
Zahra's heart stuttered. Oya had given that warning before, but today it felt real, imminent.
"How much time do we have?" She would have to tell the Ijoye. They would need to speed up the hunt for their warriors and get them trained. A dozen other tasks buzzed through her mind.
"Ultimate evil, Zahra." Oya said.
Zahra frowned; it didn't answer her question.
"You can't fathom it, but that's what is at stake. I'm told this war will be personal." The goddess's voice was hard.
"I don’t understand."
"There are many in the universe jealous of the power I hold, the souls I guard. Powerful souls, ones that would be very useful to some in a war."
Zahra blinked in surprise at the deep frown lines marring Oya's face.
The goddess shook her head, and the worry was erased from her face. "Dalia will not have it easy claiming her place in the tribe."
The quicksilver change in the subject left Zahra speechless.
"You'll need to be strong in your conviction, Zahra. There will be no room for doubt." Oya scolded lightly. "If you doubt Dalia's place, then the others won't accept her."
"I don't doubt her place, Goddess, I feel her tie to you and know she's strong enough for what you need. I only worry for Bron and the trouble he'll have with the tribe for being the one to retrieve her." Zahra hastily assured.
Oya sighed. "So much about that time I wish I could erase. I did not see the moves of my enemies until it was too late. I can sense them this time though, gathering, waiting in the wings. We will be ready." Oya grabbed Zahra's hand and squeezed.
"I'm following your instructions, Goddess, and our tribe grows larger and stronger each day, let them bring their best." Zahra's voice was strong, her faith in their purpose absolute.
"The Ajo conversions are speeding up, someone is gathering an army of their own. Pull the hunters from the streets and have them train the new warriors. Until the power can be converted we will not waste our resources on the little fish. Strength and knowledge is what we will arm ourselves with this go around. Send out a daily call to those in the tribe whose gifts allow them peeks into the future. Forewarned is forearmed."
Zahra nodded. "I will do as you ask."
Oya smiled and touched Zahra's cheek. "I chose well."
Zahra felt her spirit drift again, and she blinked as the smell of lavender brought her back to her body. She had work to do, and if Oya was right, not much time to do it, Zahra smiled grimly. Game on.
Chapter 5
DALIA STOOD IN THE SHADOWS outside of the bar she was watching. Bar may have been overstating it really. The small shack probably held only twenty or so people, but people had frequented this place for years. Even now, those who couldn't fit inside were sprawled at patio tables scattered around the building. Blaring trumpets drifted out into the night and Dalia recognized the music of El Gran Combo. She needed to feed, hopefully from someone who had not been binge drinking.
She pushed her aggravation down. During this nine day festival finding someone sober was a tall order. She ignored the old men who chattered at the tables outside, instead scanning the thoughts of those inside of the bar.
Finally, a man who had not started drinking. His thoughts were troubled and Dalia could hear his internal struggle. He needed money and the stress had finally pushed him into a bar hoping to drown his problems. Dalia felt a small twinge of guilt as she sent a compulsion to draw him outside to her.
The man walked out of the bar in a trance and straight to Dalia. She led him into the darkness between the buildings and set him against the wall. Extending her fangs, she pushed through his mind as she fed keeping him complacent. His daughter was uppermost in his thoughts and Dalia sympathized with his struggle. She stuffed a few hundred dollars in his pocket when she was done and planted the memory of him winning in a lucky hand of poker. She used her control over his mind to send him straight home to his wife. Envy swirled through her as he scrambled from the alley. Once she had dreamed of having a family.
Dalia tensed as a fissure of power flowed around her, energizing the air.
“Wasn’t that touching,” mocked a voice from the shadows.
Dalia relaxed her body to prepare for whomever the shadows birthed. A beautiful vampire walked slowly from the shadows. She had to be a vampire; power preceded this woman like cheap perfume, strong and pungent.
The female was as tall as Dalia and dressed to the nines. The white slacks she wore hugged her slim figure. Her white blouse opened to the top of her bra showing off ample cleavage. Her skin was almost as light as Dalia’s but still left her race a mystery. Her sandy brown hair trailed her back in one braid.
Dalia almost felt frumpy in the short jean skirt and tank she wore.
“He is human fodder. Why do you pay him for something he should give up willing?” Her voice had a slight accent that Dalia could not place, but sounded vaguely familiar.
Dalia shrugged her shoulders. “You would pay for dinner at a nice restaurant, right? It’s no different.” She tensed, keeping a wary eye on the female as she moved closer.
“An interesting way of putting it,” the woman acquiesced. “I did not imagine you would be such a soft touch.”
“You’re a whack job, and I’m leaving. Thanks for the dinner conversation.” Dalia gave the woman a mock salute, walking backwards so her back was not to this stranger. It was best not to let her guard down.
“You always did have a smart mouth, even as Maksim doled out his little punishments to you.”
Dalia stopped in her tracks. “What do you know about Maksim?”
“Maksim Pontis is dead.”
Dalia reeled from the news delivered in such a casual way. She should feel some sort of relief but she felt… robbed.
She wanted Maksim dead, but by her hands. The last twenty years of her life had been spent hunting to draw Maksim out. She told herself each night she went out that she was helping people but inside she knew the real reason she hunted. She'd dreamed and prepared for the day she would be able to see Maksim again and exact the revenge she had plotted so carefully.
“How did he die?” She was unable to stop the question.
The female smiled and raised her eyebrows in challenge, not bothering to a
nswer. Dalia moved closer, the heels of her boots clicking, giving away her impatience. “Prove that he is dead.” She stared the vampire down. Dalia gasped as a wave of power pushed her to her knees. She braced her hands on the concrete.
“I killed him myself. You’ve spent countless hours tortured by Maksim, I’m sure you recognize the taste of his power.” The vampire stood over Dalia, taunting her.
“Who are you?” Dalia shored up her mental barriers and tried to fight through the female’s power.
“I am Nala, you may call me that, or master. Doesn't matter to me.” The vampire laughed and kicked Dalia in the ribs.
The sharp pain allowed her to fight through Nala’s compulsion. She exploded off the ground in furious motion catching Nala in the face with her fist. She was caught by surprise and Dalia used that surprise to land as many kicks to the vampire as she could.
Furious, Nala screeched and used her power to slam Dalia against the wall. Dalia bounced hard and the impact dazed her. She briefly wondered if anyone could hear the impact over the driving salsa beats inside of the bar. She scrambled to her feet and went for Nala.
“Don’t think you’re going to come up in here and run this.” Dalia extended her nails into claws. She swiped her hands across Nala’s torso tearing through her shirt. Nala kicked out and Dalia barely dodged the wicked heel on the end of her stilettos.
“You should learn your proper place.” Nala's teeth were clenched in anger. She came at Dalia, feet and hands moving faster than Dalia could follow. Dalia hissed as she took a heel to her shoulder.
She grabbed the next foot headed her way and used it to flip Nala onto her back. “Bitch please, if Maksim could not bring me to heel, what makes you think you will be any different?” Dalia raised her feet to stomp Nala, but was once again slung into the wall by the vampire’s power.
She slid to the ground and Nala was on top of her before Dalia could get up. With a vicious look in her eye Nala swiped her nails across Dalia’s throat. Panicked, Dalia stopped fighting and grabbed her throat.
A Destiny Revealed Page 3